Be careful Chinese New Year oranges
Dear All,
Chinese new year is drawing near. When buying Chinese oranges please beware of the worms inside. These worms are very similar to the texture of the orange and therefore can only be observed if you look carefully (long sighted person may not
The Chinese government had in fact made efforts to destroy hundreds of tons of these oranges and compensate the farmers for these. But however some culprit may still sell it illegally. That's why we need to be careful.
Whether the worms are harmful to the human body or not is still questionable. But generally if small quantities are consumed it should not cause any major harm according to doctors. It is advisable to be careful about it.


Very Simple Petite Fours
Benefits of Shea and Mango Butter
Top 10 Reasons to Turn Off Your TV
From Mark Stibich, Ph.D.,
Turning off your television will gain you, on average, about 4 hours per day. Imagine if you took that time to exercise, give your brain a workout and develop strong relationships. Not only would you be adding years to your life, you would become more interesting, energetic, and fun. So take the plunge and try not watching TV for a week. At first it will be strange and awkward, but stick with it and soon you will love all the extra time.
1. Television Eats Your Time
The average U.S. adult watches more than 4 hours of television a day. That's 25 percent of waking time spent every day. Imagine if you suddenly had 25 percent more time -- that's three extra months per year! You could get in all your exercise, cook your meals from scratch and still have time left over to write a novel.
Over a lifetime, an 80-year-old person would have watched 116,800 hours of television, compared to only 98,000 hours of work. As a nation, adults watch 880 million hours of television every day or 321 billion hours per year. Whew! Imagine what could get done if we all just stopped watching TV.
2. Television Makes You Stressed
With the average of four hours a day gone, it's no wonder everyone is feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. We put aside paying bills, finishing projects, making phone calls and cleaning our homes to watch TV. We feel overwhelmed because of all the things we should be doing (exercising, spending time with family, eating right) go undone.
And when we feel overwhelmed, tired, and exhausted we don't have energy to anything but -- you guessed it -- watch TV. It is a dreadful cycle. So take a break from TV for a week and see what happens to your life.
3. Television Makes You Overweight
Eating while distracted limits your ability to assess how much you have consumed. According to Eliot Blass at the University of Massachusetts , people eat between 31 and 74 percent more calories while watching TV.
This could add, on average, about 300 calories extra per TV meal. Now consider that at least 40 percent of families watch TV while eating dinner. It becomes clear that TV is a big part of the obesity epidemic in the U.S. and that TV, in fact, makes you gain weight.
4. Television Makes You Uninteresting
Many people have whole conversations that are recaps of TV programs, sporting events and sitcoms. When asked about their real lives, there is little or nothing to report and no stories to tell (except the TV shows they have watched).
Life is too interesting and wonderful to spend your time either watching TV or recapping television to your friends. Find something interesting to do: volunteer, read, paint -- anything but watch more TV.
5. Television Ruins Your Relationships
A television is turned on an average of 7 hours and 40 minutes per day in many U.S. households. With the TV on that much, there is little time for you and your significant other or children to spend time together, share experiences, and develop deeper relationships.
Sitting together and watching TV does not grow a relationship. Turn that TV off and find something to do together -- cooking, exercising, taking a walk, anything.
6. Television is Not Relaxation
TV is the opposite of exercise. If you are watching TV you are usually sitting, reclining or lying down. You are burning as few calories as possible. All that extra food you eat while watching TV does not get burned off. Your brain goes into a lull.
But you are not relaxing -- your mind is still receiving stimuli from the TV, you are processing information and reacting emotionally. Have you ever found yourself thinking about TV characters? Do you ever dream about TV shows? These are signs that the brain is working hard to process all the TV you have been watching.
7. Television Loses Opportunities
If you are sitting and watching TV, nothing new or exciting is going to happen to you. New opportunities and ideas come from being out in the world, talking to people, and reading interesting things.
Watching TV isolates you. Nothing is going to change in your world if you are watching TV. Turn off the TV, go out into the world, talk to people, and see what happens.
8. Television is Addictive
Television can become addictive. Signs of TV addiction include:
using the TV to calm down
not being able to control your viewing
feeling angry or disappointed in how much TV you watched
feeling on edge if kept from watching
feeling a loss of control while watching
If the idea of giving up TV for a week is horrifying, you may be addicted to television. Luckily, TV addiction is a habit and not a physical addiction like smoking. You should be able to control it once you are aware of the problem and make a decision to change.
