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Thursday, August 30, 2012
Miracle Juice
Miracle Juice
Many people have enjoyed this juice in china on and off for over 10 years now and its one of favorite brain boosting juices. It also boasts exceptional health benefits and tastes delicious. Below is a recent article and recipe that have been circulating on the web lately about the benefits of juicing certain veggies and fruits.
You need one Beetroot, one carrot and one apple that combine together to make the JUICE! Make sure they are organic wash the above, cut with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and mmediately you drink the juice. You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste. This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments:
Health Benefits
1. Prevent cancer cells to develop. It will restrain cancer cells to grow.
2. Prevent liver, kidney, pancreas disease and it can cure ulcer as well.
3. Strengthen the lungs, prevents heart attack and high blood pressure. 4. Strengthen the immune system.
5. Good for the eyesight, eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes.
6. Help to eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache.
7. Detoxify, assist bowel movement, and eliminate constipation. Therefore it will make skin healthy and LOOK more radiant. It is God sent for acne problem.
8. Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection.
9. Lessen menstrual pain.
10. Assist Hay Fever Sufferer from Hay Fever attack.
There has absolutely no side effects. Highly nutritious and easily absorbs! Very effective if you need to loose weight. You will notice your immune system will be improved after 2 week routine.Please make sure to drink immediately from the juicer for best effect.
Drink it first thing in the morning with the empty stomach! After one hour you can eat breakfast. For fast results drink 2 times a day, in the morning and before 5 p.m.
Miracle Juice
Rear view of a lightning-strike survivor, displaying Lichtenberg figure on skin
Why all the concern over proper wiring? The answer is simple: an electric current flowing through your body can kill you. Even voltages as low as 30 volts can be dangerous under certain conditions. However, it is not the voltage, but rather the current level that matters. Ever work on an automobile engine and get shocked by the ignition circuit? If so, it’s likely that something in the order of 20,000 volts was conducted through you body. Fortunately there is not enough conducted current to hurt you.How does the current affect you? Anything below 5 milliamperes (mA) is probably harmless. If the current increases to 50 mA, you will experience pain and muscular contractions that may prevent you from “letting go.” Over 100 mA, the heart will be affected and may cause death in people with heart problems or if the current is sustained. For safety sake, always place the power switch (either the master switch or transmitter high voltage power switch) where it is obvious to anyone and can be easily reached. Someone else may have to throw the switch of you can’t let go.
(Hordeum vulgare)Family:Poaceae
General Information
Barley is a multi-use cereal grain with a rich nutty flavor and an appealing chewy consistency. Barley resembles wheat berries, although it is slightly lighter in color. Barley can be found as whole barley, hulled barley, pearled barley and barley flakes. Barley is most commonly used in soups and stews. But when fermented, barley can be used as an ingredient in beer and other alcoholic beverages. Curiously, it had the reputation for being a ‘strong’ food; it was awarded to the champions at the Eleusian games, and gladiators were called 'hordearii', ‘barley men’, because that was the chief component of their training diet.
Barley originated in Ethiopia and South-east Asia, where it has been cultivated for more than 10,000 years. Barley was used by ancient civilizations as a food for humans and animals, as well as to make alcoholic beverages; the first known recipe for barley wine dates back to 2800 BC in Babylonia. In addition, since ancient times, barley water has been used for various medicinal purposes. Barley played an important role in ancient Greek culture as a staple bread-making grain as well as an important food for athletes, who attributed much of their strength to their barley containing training diets. Roman athletes continued this tradition of honoring barley for the strength that it gave them. Gladiators were known as hordearii, which means “eaters of barley.” Barley was also honored in ancient China as a symbol of male virility since the heads of barley are heavy and contain numerous seeds.
Since wheat was very expensive and not widely available in the Middle Ages, many Europeans at that time made bread from a combination of barley and rye. In the 16th century, the Spanish introduced barley to South America, while the English and Dutch settlers of the 17th century brought it with them to the United States.
Nutritional Benefits
The propionic acid produced from barley’s insoluble fiber may also be partly responsible for the cholesterol-lowering properties of fiber. In addition, barley’s dietary fiber is high in beta glucan, which helps to lower cholesterol by binding to bile acids and removing them from the body.
Medical Benefits
Yet another reason to increase your intake of barley is that, in addition to its fiber, barley is also a good source of niacin, a B vitamin that provides numerous protective actions against cardiovascular risk factors. Niacin can help reduce total cholesterol and lipoprotein (a) levels. (Lipoprotein (a) or Lp(a) is a molecule composed of protein and fat that is found in blood plasma and is very similar to LDL cholesterol, but is even more dangerous as it has an additional molecule of adhesive protein called apolioprotein (a), which renders Lp(a) more capable of attaching to blood vessel walls.)
Additional Information
Barley and other whole grains are a rich source of magnesium, a mineral that acts as a co-factor for more than 300 enzymes, including enzymes involved in the body’s use of glucose and insulin secretion. For people worried about colon cancer risk, barley packs a double punch by providing the fiber needed to minimize the amount of time cancer-causing substances spend in contact with colon cells, plus being a very good source of selenium, which has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer significantly.
One type of phytonutrient especially abundant in whole grains such as barley are plant lignans, which are converted by friendly flora in our intestines into mammalian lignans, including one called enterolactone that is thought to protect against breast and other hormone-dependent cancers as well as heart disease. In addition to whole grains, nuts, seeds and berries are rich sources of plant lignans, and vegetables, fruits, and everages such as coffee, tea and wine also contain some. When blood levels of enterolactone were easured in over 800 postmenopausal women in a Danish study published in the Journal of Nutrition,women eating the most whole grains were found to have significantly higher blood levels of this protective lignan. Women who ate more cabbage and leafy vegetables also had higher enterolactone levels. Copper, another trace mineral supplied by barley, may also be helpful in reducing the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Health Benefits of Amaranth Grain
Health Benefits of Amaranth Grain
Amaranth grain (left) and wheat (right)
(Amaranthus hypochondrim aestivum)General Information
Amaranth is a healthy, nutritious grain. It can be cooked as a cereal, ground into flour, popped like popcorn, sprouted, or toasted. The seeds can be cooked with other whole grains, added to stir fry or to soups and stews as a nutrient dense thickening agent.
Amaranth was a staple in the diets of pre -Columbian Aztecs, who believed it had supernatural powers and incorporated it into their religious ceremonies. Before the Spanish conquest in 1519, amaranth was associated with human sacrifice and the Aztec women made a mixture of ground amaranth seed, honey or human blood then shaped this mixture into idols that were eaten ceremoniously. Amaranth is used in various cultures in some very interesting ways. In Mexico it is popped and mixed with a sugar solution to make a confection called “alegria” (happiness), and milled and roasted amaranth seed is used to create a traditional Mexican drink called “atole.” The name amaranth comes from the Greek meaning of “never-fading flower.” The plant is an annual herb, not a “true” grain and is a relative of pigweed, a common wild plant also known as lamb’s-quarters, as well as the garden plant we know as Cockscomb. There are approximately 60 species of amaranth and there is no definite distinction between amaranth grown for the leaf (vegetable), and the seed (grain).
Nutritional Benefits
It provides a good source of dietary fiber and dietary minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and especially manganese. It has more iron, potassium, phosphorous and magnesium than any other grain. Combined with corn or wheat flour, it makes “almost” a perfect protein.
Medical Claims
Amaranth seed is high in protein and contains respectable amounts of lysine and methionine, two essential amino acids that are not frequently found in grains. In fact the lysine level contained in amaranth are twice the amount of lysine found in wheat and 3 times the amount as that found in corn. Several studies have shown that like oats, amaranth seed or oil may be of benefit for those with hypertension and cardiovascular disease; regular consumption reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while improving antioxidant status and some immune parameters. Amaranth appears to lower cholesterol via its content of plant stanols and squalene.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
C-Section Scars and Cesarean Incision Healing & Natural Treatments to Speed Healing
Recovering from a cesarean delivery can often be a slow process. Our services at Healthy Being Wellness Center focused on pre and post delivery services to maximize healing and speed recovery time so new moms can enjoy their new, sweet bundles of joy.
