Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Staying Young Tips - Family Health
Exhaling relieves stress, clears the lungs, increases mental focus and contracts the abdomen. You can actually tone the belly by learning to breathe properly.
Drink in Excess
Water rinses cell wastes, blood poisons and environmental toxins from the body. Try flat mineral water, or organic herbal teas. For an electrolyte boost, try wheat grass juice.
Eat Well
Try eating 5 small (but balanced) meals a day to keep your metabolic fire stoked:
Eat a light breakfast Try a protein smoothie, a handful of soaked almonds, and fruit.
Lunchtime is when our digestive fire is at its peak. This can be a heavier meal
Dinner should be light, with few carbohydrates i.e. sugar, bread, etc.
Eat Fat
Unlike bad-fats (found in processed foods) fats in avocados and other vegetables, are good sources of phyto-nutrients, and essential fatty acids, which protect against heart disease and cancer. Try evening primrose oil, fish oils, or flax seed oil.
Calcium is Important for More than Just Strong Bones
Take calcium with magnesium in a 1 to 1 ratio daily. Adding 500 3,000 mgs of ester C with rose hips promotes absorption, and repairs cell damage. Also, adding magnesium can assist you in falling asleep and waking refreshed.
Loosen your Shoulders, Free your Hips, Stand on your Head
3 stretches in 3 minutes can help eliminate postural imbalances:
Serenity Pose
Standing Forward Bend
Beginners head stand (Dolphin Pose or Half-Dog Pose)
Stop Over-Exercising
Seek a moderately challenging routine:
30% strength
30% aerobic (low to medium impact)
30% stretching
10% relaxation
Allow for sufficient rest between workouts to help the body recuperate
Stop Over-Exfoliating
Peeling, burning, and abrading the skin refines its appearance, but it can also weaken the skins immunity. Too much exfoliating can eventually kill skin cells. Ask your skin care professional for gentle peels, and feed facial skin with live cell extracts, and essential oils.
The Power of Minerals
A proper diet, including minerals, strengthens a cells ability to fight cancer, viruses and bacteria. Consider taking liquid minerals daily if needed.
Sugar is Toxic
1 tsp of refined white sugar can destroy all of the vitamin B12
you ingest in a week. Without B12, the myelin sheath (which protects nerve endings) starts to erode. Consider adding a B complex vitamin to your daily vitamin and mineral regimen.
Health Tips
Tips For Your First Kiss With Lover
A first kiss should always be done while the two of you are alone.
This will help to avoid any unnecessary nervousness and embarrassing situations.
The best type of kiss is one that uses different variations such as starting with a small kiss, working into a French Kiss, maybe sucking on your partner's upper or lower lip.
A great kiss
And don't just leave kisses to the lips.
Kiss their cheeks, their chin or their eyelids.
This can be very seductive and romantic.
Basic Kissing Tips:
- Take a deep breath
- Moisten your lips
- Positioning yourself
- Close your eyes
- Go with the flow
Kissing is a wonderful experience.
Happy lip-locking!
Meditation Help Brain Block Out diversion
Mindfulness meditation can help relieve pain and improve memory by regulating a brain wave known as the alpha rhythm, which turns down the volume on distractions. Using meditation was better able to modulate the waves when they were told where to direct their attention after they finished an eight-week course. It has been reported to enhance numerous mental abilities, including rapid memory recall, our discovery that mindfulness mediators more quickly adjusted the brain wave that screens out distraction could explain their superior ability to rapidly remember and incorporate new facts.
The alpha rhythm plays a role in the cells that process senses like touch, sight and sound in the brain's cortex. It helps the brain ignore distractions, helping a person to focus while many things are going on, the findings may explain reports that mindfulness meditation decreases pain perception, Enhanced ability to turn the alpha rhythm up or down could give practitioners greater ability to regulate pain sensation.
Given what we know about how alpha waves arise from electrical currents in sensory cortical cells, these data suggest that mindfulness meditation practitioners can use the mind to enhance regulation of currents in targeted cortical cells. The implications extend far beyond meditation and give us clues about possible ways to help people better regulate a brain rhythm that is deregulated in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and other conditions.
Meditation Help Brain Block Out diversion
Mindfulness meditation can help relieve pain and improve memory by regulating a brain wave known as the alpha rhythm, which turns down the volume on distractions. Using meditation was better able to modulate the waves when they were told where to direct their attention after they finished an eight-week course. It has been reported to enhance numerous mental abilities, including rapid memory recall, our discovery that mindfulness mediators more quickly adjusted the brain wave that screens out distraction could explain their superior ability to rapidly remember and incorporate new facts.
