It Helps to Exercise after having Baby

Here are some tips to help you get on track with your exercise plan:
Involve your baby. Don’t wait till your child is asleep to try to get a decent workout. Get a baby sling so you can go for a walk with your baby. Starting exercise after having baby will become easier if you involve baby in your routine.
Don’t start too soon. Perhaps you are eager to start doing some exercise after having baby. But, wait, your body needs some time! Whether you’re had a vaginal delivery or a C-section, your body has gone through quite a bit. If you start a workout routine too soon, it can be damaging to your health. It’s usually recommended to wait 6 weeks before you start trying to workout; however, if you had a vaginal delivery, you can use those first 6 weeks to strengthen your vaginal muscles and start stretching exercises. Just be sure to check with your doctor before you start any exercise program.
Don’t work too hard. It’s pretty likely that you haven’t been able to do a normal workout for at least a few months, maybe more. Just like starting any exercise program, you should not start full force right away. Trying to do too much is likely to do more harm than help. Before you start working out, ask your doctor for recommended exercises after having baby and how often you should do them. Remember, if you hurt yourself, you’re not going to be able to take as good care of your baby.
Fit exercise into you schedule. I know the difficulties you will get into the moment you start making a routine for doing some exercise after having baby. While having a regular routine is helpful, it’s almost impossible to get a baby to conform to your schedule. This means you have to change your schedule to fit your baby’s.
You’ll probably have to squeeze in workouts where you can. While drawing up a routing for doing exercise after having baby, choose exercises that you can do in different places at different times. Get an exercise tape or something else you can do at home. You should also remember that two 15 minute workouts or three 10 minute workouts can be just as helpful as a half hour work out.
If you can set a rigid work out schedule, that’s great. If you can’t, set a looser schedule (I will work out for thirty minutes before I go to bed) and be sure to stick with it.
Starting to do some exercise after having a baby to get back into shape can be difficult, but with time, patience, and planning, you too can get back to your healthy self.
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