9. Television Makes You Buy Things
By age 65, the average American has seen 2 million commercials. Your knowledge of products and brands comes from these TV commercials. Your perception of what you need also comes from these commercials.
If you didn't know that your iPod could talk to your running shoes, you wouldn't feel like your current shoes are too low-tech. If you didn't know about vacuums that never lose suction, your current vacuum would seem fine. Our perception of need is determined by what we see. Need less by watching less TV.
10. Television Costs Money
A basic cable package costs $43 per month and many packages cost much more than that. That comes to at least $500 a year spent on TV. For that much money you could: buy a membership to every museum or zoo in your town, get a gym membership, buy a nice bicycle, invest it every year for 10 years at 10 percent interest and have more than $10,000.
Sources:; US Census Bureau
Flowers and Essential Oils
Cookies, Cakes & Homemade Bread pcs
Hair Straightening Health Risks
Hair Straightening Risks
1) Hair Split Ends. A lot of people who used hair straighteners have reported split ends.
2) Burnt Hair. Sometimes it happens that people get burn their hair accidentally and believe me the smell of burnt hair is not very pleasant. One can use ceramic straighteners to avoid burnt hair.
3) Fragile Hair.: People are also reported to have fragile hair from hair straightening.
4) Cancer: Yes! You heard it write. There are some treatments in Brazil which use formaldehyde to smooth and straighten the hair. However many health and safety agencies consider formaldehyde to be a cause of cancer. However recent studies say that the chemicals used for hair straightening therapies are safe.
Your Personal Dressing Style
Health Effects of Smoking
Health Effects of Smoking
1) Smoking a cigarette and having a mouth fresher. Is this the way you try and get rid of the cigarette smell? well then there is a bad news, you can't really get rid of the smell totally. Because it also sticks to your clothes and you can get rid of it only when you wash your clothes. Also if you are smoking in a car, keep a room freshener to get rid of the smoke from the car. Doesn't it sound too much of work for smoking a cigarette.
2) Do you have yellow colored fingernails, tooth or skin? They can very well be because of cigarette smoking. Some of you might think that it is pleasant color!
3) Have you seen someone coughing all day long and the doctors has refused to diagnose it as a viral infection? Yes then he definitely will be a smoker.
4) Excessive smoke can sometime result in headaches and even migraines.
5) After the excessive smoking session during a party or any other time can make you feel dizzy, make your throat burn like anything.
6) Smoking can also result into hypertension,nausea,bronchitis.
7) People who smoke are not sensitive to smell or taste compared to non-smokers.
8) Feeling of anxiety and that of substance dependency will never go till you quit smoking.
9) Last point in the list but the most important one. Cigarette smoking can cause cancer.
Non Health Effects of Smoking
1) I am a smoker myself! Yes I am trying to quit. But there are so many of my shirts which are my real favorites but due to the holes caused cigarette, I miss wearing them.
2) After all its a hard earned money which one smokes away.
3) Some of my clothes have holes in them. Once I bought a pair of sport shoe and the very first day it had a small little hole on the net because of the burning end of cigarettes which fell on my shoe and stayed there for a while.
Abs Abs Abs 6 pack 8 pack
Here is how I will keep track of things.
1) Firstly I will tell you guys something about my exercise routine.
2) I will post some of my pictures on the blog so that you people can see the round world around me.
3) I will keep regular posts at least once/twice a week on developments.
So to get into the details what can I write about myself? I will brief you guys about the exercise and time duration for which I have been following the exercise routine. My eating habits, and lifestyle.
The pictures are very important thing I think. As it is great to see the positive changes happening in your body which you have always wanted. I have been through the changes when I used to work out regularly so I know the proud feeling that delves within.
The last thing which will be a long process is keeping track of things that will be happening. I will keep on posting about my exercise routines. As I will be experimenting with a lot of exercises.
So lets see how long it will take for me to get six pack abs. Keep on following this post. for updates. I know will take a long time for me to get into shape.
Importance and Sources of Fibre
- A recent study published its finding saying that for ladies it is important to get 5 grams of fibre for every 1,000 calories they consume. You can find how to get those calories here. This can reduce the risk of endometrial cancer in ladies by approximately 20%.
- Fibre plays a important role in controlling blood sugar level and cholesterol.
