Surgery Recovery: Best ways to promote natural healing and a speedier recovery

A very close friend of mine underwent an extensive surgery that has her seeking assistance on how to heal faster, reduce the bruising and inflammation at her surgery sites.
This tool kit of the best supplements, vitamins, minerals and natural products can have a very positive impact on the rate of healing you or your loved ones experience post-surgery.
Healing after any injury or surgery, including childbirth, can be an uncomfortable and frustrating slow process. Recovery may take a few days to a few months. Any type of surgery is invasive and causes your body to react in a way to protect itself from injury, seen in swelling, bruising, external wounds and scaring. This is naturally from the law of cause and affect and is unavoidable.
What is avoidable is an extended and delayed healing time and can be created through a conscious decision to support the body and it’s natural healing mechanisms through a nutrient rich diet, power packed vitamin and supplement regime and the right healing mental state of mind.
The process of healing is multifaceted: occurring on both a physical and psychological level. Your mental state is absolutely essential in helping your body, at a cellular level, to heal faster. You have to be conscious our internal speak and can even utilize meditation as a means to effectively support and even communicate with your cells to enhance and promote their healing. Being positive and patient is as essential as any vitamin or supplement, if not more important.
As Dr. Schulze, Creator of the School of Natural Healing remarks, "Your body has a BLUEPRINT, a SCHEMATIC of what perfect health is and it is constantly trying to achieve this perfect health for you, all that goes wrong is that you get in the way of this natural process."
For optimum healing the body requires blood flow and cellular function to operate at maximum capacity. For this to occur it requires the proper diet and exercise. Cellular functions that are essential for healing is the production of collagen, which helps the body, build new tissue. Healing can be retarded or slowed by decreased collagen production. An antioxidant rich diet in conjunction with supplements can reduce free radical damage and increase the production of collagen; thereby enhancing healing. Food and supplementation can reduce pain, inflammation, infection and swelling.
There is still a lot of caution and lack of understanding and promotion by medical doctors to promote supplement for surgery recovery. With research and discussions with your doctor, you can conclude which or all of the following to take consistently after your surgery to accelerate healing.
Vitamins & Supplements you can take Post Surgery to promote healing:
Vitamin C (ester): helps support the immune system, acting as an antioxidant to hasten recovery. Ester C is vital for wound healing and repair and growth of tissues damaged by surgery. Vitamin C also eliminates toxins, protects the body from infection by enhancing the immune system, and counteracts tissue-damaging free radical molecules generated during stressful situations.
Vitamin A: help fight infection and speed recovery after surgery (use according to your doctor's instructions).
Vitamin B (complex): supports proper protein metabolism and cellular energy production, crucial for healthy tissue repair and efficient cellular function.
Vitamin K: helps reduce post-operative bruising and internal bruising.
Selenium: A mineral, which, in combination with other compounds, can be used to speed recovery.
Bromelain: A natural pineapple enzyme that helps reduce post-operative bruising and swelling, lessen postoperative pain, and help accelerate healing.
Zinc: Zinc promotes the healing of wounds, plays a big role in the repair and maintenance of healthy cells, and enhances the
Amino Acids: Certain amino acids, especially L-arginine and L-Glutamine, are crucial for healthy tissue formation during healing.
Bioflavonoids: Quercetin, rutin, and other plant flavonoids help protect capillaries against damage, strengthen tissues, and can reduce bruising.
Enzymes: Protein-specific enzymes such as bromelain and papain assist the body’s natural ability to control inflammation and swelling.
Natural Healing Remedies*:
Arnica: reduces inflammation and swelling.
Meadowsweet: an herb which has been used for centuries by herbalists to treat fever and pain by a natural chemical similar to the pharmaceutical aspirin. Meadowsweet has pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties without side effects such as stomach ulcers.
Comfrey: contains allantoin - a chemical that encourages bone, cartilage and muscle cells to grow.
Supplements to avoid before and after surgery:
Gingko Biloba
Kava Kava
St. John’s Wort
Valerian Botanical
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
*Natural healing remedies are plants or herbs, or the derivative that contains the substance polyphenol.
Is Teeth Whitening Safe ?
We all want a sparkling, white smile. In fact, many people spend hundreds of dollars a year in search of the perfect shade of white for their teeth. You can get toothpaste, paints, gels, strips, and even light treatments to take the ugly stains off your teeth. With all the options available today, you have to wonder - is teeth whitening safe, really?. Many will advocate that whitening ruins the enamel and root of the tooth and leaves it damaged and vulnerable, but what really is the truth?
Most tray based whitening gel systems on the market today have a 10 percent carbamide peroxide solution as their active ingredient. Many studies have been conducted and they’ve shown that, at these concentrations, there is no damage to the enamel of the tooth. You may want to consider using a fluoride toothpaste if you’re concerned about enamel damage. This will help strengthen teeth and repair any possible damage. A disadvantage of these methods is that, because they use lower, safer levels of chemicals; they’re not as effective at whitening teeth as the products a dentist uses. They are; however, a lot cheaper.