Healing the scars from a cesarean delivery requires a new mom to take it easy days and even a few weeks post surgery. We don't talk a lot about it, but a cesarean delivery is a major surgery and one that can pose a lot of potential risks and complications. Some of our local hospitals conduct C-Sections about 44%-46% of the time, so there are a lot of new mother's in our are who are dealing with c-section healing.
Almost immediately post surgery, we recommend applying two serums to the incision site- honey and pure vitamin E. Honey has been a great scar reducer and helps minimize internal scarring.
Massaging the scar is essential within 3-4 weeks of the surgery. There is a process called cross fiber friction that we recommend. It helps to break up any adhesions and scar tissue that may be beginning as the scar heals. Some individuals are what I call super scar producers. These are individuals who develop keloid or raised scars.
After surgery, scar tissue will develop where the surgical incision is in the skin. If muscles and tendons were cut or repaired, scar tissue will develop there. After injury like a cesarean section, scar tissue will develop in the muscle as it heals. Scar tissue is the body’s normal method for healing body parts that are injured.
Massaging a scar that is not fully healed can cause damage to the developing scar tissue and this can delay healing. A good rule of thumb is to make sure the scar is fully closed and no scabbing present to begin scar massage.
Cross-fiber friction involves doing transverse movements to the surgery site in order to loosen up their fibers.This can be performed by opposing thumbs moving in motions opposite one another.
Laser Scar removal is another recommendation and does not require the same waiting period as scar massage. Laser treatments soften, smooth, flatten and restore skin to its normal texture quickly.
At Healthy Being Wellness Center, I work with clients with a variety of scars and intense scar tissue and adhesions using a special zinc serum that enhances the natural healing process of the skin. I apply the zinc serum to the incision site and within minutes begin using our blue light laser tool to improve the health, the look and the feel of the scar.
Often, we'll see immediate and noticeable changes during our initial session.
If you are suffering from an unsightly, raised or pink scar please consider scar massage or laser scar treatments to enhance your healing process.

Almost immediately post surgery, we recommend applying two serums to the incision site- honey and pure vitamin E. Honey has been a great scar reducer and helps minimize internal scarring.
Massaging the scar is essential within 3-4 weeks of the surgery. There is a process called cross fiber friction that we recommend. It helps to break up any adhesions and scar tissue that may be beginning as the scar heals. Some individuals are what I call super scar producers. These are individuals who develop keloid or raised scars.
After surgery, scar tissue will develop where the surgical incision is in the skin. If muscles and tendons were cut or repaired, scar tissue will develop there. After injury like a cesarean section, scar tissue will develop in the muscle as it heals. Scar tissue is the body’s normal method for healing body parts that are injured.
Massaging a scar that is not fully healed can cause damage to the developing scar tissue and this can delay healing. A good rule of thumb is to make sure the scar is fully closed and no scabbing present to begin scar massage.
Cross-fiber friction involves doing transverse movements to the surgery site in order to loosen up their fibers.This can be performed by opposing thumbs moving in motions opposite one another.
Laser Scar removal is another recommendation and does not require the same waiting period as scar massage. Laser treatments soften, smooth, flatten and restore skin to its normal texture quickly.
At Healthy Being Wellness Center, I work with clients with a variety of scars and intense scar tissue and adhesions using a special zinc serum that enhances the natural healing process of the skin. I apply the zinc serum to the incision site and within minutes begin using our blue light laser tool to improve the health, the look and the feel of the scar.
Often, we'll see immediate and noticeable changes during our initial session.
If you are suffering from an unsightly, raised or pink scar please consider scar massage or laser scar treatments to enhance your healing process.
Healthy Being Wellness Center
7005 4th St N. Suite 3
St. Petersburg, Fl 33702
Fan our facebook page for more health tips
Monday, August 27, 2012
(Avena sativa and A. byzantina)General Information
Like barley, have a hard outer hull that must be removed before it’s ready for human consumption. Even though the outer hull of an oat kernel comes off easier than a barley kernel’s hull, it’s still not within reach of the average consumer to accomplish this. For this reason, if you want whole oats to eat, purchase them already hulled. Hulled oats, called oat groats, look very much like rye or Triticale.
Oats, known scientifically as Avena sativa, are a hardy cereal grain able to withstand poor soil conditions in which other crops are unable to thrive. Oats gain part of their distinctive flavor from the roasting process that they undergo after being harvested and cleaned. Although oats are then hulled, this process does not strip away their bran and germ allowing them to retain a concentrated source of their fiber and nutrients.
Health Benefits
1. It helps lower cholesterol levels, unique oat antioxidants reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, and substantially lower Type 2 Diabetes risk.
2. Antioxidant Benefits
In addition to its fiber benefits, oats are also a very good source of selenium. A necessary co-factor of the important antioxidant, glutathione peroxidase, selenium works with vitamin E in numerous vital antioxidant systems throughout the body. These powerful antioxidant actions make selenium helpful in decreasing asthma symptoms and in the prevention of heart disease. In addition, selenium is involved in DNA repair and is associated with a reduced risk for cancer, especially colon cancer.
3. Oats, like other grains and vegetables, contain hundreds of phytochemicals. Many phytochemicals are thought to reduce a person's risk of getting cancer.
4. Oats have high fiber content. Fiber is necessary in keeping bowel movements regular. Oats are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. It is spongy and absorbs many times its own weight of liquid. It makes stools heavier and speeds their passage through the gut, relieving constipation.
5. As the soluble fiber of oats is digested, it forms a gel, which causes the viscosity of the contents of the stomach and small intestine to be increased. The gel delays stomach emptying making you feel full longer which helps with weight loss.
6. Oats, like other cereal grains, are valued primarily as a source of carbohydrates which provide calories for energy needs.
7. Oats have a higher concentration of well-balanced protein than other cereals. Oats contain phytochemicals (plant chemicals) which have been associated with protection from chronic disease such as cancer.
Health Benefits of Brown Rice
Health Benefits of Brown Rice
Brown rice is the least processed form of rice. It contains the nutrient-dense bran and inner germ layers as well as the starchy endosperm. Its bran coating gives brown rice its light tan color, nut-like flavor and hearty texture.Brown rice is not only delicious; it’s very nutritious as well. It has only 108 calories per 1/2 cup of cooked rice. It’s low in fat, has no sodium,only trace amounts of fat and no trans fat. Brown rice is a complex carbohydrate that provides 15 essential nutrients, including B-vitamins,niacin and potassium. It’s a good source of dietary fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients that provide protective health benefits.
1. Brown rice is an excellent source of magnesium, iron, selenium, manganese, protein, mineral, gamma-oryzanol, dietary fiber and the vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6.
2. In the polishing process the rice bran oil is removed, which without the protective layer removed in the initial stages of processing, will quickly become rancid. The rice bran oil, which is present only in brown rice, contains gamma-oryzanol, a compound with the ability to lower cholesterol.
3. The postprandial blood glucose response of ten healthy and nine diabetes type 2 volunteers to brown rice was compared to milled rice from the same batch and variety. The study concluded that brown rice is more beneficial for diabetes type 2 and hyperglycemic individuals than milled rice.
4. Inositol hexaphosphate, a naturally occurring molecule found in high-fiber foods such as brown rice, is a compound that has been shown to demonstrate cancer prevention properties. Inositol hexaphosphate holds great promise in strategies for the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Healthful Whole Grains!
Healthful Whole Grains!
Common Types of Whole Grains*.Brown rice (regular, quick)
*.Oatmeal, whole or rolled oats (regular, quick, instant)
*. Popcorn
*.Whole wheat
*.Wild rice
Have you been looking for low fat, nutritious foods that satisfy your hunger? Whole grain foods are a great choice. Would you be willing to eat more whole grain foods if they would help reduce your risk for heart disease and cancer? If you are like most people in a recent survey, you would.
A whole grain consists of three parts bran, germ, and endosperm. They are typically a good source of B-complex vitamins, Vitamin E, magnesium, iron, and fiber as well as other valuable antioxidants not found in some fruits and vegetables. Most of the antioxidants and vitamins are found in the germ and the bran of the wholegrain.
