Tuesday, April 24, 2012
25 Tips to Stop Smoking
25 Tips to Stop Smoking
You will never regret quitting.After a while you will.Be able to enjoy the delicate flavors of your food again.Be able to smell the fragrances of flowers or fruit.Your body and clothes will be fresh and free of tobacco smell.Your family will be freed from the stench of tobacco.You will not be slave to a paper tube of weed! You will not have dark lips.save your family from the illeffects of passive smoking.
These tips can help you win the fight with the tobacco addiction. Yes,smoking is an addiction to the drug ‘Nicotine.’ Understanding this will help you win back your freedom!Always remember to make a positive choice to quite, then, Ask God in prayerand He will break the chains of habit and set you free!Afraid to make a positive choice?You can pray for the strength to make the choice, then pray for the power to follow through!
TIP #1. DRINK- lots of juice, herb teas and especially water. (Distilled if at all possible) to assist the body in flushing out the nicotine. All smokers are extremely dehydrated. As you become re-hydrated, your jangled nerves will be soothed as well.
TIP#2. Hot baths and showers also help with this as do whirlpool baths and saunas.Try soaking in a bath with 1 cup Epsom salts and 2 cups Hydrogen Peroxide added. Cleanses out the poison and also Very relaxing!
TIP #3. Walk in the fresh air for 30 minutes twice daily or more, breathing deeply. The
air cleanses the lungs and soothes your nerves.
TIP #4. Get extra rest and sleep. Your body does most of its cleansing and repairs while you sleep!
TIP #5. In most cases it is better to stop completely than to taper off as your body will dump the nicotine quickly and you’ll feel better sooner. Tapering off prevents the body from cleansing and prolongs your discomfort! It is like the guy who felt sorry to have to cut puppies tails and cut off only an inch at a time to be kinder!
TIP #6. Avoiding coffee, tea and caffeine containing soft-drinks such as colas, helps a lot as caffeine being similar to nicotine stimulates the cigarette craving. Alcohol in all forms must be shunned as well as it stimulates craving and weakens your resolve!
TIP #7. Your diet should consist of lots of fresh, raw fruits and salads, fresh juices, lightly steamed or stir-fry veggies and things like baked potatoes or yams, and whole grains.
Keep flesh foods and animal products to a minimum or do without.
Replace rich, spicy foods with lighter natural, whole foods.
Drink Water; Minimum 3 quarts a day.
Fruit juice, herb teas, raw veggie juices i.e. Carrot juice; Wash your way to freedom!
TIP #8. Get a plastic lemon with juice in it and carry it with you. When the urge to light up hits you, squirt a little juice into your mouth. It really relieves the craving and it is good for you as well! Carry it with you always for a while. Also a plastic or wooden object to chew on is helpful, try the large size flavored toothpicks.
TIP #9. Get fresh lemons and squeeze the juice of one into a pint of distilled water. Drink this on rising in the morning instead of your usual morning puff. Very refreshing & the Vit. C which all smokers lack, will do you good!
TIP #10. If you are one who likes moral support, Try a group. If you know of a class like “Breath-Free”, you can join with it or get together with some friends who want to quit, share your ‘Tips’ and encourage one another. Remember to ask God for victory!
TIP #11. What about nicotine gum and skin patches?
Although these may be useful to some, we feel that by following these healthy tips, you will assist your body to cleanse and repair the damage done by the tobacco. By using nicotine products you prevent the body from doing this and so you postpone your recovery!
There is another factor to gums and patches to consider; when a body is very toxic, it will dump any poisons into the lungs as a way of removing them, so putting the poison on or in the body somewhere else, does not necessarily keep it out of the lungs.
TIP # 12. Non-caffeine Herbal teas such as relaxing formulas, kidney, or liver herbs and other simple products are helpful and can be used freely.
TIP #13. A hand puzzle or some device to fiddle with in the fingers is helpful to smokers kicking the habit. Smokers report that as they are quitting they find they don’t know what to do with their hands especially in social situations. A device that gives the hands something to do, aids in combating the nervous fidgets.
