Dancing for Exercise: Bring Some Rhythm in Your Regimen

Are you getting bored with your traditional workout? Is going to the gym just too bothersome? Well then why don’t you get your next great workout at the local dance hall? Dancing for exercise is fun.
There’s nothing that gets your heart pumping like dancing. You don’t have to be good; you just have to move around. The simple act of moving your arms and legs around is enough to get you a great cardio workout. Studies have shown that ballroom dancing is almost as effective at working your heart as common workouts such as running.
Also, when you are dancing for exercise, it doesn’t matter much what kind of dancing you’re doing, whether it’s ballroom, country line dancing, or even belly dancing. You can even just dance around your living room to the radio (also a great way to work out with the kids!)
Dancing works all the different muscle groups. Activities like jogging and swimming feature repetitive movements that work the same muscles over and over. That’s why it’s easy to tell a runner from a swimmer, just by looking at what muscles on their body are developed. On the other hand when you are dancing for exercise, unless you do the same dance over and over, you’re going to be doing various different movements. This allows you to work all your different muscle groups giving you a great total body workout you’ll be able to see in a mirror. This is also a great motivation to take classes and try new styles of dance.
If you have one or more people there with you, you can enjoy the conversation and excitement; you’ll probably completely forget you’re working out. Try getting a group of friends to go dancing for exercise once a week with you. You can even use the fact that dancing is a great workout as a selling point to convince them to join you. Just be careful; depending on the venue, you may be encouraged to drink. Don’t burn off all your calories just to add them back with alcohol.
So what are you waiting for? Why not change a workout this week to a fun time and start dancing for exercise?
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