The alpha rhythm plays a role in the cells that process senses like touch, sight and sound in the brain's cortex. It helps the brain ignore distractions, helping a person to focus while many things are going on, the findings may explain reports that mindfulness meditation decreases pain perception, Enhanced ability to turn the alpha rhythm up or down could give practitioners greater ability to regulate pain sensation.
Given what we know about how alpha waves arise from electrical currents in sensory cortical cells, these data suggest that mindfulness meditation practitioners can use the mind to enhance regulation of currents in targeted cortical cells. The implications extend far beyond meditation and give us clues about possible ways to help people better regulate a brain rhythm that is deregulated in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and other conditions.
Meditation Help Brain Block Out diversion
Mindfulness meditation can help relieve pain and improve memory by regulating a brain wave known as the alpha rhythm, which turns down the volume on distractions. Using meditation was better able to modulate the waves when they were told where to direct their attention after they finished an eight-week course. It has been reported to enhance numerous mental abilities, including rapid memory recall, our discovery that mindfulness mediators more quickly adjusted the brain wave that screens out distraction could explain their superior ability to rapidly remember and incorporate new facts.
The alpha rhythm plays a role in the cells that process senses like touch, sight and sound in the brain's cortex. It helps the brain ignore distractions, helping a person to focus while many things are going on, the findings may explain reports that mindfulness meditation decreases pain perception, Enhanced ability to turn the alpha rhythm up or down could give practitioners greater ability to regulate pain sensation.
Given what we know about how alpha waves arise from electrical currents in sensory cortical cells, these data suggest that mindfulness meditation practitioners can use the mind to enhance regulation of currents in targeted cortical cells. The implications extend far beyond meditation and give us clues about possible ways to help people better regulate a brain rhythm that is deregulated in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and other conditions.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Four Reasons We Have Breakfast
Why are we should breakfast?
Many people go to work with empty stomach, this is not right because go to work with empty stomach can be a trigger of getting diseases. Some people have a breakfast make fat, but some research proof that they who have a breakfast will get the benefit and not getting fat.
Four reason that we better have breakfast:
Breakfast can fulfill the need of nutrition, to
Many people go to work with empty stomach, this is not right because go to work with empty stomach can be a trigger of getting diseases. Some people have a breakfast make fat, but some research proof that they who have a breakfast will get the benefit and not getting fat.
Four reason that we better have breakfast:
Breakfast can fulfill the need of nutrition, to
Friday, April 22, 2011
Lose Weight without Dieting

Being thin (o) is very important for good health and feel more comfortable and lightweight, but also has another meaning profoundly valuable: you will feel more secure about yourself to know and see that you have control over your body and your life.
To lose weight is not always necessary to resort to drastic diets, and even less not supervised by a dietitian, nor do we have to let the skin in the gym, and that excessive exercise is not going to be beneficial to our health.
With regard to food should be avoided whenever possible, excess with pastries and sweets and replace them with pieces of fruit or vegetable, just as tasty, and with fewer calories. You should also not consume excess amount of alcohol if you really desire to lose weight, it is good to consider the idea of drinking water with meals, and leave for a while the wine, beer or sugary drinks.
Nor is it good for our line of 'snacking between meals', sometimes it is precisely those bags of chips or nuts such that at the end of the year we have given a couple of kilos. Ideally, eat three to five times a day at specific times, and do not ever skip your meals.
Nor is it good for our line of 'snacking between meals', sometimes it is precisely those bags of chips or nuts such that at the end of the year we have given a couple of kilos. Ideally, eat three to five times a day at specific times, and do not ever skip your meals.
As for exercise, if you do not have time to go to a gym to do some type of aerobic exercise or spend an hour a day practicing jogging or jogging, we can distribute the effort in small daily tasks: climbing the stairs instead of the elevator, go buy the paper going, keep the car for journeys of less than 20 minutes walking, etc.
If we get used to eating healthy and not avoid the little physical effort, we can maintain a healthy life, without those extra kilos.
Remember that losing weight and maintaining it is a reflection of the connection between your mind and body, since it implies an awareness of how you want to be, what your body needs and when needed. The problem is that even today, people do not believe that, if they learn to eat well, have a good weight you will feel healthy and strong, not only to do their daily work, but for exercise.
Taking a good check that the food supply helps you lose weight, you fat because what is the frequency and quantity of what you eat, whether a piece of pizza, burger or tacos.
How to Lose Weight and Stay Slim?
Remember that it is impossible to lose weight in a short time without damage and consequences because the body is not able to metabolize more than one and a half kilo of fat a week, so if someone loses more weight, what is really is losing water and muscle mass, not fat.
Muscle mass is important because it determines how many calories your body spends, and that the more muscle you have, the more calories you spend, and the more you spend, the more you can eat without gaining weight and not be in the situation of how to lose weight.