Whole grains have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, primarily by decreasing cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood coagulation. They have also been shown to reduce the risks of many types of cancers. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that they help regulate blood glucose levels in diabetics. Studies have shown that people who consume more whole grains consistently weigh less than those who consumed less whole grain products.
1. Eating a variety of whole grains each day will help ensure that you get the nutrients needed to stay healthy.
2. All types of grain foods are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates. Nutrition experts recommend that we eat most of our daily calories as carbohydrates, especially complex ones. They supply energy for daily activities.
3. Whole grains are low in fat, and because they are from plants they have no cholesterol.
4. They are high in fiber, plant protein, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, resistant starch, phytate and many other healthful substances.
5. Whole grains provide many of the nutrients that are low in America’s diet, including fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, and the minerals selenium, zinc, copper and magnesium.
6. There is a long list of other naturally occurring substances in whole grains, besides soluble and insoluble fiber. Some of them are: tocopherols, beta-carotene, vitamin C, folate, glutamine, phytoestrogens, lignans, flavonoids, oligosaccharides, inositol, phenolics, saponins, lectins, and protease and amylase inhibitors. These healthful factors may help prevent diseases from developing, lower blood cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar or improve immune function.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Asthma Fast Facts
Asthma Fast Facts
1. Asthma (az-ma) is when air can’t get into your lungs and you have trouble breathing.2. The tubes that take air to your lungs get too tight (like a pinched straw) and this makes it hard for you to breathe.
3. An asthma attack is when you have trouble catching your breath. Many different asthma “triggers” can cause this to happen. Some common “triggers” are:
*.Dust in your house
*.Tobacco smoke
*.Dirty air outside
*.Cockroach droppings
*. Pets
*. Mold
*. Hard exercise that makes you breathe really fast
*. Some medicines
*. Bad weather
*. Some kinds of food
4. Things you are worried about can cause an asthma attack. Even getting really excited, or feeling very mad, sad, or scared can cause an asthma attack.
5. You CAN Control Your Asthma!
6. Your doctor’s office can help you make a plan just for you to help you control your asthma. A good plan means that,
7. You won’t have as many asthma attacks
8. You won’t wheeze and cough as much,or maybe not at all
9. You will sleep better
10. You can play sports and games outside and at school.
11. You won’t have to go to the hospital!
12. Several different kinds of medicine help people with asthma. People who have asthma don’t always take the same medicine.
13. Some people use INHALERS to breathe in the asthma medicine. An INHALER is a little can of special air you squirt into your mouth and then breathe in.
14. Some asthma medicine (mostly inhalers) is what you take when you need breathing help RIGHT NOW! You take this QUICK HELP medicine when you have an ASTHMA ATTACK.
15. Even if you are not having trouble breathing, you need to take this EVERYDAY medicine. But this everyday medicine will NOT help if you have an asthma attack. When you have an asthma attack, you need to take your QUICK HELP medicine.
16. Follow your doctor’s orders.
17. Learn what TRIGGERs your asthma. Everyone is different and everyone has different triggers. What are your triggers- dirty air, cigarette smoke, pets, insects, mold, or something else?
18. If you have been running or playing and feel out of breath, stop and take a break!
* Know the warning signs of an asthma attack
* Wheezing and coughing
* Breathing too hard and too fast
* A feeling of tightness in your chest
* Whenever you leave the house, always take your QUICK HELP inhaler with you!
19. When you exercise, you will help your asthma… IF you follow these tips.
20. Go easy -start exercising slowly and finish your exercise with a cool-down.
21. Take a buddy- play or excercise with a friend.
22. Know your triggers-stay away from the things that can trigger your asthma.
23. Take breaks-they will help you catch your breath. And drink plenty of water.
24. Mix it up-do different activities, like inline skating one day and taking a long walk the next day.
25. Check air quality - exercise outside only when the air is clean. Before you exercise, check the weather on TV or on a computer to see how clean the air is.
Asthma. Fast. Facts
Nutrition Consultations in St. Petersburg at Healthy Being Wellness Center 727-502-3464
Healthy Being Wellness Center's Nutritionist offers specific and individualized nutrition consultations to our clients in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Together, you and our team will strategize how to make smart, mindful choices that are realistic for your body's individual needs. You'll learn how to easily incorporate healthful habits into your daily lifestyle. As a team, we will ensure that goals are practical, sustainable and realistic. Whether you want to lose weight, address health concerns, increase energy levels, or simply eat better, you'll achieve success through knowledge and encouragement. Learn to see food in a refreshing new light. Make the connection and nourish yourself!
Individual Initial Consultation (60 minutes)
We’ll discuss your personal goals and pertinent weight/medical history as well as your current eating habits and preferences. Together, we’ll develop a customized meal and snack plan for you to start working with. You’ll come away with fundamental nutrition knowledge and specific goals to gradually progress towards. Follow-up sessions tackle questions and concerns and reassess goals while discussing a variety of topics such as eating out, meal planning, traveling, grocery shopping and much more.
One to one sessions which establish:
Together, you and our team will strategize how to make smart, mindful choices that are realistic for your body's individual needs. You'll learn how to easily incorporate healthful habits into your daily lifestyle. As a team, we will ensure that goals are practical, sustainable and realistic. Whether you want to lose weight, address health concerns, increase energy levels, or simply eat better, you'll achieve success through knowledge and encouragement. Learn to see food in a refreshing new light. Make the connection and nourish yourself!
Individual Initial Consultation (60 minutes)
We’ll discuss your personal goals and pertinent weight/medical history as well as your current eating habits and preferences. Together, we’ll develop a customized meal and snack plan for you to start working with. You’ll come away with fundamental nutrition knowledge and specific goals to gradually progress towards. Follow-up sessions tackle questions and concerns and reassess goals while discussing a variety of topics such as eating out, meal planning, traveling, grocery shopping and much more.
One to one sessions which establish:
- A food road map and create strategies to overcome your eating challenges.
- A supplement program will be designed for you
- An exercise program for you or work with your trainer to get a leaner more hotter body. It’s not exercise alone and it’s not diet alone. It’s the synergy of that two that gets a hotter body
- Testing to identify potential triggers –food sensitivities, mercury, stress, pathogenic yeast, and so on. We’ll make recommendations while keeping your budget in mind.
- A game plan to maximize health and nourish the body to create balance and wellness.
Healthy Being Wellness Center
7005 4th St N. Suite 3
St. Petersburg, Fl 33702
Fan us on Facebook
Golden Seal- Health Benefits
Golden Seal- Health Benefits
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is an herbaceous perennial woodland plant that is highly valued for its many herbal medicinal uses. The dried roots have been used for the treatment of eye, skin, and digestive disorders. Goldenseal has also been marketed as an immune system stimulant. Leaves and stems have commercial value when harvested while still green.This herb grows plentifully in virgin forests of the United States. However, golden seal is becoming more scarce as a wild plant, and if cultivated, should be planted in well-fertilized soil. Abundant shade and good drainage will aid in its cultivation. Golden seal generally has a vasoconstrictive effect on the body. Blood vessels are tightened, improving conditions in which running secretions or catarrh are seen. In combination with bicarbonate of soda, golden seal may serve as a mouth wash for the relief of sores in the oral cavity, especially the gums. It may also have asyptic effect in certain cases of nosebleeds
Health Benefits
1. Goldenseal contains very powerful anti-microbial, anti-parasitic and anti-viral agents.These compounds are known as alkaloids.
2. Relieves symptoms of colds and flus.
3. Natural antibiotic and detoxifying agent.
4. Powerful anti-parasitic and anti-candida properties.
5. Stimulates the production of bile to help digest fats.
6. Helps relieve constipation and hemorrhoids.
7. Helps symptoms of eye irritations and infections.
8. Relieves vaginal irritation.
9. Helps relieve mouth irritations of sore throat, canker sores and gingivitis.
10. Helps relieve stomachache associated with micro-bacteria, viral and parasitic conditions.
Product Review: Image Ageless Lashes a Natural Eyelash Enhancer Provides Longer, Fuller and Healthier Eye Lashes Available at Healthy Being Wellness Center in St. Petersburg, Fl 33702
Whether you are into extensions, lengthening mascaras, or lash growth treatments, lashes are hot right now.
