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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

8 Hours of Sleep

Why do I sleep for 8 hours a day?
When I was in school, my language teacher used to tell us, sleep well through 8 hours a night. The reason was unknown then. Now I know why he used to say that. I observed that when I sleep for 8 hours,
  1. I usually feel very much fresh.
  2. I can concentrate on my work more.
  3. I feel energetic through out the day.
  4. No yawning through the day, helps my colleagues as well. Everyone knows that how much you yawn if you see another person yawning.
  5. I feel more confident with 8 hours of sleep.
What are the health benefits of 8 hours of sleep?
Sleeping for 8 hours a day has many health benefits associated. As everyone knows though a person is sleeping, his body doesn't stop working. His heart, kidney and every part of the body doesn't just go to sleep. But by sleeping you rest your body, you actually give a break to your body by not doing any physical activity. Thus the body doesn't have to do any expense for energy levels. Beside these facts about 8 hour sleep following are some important health benefits

  • Cell Healing Process: When one sleeps his/hers body works on repairing the damages cells.
  • Inflammation: 8 hour Sleep can keep the NF-KB protein level low, which otherwise would result in inflammation related disorders.

How much time do you sleep?


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