- 25-30 Grams of fibre can avoid strokes.
- Another study says that 27 grams of fibre can make your lungs more stronger in terms of capacity than people who doesn't consume sufficient amount of fibre.
- Fibre controls blood pressure.
- Fibre is very much essentials to keep you regular in term of bowel.
Sources that are rich in fibre
- Wholemeal, granary, softgrain varieties of bread.
- potatoes
- Cereals like weetabix, branflakes, unsweetened muesli, Shreddies and porridge oats
- Wholemeal pasta and brown rice
- Beans, lentils and peas
- Fresh and dried fruits with skin
- Vegetables with skin
- Nuts and seeds
- Wholemeal flour
The top five cancer-causing foods are:
Because they are high in nitrates, the Cancer Prevention Coalition
advises that children eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you
live without hot dogs, buy those made without sodium nitrate.
2. Processed meats and bacon
Also high in the same sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and
processed meats raise the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in
bacon also contributes to cancer.
3. Doughnuts
Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with
white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high
temperatures. Doughnuts, says Adams , may be the worst food you can
possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.
4. French fries
Like doughnuts, French fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then
fried at high temperatures. They also contain cancer- causing acryl
amides which occur during the frying process. They should be called
cancer fries, not French fries, said Adams .
5. Chips, crackers, and cookies
All are usually made with white flour and sugar. Even the ones whose
labels claim to be free of trans-fats generally contain small amounts
1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar
This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing
brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in
mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients
causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling
air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a
decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will
accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon
dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain
damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in
effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain
thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain
The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating..
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring,
and artificial sweetener.
7.. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce
cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like
olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body
is very fit.
8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver.
Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be
finished in one sitting, do not store.
We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have
to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good
eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb
and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to 'schedule.'
How to Apply Foundation
What Is Addictive Disease And Why Is Smoking...
The term addictive disease or addiction describes a persistent habit that is harmful to the person. Thus, addiction is a chronic (long duration) disease with reliance on the substance causing the addiction. The addictive substance also causes the accompanying deterioration of a person's physical and psychological health.
Psychologically, an individual's behavior pattern establishes how the addictive substance is used. One type of behavior is compulsive behavior, which is an overwhelming and irresistible interest in use of the substance. For example, the compulsive addict makes sure that the substance is always available. Another type of behavior is habitual behavior, which is using the substance regularly or occasionally for the desirable effects. Physically, continuous use of the substance leads to dependence on the drug by the body. This dependence means that when the drug is discontinued, symptoms of withdrawal or distress occur.
Nicotine is the component of cigarettes that addicts. Almost immediately upon inhalation, the body responds to the nicotine. An individual feels relaxed, calmer, and happier than before the inhalation. These pleasant feelings reflect the physical side of addiction; but then, doing without cigarettes causes craving for more cigarettes, irritability, impatience, anxiety, and other unpleasant symptoms. Indeed, these symptoms are the symptoms of withdrawal from cigarettes. What's more, over time, more and more nicotine is desired to produce the favorable effects and to avoid the symptoms of withdrawal.
What are the signs of cigarette addiction?
The signs of addiction to cigarettes include:
Smoking more than seven cigarettes per day
Inhaling deeply and frequently
Smoking cigarettes containing nicotine levels more than 0.9mg
Smoking within 30 minutes of awakening in the morning
Finding it difficult to eliminate the first cigarette in the morning
Smoking frequently during the morning
Finding it difficult to avoid smoking in smoking-restricted areas
Needing to smoke even if sick and in bed
How To Enhance Eyes?
Why Our Hand & Body Lotion is Different?
Health Tips December
Health Tips December:
- Keeping a bunch of fresh fragrant flowers in your bedroom can help you in getting sound sleep and pleasant dreams.
- The paste that one applies face made of almonds berries and yogurt would benefit more if eaten.
- A couple of tablespoons with honey can help in getting a nice sleep. Try to take it with water.
- Want to beat cold. Eat garlic.
- Get rid of burning eyes by putting 3 drops of pure rose water into it.
- To relax your eyes after a long day in front of computer, take place a tea bag onto your eyes after dipping it into cold water.
- Cracked heels are softened by rubbing olive oil.
- Stomach ache and stomach ulcers can be cured by combination of honey and cinnamon powder.