If you try above mentioned tips and facts with a positive attitude will do wonders for you, you'll see
Taking a good check that the food supply helps you lose weight, you fat because what is the frequency and quantity of what you eat, whether a piece of pizza, burger or tacos.
How to Lose Weight and Stay Slim?
Remember that it is impossible to lose weight in a short time without damage and consequences because the body is not able to metabolize more than one and a half kilo of fat a week, so if someone loses more weight, what is really is losing water and muscle mass, not fat.
Muscle mass is important because it determines how many calories your body spends, and that the more muscle you have, the more calories you spend, and the more you spend, the more you can eat without gaining weight and not be in the situation of how to lose weight.
If you try above mentioned tips and facts with a positive attitude will do wonders for you, you'll see
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Exercise is solution for People with Arthritis
Exercise is a good way for people with arthritis to control pain and improve physical function. People who have arthritis are often scared to exercise because they think they will hurt themselves, but the condition will only get worse if people don't get moving. The best way to start is to talk to your doctor about exercising and then work with a therapist or personal trainer to establish guidelines.
Exercise offers a number of benefits for people with arthritis, including: increasing muscle strength and endurance to improve joint stability; preserving and restoring joint motion and flexibility; and boosting aerobic conditioning to improve mental health and decrease the risk of other diseases.
Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form. It occurs when cartilage deteriorates, leaving nearby joints with no cushion between bones. Many people also suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, which occurs when inflammation in the joint causes it to lose shape and alignment. The best type of exercise program can depend which form of arthritis a person has, but some workouts benefit all patients. All arthritis sufferers can benefit from stretching to increase range of motion around an affected joint. The type of stretching one should do depends on which joint is affected. Arthritis sufferers may also want to try light weights a few times a week to build muscle strength and low-impact aerobic exercise such as walking.
Start slow, with 10 to 15 minutes of aerobic exercise every other day, to see how it impacts your body, as your body adapts to the new routine, gradually increase duration to 30 to 45 minutes. Other good exercises can include water aerobics, stationary cycling, gardening, swimming, yoga and Tai-Chi.
Exercise is solution for People with Arthritis
Exercise is a good way for people with arthritis to control pain and improve physical function. People who have arthritis are often scared to exercise because they think they will hurt themselves, but the condition will only get worse if people don't get moving. The best way to start is to talk to your doctor about exercising and then work with a therapist or personal trainer to establish guidelines.
Exercise offers a number of benefits for people with arthritis, including: increasing muscle strength and endurance to improve joint stability; preserving and restoring joint motion and flexibility; and boosting aerobic conditioning to improve mental health and decrease the risk of other diseases.
Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form. It occurs when cartilage deteriorates, leaving nearby joints with no cushion between bones. Many people also suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, which occurs when inflammation in the joint causes it to lose shape and alignment. The best type of exercise program can depend which form of arthritis a person has, but some workouts benefit all patients. All arthritis sufferers can benefit from stretching to increase range of motion around an affected joint. The type of stretching one should do depends on which joint is affected. Arthritis sufferers may also want to try light weights a few times a week to build muscle strength and low-impact aerobic exercise such as walking.
Start slow, with 10 to 15 minutes of aerobic exercise every other day, to see how it impacts your body, as your body adapts to the new routine, gradually increase duration to 30 to 45 minutes. Other good exercises can include water aerobics, stationary cycling, gardening, swimming, yoga and Tai-Chi.
Exercise is solution for People with Arthritis
Exercise is a good way for people with arthritis to control pain and improve physical function. People who have arthritis are often scared to exercise because they think they will hurt themselves, but the condition will only get worse if people don't get moving. The best way to start is to talk to your doctor about exercising and then work with a therapist or personal trainer to establish guidelines.
Exercise offers a number of benefits for people with arthritis, including: increasing muscle strength and endurance to improve joint stability; preserving and restoring joint motion and flexibility; and boosting aerobic conditioning to improve mental health and decrease the risk of other diseases.
Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form. It occurs when cartilage deteriorates, leaving nearby joints with no cushion between bones. Many people also suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, which occurs when inflammation in the joint causes it to lose shape and alignment. The best type of exercise program can depend which form of arthritis a person has, but some workouts benefit all patients. All arthritis sufferers can benefit from stretching to increase range of motion around an affected joint. The type of stretching one should do depends on which joint is affected. Arthritis sufferers may also want to try light weights a few times a week to build muscle strength and low-impact aerobic exercise such as walking.
Start slow, with 10 to 15 minutes of aerobic exercise every other day, to see how it impacts your body, as your body adapts to the new routine, gradually increase duration to 30 to 45 minutes. Other good exercises can include water aerobics, stationary cycling, gardening, swimming, yoga and Tai-Chi.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Do Exercise and stay Fit
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So exercise stay fit |
Fitness has a positive effect on your whole body. To attain fitness, you need to do regular workout.The most important before you begin your workout, is that a reasonable goal. We mean that you set the bar too high may make, or you will never reach the finish line.
