Weight Loss In Children
A child's weight should be controlled through balanced diet. Give your child a healthy diet. Make sure there is no excessive calorie intake. See that they don't eat the junk food. There are some steps which must be taken by government as well

1) Stop showing junk food advertisements during children programmers on TV.
2) Schools must ban the chocolate bars in Tiffin.
3) Remove the vending machines from the school.
Final advice is one should keep a close watch so as the child does not get fats through any other means. A healthy diet is the most efficient and cost effect way to get the weight of the child under control for lifelong.
Health Benefit of Pomegranate

Every natural fruit benefits our health and pomegranate is not an exception. Pomegranate is not just used for food decor but it is one of the healthy fruits and has some unique health benefits. Health benefits of pomegranates are listed in this post.
1) A clinical study in Israel on clinical nutrition has revealed that drinking a glass of pomegranate juice for approximately a year benefits the health in reducing the systolic blood pressure and slow down the cholesterol oxidation.
2) Another research has stated that pomegranate juice for 3 months increases the amount of oxygen getting the heart muscles, which aids to the healthy heart.
3) Pomegranate aids to health by providing abundant vitamin C and vitamin B5.
4) Anit-oxidants like Polyphenols, Tannins and Anthocyanins are present in pomegranate and the quantity is more than can be found in any other health recipe.
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Do You Really Need to Lose Weight?
By Dulce Zamora
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Charlotte E. Grayson Mathis, MD
So your favorite jeans have gotten a bit too close-fitting for comfort. Maybe you don't cut quite the figure in your bathing suit that you did a few years ago.
But do you really need to lose weight? Are you putting your health in danger -- or just carrying around a little harmless extra padding?
The standard answer is that you're overweight if your body mass index (BMI) is 25 or higher and obese if your BMI is 30 or higher. But some new research is confusing the weight-and-health issue a bit.
A study published in the April 20 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that people whose BMIs put them into the overweight category actually had a lower risk of death than people in the normal-weight group. (People who were considered obese still had an increased risk of death.)
"When we looked at the overweight group ⦠we found that that group was associated with fewer than the expected number of deaths," says study author David F. Williamson, PhD, senior epidemiologist at the Diabetes Division of the CDC. Does that mean that if you're overweight, but not obese, you should quit worrying about dropping the extra pounds? Experts who spoke to WebMD gave us some answers -- along with seven questions you should ask yourself.
* What is your lifestyle? Regular physical activity and healthy eating are important, no matter what your weight or your BMI.
* What is your family history? If a close relative has a history of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, or other weight-related ailment, it's crucial to be mindful of your weight.
* What is your weight history? People who have consistently gained weight over the years need be careful. Experts say your BMI should not increase dramatically, even as you age. Even moderate weight gain in adulthood can increase your risk of diabetes.
* How is your weight distributed? Weight gained above the hips -- the so-called "apple" shape -- can be problematic. In both men and women, bigger abdomens can signal trouble.
* What is your waist size? The National Institutes of Health has determined that a waist circumference of over 40 inches in men and over 35 inches in women signifies a health risk, particularly in people with BMIs of 25-34.9 (the overweight category). Clothing size is not a good indicator of weight or health, since sizes vary with different manufacturers. But you can use your own clothing -- maybe a favorite pair of pants -- as a personal gauge of your weight.
* What is your health profile? If your cholesterol and blood pressure levels are high and your BMI falls into the overweight or obese category, it's important to lose weight. If your BMI is in the high end of healthy or in the low overweight range, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor about whether weight loss is right for you.
* How do you feel? Seriously consider weight loss if you are overweight and have joint problems, shortness of breath, or other health troubles that limit your day-to-day living.
Mosquito Bite Intense Itch
Sea Sickness

Have you ever heard of the term sea sickness? I never had! unless I read it in a column for homeopathy treatment in Times of India from Dr. Batra, a renowned homeopathic from India, Pune. It is found that sea sickness might result into a feeling of nausea or sensation of whirling or turning. An remedy for the sea sickness is one can put ear plugs in ear and thereby stopping the whirling signals to brain. Occulus 30, five pills thrice daily can be given to such people who suffer from sea sickness before a day and during the day of journey.
Allergic to Sunlight