There are other home based systems for teeth whitening including toothpastes, strips, and paints. These use the same or less abrasive materials than gel trays, so they are safe to use without damaging enamel. Remember that the less whitening solution a product has, the less effective it will be.
Dentist offices use the same type of solution as over the counter methods; however, they tend to offer higher concentrations so the whitening is more effective. Studies have shown that these concentrations may harm tooth enamel. Most of these treatments not contain fluoride or are offered with a fluoride treatment to strengthen enamel and reverse or prevent the damage from the whitening agent. Because of the safety issues, you should always express you concerns to the dentist and ask what options are available to protect your precious smile.
There has been some concern raised that these types of treatments may be considered carcinogens because they break down into free radicals. They also have suggested that teeth whitening may cause root damage to teeth. There have been extensive research studies and there is no evidence to support either of these claims
The problem with many whitening products, even very weak ones such as toothpastes, is that they can cause a problem for people with sensitive teeth. The treatments tend to worsen the level of sensitivity to hot and cold. If you have sensitive teeth, you should discuss treatment options with your dentist. They may be able to suggest whitening treatments that aren’t as harsh on sensitive teeth. You may experience pain when using at-home whitening trays, or gum pain after treatment, even if you don’t have sensitive teeth. If this occurs, you should talk to your doctor.
The bottom line is, as long as you use the treatments properly and follow your dentist’s instructions, teeth whitening is safe and easy way to brighten up your smile.
With fall seasonal changes around the corner; Beat Flu Season and Cold Season with a simple detox diet

Along with the beuatiful fall foliage comes an influx of allergies and more incidences of colds and flu. With the kids back in school, adults are more susceptible to the common cold and the seasonal flu. To help prevent the pesky germs treat your body to an easy and simple detox program.
Like Fall cleaning and the preparation for the busy holiday season; a good detox might be the right way to get you ready to face the fall activities and holiday season.
Detoxing generally has all types of negative connotations. What is Detox? Detox essentially means a period of rest for your body; a time of rebooting and the release of toxins from the blood and organs. Detoxing helps allow your body to eliminate toxins and stimulate the body's natural cleansing processes. Toxic overload can cause adrenal burnout, decreased energy levels, reduced stamina, chronic health problems and even some types of cancer. Toxins accumulate in our bodies each day from the environment as well as unhealthy habits such as consuming overprocessed foods, drinking alcohol, smoking and overeating.
When to detox? This is often a question most people ask....if you suffer from symptoms like:
Frequent colds & flu
Disrupted sleep or insomnia
Unexplained blemishes/rashes
Detox can also be a supplemental therapy for:
Enhanced healing before and after surgical procedures
Quit smoking
Lifestyle or dietary changes
It may be time for a gentle, mild detox.
From vitamin rich juice fasts to ionized detox foot baths- the options are broad for detoxification. They key is to eat and exercise. Both can support the key organs that aid in the detox: the lymphatic system, kindeys, gallbladder, liver and the colon.
Whatever detox method or approach you take; make sure you include the detox of your emotions and mental thoughts as this will enhance the energy and satisfaction you feel from the detox.
Exercise – The Best Energy Booster
Are you feeling tired, lately? Just can’t seem to wake up in the morning? Feel the need for an afternoon nap? Instead of drinking coffee or soda, try a work out instead. Studies have shown exercise to be a better energizer than even prescription stimulants. Many cases from fatigue are caused by inactivity, not by too much activity. So if you’ve been feeling run down and need a jump start, try adding exercise to your daily routine.
Many people start an exercise regime and expect to feel wonderfully energized and alive the same day. Those people are sadly disappointed when they find themselves sore and dragging. After a week or two with no results, many people give up and assume it just won’t work for them. But studies have repeatedly shown that exercise boosts energy levels in a majority of people; the key is to be persistent. The first few weeks your body is just adjusting to the extra stress of working out. Once your body is used to the additional work, you’ll begin to feel the energizing effects of a good workout.
You also shouldn’t judge how much energy you have right after a workout. Most people feel fatigued right after they’re done, but feel more energized a little later. Your muscles need time to recover from the workload. If you feel extremely fatigued, or you don’t get and energy burst within an hour of working out, you’re probably pushing yourself too hard. Try doing a little less and building up to a greater workload.
Many people decide to start a workout routine, but are too tired to actually get to the gym or go for a run. If this is the case for you, monitor your energy level throughout the day. Pick a time when you generally feel most awake and try to schedule your workouts. After a few weeks, you should feel energetic enough to move your workout to a more convenient time.
If you still need convincing to go out and exercise, remember that a good workout can help improve the quality of your sleep. That will make you more rested and even more energetic the next day. So, if you’re feeling sluggish, get up and get moving. You’ll be feeling better in no time.
Top 7 Most Harmful Cosmetic Ingredients: What the labels do not tell you about your Shampoo or Nail Polish
The following are seven ingredients that you should be mindful of the next time your purchase beauty products:
1. Alpha-Hydroxy Acids
Active ingredient in: Moisturizers, toners, cleansers, masks, age-spot removers
Potential Harm: AHAs are known for accelerating the exfoliation of dead skin cells. But they can also increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun by as much as 50 percent, leaving you exposed to accelerated skin aging and the possibility of skin cancer.