We love and carry an amazing natural lash enhancer from Image Skin Care called Ageless Lashes. As a natural focused wellness center we stand behind many natural skin care products and supplements and LOVE the Ageless Lashes. They work amazingly and it's a natural, non-toxic product that is healthy and will support the health of your lashes.
Many of our clients here at the center seek us for oncology related support and oncology related
services like Oncology Facials, Oncology Massage and Lymphatic Drainage Massage. These clients often lose their lashes during their treatments of chemo and radiation. We recommend using the Ageless throughout their entire process and it will help support the strength of their lashes to minimize fall out and breakage.
This eye lash enhancer both enhances the look of your eye lashes as well as stimulates follicle growth and strength. The result is fuller, longer and healthier eye lashes. Regular usage will dramatically improve the texture and youthfulness of lashes.
· Promotes life span of thin and short eye lashes
· Improves texture and youthfulness of lashes
· Prevents breakage and loss of lashes
· Prostaglandin and drug free
Directions: use morning and evening for maximum results, applying a thin line of product to the base of the lash line.
For more information about this product or to order it from us- please call our office: 727-502-3464.
Healthy Being Wellness Center
7005 4th st N. Suite 3
St. Petersburg, Fl 33702
Fan our Facebook Page
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Health Benefits of Figs
Health Benefits of Figs
Ficus caricaMoraceae
A common fruit tree in subtropical climates, the fig is not only delicious to eat, but medicinal in several aspects.The Fig is a soft sweet pear shaped and with many seeds, which grows on a tree related to the mulberry species, available in various colours. Dating back to Biblical times , the fig has been used for various skin afflictions. For painful boils, the ripe, fresh fruit should be split open and laid over the lesion. Its powerful proteolytic enzyme ficin helps to liquefy and dissolve necrotic tissue. The osmotic effect and high sugar content help to draw poisons from the wound, as well as inhibit the multiplication of disease-producing bacteria. Other sores may similarly respond. A fig tree finds its place around the patio of most southern homes, if for no other reason than for the delicious fruit it bears.
1. Figs are high in dietary fiber and a rich source of magnesium as well as potassium.
2. It is relatively high in vitamins A, B, and C and low in calories, about 50 calories each. One large raw fig, approximately 65 grams is 77.5 percent water, yields .8 g protein, .2 g total fat, 23 mg calcium, .4 mg Iron, 50 IU vitamin A, 2.1 g dietary fiber, 3.8 mcg foliate, .3 mg niacin, and 1 mg vitamin C.
3. It also helps to reduce some forms of cancer.
4. Choosing figs more frequently means that you'll naturally cut down on potentially harmful foods and this is great for your lifelong health.
5. According to the California Fig Advisory Board, it is believed that the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables protect against a number of diseases.
6. In a study done by the University of Scranton, it was determined that dried figs had a much higher level of the phenol makeup, which is rich in antioxidants, than other fruits. Phenol is used as an antiseptic to kill micro-organisms. The level of phenol in figs is much higher than that in other fruits and vegetables.
7. It is an ideal food for losing weight.
8. Figs are also thought as a medicine which gives strength and energy to long-term patients as they seek to recover.
9. Figs eliminate physical and mental difficulties and give the body strength and energy.
10. Figs are also recommended in the treatment of asthma, coughs and chills.
11. It benefits the nervous system by its phosphorous content.
12. It is recommended for athletes and children.
13. It also cures the obese, asthma, and diabetic patients.
14. It is recommended that five pieces of figs be taken for at least four to ten months regularly, early in the morning, which completely eliminates piles.
15. It benefits the pregnant and nursing women, helps in reducing acidity, rheumatism and helps the brain.
16. Its ashes, when taken with oil, treats pimples, skin pigmentation and whiten teeth.
17. For treating wounds it is used in a preparation made with hot milk.
18. Fig fruit is used widely for the treatment of major diseases like cancer and paralysis. Dr. Kochi (Japan), who specializes in using Figs for its medical value, has treated some twenty kinds of cancer from it. With little or no side effects and high success rate it is becoming the preferred way to treat cancer. It is thus a truly blessed fruit, beneficial to the humanity.
19. The fruit contains a proteolysis enzyme that is considered an aid to digestion and is used by the
pharmaceutical industry.
20. Due to its high alkalinity it has been mentioned as being beneficial to people who wish to quit smoking.
21. It is a good nourishing tonic and provides protection against the effects of toxins.
22. It is useful in pharyngitis, chest congestion and heaviness and bronchitis.
23. It is also useful for liver and spleen ailments.
24. It is a good expectorant.
25. During fevers, if it is chewed, the patient feels relief from the dryness of mouth.
26. Syrup made from Methi seeds, Figs and Honey is very effective in cough and Bronchial Asthma.
27. Bake dry Figs till it is roasted properly, crush it and make a powder for dental ailments, it removes the different stains. Similarly this powder is also used for spots on the face and skin.
Eucalyptus oil - Blue Gum
Eucalyptus oil - Blue Gum
Eucalyptus (also known as blue gum) leaves have many beneficial effects. Distilled as oil, eucalyptus may be inhaled freely for sore throats and infections of the bronchial tubes or lungs. It helps to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes in asthma and can be used with most vaporizers. A cough syrup may be prepared from the eucalyptus oil with three to ten drops stirred into a cup of honey. A small amount of lemon juice may be added for flavoring. One teaspoon of honey-eucalyptus “cough syrup” may be taken every few hours to relieve a sore throat or cough associated with many common respiratory illnesses.BLENDS WELL WITH: Cedarwood, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Pine, Rosemary, and Thyme.
1. If you’re stuffed up and having problems breathing, put some Eucalyptus in a diffuser or humidifier and inhale , it will help clear you up.
2. Add a drop of Eucalyptus oil to a teaspoon of honey and you have a marvelous cough drop.
3. Diffuse or spray in the air to inhibit the spread of infection.
4. Use with Bergamot essential oil to ease the pain of shingles, chicken pox, cold sores, or herpes outbreaks.
5. Use with Geranium essential oil to lower and regulate blood sugar levels.
6. Every day when you get out of the shower apply Eucalyptus essential oil to the chest, back, and the bottom of the feet to help keep your immune system in tip top shape.
7. An excellent deodorant, add some to water or witch hazel and then spray on.
8. Many people have reported success in using Eucalyptus to help them stop smoking. They simply take a lick of a drop before lighting the cigarette and it makes it taste terrible. Others actually put a drop on the filter area and then they don’t have to remember to take a lick first. It also helps clear the areas in the body that have been clogged with nicotine and reduce cravings.
9. Add to bath salts and then to a tub of water for an excellent cold and flu fighter bath (sure to clear the sinuses).
10. RESPONSIBLE CAUTIONS: For topical and aromatic purposes only. Avoid using undiluted on the throats of toddlers. Keep out of reach of children and away from eyes. Do NOT use if you are pregnant.
11. The aborigines believed that if they burned the Eucalyptus leaves in a fumigation it made the heat (fever) go out of the sick man and into the fire.
12. They would bind wounds with the leaves to prevent infection and speed healing.
13. The trees store water in their roots, providing natural aquifers for the native people. In 1857 some Eucalyptus trees were planted in Algiers,France, in one of the most marshy and unhealthy districts. The trees began to thrive and they took in the water (500-1,000 gallons a day!) and turned the area into one of the healthiest and driest regions! As a result these trees are often planted in marshy areas to turn them drier and help prevent malaria. The root systems will drain an area and eliminate the mosquitoes.
14. Many mothers have massaged away their child’s cold symptoms with a rub containing the camphorous vapors of the Eucalyptus oil.
15. Veterinarians have used eucalyptus with horses to treat influenza, with dogs to treat distemper, and with other animals to assist with parasites and skin afflictions.
