Foods to Eat
The Kuna people of the San Blas islands, off the coast of Panama, have a rate of heart disease that is nine times less than that of mainland Panamanians. The reason? The Kuna drink plenty of a beverage made with generous proportions of cocoa, which is unusually rich in flavanols that help preserve the healthy function of blood vessels. Maintaining youthful blood vessels lowers risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.
In a landmark study published in 1999, researchers at Tufts University's Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging fed rats blueberry extract for a period of time that in 'rat lives' is equivalent to 10 human years. These rats outperformed rats fed regular chow on tests of balance and coordination when they reached old age. Compounds in blueberries (and other berries) mitigate inflammation and oxidative damage, which are associated with age-related deficits in memory and motor function.
Why Hair Change to Grey
Saw Palmetto: Fact or Fiction- Increases Breast Size Naturally
I went to a natural health seminar about a month ago and one of the many topics was about natural hormone therapies and protocols surrounding female health concerns. I was particularly interested in trying out one particular protocol that is said to have a positive impact on the growth and enlargement of the female breast.
It is widely known that one of the best natural herbs for men is saw palmetto. Well, while this helps shrink the size of the prostate, it has the reverse affect on breasts.
SO I decided to give it a whirl. For me, such a change would be dramatic and the instructor of the seminar reported that the potential increase could be a full cup size. The dasage was non descript so I bought a bottle of saw palmetto and have been diligently taking 4 pills in the am and 4 pills in the evening.
I can honestly say that I have seen a marked change in the shape of my breasts. It may not be hype after all.
If you are interested in the exact dosage, let me know and I'd be more than willing to share my story and doage schedule with you. Feel free to call me in my office or email me: 727-50-BEING or
New Healthy Being Service: Ionized Detox Foot Baths
Ionic Detoxification Footbaths are the most relaxing way to get rid of the toxins present in the body. You just have to sit on the chair, with your feet dipped into a warm water bath. Our detox clients love the experience we have created - our clients relax on a comfortable chair, dip their feet into a warm water bath, relax with some soothing and detoxing aromatherapy which is applied on their temples, throat chakra and on their wrists. We offer cool cleansing cucumber water that is enhanced with chlorophyll and they listen to chakra clearing CDs and slip into a calm and sedate state.. Each session is 24 minutes in length
For some of our stay at home moms, busy tampa bay executives and teens find this a great 24 minute spa without the spa prices that also cleanses and supports their body.
For first timers, we also recommend they start the treatment with a 30 minute lymphatic drainage therapy which will increase their "feel good" experience and remedy any colds, headaches or inflammation that they may be experiencing.
Detox Foot Bath is an all natural way to detox the inside of your body through your foot in a relaxing bath. Detoxification begins the moment you place your foot into the foot bath. Detoxification benefits your health and can help the aging process.
Reported Benefits:
* Detoxification of Your Entire Body
* Heavy Metals Removed
* Increase Your Energy
* Help With Faster Disease and Injury Recovery Time
* Increased Oxygen in Your Body
* Help Pain Relief
* Improved Your Sleep
* Reduced Unwanted Fluid Retention
* Headache Relief
* Immune System Booster
* and many more
The biggest question I hear is : How often should I do a detox foot bath?
Every body is different and the amount of environmental, physical and emotional toxins vary. If you are on a detox program, I recommend 2 or 3 x a week, allowing a day in between the detox and hydrating before, during and after. Then gradually moving to 1x a week and then into a maintenance phase.
If you are seeking maintenance, 1 or 2x monthly is a good time span to repeat your detox foot bath.
Scheduling a detox foot bath session also works well if you are feeling the onset of a flu or cold - it can help your body manage the illness and eradicate it before it becomes full blown .
If you think this might benefit you or your family member, please give us a call and we'll answer any questions you might have.
*Mention you read this article and receive $5 off your first foot bath.
425 33rd Ave N
St. Petersburg, Fl 33704
Electro Lymphatic Drainage: What is it and How does it help promote health?