Potential Solution: AHAs are best used at a concentration that is less than 10 percent.
2. Formaldehyde
Active ingredient in: Nail polish, shampoos, soaps, skin creams.
Potential Harm: This potentially irritating preservative can be absorbed into the skin and cause allergic reactions, headaches, even asthma. The ingredient, if listed at all, is often referred to as formalin. Its use in cosmetics is banned in Japan and Sweden.
Solution: Read labels carefully: products containing levels that might trigger an adverse reaction are required to carry a caution.
3. Propylene Glycol
Ingredient in: Suntan lotions, lipsticks and other cosmetics and toiletries.
Potential Harm: Its humectant properties are used to stop products from drying out. But it has also been linked to liver abnormalities and kidney damage. It is also known as a skin and eye irritant.
Solution: Avoid it altogether and instead choose alternative products containing glycerin or sorbitol.
4. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
Active ingredient in: Bubble baths, toothpastes, shampoos and lotions
Potential Harm: This detergent, which has been found to enter the brain, heart and liver and impair the immune system, has been linked to eye irritations, skin rashes and allergic reactions. The biggest problems occur when it is mixed with other chemicals, like those typically used in toiletries, because it can form carcinogenic compounds.
Solution: Minimize the risks by using products with SLS sparingly and rinsing off quickly afterwards.
5. Talc
Ingredient in: Makeup and body powders
Potential Harm: Mineral talc has been linked to ovarian cancer and has been found to induce cancer in rodents.
Solution: Avoid using talc-based powders, especially on genital areas.
6. Mineral Oil
Ingredient in: Makeup removers, lipsticks, lotions
Potential harm: A petroleum derivative, it has been linked to everything from clogged pores to cancer. Its density does not allow skin to breathe.
Solution: Avoid it entirely
7. Methyl Methacrylate
Ingredient in: Nail products, primarily used in application of acrylic nails
Potential harm: The chemical has been linked to fungal infections, nail deformities and other problems. Prolonged exposure can lead to eye, skin and lung irritation, abnormal liver or kidney function, nervous system damage or reproductive problems.
Solution: Stick with salons that use ethyl methacrylate, a safer bonding liquid, instead. Althought this may be more expensive; you health is worth it!
With increased awareness and conscious shopping; you too can decrease the potential harm for everyday beauty products.
Risk Factors for Varicose Veins
While not generally dangerous, varicose veins are unsightly and sometimes even painful. While there are surgeries available now to remove them, the best way to get rid of them is to avoid getting them in the first place. That’s why it’s important to know what causes them, what puts you at risk for getting them, and how to prevent them.
Varicose veins are caused when veins become less elastic and tiny valves that control the direction of blood flow begin to malfunction. Blood is allowed to flow backwards in the veins and pools. This not only causes an unsightly blue appearance on the skin, people with this problem may also experience aching, throbbing, burning, or itching in their legs.
There are several factors that cause varicose veins that you have little or no control over. The good news is that if you fall into these categories, you may want to take extra steps to avoid getting them or at least reduce their appearance.
Sex. Females are much more prone to varicose veins than males.
Age. As you get older, the wear and tear in your body increases the chance of varicose veins.
Genetics. If your mom has them, you’re likely to have them too.
Leg injuries. While you can’t always prevent a serious injury, properly taking care of an injury could help reduce the occurrence of varicose veins.
There are also other factors the will promote varicose veins. Anything that puts stressed your veins in going to wear them out faster and produce symptoms sooner. This includes anything that cuts off or reduces circulation. If you can, it’s best to avoid these risk factors.
Obesity. Having to pump more blood increases the wear and tear on the veins.
Birth Control Pills. If your visible veins are severe, you may want to try a different form of protection. Also if you’re taking progesterone or estrogen for other reasons, it will have the same effect.
Excessive standing or sitting. If you have a job that involves a lot of standing in one place, ask for a chair to sit on while you don’t need to be standing. If you have a job where you sit most of the day, try to change your position regularly.
Sitting cross-legged. Try crossing your legs at the ankles while wearing a skirt. You should also avoid sitting in any other position that cuts off blood flow to part of your legs.
High-heeled shoes. Wearing a tall heeled shoe can reduce circulation in the legs leading to varicose veins. Try to choose a more sensible heel for everyday use.
Tight Fitting Clothes. Clothes that are tight around the waist and legs can reduce circulation to the legs and cause varicose veins.
In addition to these causes, varicose veins development can be triggered by natural hormonal changes caused by puberty menopause, and pregnancy. Besides avoiding the listed activities, you can also increase your level of exercise. This will increase circulation throughout your body and reduce the occurrence of this annoying and sometimes painful problem.
Garlic And Cancer Treatment
Garlic is an essential part of Indian Recipes. It gives the cooked food that tasty bitter taste and smell that makes it oh so inviting. You can make any recipe extra special by adding a few pieces of garlic.
I have known since long that garlic cures many ailments. But, recently I came across some studies that examined how garlic can help cure cancer as well. I want to share today with my readers some insights that I gained from these readings. So here we go –
The more scientists study garlic, the more benefits they find from eating it.
