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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Prevention Guidelines of Heart Disease

As you plan to take steps to prevent or lower your risk of heart disease, there are some important numbers you need to keep in mind. We all know we need to exercise and observe our blood pressure, cholesterol and weight to keep our heart and cardiovascular system healthy. But expressive your target numbers provides a concrete way of monitoring your progress towards that vital goal.
The American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) have put out heart disease prevention guidelines, which were co-published in the Circulation Journal as well as the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Here is a summary of the guidelines:

  • Less than 130/80 mm Hg if you have diabetes or chronic kidney disease
  • Less than 140/90 mm Hg.
Blood Cholesterol :
  • LDL (Low-density lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol) of less than 100 mg/dL
  • Reduce intake of soaked fats, trans fats and cholesterol and add plant sterols and soluble fiber to diet,take omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil capsule form.
Physical Activity :
  • 30 minutes a day, 5-7 days a week.
  • Conflict training 2 days a week.
Weight :
  • BMI (Body mass index) measure of body fat based on height and weight of 18.5 to 24.
  •  Waist limits of less than 40 inches for men; less than 35 inches for women
  • HbA1C (measure of glycated hemoglobin in the blood) of less than 7 percent.
Smoking :
  • Zero revelation to first-hand or second hand smoke


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