Healthy Resolutions 2009
Loosing at least 10 pounds ( 5 kg approx)
I was about 114 pound ( 57 kg ) when I joined gym in 2005. Now I feel like I am growing overweight with 142 pound ( 71 kg ) of mass, which is couple of pound higher to what is ideal for my height ( 5'7"). I am planning to get in shape as well.
Avoid eating outside
I will try and avoid eating outside. Even if I do, I will skip the oily food and fast food. Only things which I have decided to eat if I am on a tour, holiday are
1) Fruits, fruit juices.
2) Idli's which are made of fermented rice and legume flour.
6 pack abs is something, I am planning since a long time. Now this coming year I will be executing the task. I will start with photographs sometime in january and lets see how long it takes me to get those 6 pack abs.
Average 1 post per day on this blog
As this blog helps me gain healthy knowledge, as I read and post. But due to blogging, I read even minute details so that our readers can get the best out of the post. '
What are your health resolutions the coming New Year?
Do You Think Your Routine Life Is Healthy.
Where was Gym in the past?
These days we know the place to do our workout for physical fitness and good health. It's Gym. But this was not the case in the past. There was no Gym but still if we observe our parents or grand parents, they have led a much healthier life than us. Sometime's I wonder how these people might have managed to maintain themselves. Our previous generation are far better than us in terms of physical health and fitness. All their organs are functioning correctly.
Why we need doctors for cold and flu?
When the climate ( season ) changes, it natural for some people to get cold and flu. Do we really need a doctor for it? No we don't. Once our body gets adjusted to the changed weather. But these
days no one is ready to waste there 48 hours. they run to a doctor to get well. No doubt, you should see a doctor if the malfunctioning continues but can't we wait for some time to get adjusted.
What can we do to improve?
There are a lot of things one can do to improve fitness, there is no need to get going to gym. Following are some of the exercises which you can include in your routine to stay fit.
1) Dips, PushUps
2) Squats
3) Skipping
4) Walking
5) Cycling
Wearing Stripes And Ruffles
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms
In simple words it's the after effects of a tragedy. PTSD is something where a person is not able to forget his/her past. The bad memories of past keep on haunting a person.
What are the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
- People suffering from PTSD are not able to live a normal life.
- Some might even turn to alcohol or drugs to get rid of the memories of past.
A person suffering from PTSD shows the following symptoms
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Lack of concentration
- Depression
- Irritability
- Prone to nightmares and sleepless
- feeling shocked
- feeling Edgy
CST station when the terror attack in Bombay took place on 29 Nov 2008. And I know its not easy for him.
8 Hours of Sleep
When I was in school, my language teacher used to tell us, sleep well through 8 hours a night. The reason was unknown then. Now I know why he used to say that. I observed that when I sleep for 8 hours,
- I usually feel very much fresh.
- I can concentrate on my work more.
- I feel energetic through out the day.
- No yawning through the day, helps my colleagues as well. Everyone knows that how much you yawn if you see another person yawning.
- I feel more confident with 8 hours of sleep.
Sleeping for 8 hours a day has many health benefits associated. As everyone knows though a person is sleeping, his body doesn't stop working. His heart, kidney and every part of the body doesn't just go to sleep. But by sleeping you rest your body, you actually give a break to your body by not doing any physical activity. Thus the body doesn't have to do any expense for energy levels. Beside these facts about 8 hour sleep following are some important health benefits
- Cell Healing Process: When one sleeps his/hers body works on repairing the damages cells.
- Inflammation: 8 hour Sleep can keep the NF-KB protein level low, which otherwise would result in inflammation related disorders.
How much time do you sleep?
Apple secret to the health benefits of apple vinegar
Along with minerals, but also contains 93 different healthy ingredients that can help your body regulate blood pressure and keep your immune system. It also acts as a natural germ fighters, as well as a strong cleaning agent.
BBM also has some advantages of large external as well. Not only that maintain healthy skin, but also soothes and prevents sunburn dandruff. Researchers argue that they can prevent hair loss if they are used as local solutions, such as, in contrast to swallow. One of the most sought-after qualities of the Armenian Apostolic Church is now in its properties, and weight loss.
Studies have shown that nutrients, enzymes and organic acids contained in the Armenian Apostolic Church to act as a weight loss component, which suppresses appetite and reliably increase the rate of metabolism.