Scientists have conducted various studies to determine why garlic can fight cancer so well. The main cancer fighting compound in garlic is a chemical called allicin. Allicin is what gives garlic its distinct smell; it also protects the garlic plant from organisms that may attack it.
Allicin isn’t the only anti-cancer chemical in garlic. Garlic also contains allicin-derived compounds, as well as other chemicals that aren’t even related to allicin. That’s what makes garlic so special; it contains a whole slew of compounds to fight off cancer and help keep you healthy.
If we compare cultures that have large amounts of garlic in their diet to cultures that get very little of these foods, we find that the cultures with higher garlic intake have less incidence of cancer. While we cannot definitively say that garlic is the cause of this difference, other studies have shown its preventative power.
Studies have found increased garlic intake to be associated with decreased chance of colon and stomach cancers. Another study found that garlic prevented rats from esophageal cancer.
We also know that garlic helps fight a wide variety of infectious diseases. This means out immune system has to fight microorganisms less and can focus on preventing cancer cells from growing.
There have been many studies in humans and animals that show garlic to help not only with preventing cancer, but also in helping to treat it. It is considered most effective in fighting cancer of the stomach and esophagus because it helps to lower nitrite levels. Garlic has been proven to lower the death rate in stomach cancer patients. In studies of general cancer patients, garlic was found to cut tumor size in half in one study, and produce significant improvements of symptoms in over two-thirds of the patients in another study. While garlic should not be your only weapon in battling cancer, it can be a powerful tool to give you a leg-up in the fight.
Te benefits of garlic do depend on what kind of garlic you eat and how it is prepared. Most studies have found garlic to be equally effective whether it is raw or cooked; however, if you cook the garlic, wait at least 15 minutes after peeling before you cook it. You can also get the benefits from garlic powder or compressed garlic oil. Don’t rely on aged or spray dried garlic; they don’t have the same benefits.
If used properly and regularly, garlic can be a powerful tool in preventing or treating various cancers.
5 Tips for Preventing Osteoporosis

When bones get old, they tend to become less dense, weakening their structure. These weak bones begin to get tiny fractures. Because of their size, one of these fractures isn’t really a problem; however, if your bones are fragile enough for you to have osteoporosis, you will have many of these tiny fractures. In the end, they add up to a big problem.
The thing to know is that most osteoporosis cases are preventable. By following a few tips, you can keep your bones strong and dense, keeping you healthy for a long time.
1. Get plenty of calcium. Calcium is the building block of bones. If we’re short on calcium, then we can’t make our bones as dense and strong and you become susceptible to getting osteoporosis. You can get calcium through milk and yogurt, but also from green leafy vegetables and various soy products. If need be, you can also take a calcium supplement.
2. Get other essential nutrients. Calcium is actually no good if you don’t have Vitamin D, which allows you to absorb the calcium. During the summer, the best source of Vitamin D is the sun. During the winter you can try tanning beds, or try fortified products like Vitamin D milk and certain breakfast cereals. Other nutrients that are essential for preventing osteoporosis and keeping your bones strong are: Vitamin K, phosphorous, Vitamin C, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc, iron, boron, and , protein. Unless you eat the world’s healthiest diet, it’s best to start taking a daily multivitamin.
3. Perform weight bearing exercise. You don’t need to start a weight training regimen at the gym. In fact, most women can get the appropriate amount of exercise simply by walking (you’re “bearing” your body weight). Getting up and moving for a few minutes every day is important for keeping bones strong. If you can exercise more, you should do so. Exercise is important for maintaining a healthy weight, another good way for preventing osteoporosis away. Just remember, losing too much weight is a good way to lose bone mass as well.
4. Drop bad habits. Some habits are better avoided for preventing osteoporosis. While having the occasional drink has actually been shown to improve the condition of your bones, you start to cause damage if you drink alcohol excessively. Smoking can also cause an increased fracture risk. Plus, quitting smoking is a good healthy choice all around.
5. Start Early. Most women wait until the first signs of menopause to start worrying about osteoporosis prevention. While menopause is when bones start to deteriorate faster, if you have weak bones to begin with, adding preventative measure may not do a whole lot of good. You should take the steps above as early as possible, and pass them on to your daughters too. Start early and prevent osteoporosis from afflicting your bones.
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Maintaining a Home Garden For Healthy Family!
I remember the time when we used to maintain a home garden. We were kids, and it was such a fun to just walk into the plants and pick up the freshest of vegetables. The vegetables were fresh, true, but it was such a good experience to walk amongst the plants and look out for the 'just ripe' vegetable and pluck it with my own hands!
Remembering those days, I thought I will try to motivate you too to start a home garden for the health of your family...
You try to feed your family healthy foods, but often it’s cheaper and more convenient just to reach for the closest sugary snack. While it requires a little bit of work, growing your garden is a great way to have healthy food available right at your fingertips. Plus you get the satisfaction of knowing that you grew them all by yourself and that you’re providing for your family.
