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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Alcohol drinking Increases Risk of Developing Subtype of Breast Cancer

A report that has been published in the magazine of the National Cancer Institute on 23rd August establishes that overriding alcohol on a normal basis tends to elevate the risk of increasing lobular and hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. However, it does not seem to be associated with invasive ductal carcinoma risk.
This is the leading study to scrutinize possibilities of a link between alcohol intake and subtypes of breast cancer risk, as written by the authors of the study.
A few studies before had tried to examine the probabilities that there could be a link between alcohol intake and hormone receptor-positive breast cancer.
But, a common of those did not examine breast cancer in relation to histology, or if tumor formed in milk ducts or milk producing lobules, the writers explained.
Christopher I. Li, MD, Ph.D, along with a squad at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center conducted an experimental, but observational, study in the Women’s Health scheme study. It was carried out between 1993 and 1998 and as well built-in 87,724 postmenopausal women between the age group of 50 and 79.
The research has been able to show a strong connection between lobular carcinoma and alcohol consumption, and also strongly connected alcohol intake with hormone-receptor positive breast cancer.


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