There are many physical signs of congestion in the Lymphatic System that can benefit significantly by improving Lymph circulation. Some of these include: The equipment I use is the lymph star pro. It has adjustable strengths that are individualized for each client based on their body and needs. The number of treatments required will vary depending on the severity of the condition. In more severe cases, it is recommended to have treatments 2-3 times a week, reducing down to once a month. Treatment times will also vary, an average session will normally take 30-60 minutes. Healthy Being Natural Health Services offers 3 different packages: 1.30 minute lymphatic drainage $35 2. 60 minute lymphatic drainage $75 3. Lymph Plus package: 30 minute lymphatic drainage + 24 min detox foot bath $70 (savings of $5) We welcome all visitors to our store. If you are looking for natural, organic skin care, products for your pets, natural baby diapers and ointments and high quality supplements and vitamins in the tampa Bay area, please stop by. We have a unique wellness boutique and an environment that is relaxing, soothing and peaceful. We even offer free tea and free Wi-Fi. Healthy Being Wellness Boutique & Natural Health Services. 425 33rd Ave N. St. Petersburg, FL 33714 We are located right behind the subway. We share the same parking lot with subway. Call us at 727-50-BEING or email us: |
Do not turn on A/C immediately
Do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter the car!
Please open the windows after you enter your car and do not turn ON the air-conditioning immediately. According to a research done, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen- take note of the heated plastic smell in your car).
In addition to causing cancer, it poisons your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer may also cause miscarriage.
Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level... & the people inside the car will inevitably inhale an excess amount of the toxins.
It is recommended that you open the windows and door to give time for the interior to air out before you enter. Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver, and is very difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.

6 Super foods for women
Super Food # 5: Vitamin D fortified low fat milk or orange juice
Goal: At least 400 IUs of vitamin D daily
What it does: “Essential to helping the bones absorb calcium from the gut,” says Somer, “vitamin D helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis and may be vital in reducing the risk of diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and tumors of the breast, colon, and ovary.”
Indeed, recent studies from the University of California San Diego suggest that vitamin D has the potential to prevent up to one–half of all breast, colon, and ovarian cancer in the United States .
Somer tells WebMD that a growing body of research indicates many women may be vitamin D deficient. “A combination of staying out of the sun (which the body uses to manufacture vitamin D) and using sunscreen, which blocks the synthesis of vitamin D, has resulted in many women hitting a dangerously low level of this nutrient,” says Somer.
While Vitamin D is found in salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines, experts say fortified foods, such as milk, are the best source.
Dont Cross Your Legs
For those who do not understand Chinese, take a look at the photos below:
Those who often cross their legs when sitting for a long period of time, 3 unhealthy things will happen:
1 Their backbone tends to become 'C' shape
2 They will have neck aches and backaches on one side
3 For ladies, the shoulder will tend to slant one side causing the bra strap to slip down the slanted shoulder.
Try not to cross your legs when sitting.

The Best Anti-Viral Diet: What to Eat When You Have Herpes
I know that I get a blister on my lip when I'm overly stressed and as a result have an impaired immune system or when I eat way too much chocolate for my own good!
There are natural therapies to address herpes outbreaks. As a holistic nutritionist in St. Petersburg, Fl - many of my clients seek my assistance in addressing such health concerns as herpes. I try to incorporate a healthy diet into the plan or protocols of my clients.
I recommend avoiding chocolate, nuts, peas and wheat -- all foods that contain the amino acid L-arginine which has been found to promote the herpes virus. Luckily the balance of L-arginine is an amino acid called L-Lysine that has been found to suppress the virus.
By eating lysine rich foods like legumes, turkey, fish, chicken, red meat and most veggies - many of my clients have found they can manange and eliminate the herpes viral outbreaks. This is especially important for those who may have genital herpes, an extremely contagious form of herpes that is transmitted through sexual activities.
There are a few great topical products that I also recommend. First, at the first twinge of pain I advise using organic apple cider vinegar to quell the outbreak. Usually this will speed the process and the blister will appear faster and heal faster with topical application sof products like Super Lysine cream and bee propolis.
Adding aloe vera to the diet and used as a topical agent as well helps treat and heal the skin quickly. Topics applications of any kind should take place 4 times a day until the blister completely heals.
Ultimately, the goal is to shorten the outbreak times. I've seen many clients who suffer for a week or more have a small blister for a period of only 2 days.
If you suffer from frequent herpes outbreaks, it may be time to assess the strength of your immune system and assess your diet to cut out herpes aggitating foods and bolster you immune system with a great regime of Cell Forte (IP-6), lysine supplementation and bee propolis will be essential.