Allergic to sunlight i.e photo sensitivity is found in many human beings. Sunscreen of SPF 15 applied daily before you venture out into the sun is a best remedy. If a person is already on medication and want to continue with the treatment for photo sensitivity, he or she should consult a doctor before starting with any type of medications. Belladonna 30, five pills twice daily will serve the purpose and if the symptoms still persists consult your doctor.
Cancer Type
Skin Cancer
Physical Activity Reduce Calorie
Tip 1. Don't just walk get running. Hop, skip, jog. There are so many ways you can get active. Half an hour of any of the above form of activity is sufficient to keep one fit. My schedule is jogging for 20 minutes twice a week.
Tip 2. Our household activities need water. e.g. In a week atleast twice, I try and take atleast 50 buckets of water to fill the water tank on the second floor from the Ground Floor water tank. On second floor which is an open terrace, I have tied three ropes so that I always have to pass from below then with the bucket. This way I exert my stomach and abs as well.
Tip 3 : Any form of physical activity is sufficient to burn calories, not necessarily it has to be jogging. There are so many things, start cleaning your floor, wash your car, take out your gardening tools and start shaping your lawns and still there are so many things like washing your clothes, cleaning utensils... No I am not joking.
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7 Foods U Should NEVER Eat!
By Jaclyn Johnson Staff Writer
There will always be those fattening foods that are easy to make, easy to get, and easy to crave. You think 'OK, I know this is bad but it can't be that bad!' Think again. Here are the top seven foods you should never ever feed your family or yourself!
It's hard to resist the smell of a Krispy Kreme doughnut, which is why I never step foot in the store. Doughnuts are fried chock-full of sugar and white flour and loads of trans fat.
According to the Krispy Kreme website, an average 3.5 ounce sugar doughnut weighs in with about 400 calories and contains few other nutrients besides fat. These sugary treats may satisfy your craving but it won't satisfy your hunger as most of the calories come from fat.
'Eating a lot of refined sugar contributes to blood sugar 'swings' or extreme fluctuations,' eDiets Chief Nutritionist Susan Burke said.
2. Cheeseburger with fries
The age-old classic may be delicious but think twice before sinking your teeth into that Big Mac. The saturated fat found in cheese burgers has been linked to heart attacks, strokes and some types of cancer.
'In fact, fast-food portions are gargantuan, almost double the calories per meal compared to 20 years ago,' Susan says. 'Twenty years ago the average fast-food cheeseburger had about 300 calories. Today's BK Whopper with cheese has 720. To burn the excess 420 calories, you'd have to run for 40 minutes. For example, in 1985 a medium French fry had 240 calories, 2.4 ounces. Today's 'medium' is 6.9 ounces and 610 calories.
'This fast-food meal of cheeseburger and fries has way too many calories and fat grams, not to mention grams of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol and sodium.'
Let's break down this meal. First, take the white-flour bun (refined carbohydrates), then add some processed cheese (saturated fat and trans fat, plus lots of additives and preservatives) and then top off with fried red meat (cholesterol and saturated fats). And let's not forget about the condiments such as the always fattening mayonnaise.
Not sounding so appetizing anymore, huh? Oh, and let's not forget about the infamous side dish. You cheeseburger will most likely come with a side of French fries, which is sadly the most popular vegetable dish in the U.S. Don't kid yourself, French fries are not vegetables, they are extremely high in fat and contain a tiny amount of nutrients.
3. Fried Chicken and Chicken Nuggets
With the recent class-action lawsuit between The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and KFC, the health risks posed by fried foods are becoming more public. The CSPI is suing the food chain for their use of cooking oil containing unhealthy trans fats. The lawsuit seeks to order KFC to use other types of cooking oils and to inform customers how much trans fats KFC's food contains.
Foods cooked in highly heated oils (most notably partially hydrogenated oil) have been known to cause cancer, weight gain and other serious health risks if ingested regularly. A 10-piece chicken McNugget from McDonald's has 420 calories, 24 grams of fat and 1120 milligrams of sodium. One Extra Crispy Chicken Breast from KFC has around 420 calories and eight grams of saturated fat. So unless you want to super size yourself, it's best to make a clean break with fried foods.
4. Oscar Mayer's Lunchables
Sure they are convenient and easy, but boy are they unhealthy! These kid-marketed lunches are loaded with saturated fat and sodium. They usually contain highly processed meats and cheeses, white flour crackers and sugary treats. Lunchables get two-thirds of their calories from fat and sugar. And they provide lopsided nutrition since they contain no fruits or vegetables.
'They insidiously promote obesity by making kids think that lunch normally comes in a cellophane-wrapped box,' Susan says. 'Parents are promoting their children's obesity by buying these items. They're expensive, too. Pack a sandwich and save dollars and health.'
5. Sugary Cereal
Not all cereals are created equally. And while your kids might beg for the latest cookie or marshmallow chocolate surprise cereals, it is a safe bet they are about as healthy as a dessert. Keywords to look out for are puffed, dyed and sweetened.