The most common healthy foods grown in gardens are fruits and vegetables. When planting these foods, choose carefully, especially if you have limited space. You want to be able to choose crops that will grow well in your area, but you should also consider what you have time and space to grow, and what your family will eat. You may have perfect soil and space for tomatoes, but it your family won’t eat them, there’s not much point in growing them. A garden is a great way to get inexpensive fruits and veggies that you know are fresh and healthy.
You can grow fruits and vegetables in your garden as a way to eat healthier, but don’t forget about herbs as well. You’re probably not eating just stuff you can grow on your own, but you can make the other food more flavorful without a lot of fat and calories by adding different herbs and seasonings. This way you can have great tasting food that isn’t so bad for you either.
Foods you buy at the grocery store have been grown using tons of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. These chemicals may make fruits and veggies look more appealing and will increase farmer yields, but they can also be dangerous to your health. You can buy from an organic food store, but you’ll end up paying a whole lot more. Growing your own garden is a great way to know your food is safe without having to pay a pretty penny. Start a compost pile to fertilize naturally and research other methods of safe fertilization and pest control, like companion planting.
When we consider how healthy our foods are for us, we usually just consider the calorie content, but what about taking into account what it takes to get them. We all know it takes more work to grow your own veggies than to buy them at the store, but we usually don’t take into account all the calories that work is burning. Gardening is a great workout. Growing your own fruits, veggies, and herbs can actually help you stay in shape. That’s a lot healthier than picking something up off a shelf.
Gardening isn’t just for pretty flowers anymore. You can grow a great garden to feed your family tasty, nutritious foods.
Isometric Exercises – Do They Work?
It works. It is great at building the specific sections of muscle groups that it works, it actually provides more muscle contraction than weight lifting and strength training that involves movement.
It’s cheap. Traditional isometric exercises require no gym membership and no expensive machines. They use walls and body parts to provide adequate resistance.
It’s fast and easy. Isometric exercises can be done in your spare time almost anywhere. If you can’t fit in a full workout, you can take a couple minutes out of your day to do a few exercises and still benefit.
This type of exercise used to be so popular, so why don’t we hear much about it anymore? One big reason is that it was replaced by traditional body building. That is because there are a few drawbacks to this type of workout.
Raises blood pressure. During isometric exercises, people tend to hold their breath. This causes a jump in blood pressure that could cause serious problems. If you perform these exercises, make sure to monitor your breathing.
Too specific. While bodybuilding works your muscles through the entire range of motion, isometric exercises only work a specific part of the muscle group at one time. To achieve the effects of weight lifting, you need to perform the exercises at many different angles and positions.
Despite these drawbacks, isometrics are still being used and can be beneficial when incorporated properly into your workout instead of simply replacing it. Here are a few ways to add isometric exercises into your workout routine.
Do them at work. Don’t have time to go to the gym and lift weights? There are many simple isometric exercises you can do while at work using the wall, your desk, or your own body as resistance. Why not skip getting an extra cup of coffee in the afternoon and do a quick workout instead?
Add modern equipment. Isometric exercise was the precursor to traditional body building, so it didn’t have the benefits of all the equipment we have available now. Modern isometric workouts include training tools like free weights and resistance bands. Isometric exercise simply uses them while staying still instead of with motion
Mix it up. Instead of doing an extra workout to add in isometric exercises, add them to your current routine. For instance, if you lift weights, hold the weight in a steady position after you’re done with your reps.
While you shouldn’t use it as your only bodybuilding routine, isometric exercise can be a great addition to improve any body.
What is Coffeeberry? Is it the latest trend in anti-wrinkle, anti-aging ingredients?
Coffeeberry hit the scenes in February 2007 and is the fruit of the coffee plant and is packed full of polyphenols which give it a high ranking status as a key anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent. These polyphenols aid in preventing cellular damage to the skin. This powerful fruit may outrank blueberries, green tea and pomegranates in it's antioxidant capacity. Clinical studies have shown that use of coffeeberry can decrease wrinkles by up to 46% and improve skin texture and softness by 64%. These are great stats for this new wrinkle fighter.
Stiefel Laboratories has just launched REVALÉSKIN, a skin care system which includes a cleanser, day cream and night cream all containing the potent antioxidant ingredient. The day cream offers superior protection from environmental damage with SPF 15 sunscreen. Antioxidants like CoffeeBerry actually boost the effectiveness of sunscreens for added protection against the sun's harmful rays. The cost of RevaleSkin can vary from $30 to $120.
Coffee definitely will taste better now that we can also see significant improvements to our skin.
Top Antioxidant-Packed Foods: Slow your aging process and increase your healing with these super foods

So many of us seek to increase our youthfulness, look younger, feel better and speed our natural healing process. Luckily for us, nature has provided its own remedy for slowing the aging process....antioxidant rich foods. Antioxidants aid in the body's ability to recover from stress, fight illness and slows the aging process.
A recent study by government scientists measured the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of over 100 common foods. The foods on this list are readily available and relatively inexpensive to purchase at your local grocery store.