TIP #14 . Avoid the situations and social occasions where you usually do the most smoking as much as you possibly can. You may find it advisable to choose some different friends to socialize with, especially avoiding those who belittle or joke about your determination to quit. Choose friends who are serious about improving their health rather than those who don’t seem to care.
TIP #15. To get motivated, you need a powerful, personal reason to quit. Maybe you want to protect your family from secondhand smoke. Maybe the thought of lung cancer frightens you. Or maybe you’d like to look and feel younger. Choose a reason that is strong enough to outweigh the urge to light up.
TIP #16. It may be tempting to toss your cigarettes and declare you’ve quit, plain and simple. But going cold turkey isn’t easy to do. Among those who try to stop smoking without therapy or medication, 95% end up relapsing. The reason is that smoking is an addiction. The brain depends on nicotine. In its absence, the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal occur.
TIP #17. Tell your friends, family, and co-workers that you’re trying to quit. Their encouragement could make the difference. You may also want to join a support group or talk to a counselor. Behavioral therapy is a type of counseling that helps you identify and stick to quit-smoking strategies. Combine behavioral therapy with nicotine-replacement products or medication to boost your odds of success
TIP #18. Tell your friends, family, and co-workers that you’re trying to quit. Their encouragement could make the difference. You may also want to join a support group or talk to a counselor. Behavioral therapy is a type of counseling that helps you identify and stick to quit-smoking strategies. Combine behavioral therapy with nicotine-replacement products or medication to boost your odds of success
TIP #19. One reason people smoke is that the nicotine helps them relax. Once you quit, you’ll need another way to cope with stress. Try getting regular massages, listening to relaxing music, or learning yoga or tai chi. If possible, avoid stressful situations during the first few weeks after you stop smoking.
TIP #20. Certain activities may boost your urge to smoke. Alcohol is one of the most common triggers, so try to drink less when you first quit. If coffee is a trigger, switch to tea for a few weeks. And if you usually smoke after meals, find something else to do instead, like brushing your teeth or chewing gum.
TIP #21. Once you’ve smoked your last cigarette, toss all of your ashtrays and lighters. Wash any clothes that smell like smoke and clean your carpets, draperies, and upholstery. Use air fresheners to help rid your home of that familiar scent. You don’t want to see or smell anything that reminds you of smoking.
TIP #22. It’s very common to have a relapse. Many smokers try several times before giving up cigarettes for good. Examine the emotions and circumstances that lead to your relapse. Use it as an opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to quitting. Once you’ve made the decision to try again, set a “quit date” within the next month.
TIP #23. Physical activity can reduce nicotine cravings and ease some withdrawal symptoms. When you want to reach for a cigarette, put on your inline skates or jogging shoes instead. Even mild exercise is helpful, such as walking the dog or pulling weeds in the garden. The extra calories you burn will also ward off weight gain as you quit smoking.
TIP #24. In addition to the tremendous health benefits, one of the perks of giving up cigarettes is all the money you will save. Reward yourself by spending part of it on something fun.
TIP #25. There’s more than the monetary reward to consider. Smoking cessation has immediate health benefits. It lowers your blood pressure and reduces your pulse after only 20 minutes. Within a day, oxygen and carbon monoxide levels in your blood return to normal, and risk of a heart attack decreases. Long-term benefits include a reduced risk for coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, and other cancers.
The moment you quit smoking, your body begins to heal itself:
1. After 24 hours, the chance of heart attack decreases.
2. After 48 hours, nerve endings start to re-grow and your ability to smell
and taste are enhanced.
3. After one (1) to nine (9) months, there is a decrease in coughing, sinus
congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath.
4. After one (1) year, the excess risk of coronary heart disease is decreased
to half that of a smoker’s.
5. After five (5) to fifteen (15) years, stroke risk is reduced to the same
level as people who have never smoked.
6. After fifteen (15) years, coronary heart disease and related death risks
are similar to those of people who have never smoked.
Quit smoking and enjoy life to the full.
25 Tips to Stop Smoking
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