Most kids' cereals are so highly processed they no longer look like the grains they were originally made from. A healthy alternative is oatmeal. Although, if you are buying pre-packaged oatmeal make sure to check the label and see how much sugar it contains, you might be surprised.
'A little sugar isn't a problem but when the first ingredient on the box is sugar, then watch out,' she said. 'There is no fruit in Froot Loops. But the unsweetened original Cheerios or Rice Krispies are fine, and you can sweeten them naturally with blueberries and strawberries.'
6. Processed Meats.
What falls under the category of processed meats? Hot dogs, sausage, jerky, bacon, certain lunch meats and meats used in canned soup products. Almost all processed meats have sodium nitrite added as a preservative.
A recent study conducted at the
7. Canned soup.
Sometimes regarded as a healthy food, soups can be very deceiving. You must stay on your guard because many canned soups have high levels of trans fats, sodium and artificial preservatives such as MSG. Just one serving (which is roughly one cup) can have almost 1,000 milligrams of salt. Also, steer clear of soups that are cream-based, they can be high in calories and fat.
Susan says it is important to 'read labels from back to front. Ignore the health claims, and instead focus on the ingredients and serving size. Watch out for hydrogenated fat (trans fat) and sodium. If you're buying bread to go with you soup, the first ingredient should be whole grain -- either whole wheat, rye or other grain. If it just says 'wheat bread,' that doesn't mean whole wheat.'
We all want our family to be healthy and happy, so steer clear of these foods. Think it's difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Think again! eDiets make it simple to find healthy foods with the correct nutritional balance for you and your family. Our customized diet plans will help you lose weight and feel great!
The 10 Nutrition Rules of Weight Loss
By Nancy Clark
Nutritionist Nancy Clark shares ten tips every runner should know if they want to lose some weight.
1. To lose 10 pounds of body fat a year, you need to eat 100 calories less per day. Cutting too many calories from your daily intake will sap your energy level and increase your hunger, making you more susceptible to splurging on high-calorie foods.
2. Don't skip breakfast. Eat within two hours of waking.
3. In fact, eat more breakfast than you think you should. Trade in some of your dinner calories for more calories at breakfast.
4. Don't allow yourself to get hungry. Eat at least every four hours, and split a meal in half to make sure you properly fuel up pre- and postrun. For example, eat part of your breakfast before your morning run (a banana) and the rest of your breakfast afterward (a bagel with peanut butter).
5. Eat at least three kinds of food each meal from these four categories: breads, cereals, and grains; fruits and vegetables; low-fat dairy and soy; and lean meats, fish, and nuts. Breads, cereals, and grains should be the foundation of each meal, with protein as an accompaniment.
6. Shoot for a gradual loss of body fat. You're more likely to put the weight back on (and more) if you drop weight too quickly.
7. Liquid calories add up fast and can lead to weight gain. Minimize the amount of sodas, juices, store-bought smoothies, sports drinks, coffee drinks, and alcohol you consume.
8. Eat closer to the earth, enjoying fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Minimize the amount of processed foods you eat; they tend to offer less fiber and are less satiating.
9. If you can't resist fast food, ask for nutritional information before you make your choices (or check in advance via restaurant Web sites). Avoid any menu items with the words "fried," "crispy," and "special sauce," which are guaranteed to be high calorie.
10. Remember that the calories in the energy bars, sports drinks, and gels you consume during a run add up, even though you're running. Consume them only as needed.
Originally published on March 1, 2008
Blood Clotting
Summer Tips: Reduce the heat of of your body
1) Chilled Water, Cold drinks, beer : Summer time is up and the fridge are on in every house to get there chilled doses of water, beverages, beer. So is it healthy to consume chilled stuff? It is not advisable to take chilled liquid forms of water, cold drink or beer in summer. The reason behind this is the thermal energy that is used in giving the liquid the chilled property. Since energy is transferred from one form to another, the thermal energy is stored in the chilled liquids which eventually will increase the heat of your body.
2) What to eat : One should eat a lot of fruits. Natural fruits are always cold in nature and has a great capability to reduce the heat of body. Rice, spinach, bottle gourd or calabash cucumber,
3) How much water to drink: Water has to be taken as per human physique and individual capacity. But speaking in general terms 10 to 12 glasses of water or 2 liters of water is sufficient for a human body. Those who feel like urinating after drinking water should not drink a lot of water and should reduce the amount of intake. Instead of drinking cold drinks or beer one should try drinking fruit juice. Bel Leaf in water is also a great cooling technique for body.
4) AC : Effect of air conditioning on the body to cool off is good but one should always use it If one stays in AC for the whole time. It should not happen that one is in AC for a while and without AC after some time. If this happens on a consistent basis, might lead to cold, fever and other diseases.
5) Loose Fat: Summertime is a good time to start with the fat loosing exercise as you loose a lot of sweat in these days and you don't feel a lot hungry these days. Also the appetite for oily and spicy food is less, as a result summer time sounds like a optimal period to loose fat.
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Herbal Juices
Lactic Acid Build Up & Muscle Tension Relief Remedy

