The benefits of a high fiber diet

An increased amount of food rich in fiber can also help you feel fuller longer, which is important if you’re watching your weight.
A study conducted at the Harvard School of Medicine found that men who consumed 12 grams of fiber a day were twice as likely to develop precancerous colon changes as men whose daily fiber intake was 30 grams or higher. Scientist are not exactly sure why taking food rich fiber can help reduce the risks of colon cancer but it is thought that insoluble fiber adds bulk to stools, which helps speed their transit through the intestines, leaving less time for carcinogenic changes.
Other studies have shown that consuming adequate levels of food rich in fiber can also help against breast cancer, heart disease, digestive disorders, diabetes and obesity. If you suffer from constipation, increasing your fiber content should help. It also helps to drink adequate amounts of water daily to help the fiber through your system.
An easy way to start the day with an adequate amount of fiber is to have a breakfast cereal and some fruit – both of which are foods rich in fiber. Vegetables and fruits are also high in fiber and also many other important nutrients.
Most people tend to eat breads and cereals which are very low in fiber. Even some brown bread varieties only have a small amount so it’s best to check labels and make sure you’re getting a natural whole grain product with sufficient fiber.
Now that you know all the benefits of adding to your diet the foods rich in fiber, here are some quick tips to help you increase your fiber intake:
High Fiber Foods List
1. Eat vegetables with every meal.
2. Switch from processed carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta to whole grains (these are rich in fiber and nutrients).
3. Add beans to casseroles, chilli or many other foods rich in fiber. Beans are an especially good source of fiber.
4. Snack on fruit with it’s skin on. Fruits like berries are particularly rich in fiber and apples and pears should be eaten with the peel on.
5. Eat dried fruits such as prunes, figs, and apricots. These are easy to sprinkle on cereal or add to homemade muffins.
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