There are several companies, loss of weight, to determine all natural weight loss supplement that contains a mixture of caution BBM, which can take once a day.
More about Alternative Medicine:
The True Meaning of Alternative Medicine
What Is Herbal Medicine Is It Safe
Naturopathic Medicine
Chinese Medicine
Complementary Medicine
Top 10 Ways Chinese Medicine Can Help Yo
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Holistic Medicine
Top 10 Ways Chinese Medicine Can Help Yo
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Council on Family Health Offers Medicine
Herbal Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Inferti
Why Choose Naturopathic Medicine
Can Western Medicine Accept Chinese Medi
High Blood Pressure Medicines
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Inferti
Herbs as medicines
Saving up on Discounted Medicines
The Power of Ganoderma in Oriental Medic
Vibrational Medicine
How to Help the Medicine Go Down
Herbal Medicine has been used for thousa
Integrative Medicine And It39s Future
High Blood Pressure Medicine
"The Two Sides of Medicine
Benefits of Alternative Medicine
Herbal Medicine An Ounce Of Prevention
Why PR Can be Effective Medicine
Isn't It Time For WHOLISTIC Medicine
Canine Arthritis Medicine
Pros and Cons of Buying Pet Medicine Onl
Revolutionary Medicine Shockwave Thera
Is a mothers love medicine
The Aromatherapy Home Medicine Chest P
Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Thre
How Do I Choose The Best Arthritis Medic
Medicine From Recommended Pharmacies
The Essential Oil Home Medicine Chest
Cialis The Latest in ED Medicine
The Maharishi Ayurveda Natural Medicine
Healing teas are strong medicine
Preventive Medicine Ayurveda
The Beginnings of Medicine via the Back
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Herbal medicine for type 2 diabetes
herbal medicine for diabetes
Alternative medicine in food Shallots
Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes
Ayurvedic Medicine For Type 2 Diabetes
Ayurvedic Medicine For Type two diabetes
Ayurvedic Indian Medicine Triphala
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Vitamins in Natural Medicines
Wild medicine and Tansy cakes
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University of South Carolina School of M
"Big Pharma is using Western Medicine
Light Medicine of the Future
Wellness Medicine
Simple but Best Keep Secerts
Human Rights Day
The Wonders of Tea Tree
Do Not Use Medical Card During Emergency!
In cases of Emergency, a matter of LIFE & DEATH e.g.
1) Heart-attack
2) Strokes
3) Accidents etc.
NEVER use a medical card!
1. In the emergency room, you will be asked to register and make a 'Deposit'
BEFORE the patient is TREATED!
2. When you show the medical card, the doctor MUST complete the claim form and
fax to the insurance company BEFORE they can treat the patient. The hospital
MUST wait until the insurance company Confirms coverage & limit of policy.
3. ALL these procedures may take 1-2 HOURS!! By this time the patient may have
lapsed into a coma!!
4. Use your credit card or Cash FIRST. AFTER the patient has been treated &
attended by the doctor, then show the admission counter nurse the medical card.
She will then liaise with the insurance company directly for the approvals. She
will tear the earlier credit card deposit once the insurance company has
5. By now the patient would have been wheeled into the room to rest or to the
surgery room for immediate surgery. Sincerely we pray no one has to go through
such an ordeal.
Lipstick Tips
Blog Archive
- Be careful Chinese New Year oranges
- Very Simple Petite Fours
- Benefits of Shea and Mango Butter
- Top 10 Reasons to Turn Off Your TV
- Flowers and Essential Oils
- Sinusitis
- Cookies, Cakes & Homemade Bread pcs
- Hair Straightening Health Risks
- Your Personal Dressing Style
- Health Effects of Smoking
- Abs Abs Abs 6 pack 8 pack
- Importance and Sources of Fibre
- The top five cancer-causing foods are:
- How to Apply Foundation
- What Is Addictive Disease And Why Is Smoking...
- How To Enhance Eyes?
- Why Our Hand & Body Lotion is Different?
- Health Tips December
- Healthy Resolutions 2009
- Do You Think Your Routine Life Is Healthy.
- Wearing Stripes And Ruffles
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms
- 8 Hours of Sleep
- Neck care
- Apple secret to the health benefits of apple vinegar
- Simple but Best Keep Secerts
- Human Rights Day
- The Wonders of Tea Tree
- Do Not Use Medical Card During Emergency!
- Lipstick Tips