For more information please contact Melissa Gallagher, Holistic Nutritionist and Natural Health Practitioner for a phone consultation. A 30 minute personalized evaluation and consultation may be just the change you are looking for today! Call us: 727-954-8968
Effect of Swine Flu Change Travel Policy
Natural Food Movement: Great Movie Called Food Inc
I just received an amazing email from one of my clients today. I recently listened to an amazing CD called the Cornification of America by Michael Pollan. Michael discusses the role of corn in our modern diet and dis-ease as well as the history of corn production and how the government has subsidized growing this plant.
There is a movie coming out that includes health industry experts like Michael Pollan, that specifically focuses on the nature of the food industry and the lack of label regulation.
Check out the video:
Benefits of Ionized Detox Foot Baths at Healthy Being Boutique in St. Petersburg, Florida
Detox Foot Bath is an all natural way to detox the inside of your body through your foot in a relaxing bath. Detoxification begins the moment you place your foot into the foot bath. Detoxification benefits your health and can help the aging process.
Reported Benefits:
Detoxification of Your Entire Body
Heavy Metals Removed
Increase Your Energy
Help With Faster Disease and Injury Recovery Time
Increased Oxygen in Your Body
Help Pain Relief
Improved Your Sleep
Reduced Unwanted Fluid Retention
Headache Relief
Immune System Booster
Ion Therapy Systems are only direct current units to ensure no unwanted power transients or static sounds are passed to the body.
The Array (the detachable applied part) is the methodology used to create the therapeutic ion field. The arrays are designed to only function in water and function in both positive and negative energy mode. The water molecules that pass through the array are split causing the ionic field.
The ions are created in two ways. First as the direct current is passed thru the water via the three metals, the hydrogen and oxygen will separate creating ions. Secondly the softer metals will electronically erode causing further ionization. The ion field can be either primarily positive or negative depending upon the electrical polarity going to the array. The reaction can be enhanced with the use of a catalyst such as salt etc...
As a person is brought near the array the only thing that they are exposed to is a low intensity ion field. This only occurs in the water and will not happen if removed from the water.
* Average treatment time 18-23 minutes.
* Healthy individuals often feel more energy, and experience a greater feeling of well-being.
* Patients with pain, edema, gout, headaches, and swollen joints have often reported immediate relief.
* Other patients with arthritis, allergies, lymph edema, neuralgia and other symptoms have experienced relief and benefits with multiple treatments.
* Manufactured to ISO standards at Erchonia Medical in McKinney, Texas.
THE SYSTEM BENEFITS Average treatment time 18-23 minutes.
Healthy individuals often feel more energy, and experience a greater feeling of well-being.
Patients with pain, edema, gout, headaches, and swollen joints have often reported immediate relief.
Each 24 minute session is $40 and includes a private detox booth, relaxing music, aromatherapy and chlorophyll enhanced filtered water.
To schedule your session today call Healthy Being at 727-954-8968 or email:
Walk ins welcome. Visit our new location: 425 33rd Ave N., St. Petersburg, Fl 33704
6 Super foods for women
Super Food # 4: Tomatoes (or watermelon, red grapefruit, red navel oranges)
Goal: 3 to 5 servings each week
What it does: The powerhouse nutrient in all these fruits is lycopene. And, according to Miller, while the headlines touted its protective effects against prostate cancer, more quiet research has shown it has tremendous health benefits for women as well.
“Research is starting to show that lycopene may protect against breast cancer,” Miller says. "And it’s also a powerful antioxidant that can help a woman fight heart disease.”
The very latest research shows it may also help keep you looking younger longer by protecting against UV damage from the sun.
Blog Archive
- Foods to Eat
- Why Hair Change to Grey
- Saw Palmetto: Fact or Fiction- Increases Breast Si...
- New Healthy Being Service: Ionized Detox Foot Baths
- Electro Lymphatic Drainage: What is it and How doe...
- Do not turn on A/C immediately
- 6 Super foods for women
- Dont Cross Your Legs
- The Best Anti-Viral Diet: What to Eat When You Ha...
- Effect of Swine Flu Change Travel Policy
- Natural Food Movement: Great Movie Called Food Inc
- Benefits of Ionized Detox Foot Baths at Healthy Be...
- 6 Super foods for women