All oils can cause skin sensitivity if used often in the same place. If you are worried about skin sensitivity try one of the two: 1) apply with a carrier oil 2) apply to the bottoms of your feet until you are sure of how your body will react. It’s always a good idea to rotate with another oil with similar properties.
Medicinal Properties of Charcoal
Medicinal Properties of Charcoal
Although not strictly a “herb” in itself, charcoal is derived from the incomplete combustion of many plant products. Usually obtained from a hard wood, charcoal is produced by slow combustion in a relative absence of oxygen. Although most hard woods can be utilized in the manufacture of medicinal charcoal, eucalyptus wood seems to be one of the best. In a home like setting, charcoal can be scraped or chipped from the charred hardwood. After being moistened with water, it is forced through a food grinder. Commercial sources of charcoal are also available, principally obtained from coconut shells.Treatment with superheated steam, or another industrial method, can produce “activated” charcoal, which is capable of much improved absorptive effect, The use of medicinal charcoal goes back to ancient Egypt, and was found in an Egyptian papyrus dated around 1550 B.C. In the time of Hippocrates wood chars were used to treat various ailments. Charcoal’s adsorptive property is due to a myriad of micropores, the walls of which have surface areas that range from 400 to over 1800 square meters per gram! Thus, the surface area of powdered charcoal is phenomenal. Finely ground charcoal particles are so small that it takes about 50 million to make one pound! One should not confuse the properties of activated charcoal with burnt toast or charcoal briquettes.
Many poisons can be adsorbed by charcoal, although the properties are quite selective. DDT, dieldrin, strychnine, malathion, and parathion are some industrial toxins that become inactivated by this “miracle” substance. Many drugs are likewise adsorbed by charcoal. Several more common ones include aspirin, barbiturates, cocaine, opium, nicotine, morphine, penicillin, and sulfas. Inorganic substances are adsorbed, such as mercury, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, lead, and silver. For this reason, charcoal should be an important constituent of the emergency kit in every household. Better than the universal antidote in case of acute poisoning, a rescue worker has merely to induce vomiting, followed with a large dose of activated charcoal to render most substances harmless. Usually 30 to 60 grams, about ¼ cup, is needed, suspended in water and taken as soon as possible after the injection of any toxin. Charcoal may be employed to reduce or eliminate distress from intestinal gas. Its adsorbing and deodorizing properties are welcome in skin ulcers. For colostomies, place a tablet in the bag with each cleansing. Charcoal can act as an air purifier in a sickroom, in the refrigerator, or where recycling of air is necessary, as is common in a submarine.
Although a charcoal filter in cigarettes may remove three times as much of the toxic vapor as ordinary filters do, the carbon monoxide and nitric acid present in the smoke are not efficiently adsorbed. Charcoal has furthermore been used in the filtering of blood for the victims of kidney disease who must undergo repetitive dialysis. Depressed individuals who have taken an overdose of drug medication may additionally be saved with a specially designed charcoal filter that will revitalize the blood, while removing impurities.
Comfrey - The Healing Herb
Symphytum officinale Boraginaceae
Known by several other names, such as Gum plant and healing herb, this perennial beautifies many a planting box or garden. The leaves are large and hairy, usually dark green with pointed ends. A fair amount of sunshine is needed, with good soil and plenty of water, to produce prolific growth. Although comfrey is probably used for more different purposes than any other herb, I list but a few of those that have shown favorable results. A tea made from comfrey is prepared with hot water, into which is stirred an ounce of the powdered root or leaves. This may be taken several times a day. It is a rich source of calcium.
MediCinal ProPerties
Various irritations of the stomach, even diarrhea, have responded to the soothing effects of this cleansing agent. Mucous membrane irritations improve. Hot compresses or poultices may be made from the comfrey plant, using the moistened powdered herb or crushed green leaves. Prompt scab formation will follow the direct application, with considerable acceleration of healing to a cut or wound.
Comfrey is a nutritive food. Often the fresh leaves are blended in a base of unsweetened pineapple juice, to which mints or parsley has been added to make a healthful “green drink.” Give it a try in your herb garden.
Demulcent, astringent, pectoral, vulnerary, mucilaginous, styptic, nutritive. The roots and leaves are used externally for the swelling reducing capacity when bones are to be set and the healing process accelerated. Relieve the pain and swelling of bad bruises, sprains and fractures with fomentations wrung out of the strong hot tea. A poultice of the fresh leaves is excellent for ruptures,fresh wounds, moist ulcers, burns, bruises, sores, boils, and sore breasts. The best remedy for bloody urine. The tea taken internally is useful in scrofula, anemia, dysentery, diarrhea, leucorrhea, and female debility. Root tea is a powerful remedy in coughs and chest disorders. Very valuable in ulceration of the kidneys, stomach or bowels.
Comfrey is a finished compost as soon as leaves are cut and plowed under .
Comfrey is the only land plant known to derive and store Vitamin B-12 from the soil!
LabiataeThe other names of the plant are catnep, catmint, cat’s play, catrup, catwort, nip, nep, and field balm.
The flowering tops of the plant are used in medicine.
Catnip (Nepata cataria) is a member of the mint family (Labiatae). It is a perennial herb that grows up to 3 feet. The root sends up square, erect, and branched stems which are very leafy and are covered with a downy gray hair. The leaves are heart-shaped and toothed and covered with a soft, close down (especially on the undersides). This gives the plant a hoary, grayish-green appearance, as though dust has blown over it.
All cat lovers would concur that catnip is attractive to cats. Though the response of the cat depends upon the breed, the ones that do enjoy catnip the most are sent into a state of kittenish friskiness. Catnip acts as a stimulant for cats, but it can also be relaxing for humans.
The plant secretes an aromatic oil, which bears a resemblance to that of mint, to ward off insects that would otherwise eat its leaves. The odor of this oil has a strange fascination for cats, who would destroy the plant with their ecstatic rolling and rubbing. The response to catnip consists of sniffing, followed by licking and chewing with head shaking, then chin and cheek rubbing, and finally a headover roll and body rubbing.
Medicinal Benefits
1. The leaves of catnip have traditionally been chewed as a remedy for alleviating toothaches.
2. The inhabitants of Southern Appalachia have used it since the eighteenth century as a remedy for cold.
3. Tea made from catnip has been used to relieve intestinal cramps and gas discomforts.
4. Recent researches show that consumption of teas containing catnip has anti-cholinergic effects.
5. Catnip has been used for relief of insomnia and prevention of nightmares, and has a mild anti-spasmodic effect and is used to treat cramps.
6. The juice from the leaves was used to stimulate menstrual flow.
7. It has been used in the treatment of children’s ailments, such as colicky pain, flatulence and restlessness.
8. The herb has also been used as a cold remedy, for hives, as a diaphoretic, a refrigerant and an anodyne.
Castor Oil - Key Benefits
Castor Oil - Key Benefits
The Palma ChristiEuphorbiaceae
Castor oil is extracted from the seed of the castor oil plant, whose botanical name is ricinus communis. While it was Cayce who brought castor oil packs to fame in the 20th century, the oil has a long and varied history of use as a healing agent in folk medicine around the world. According to a research report in a recent issue of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, castor bean seeds,believed to be 4,000 years old, have been found in Egyptian tombs, and historical records reveal the medicinal use of castor oil in Egypt (for eye irritations), India, China (for induction of child birth and expulsion of the placenta),Persia (for epilepsy), Africa, Greece, Rome, Southern Europe, and theAmericas. In ancient Rome, the castor oil plant was known as Palma Christi, which translates into hand of Christ. This name is still sometimes used today. Usually the castor oil is blended with cracked ice and orange juice, or taken in fresh or warm milk to disguise the oily taste. Castor oil may also be applied externally to relieve joint pain or itching of the skin.
Castor Oil’s Key Benefits
1. Ancient remedy called the “hand of Christ,” used for thousands of years by many cultures, especially for skin conditions and detox.