Ranked in highest total antioxidant capacity (TAC):
Small Red Beans
Wild Blueberries
(Red) Kidney Beans
Pinto Beans
Cultivated Blueberries
Dried Plums (Prunes)
Red Delicious/Granny Smith Apple
Sweet Cherries
Black Plums
Russet Potato
Black Beans
Gala Apple
A great antioxidant salad using the TAC data is a Spinach Salad with roasted pecans, sliced granny smith apples, dried cranberries with a blueberry vinaigrette.
Try this salad and enjoy the youthfulness nature offers through antioxidants.
Mattel Toy Recall: Reduce the Risk and Prevent Lead Toxicity in Children
For worrysome parents wondering if their children are impacted by potential lead toxicity; there are a few signs to watch out for as well as a few dietary adjustments that can positively effect children's health.
Lead toxicity has been problematic for children world wide and has been recognized for thousands of years. Sypmtoms characterized by lead poisoning are colicky abdominal pains, vomiting, fagitue, dizziness, headaches, anemia and even seizures. Often children do not present symptoms and your best bet is to have their blood tested for lead.
Parents can help safeguard their children's natural defenses against lead poisoning by feeding their children an organic diet rich in iron, calcium and fiber. Foods rich in iron and calcium reduce lead absorption. Additionally, diets high in fiber decrease lead absorption. Fortified whole grain breads and cereals are key in your child's diet. Avoid high fat diets as they speed lead absorption. Two super food to prevent lead poisoning: Spinach and Brown Rice.
Children absorb lead either through inhalation or ingestion; they absorb 30% more lead than adults. In the body, lead alters cellular and mitochondiral membranes; ultimately harming and impacting cells. Often this impact is classified as cellular fragility. It is particularly most harmful in children who's cells are growing at rapid speeds and it retards the release of human growth hormone and can cause learning disabilities, behavior problems and even organ damage.
According to Rania Habal, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine at New York Medicine College:
Lead Exposure/Lead Poisoning symptoms to look for based on toxicity levels include:
Mild toxicity - Fatigue, loss of interest in play and leisure activity, mood disorders, irritability, aggressive behavior, sleep disturbances
Moderate toxicity - Headache, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, tremors, hyperreflexia, numbness of the lower extremities
Severe toxicity - Lead encephalopathy that may occur with or without cerebral edema, headaches with vomiting, lethargy alternating with lucidity, bizarre and aggressive behavior, clumsiness, loss of coordination, altered sensorium, seizures, and coma
Mild toxicity - Anorexia, constipation, intermittent severe abdominal pain
Moderate toxicity - Abdominal pain, anorexia and weight loss, constipation, diarrhea
Severe toxicity - Severe abdominal pain; vomiting and diarrhea with extensive fluid losses, leading to circulatory collapse
Other - Moderate lead toxicity is associated with musculoskeletal symptoms, including bone and joint pains and muscular weakness, especially of the dominant upper extremity.
An organic diet will always has a positive impact on your children's heath and wellbeing and can reduce other risk factors as well as limit lead absorption.
Adjusting to Altitude: What to eat when visiting, vacationing or living in the Mountains
elevations for ski trips, hiking excursions, retreats or vacation home
living. Often accompanying these trips are symptoms of altitude
adjustment or altitude sickness. From headaches, dehydration, loss of
appetite, nose bleeds, shortness of breath, general fatigue and nausea-
the symptoms can retard fun activities planned in the mountains.
Over six years ago I had the opportunity to hike the Himalayas of Nepal. My
group and I trekked for over 28 days and had to learn how to
acclimatize our bodies to adapt to the extreme altitude of 19,000 feet.
We ate a very simple, yet effective diet that consisted of banana
pancakes, dahl bat, garlic soup and herbal teas. From this experience
and the research conducted to help our bodies adjust, I would like to
share my altitude nutrition and acclimatization guide. Hopefully, this
altitude diet and altitude "survival" guide will help you and your
family enjoy your time in the mountains naturally without the use of a
drug like diamox or decadron.
At the altitude or elevation of 4,000+ feet your body experiences a lower level of oxygen. The higher the
elevation, the lower the air pressure is and the faster water
evaporates from your body; without even sweating. As a result, your
heart rate elevates causing your body to work harder to maintain your
oxygen levels. Blood pressure can spike as your heart beats faster to
pump more oxygen through your body.As your body is working harder you
will experience one of more of these symptoms:
Shortness of breath with mild to moderate activities
Trouble sleeping
Frequent urination
Lack of appetite
Nose bleeds
My altitude nutrition guide will help you adjustment to altitude
and prevent altitude sickness and combat the effects of altitude on
your health and body. A staple is at least 3 ltrs of water, a high carb
diet (60-70%) and iron rich foods.
What to eat at high altitude and higher elevations:
Garlic- whole, roasted or in tablet form
Bananas-whole or in pancakes, yogurt or cereal
High complex cards- rice, pasta, potatoes, whole grain breads, oatmeal, bagels
Plenty of fluids, herbal teas, caffeine free teas, cider, fruit juice and electrolyte rich
liquids like gatorade
Iron rich foods: red meats, leafy green veggies
In preparation for a trip to the mountains: consume iron or take iron
supplements like Floradix Liquid Iron as well as garlic tablets and
meals with chopped garlic. Anemia or iron deficience can be problematic
in the mountains and at higher elevations. With lower red blood cell
counts, individuals with anemia need to counter balance the deficiency
the increases as elevations increase. Women are often more prone to
feel the effects and impact of anemia at altitude.
