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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Importance of Organic Foods for Pregnant Women & Children

I'm a huge proponent of buying organic foods. Given the high levels of toxicity in children now a days and the potential link of autism to toxicity -- it is key to consider purchasing organic fruits and veggies for both expecting mothers and our children.

Certified organic are not sprayed with toxic herbicides and pesticides nor are they genetically modified. They are also free of ionizing radiation, antibiotics, growth hormones and sewage sludge ( a source of asbestos, bacteria, fungi, heavy metals and industrial solvents)

The most common pesticides in use today are organophosphates. They interfere with nerve conduction and exposure may cause neurochemical aberration sin the brain. Young, developing children are at the greatest risk. To lessen the risk of exposure a diet rich in organic foods and beverages is recommended.

A recent study by Environmental Health Perspectives linked low-level prental exposure to these toxins with symptoms like poor attention span- a precursor to hyperactivity and impulsivity - in early infancy.


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