2. Rich in ricinoleic acid, a unique, potent,
3. Immune-boosting fatty acid
4. Dramatic anti-infective support
5. Helps reduce kidney burden
6. Promotes rapid lymphatic drainage
7. You may be familiar with your grandmother recommending castor oil for constipation.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Health Tips for Signs of a Herniated Disk
HealthNFitness Tips: Disks in the spinal column are soft, rubbery pads wedged between the bones of the spine. They help the spine bend and flex. When a disk ruptures (herniated), the contents can press against or irritate nearby nerves, causing pain and discomfort.
Health Tips for Signs of a Herniated Disk
HealthNFitness Tips: Disks in the spinal column are soft, rubbery pads wedged between the bones of the spine. They help the spine bend and flex. When a disk ruptures (herniated), the contents can press against or irritate nearby nerves, causing pain and discomfort.
18 Ways to Stay on Top of Stress
So the stress of the holidays is over, but now you might be catching up on missed work and dwelling on the tear-flavored ham and mimosa binges. Well, don’t worry too much about that, because crying while eating is actually a healthy way to reduce stress.
All this craziness and high-speed living isn't going away. Since we can't change our genes, we have to create a map to navigate this crazy life. What can you do to try and stay on top of the stress so it doesn't affect your health, happiness, or waistline?Want to know more ways to stay on top of stress? Just keep reading!
1. Exercise. Amen for endorphins. Believe me, they've helped me many days with my perspective. If you
have to work out, then go take a brisk walk and get that blood flowing. It isn't about working out to lose weight it's about being healthy and staying sane.
2. Eat the real stuff. Crappy food (fast, processed, and loaded with sugar) doesn't help your chemical brain and body handle stress. Living food, real food, helps support your mind and body while it's trying to deal with the million things coming its way. Every time I reach for the chocolate, I'm looking to feel something from it. Don't get me wrong if it's just a little here and there because I enjoy the taste of it, great. But if I'm using it the minute I feel overwhelmed, then that's when that food is no longer OK to eat. It doesn't make the problem go away, and then I just feel bad about eating the food to pacify myself. Grab green food instead. Put things in your mouth that are going to support your immune function and keep you levelheaded.
3. Notice. Try not to let the stress overtake you. Recognize the situations that cause the stress and notice them coming your way. You have a better shot at fending off the full effects of the stress when you can anticipate it.
4. Get it off your chest. Talk to a friend or partner about the stress. Sometimes just getting it off your chest can help unload some of the burden.
5. Keep your sense of humor. If you do have the chance to talk about it, try to see the irony and humor in the wacky bits. I think someone is dead in the water once they lose their sense of humor.
6. Stay grateful. My daughter has large lungs and verbal skills she likes to display. Just when I start to wishfully think about her being quiet, I remind myself to be grateful that she can talk to me at all. In almost all of our problems are boatloads of blessings. "Oh, I don't feel like going to the gym." Well, Amen that you have the means and the health to even be able to wrestle with the idea of going to work out. Make a habit of saying thank you. You will notice the sunny spots a lot more often, and not just the gray skies and storms.
7. Ask, "What's the hurry?" Have some fun. We're always so busy going somewhere, we miss just enjoying
the moment. If an opportunity comes your way to do something fun, take it.
8. Take a deep breath. When you feel the stress getting to you, take a moment. Get away, even if it's just for an hour, to be with yourself and your thoughts. Some people like to take a walk, meditate, lock themselves away in a beautiful bath, or go to church. Find the peace and the silence.
9. Keep it simple. Simplify where you can. Does Junior really need to be in 78 activities at the age of 5? Do you have to go to every little party or gathering you're invited to?
10. Turn of the TV. A lot of it is bad news anyway, and it robs us of hours that we could use to be getting other things done. Since everyone complains that they have no time, get some by unplugging from the tube.
11. Sleep. If you're rested, you have a better shot at handling things. Not to mention, you may not stress out as easily if you have a chance to recover at night.
12. Drink water. I have said it before: Americans consume 21 percent of their calories through liquid consumption. Hydrate with water. Help you entire system function better just by drinking enough water. Oh, and by the way, if you don't think that weight loss and proper hydration have a relationship, think again. Shift the paradigm on its side -- don't think about exercise and nutritional eating just as something you have to suffer through to get into those jeans. Instead, think of them as armor that will protect you in this crazy world, with all of the bazillion details you deal with every day.
13. Don’t go to work. Avoiding what I call “hot spots” of stress is key to not having stress. If work is stressing you out, don’t go. If your marriage is stressing you out, don’t go home. If school is too stressful, drop out. You don’t need school to get where you want to be. Look at me, I didn’t go to school and I’m a doctor.
14. Complain to anyone who will listen. Are you lonely? Don’t keep it inside! Tell your wife, tell your State Farm agent like I do, tell that dude at the gym. When we bottle our emotions it’s like bottling a beer: it’s worthless until you open that bottle of beer and let it out.You have to open yourself and let people hear your tasty sad stories.
15.Enjoy natural sunlight, especially in the winter. It can be depressing to be stuck indoors during the shortened days of winter, but a brisk walk in the sunshine can be a real mood enhancer.
16. Keep up your journal every day. Self-monitoring your food, fitness, and emotional feelings is an excellent way to become more aware of your triggers and behavioral patterns.
17. Relax. Give yourself 15 minutes each day of peace and quiet, a time to be reflective, meditate, or simply unwind. Soaking in a hot bubble bath can help release your troubles into thin air. Breaking free from the family, a breath of fresh air, or escaping to a quiet room will energize and empower you.
18. Be good to yourself. Have a list of motivational sayings that inspire and strengthen your resolve. Use affirmations daily to help you feel good about yourself and your mission to lose weight.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
10 Ways To Guarantee You Stick To Your Workout Program
“I have no time in my busy schedule!”
Not many people are so pushed for time that a daily half hour walk couldn’t be managed. Make some time for yourself and make it a priority. Try and incorporate exercise into what you do each day. For example, can you walk to the shops for some bread and milk? Can you walk during lunchtime? Walking is something almost all of use should be able to fit in each day without even changing our schedules.
“I’m too tired and have no energy”
Ignore any feelings of low energy or tiredness because a burst of exercise is just what you need to give yourself a real boost and get your body buzzing again. If you are constantly tired, then check it out with your GP.
“I’m just not disciplined enough”
If discipline is your problem, then outwit yourself by getting organised and preparing ahead. Get your partner to remind you. Book it into your diary. Send yourself a text message. If you really need to, join an exercise group or engage a personal trainer – both are methods that have helped even the most undisciplined of people exercise with the vigour of an elite SAS squad.
“It’s too hard!”
Accept that nothing that is worthwhile is easy. Exercise is a classic example of this it’s not easy but is possibly one of the most worthwhile activities you can do. It requires motivation, physical effort and even some pain. Know this in advance and think about the feeling of accomplishment you’ll have after, and the knowledge you’re doing your body so much good. The reality is that there is no easy way to get fit – just your own determination and sweat.
“I can’t afford it.”
To get fit you need nothing but a pair of comfortable, supportive non slip shoes. Walking is free, low impact and you don’t need to dress for the occasion.
“I can’t exercise because I have an injury…”
See your doctor before starting any physical exercise program. But remember: almost everybody even people with chronic illnesses or injuries are capable of some form of regular exercise and will benefit from it greatly.
“I feel fine and look OK. Why should I exercise?”
Make sure you stay that way as you age and have boundless energy for life’s ups and downs by maintaining a regular exercise program. Exercise plays a big part in preventing future health problems, so don’t wait until you’re old and sick before you start.
“I just don’t want to exercise.”
At least you’re honest! The trick here is to either find something you do want to do, or incorporate it into your daily routine so you don’t feel you’re exercising for the sake of it.
"When I lose 10 pounds, I’m going to go to the gym."
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this one. It’s a common misconception that all health club members are super fit and wear tight-fitting clothes. Believe me when I tell you this is simply not true. Health clubs are filled with people of all ages, all sizes, and all fitness levels. Wherever you fall into these categories, rest assured that you will fit in just fine.
"I don’t want to get bulky."
Women often use this excuse as a reason NOT to perform strength exercises. To get “ripped” like female body builders, you would have to spend hours and hours in the gym. A typical routine for increasing strength will not cause you to get bulky. Strength training will increase your metabolism, slow down sarcopenia (the degenerative loss of muscle mass and strength that naturally occurs as we age) and decrease your risk of osteoporosis.
