Thursday, April 12, 2012
Ayurveda and Nature Cure for Diabetes
- Ayurveda and Nature Cure for Diabetes
According to nature therapy, diabetes is the result of a problem in the digestive system. This can be overcome easily, and within a short duration of time, with regular practice of yoga, change in life style, daily routine and diet control. Generally, people engaged in sedentary work suffer from this disease. The insulin produced from the pancreas reduces both in quality and quantity, resulting in a high sugar level, and the excess glucose flows out through the urine.
What are the Reasons for Diabetes?
•Excess of mental work and less physical work.
•Unhealthy life style and irregular eating habits.
•Consumption of heavy, oil and sweet food.
•Diabetes is considered to be a hereditary disease as it passes on from parents to children.
•Unnatural change in the life style.
Symptoms of Diabetes:
Itching in the body, slow healing of wounds, sugar passing out from urine, thick and sticky urine, frequent urination, excessive hunger and thirst, dryness of skin, poor eyesight, weariness and fatigue are some of the common symptoms of diabetes. These should not be neglected in any way.
Other Ailments Caused Due to Diabetes:
Nervous disorder, impotency, kidney and liver problem, low sexual power, poor eyesight, etc., can be caused due to diabetes.
Cure for Diabetes:
The patient should be given proper rest and should take a controlled diet. The following should be kept in mind at the time of treating diabetes. The patient should be stress free. The digestive system should function normally and the secondary diseases caused due to diabetes should also be treated and controlled.
Yogic Cure for Diabetes:
•Practice of Kunjal Kriya, Naouli, and Shankh Prakshalan is beneficial in this case. (For detailed instructions of these practices please see seperate articles on these topics.)
•Uddiyan Bandh cures digestion related problems.
•Practice of Kati Chakrasana, Ardhamatysendrasana, Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Mandookasana and Padahastasana are very beneficial for diabetes.
•Bhastrika Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Nadi Shodhan Pranayama and Brahmari Pranayama are very beneficial in the case of diabetes.
•The patient should practice all the steps of Surya Namaskar daily.
Nature Cure for Diabetes:
•Tie a wet mud bandage on the stomach.
•Also hot-cold fomentation on stomach is beneficial.
•Cold hipbath, or hot-cold hipbath.
•Wrap the spine and take spinal bath.
•Body massage twice a week.
•Sunbath is beneficial along with drinking solar water half an hour before meals twice daily. (Fill a glass bottle with water and keep it in the sunlight for eight hours to prepare this water). Morning walks are ideal, the body should get drenched with perspiration.
Diet Control for Diabetes:
Proper diet control is necessary depending upon the age, work and condition of the patient.
A person of normal weight who does not do any physical work should take 2000 calories; person involved in medium physical work should take 2500 calories and in case of excessive physical work the calorie intake should be 3000 calories.
The diabetics with low weight need more calories compared to other patients.
Overweight people should eat less than 2000 calories to prevent fat.
The best way to fix the calorie intake is to get the urine tested. Diabetics can eat curd (yogurt) to maintain their physical strength.
Take one to two ounces of bitter gourd juice in the morning to control diabetes.
Take fat free milk (250-400 ml) or buttermilk or sprouted moong gram (dahl).
Take 30 mg fenugreek seeds or 50 gm fresh myrobalan juice.
Eat chapattis made with wheat and gram, 250 gm of green vegetables, 25 to 50 gm of salad, 25 gm of lentil (kidney beans), 150 gm of curd (yogurt) or diluted curd.
Take 30 gm roasted gram in the evening along with a glassful of vegetable soup or diluted curd (yogurt).
Avoid curd (yogurt) at night.
Important Tips for Diabetics:
•Mix soybean, fenugreek and gram flour in wheat flour and eat chapattis made out of this flour. Mix the flours in the following proportions: Wheat flour-7.5 kg, Gram flour-1.5 kg, Soybean flour- 0.9 kg, Fenugreek- 0.1 kg
•Avoid all types of sweets and sweet food, clarified butter, refined flour and food made with it, and processed food. Smoking, gutka, and alcohol are completely prohibited.
•Bitter gourd, wood apple, black plum, and neem leaves are beneficial in controlling diabetes.
•Green leafy vegetables, cholai, bathua, coriander, mint leaves, cabbage, cucumber, gourd, wood apple leaves, coconut, radish, tomato, lemon, carrot, ginger, onion, butter milk, and soaked almond are also beneficial.
•Avoid intake of starch and rice. Avoid excessive mental work and indigestion. Do not sleep during the daytime, drink water in gulps.
•Barley is also beneficial for diabetes patients. Mix barley flour and gram flour in 5:1 ration and eat regularly for eight to ten days. The glucose does not pass out through urine.
•Roast barley and make a fine powder, make chapatti and eat it for relief.
•A diabetes patient should walk and jog regularly to control sugar level naturally. Brisk walk is beneficial if the person cannot run due to some reasons.
•Practice Agnisar, Dhouti, Bhastrika Pranayama, Uddiyan Bandh along with Paschimottasana to strengthen the lungs and other Pranayama for permanent relief.
Home Remedies for Diabetes:
Grind six-gram fenugreek seeds coarsely and soak in 250 gm water. Crush it nicely in the morning, sieve it with a cloth, and drink it. Follow this remedy for two months regularly in order to overcome diabetes completely. Those who suffer from excess heat due to fenugreek, and ulcer patients, should take fenugreek with aniseeds. Mix a spoonful of aniseed and two spoonfuls fenugreek seeds and soak them in a ceramic bowl in 200 ml water. Sieve with a cloth in the morning.
Chop four leaves of black plum and grind. Sieve the juice in eight grams water and drink regularly for ten days. Take it every two months for ten days. This juice is very beneficial in case of sugar passing out through urine. Chew four leaves of black plum twice daily in the beginning stages of diabetes to give relief from the third day itself.
Put 60 gm ripe black plums in 300 gm of hot boiling water. Cover the vessel with lid. Crush them nicely after 30 minutes and divide into three portions. Take one portion three times during the day to reduce sugar level.
Dry the black plum seeds in the shade and prepare a powder. Take three grams twice daily with fresh water to overcome diabetes. Continue this medicine for 21 days regularly.
Risk of Diabetes Due to Depression:
There is a close relationship between depression and diabetes. According to scientific studies the risk of type II diabetes increases due to depression. In addition it also leads to several other problems
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