A carb rich diet iskey as carbs naturally replace muscle glycogen levels and prevent
protein from being burned as energy; allowing you to have maintained
energy. Another benefit is it also requires less oxygen for metabolism
and your body works less to digest these foods.
You will want to avoid depressants like alcohol, sleeping pills, codeine and coffee. Avoid
vigorous exercise until you feel your body has acclimatized properly.
For more information about the altitude nutrition guide or to receive a
booklet for $5; please email
Therapeutic powers of using Stones for message

Stone therapy is not new to India. Stone therapy dates back 5000 years in India. It was also practiced in Mayan cultures.
Stone message is mostly used for curing the following maladies -
- Muscular pains,
- Back pain,
- Arthritis,
- Circulatory problems.
The stones that are used in stone therapy are mostly volcanic flat stones, but flat river bed stones are also used.
The stone therapy is applied either with hot stones or with cold stones, depending upon the malady being cured. For cold stone therapy, marble rocks are used.
The hot stones applied to the strategic points on the body help improve circulation and also to drain away the toxins deposited in the body.
Besides curing various diseases it also de-stresses the individual and has a very relaxing and calming effect on the person.
Hot stone therapy is not recommended if there are rashes, inflammation or eruptions on the skin.
How to Fight a Cold: Heal Faster and Feel Better
The top 5 key supplements that can decrease the magnitude of the cold:
1. Zinc- tablets and lozenges are key from the onset. Zicam is also effective.
2. Vitamin C- Ester C is a key ingredient to help you body fight the virus. Take vitamin c every 3-4 hours. Emergen-C packs are great.
3.Echinacea/Goldenseal-bolsters body's ability to fight the virus.
4. Slippery Elm & Marshmallow- helps sooth a sore throat and cough.
5. Oscillococcinum-homeopathic medicine.
Lots of rest and liquids are essential for your body to fight a cold. Eat homemade chicken soup- not from a can. Your local thai or chinese restaurant often have the best chicken stock and soup that will help you feel better. Avoid sweets, coffee and dairy products. Drink herbal teas or make your own ginger tea with lemon and honey. Ginger is highly effective in decreasing mucus and phlem.
The best thing for a cold is a salt water gargle and the utilization of a netti pot or a nasal flush/rrigation. "People with chronic sinus conditions should use a nasal douche daily (netti pot), as it promotes drainage of the sinuses and speeds healing of inflamed tissues." Andrew Weil, M.D.
A healthy attitude also helps fight a cold: think and believe in the wellness of your body and the strength of your cells and they will work in your favor.
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10 Best Vitamin Rich Foods
1. Organic Sweet Potatoes- rich in carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium and fiber.
2. Tomotoes- rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber and lycopene
3. Milk- Rice/ in calcium, vitamin D and protein. Women in their 20s/30s beware of Soy with the additional hormones. Choose Rice milk instead.
4. Deep Green Veggies- Rich in vitamin C, carotenoids, calcium, folic acid and fiber.
5. Wild Salmon-Chuck full of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Excellent grilled with a lemon/rosemary vinaigette dressing.
6. Brown Rice- high in fiber, vitamin E, B6, copper, zinc and phytochemicals
7. Citrus Fruit- packed with vitamin C, folic acid and fiber.
8. Butternut Squash- a half cup yields 5grams of fiber, vitamin A and C.
9. Green Tea- Rich with antioxidents and catechins polyphenols. Green tea lowers cholesterol.
10. Acai Juice- high content of vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, and E along with iron, phosphorous, calcium and's a worthy addition to your cart.
How Coconut Oil Benefits Your Health: And Why Nobody Told You!

The coconut oil was used extensively as cooking oil in USA, and also as an ingredient in various food products. During World War II Japan occupied Philippines and other North Eastern countries for long years. This cut off the supply of coconut oil to USA. During this period a whole new industry was born around poly un-saturated vegetable oils, which, due to want of availability of good substitutes gained in popularity.
It also served the interests of this industry to condemn the use of other saturated oils like butter oil and coconut oil. Then came the soybean industry, which also denounced saturated oils for increasing blood cholesterol leading to heart related problems.
Since heart problems were on the rise during that period, coconut oil and other saturated oils became the villains.
But, some recent studies find otherwise and show how coconut oil is beneficial for heart and for our health as a whole.
A study was made of the people in pacific regions and it was found that the people there are healthier and lean despite the presence of large fat content in their food!
All the oils are made up of fatty acid molecules. These fatty acids are of three types: short-chain fatty acids(SCFA), medium-chain fatty acids(MCFA) and long-chain fatty acids(LCFA). Our metabolism responds differently to different types of fatty acids.