Not many people are so pushed for time that a daily half hour walk couldn’t be managed. Make some time for yourself and make it a priority. Try and incorporate exercise into what you do each day. For example, can you walk to the shops for some bread and milk? Can you walk during lunchtime? Walking is something almost all of use should be able to fit in each day without even changing our schedules.
“I’m too tired and have no energy”
Ignore any feelings of low energy or tiredness because a burst of exercise is just what you need to give yourself a real boost and get your body buzzing again. If you are constantly tired, then check it out with your GP.
“I’m just not disciplined enough”
If discipline is your problem, then outwit yourself by getting organised and preparing ahead. Get your partner to remind you. Book it into your diary. Send yourself a text message. If you really need to, join an exercise group or engage a personal trainer – both are methods that have helped even the most undisciplined of people exercise with the vigour of an elite SAS squad.
“It’s too hard!”
Accept that nothing that is worthwhile is easy. Exercise is a classic example of this it’s not easy but is possibly one of the most worthwhile activities you can do. It requires motivation, physical effort and even some pain. Know this in advance and think about the feeling of accomplishment you’ll have after, and the knowledge you’re doing your body so much good. The reality is that there is no easy way to get fit – just your own determination and sweat.
“I can’t afford it.”
To get fit you need nothing but a pair of comfortable, supportive non slip shoes. Walking is free, low impact and you don’t need to dress for the occasion.
“I can’t exercise because I have an injury…”
See your doctor before starting any physical exercise program. But remember: almost everybody even people with chronic illnesses or injuries are capable of some form of regular exercise and will benefit from it greatly.
“I feel fine and look OK. Why should I exercise?”
Make sure you stay that way as you age and have boundless energy for life’s ups and downs by maintaining a regular exercise program. Exercise plays a big part in preventing future health problems, so don’t wait until you’re old and sick before you start.
“I just don’t want to exercise.”
At least you’re honest! The trick here is to either find something you do want to do, or incorporate it into your daily routine so you don’t feel you’re exercising for the sake of it.
"When I lose 10 pounds, I’m going to go to the gym."
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this one. It’s a common misconception that all health club members are super fit and wear tight-fitting clothes. Believe me when I tell you this is simply not true. Health clubs are filled with people of all ages, all sizes, and all fitness levels. Wherever you fall into these categories, rest assured that you will fit in just fine.
"I don’t want to get bulky."
Women often use this excuse as a reason NOT to perform strength exercises. To get “ripped” like female body builders, you would have to spend hours and hours in the gym. A typical routine for increasing strength will not cause you to get bulky. Strength training will increase your metabolism, slow down sarcopenia (the degenerative loss of muscle mass and strength that naturally occurs as we age) and decrease your risk of osteoporosis.
Top Ten Reasons to Exercise
#1. Feel more energized
When engaging in physical activity, the blood vessels that go to your muscles dilate, causing an increase in blood flow and oxygen to the working muscles. This, along with a temporary increase in your metabolic rate, causes you to feel more energized. This “burst of energy” not only occurs during exercise, but also after you exercise. For example, working out in the morning or afternoon will cause you to feel energized throughout the day. Even if you are an evening exerciser, you will still burn just as many calories and feel better!
#2. Burn more calories at rest
Cardiovascular and resistance exercises are equally important when it comes to making a workout plan and burning calories. Doing cardiovascular work such as running, walking, or biking results in a temporary rise in your metabolic rate. Thus, compared to being in a resting state, you will burn more calories per minute when performing cardiovascular work.Furthermore, by doing resistance exercises such as weight machines or free-weights, you will increase your muscle mass. Muscle burns far more calories at rest than fat does, so by becoming more muscular, you are increasing your resting metabolic rate.
#3. Improve overall appearance
Not only can exercise help you feel better, but it will help you look better as well. Along with eating a healthy diet and utilizing effective stress management, you can look your best by becoming toned and defined. However, you need to remember that genetics play a major part in what we look like. For example, a person can be a healthy eater, exercise daily, be a non-smoker and a non-drinker, and STILL have high cholesterol because it is in their genetic makeup. The same goes for how a person looks. Some individuals are born into a family with genetically larger “frames.” These people are sometimes called “big boned.” If your parents happen to be short and small-framed, more than likely you will be, too. There is little we can change about our genetics, but we can make healthy and happy choices with the bodies we have.
#4. Be able to withstand stress
Recent research has shown exercise to be a stress reliever. There are many reasons to explain why. One includes the fact that exercise increases the hormone epinephrine, another name for adrenaline. This hormone is responsible for an increase in blood flow, which carries more oxygen to the brain, thus making you more alert. Being more alert and aware of your surroundings helps you to deal with stress effectively. Also,exercise stimulates the release of other hormones called endorphins, or the “feel good hormones.” These help to improve mood and feelings. Many people find that they feel better after a stressful day if they exercise.
#5. Decrease risk of illness
Exercise builds up and improves circulation of our white blood cells, which we need to fend off harmful bacteria that cause us to get sick. This helps to prevent us from getting sick. owever, after we become ill, our improved circulation due to regular exercise can help us become well again.
#6. Speed up recovery from injury or surgery
By exercising daily and living a healthy lifestyle, your body can better repair itself from damage done by injury or surgery. When you increase muscle tissue and white blood cells by exercising, your body is better able to reduce inflammation that occurs from injury and surgery.
#7. Keep focused
Being able to stayed focus when engaged in everyday life activities is very important in order for your day to go as planned. By exercising regularly and eating healthfully, blood flow is improved and your hormones are at optimum levels, thus increasing your ability to concentrate.
#8. Build up cardiovascular endurance
Everyone knows that if you study hard for a test, you will more than likely do well. The same concept applies when we say we are “getting into shape.” You have to build up your cardiovascular system through endurance activity in order to have an efficient circulatory system. Regular physical activity not only strengthens your heart muscle and improves your blood’s oxygen carrying capacity, but also improves your breathing and muscular contractions.
#9. Improve flexibility
By stretching before and after exercise your muscles become more elastic, improving your overall range of motion or flexibility. Another way to improve flexibility is to engage in a yoga or Pilates class.
#10. Increase lean body mass
Increasing lean mass is important because it reduces your body fat and increases your metabolic rate. If you perform cardiovascular exercise most days of the week and resistance exercises 2-4 days of the week, you will increase muscle mass while decreasing fat mass!
When engaging in physical activity, the blood vessels that go to your muscles dilate, causing an increase in blood flow and oxygen to the working muscles. This, along with a temporary increase in your metabolic rate, causes you to feel more energized. This “burst of energy” not only occurs during exercise, but also after you exercise. For example, working out in the morning or afternoon will cause you to feel energized throughout the day. Even if you are an evening exerciser, you will still burn just as many calories and feel better!
#2. Burn more calories at rest
Cardiovascular and resistance exercises are equally important when it comes to making a workout plan and burning calories. Doing cardiovascular work such as running, walking, or biking results in a temporary rise in your metabolic rate. Thus, compared to being in a resting state, you will burn more calories per minute when performing cardiovascular work.Furthermore, by doing resistance exercises such as weight machines or free-weights, you will increase your muscle mass. Muscle burns far more calories at rest than fat does, so by becoming more muscular, you are increasing your resting metabolic rate.
#3. Improve overall appearance
Not only can exercise help you feel better, but it will help you look better as well. Along with eating a healthy diet and utilizing effective stress management, you can look your best by becoming toned and defined. However, you need to remember that genetics play a major part in what we look like. For example, a person can be a healthy eater, exercise daily, be a non-smoker and a non-drinker, and STILL have high cholesterol because it is in their genetic makeup. The same goes for how a person looks. Some individuals are born into a family with genetically larger “frames.” These people are sometimes called “big boned.” If your parents happen to be short and small-framed, more than likely you will be, too. There is little we can change about our genetics, but we can make healthy and happy choices with the bodies we have.
