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Monday, August 27, 2007

Exercise is Good for Your Mental Health

Everyone has heard about the physical benefits of exercise: weight loss, improved stamina, increased lifespan, and much more. But did you know that it can be beneficial to your mental health as well? Not only does exercise make your body work better, it makes you feel better too. These are just a few ways exercise can help you live a happier life.

Boosts your energy. A sedentary lifestyle can make you feel fatigued. When you work your muscles with regular exercise, you feel more energized and ready to face the day. Exercising also helps you have a more restful sleep and fall asleep faster. Regularly working your muscles also makes them less likely to fatigue with normal activity.

Helps relieve stress. Endorphins from exercise make you feel better and have a better outlook on life, but exercise can also provide a time for reflection; further easing a stressful life. Many of us don’t have time alone without thoughts to contemplate our problems. Some types of exercise, such as running, can provide time to think about the day and make plans.

Improves self esteem. After a workout, you feel that you’ve accomplished something and it increases your feeling of well being. It generates good feelings to think that you are doing something to take improve yourself. In return, feeling of accomplishment makes you more likely to work out again, thus starting a healthy cycle.

Increased social interaction. Having friends is an important part of leading a happy life. Exercise can be used to stay in touch with old friends by scheduling regular walks or runs. It can be also used to meet new friends at the gym or through sports. These kinds of activities help you feel accepted and loved.

Many doctors and therapists recommend exercise as part of their treatment for anxiety or depression.


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