The majority of the fat consumed by us is made of LCFA. The fats found in meat, milk, or other vegetable oils, all contain LCFA. On the other hand refined coconut oil is made up of MCFA. MCFA lowers the risk of heart diseases and this is what makes coconut oil so beneficial for health.
Poly unsaturated fats are largely responsible for heart attacks in the country. These are used in all the fast food, pastries and other favorite foods of this generation. These oils come in the way of normal functioning of the Thyroid gland and hinder the secretion of hormone in the blood stream.
Coconut oil contains perishable fats, which benefit your health. Coconut oil also benefits the normal functioning of blood platelets, while poly-unsaturated fats make platelets stickier.
Go through the list that I have compiled, of how coconut oil benefits your health. Then make up your own mind.
Coconut Oil Is Good For Your Heart. As I have talked above, Coconut oil benefits heart as it has been shown to help metabolize cholesterol faster, reducing overall levels. A study was done in a culture where coconut oil was used on a regular basis. When these people were moved to a different area and their coconut oil intake dropped, their cholesterol levels got much higher. Thyroid hormone is required for processing and eliminating cholesterol. Any deficiency in the hormone leads to the increase of cholesterol.
Coconut Oil fights Hypothyroidism: Coconut oil stimulates the thyroid gland and helps it in functioning properly. It stimulates the metabolism thereby increasing the energy level of the body.
Coconut Oil Keeps You Young. When the thyroid works properly, it uses cholesterol to make chemicals that are vital for preventing disease and help in slowing the aging.
Coconut Oil helps you lose weight. One more benefit of the coconut oil. As I already mentioned, coconut oil helps improve thyroid functioning. Improper functioning of the thyroid is a major cause of obesity. Cultures that use more coconut oil have less incidence of obesity.
Coconut Oil can prevent cancer. Increased thyroid function has also been shown to reduce the incidence of cancer. Studies have shown the occurrence of cancer to be lower, and in some cases nonexistent in areas that rely on saturated oils. They have also shown that the number of cancer cases increases with the addition of unsaturated oils to the diet.
It can prevent infections. Coconut oil has been found to contain 40% lauric acid. This is a fatty acid that is found in breast milk. The body converts it into a substance that fights bacterial, viral, and protozoal infection in infants. When your body has these chemicals, your immune system does less work and you stay healthy.
As I mentioned at the beginning, Coconut oil has been used in tropical areas and even modern cultures for many years. In areas where people switched to unsaturated vegetable oils, obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, and other problems have increased. Cultures that still use coconut oil have fewer of these problems.
As you can see, switching to coconut oil for your cooking needs is a great decision. It can help you live longer, and look and feel better. So why not go buy some coconut oil today?
But, you should remember that coconut oil alone is not the panacea for curing all the diseases. It works best when combined with other dietary controls. Always consult an expert before embarking on anything concerning your health.
How To Choose Natural Anti aging products & Supplements
We all want to look younger, right? That’s why people all over the world spend billions of dollars every year on anti aging products, the products that claim to help them look and feel ten years younger. We buy tons of pills, creams, and crazy gadgets hoping that they’re the one thing that will turn back the clock. The truth is, there’s no real miracle product that will melt the years away, but there are things you can do to slow the aging process.
The most important thing is to have a healthy life style, healthy diet, and a good anti aging supplement for all the vital nutrients we can’t get from our food. Here are a few hints and tips to help you sift through the thousands of products and find the perfect anti aging supplement.
The first step is to find a product that contains the ingredients you want. There are tons of supplements you can take on their own, but it’s best to take them combined. This way you get them in the right proportions so they can have maximum benefit to each other and to you. There are many anti aging ingredients that may be included in a good supplement, here are some important one’s you should make sure yours has.
* Alpha lipoic acid
* Acetyl L-carnitine
* Coenzyme Q10 (this can also be found in skin creams)
* Green tea
* L-lysine
* L-proline
* Ascobyl Palmitate
* Vitamin E
Once you know what ingredients you want in your anti-aging supplements, don’t just go buy the first one you see. Do your research first to make sure you’re getting exactly what you want.
Some tips to help ensure you’re buying a quality product.
Choose an appropriate brand name. Sure brand names you’ve heard of are probably better than random generics, but make sure they also have the right credentials. It’s probably better to choose a company that’s known for quality supplements over your local drug store’s generic brand name.
Find products without additives or fillers. There are no health benefits from them, so find a brand that doesn’t have them
Make sure the product has a certificate of analysis. This means someone else has analyzed the product and said it’s safe.
Find a company that follows the pharmaceutical GMP conditions. The producers of these products operate under higher quality standards, so you’re more likely to be getting a good quality anti aging product; nothing more, nothing less.
Find supplements that use standardized herbal extracts. This is another way to verify you’re getting pure, high quality herbal supplements.
Only supplements won’t do – change your lifestyle too!
Remember, no anti aging supplement is going to reverse the effects of a bad diet, poor lifestyle choices, and self destructive thought patterns. All these show on your face and make you look and become older. In order to truly look and feel younger, you need to combine supplements and other anti aging products with a healthy diet, exercise, stress reduction techniques, and plenty of sleep.
If you live this kind of lifestyle, you’ll be more youthful in no time.
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