#4. Be able to withstand stress
Recent research has shown exercise to be a stress reliever. There are many reasons to explain why. One includes the fact that exercise increases the hormone epinephrine, another name for adrenaline. This hormone is responsible for an increase in blood flow, which carries more oxygen to the brain, thus making you more alert. Being more alert and aware of your surroundings helps you to deal with stress effectively. Also,exercise stimulates the release of other hormones called endorphins, or the “feel good hormones.” These help to improve mood and feelings. Many people find that they feel better after a stressful day if they exercise.
#5. Decrease risk of illness
Exercise builds up and improves circulation of our white blood cells, which we need to fend off harmful bacteria that cause us to get sick. This helps to prevent us from getting sick. owever, after we become ill, our improved circulation due to regular exercise can help us become well again.
#6. Speed up recovery from injury or surgery
By exercising daily and living a healthy lifestyle, your body can better repair itself from damage done by injury or surgery. When you increase muscle tissue and white blood cells by exercising, your body is better able to reduce inflammation that occurs from injury and surgery.
#7. Keep focused
Being able to stayed focus when engaged in everyday life activities is very important in order for your day to go as planned. By exercising regularly and eating healthfully, blood flow is improved and your hormones are at optimum levels, thus increasing your ability to concentrate.
#8. Build up cardiovascular endurance
Everyone knows that if you study hard for a test, you will more than likely do well. The same concept applies when we say we are “getting into shape.” You have to build up your cardiovascular system through endurance activity in order to have an efficient circulatory system. Regular physical activity not only strengthens your heart muscle and improves your blood’s oxygen carrying capacity, but also improves your breathing and muscular contractions.
#9. Improve flexibility
By stretching before and after exercise your muscles become more elastic, improving your overall range of motion or flexibility. Another way to improve flexibility is to engage in a yoga or Pilates class.
#10. Increase lean body mass
Increasing lean mass is important because it reduces your body fat and increases your metabolic rate. If you perform cardiovascular exercise most days of the week and resistance exercises 2-4 days of the week, you will increase muscle mass while decreasing fat mass!
Top Ten Reasons Exercise
Cucurbita pepo Medicinal parts: The seeds and occasionally, the dried pulp.
This annual species is probably native to Asia, but is now naturalized in many of the temperate and warmer areas of the world. The pumpkin plant, along with its seeds, has been used in the traditional medicine of many countries, including India and Mexico for many years, principally to eliminate tapeworms. Although the pulp is employed as food, the principal medicinal properties of the plant are in the seeds.
1. As an anthelminthic, especially against worms of the genera Ascaris, Taenia and Oxiuris.
2. Water extracts of areca nut and pumpkin seeds are used for the treatment of heterophyiasis.
3. Pumpkin seeds are also employed as a mild diuretic and to treat childhood enuresis
4. The seeds are used against benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), sometimes in conjunction with other herbs, especially Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) seed extract.
5. To treat prostate cance.
6. To prevent stomach cancer.
7. Against cadmium toxicity.
8. As a mild laxative.
9. To treat pulmonary ailments.
10.Pumpkin seed oil has been used in combination with kava (Piper methysticum Forst.) to treat irritable bladder.
11. Effective source of Magnisium
12. Pumpkin seeda contain phytosterols,which are compounds that have been noted to reduce levels of LDL (bad) cholestoral.
13. Depression Treatment - Pumpkin seeds contain L-tryptophan, which is a compound naturally effective against depression. Consequently, pumpkin seeds can be used in conjunction with St Johns Wort to help in the alleviation of depression.
14. Prevention of Osteoporosis - Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, and are a natural protector against osteoporosis. Research has indicated that a low zinc intake is linked to higher rates of osteoporosis.
15. Prevention of Kidney Stones - According to studies, pumpkin seeds can help to prevent calcium oxalate kidney stones from forming.
Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice
Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice
Excellent source of easily absorbable vitamins, minerals, enzymes and complete proteins Just one ounce of fresh wheatgrass juice can contain the vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids found in 2.5 pounds of raw vegetables.
#1. Helps to prevent and fight against infections.
#2. Improves the body's ability to heal wounds.
#3. Helps remove toxic heavy metals from the body.
#4. Helps with skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis.
#5. Helps improve blood sugar disorders.
#6. Helps reduce and eliminate body odors.
#7. The high magnesium content builds enzymes that restore sex hormones.
#8. Helps prevent tooth decay.
#9. Helps to cleanse the liver.
#10. Arrests the growth of unfriendly bacteria.
#11. Natural energizer.
#12. Great for constipation and proper bowel function.
#13. Non-allergenic.
Health Benefits Wheatgrass Juice
Top 10 Fruit Juices To Help Lose Weight
Top 10 Fruit Juices To Help Lose Weight
An effective method of losing weight is to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks, energy drinks and sports drinks. You can substitute all such drinks with fruit juice. Not only would the consumption of such juices help you infighting diseases but would also aid in the weight loss procedure. There is always a reason why experts recommend you to drink juices for maintaining a healthy diet. Fruit juice is healthy if consumed in moderation. Here is a list of the top 10 fruit juices which help loose weight.1. Carrot Juice
Carrot Juice is highly beneficial for the human body. This particular juice contains high level of calcium, potassium and magnesium. Carotenes contained in this juice helps you remain healthy. It is converted into vitamin A by the human body and utilized accordingly. Carrot Juice also contains high level of antioxidant which is used to protect the body and helps in fighting diseases such as cancer etc.
2. Beetroot Juice
Beetroot Juice helps in the development and creation of red blood cells. This particular juice is rich in potassium, iron, Vitamin C and magnesium. This particular juice also helps those patients having memory losses or face problem concentrating. Beetroot Juice is particularly helpful in decreasing the damage done due to menstrual and menopausal problems.
3. Cranberry Juice
Cranberry Juice contains high volume of Vitamin C. This particular juice is known to be helpful in avoiding the various urinary tract infections which many women face all over the world. Cranberries can easily mix with bananas and form a natural, healthy drink full of vitamins and proteins which are necessary for your body. This particular juice is also known to prevent many other diseases such as E.coli which infects the bladder.
4. Pear Juice
Pear Juice is a must have in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This particular drink works miracles on its own but can be mixed with other fruit juices as well to form an even more powerful drink. Pear Juice is not only rich in calcium and Vitamin C but also contains high level of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus which is essential for the body to have.
5. Grape Juice
The purple colored grape juice is particularly useful for protecting brain cells. By consuming grape juice you are able to improve your memory. This particular drink is also rich in antioxidant which enables the body to effectively fight against any and all sorts of diseases.
6. Orange Juice
Orange juice is the healthiest, one hundred percent natural toner available to us. This particular juice is also rich in antioxidant. Intake of orange juice stimulates blood movement all over the body and the heart. Orange juice is also particularly useful for your digestive system. This particular drink contains Vitamin C and flavonoids which help strengthen the immune system and fight against infectious diseases. Orange juice can easily be mixed with other types of juices for example banana.
7. Mango Juice
Mango Juice contains high level of antioxidant which helps prevent various types of cancer. This particular juice helps in the cleansing of your blood leading to a healthy and a happy life. Mango juice is also beneficial for your kidneys. It can be mixed with several other types of fruit juices for example kiwi and banana.
8. Blueberry Juice
The color of this particular juice alone would suggest the amount of antioxidant present. High levels of Vitamin C is present in this particular drink along with a lot of fibers which are very beneficial for the overall body structure. Blueberries are known to have very less calories which make it a very healthy juice to have every now and then.
9. Pomegranate Juice
If you want a healthy heart and then is the drink to have. Pomegranate Juice is recommended by almost all the doctors, physicians and health experts. This particular drink contains almost every type of antioxidants present. This factor alone makes the pomegranate juice very beneficial since many types of cancer can be simply avoided, for example prostate cancer, to name a few.
10. Concord Grape Juice
If you are facing high blood pressure and other related problems than this particular drink can be a solution to a healthy lifestyle. This particular drink is extremely potent and contains large amounts of antioxidants which in turn helps reduce blood pressure. This particular drink helps in maintaining a healthy heart and avoiding a number of other diseases and risks.
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