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Abdominal exercise |
If you set realistic expectations, it is easier to keep and the chances of small task. Abdominal Exercises The exercises will your lower abs, upper and side abdominal muscles strengthen.
Try each week when you do the exercises the number of reps with 2 increasing, with no problems until you can handle 20 reps of any ab exercise. The best way to develop strong abs is possible to vary the exercises.
Abdominal exercises for beginners RESPIRATORY 10 deep breaths HIP ROLL 2 sets of 10 slow hip rolls each side - always with 20 seconds rest between exercises NORMAL 2 sets of 10 lifts with 20 seconds rest in between. BRIDGES 1 set of 10 slow lifts. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds in the highest position. STANDARD ROTATIONS Swap ends after about 30 to 45 seconds HANDS VIA KNEES 2 sets of 10 lifts with 20 seconds rest between sets.
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Seated Knee Lifts |
SEATED KNEE LIFTS 2 sets of 6 to 10 lifts with 20 seconds rest between sets.
SUPERMAN / Superwoman Swap ends after about 45 to 60 seconds. By doing these exercises regularly you will get positive results very soon…
Almost 20 percent of Lung Cancer Patients Keep Smoking
Many patients diagnosed with lung cancer as well as their family caregivers continue to smoke even though doing so may risk their recovery and long-term health. They looked at 742 cancer patients and caregivers at multiple sites and found that 18 percent of smokers with lung cancer failed to quit after their diagnosis. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer.
Among a subset of smokers with colorectal cancer, which is not strongly associated with tobacco use, 12 percent of the patients continued smoking. An even higher proportion of the patients' family caregivers also kept on smoking 25 percent of those caring for lung cancer patients and 20 percent of those caring for colorectal cancer patients. Most of the caregivers were middle-aged females and were often spouses of the patients. In some cases, both the patient and the caregiver continued smoking. If family caregivers see the cancer patient quit, they're more likely to quit themselves. But if either the patient or caregiver continues to smoke, it can trigger issues of guilt, stigma or blame.
Continued smoking has serious repercussions for lung cancer patients. Patients may develop appetite loss, fatigue, and cough or coughing up of blood, pain and poor sleep. Self-esteem suffers too, and anxiety and depression may also develop. The immediate benefits of quitting smoking are easier breathing, increased circulation and improved efficacy of cancer treatments. People find that once they quit, they have an increased joy of life, no matter how much they believed in the myth that they would miss cigarettes.
Almost 20 percent of Lung Cancer Patients Keep Smoking
Many patients diagnosed with lung cancer as well as their family caregivers continue to smoke even though doing so may risk their recovery and long-term health. They looked at 742 cancer patients and caregivers at multiple sites and found that 18 percent of smokers with lung cancer failed to quit after their diagnosis. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer.
Among a subset of smokers with colorectal cancer, which is not strongly associated with tobacco use, 12 percent of the patients continued smoking. An even higher proportion of the patients' family caregivers also kept on smoking 25 percent of those caring for lung cancer patients and 20 percent of those caring for colorectal cancer patients. Most of the caregivers were middle-aged females and were often spouses of the patients. In some cases, both the patient and the caregiver continued smoking. If family caregivers see the cancer patient quit, they're more likely to quit themselves. But if either the patient or caregiver continues to smoke, it can trigger issues of guilt, stigma or blame.
Continued smoking has serious repercussions for lung cancer patients. Patients may develop appetite loss, fatigue, and cough or coughing up of blood, pain and poor sleep. Self-esteem suffers too, and anxiety and depression may also develop. The immediate benefits of quitting smoking are easier breathing, increased circulation and improved efficacy of cancer treatments. People find that once they quit, they have an increased joy of life, no matter how much they believed in the myth that they would miss cigarettes.
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- Staying Young Tips - Family Health
- Tips For Your First Kiss With Lover
- Meditation Help Brain Block Out diversion
- Meditation Help Brain Block Out diversion
- Meditation Help Brain Block Out diversion
- Four Reasons We Have Breakfast
- Lose Weight without Dieting
- Exercise is solution for People with Arthritis
- Exercise is solution for People with Arthritis
- Exercise is solution for People with Arthritis
- Do Exercise and stay Fit
- Almost 20 percent of Lung Cancer Patients Keep Smo...
- Almost 20 percent of Lung Cancer Patients Keep Smo...
- Almost 20 percent of Lung Cancer Patients Keep Smo...
- Vaccine measured for Deadly Brain Cancer
- Vaccine measured for Deadly Brain Cancer
- Vaccine measured for Deadly Brain Cancer
- Why Is Quitting Smoking So Hard?
- Fight the common cold/flu!
- Life Insurance