Epsom salts is my most favorite household remedy. If you are an athlete or just enjoy massage and the benefits of breaking up lactic acid in the muscles- you can get a quick, easy and cheap "massage" through the use of epsom salts in your bath.
Epsom salts are mineral rich and treat both the skin and muscles. The best way to get results from an epsom salts bath is to use about 3-4 cups of espsom salts in hot water. Mix it around to get the salts fully dissolved. I always mix in an aromatherapy mix of lavender, tea tree oil and eucalyptus.
The salts will work out the lactic acid build up and muscle tightness and you'll wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and happy.
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of supplements, vitamins and homeopathic medicine at Healthy Being Products Store And view our natural bath salts line to help ease your muscle tension.
Blood Diseases
Can External Factors like Diet Influence the Sex of a Baby?

I just saw this article and thought this was so interesting- I've known many friends who have wanted to have one particular gender baby vs another and there may be evidence that a mother's diet may influence the baby's gender. If you want to have a baby girl or a baby boy- perhaps your diet pre-pregnancy may be something to consider.
(Dr Mercola)What a woman eats before pregnancy may play a role in whether the baby is a boy or a girl, according to surprising new research.
Women who have a hearty appetite, eat a lot of potassium-rich foods like bananas, and don’t skip breakfast appear more likely to have a boy. Previous studies have also shown that male embryos do best with longer exposure to nutrient-rich lab cultures.
It could be that more nutrients are needed to build boys than girls. Women who ate at least one bowl of breakfast cereal daily were 87 percent more likely to have boys than those who ate no more than one bowlful per week, a possible sign that they were skipping breakfast.
Among women with the highest calorie intake before pregnancy (but still within a normal, healthy range), 56 percent had boys, versus 45 percent of the women with the lowest calorie intake. Women who had boys also ate an additional 300 mg of potassium daily on average, and about 400 calories more daily, compared to women who had girls.
The research involved about 700 first-time pregnant women, and has been billed as the first to show a link between a woman’s diet and the gender of her offspring. The women were asked about their eating habits in the year before getting pregnant.
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of supplements, vitamins and homeopathic medicine at Healthy Being Products Store
White Blood Cells
Natural Remedies for Sunburn Prevention & Treatment

This past weekend I was a bad Floridian-- I went to the beach and neglected to put any type of sun protection or sunscreen on my back. The unfortunate price of my forgetfulness was a nasty sunburn.
As we approach memorial day and the summer months which bring beach trips and vacations to sunny locals- I figure it would be good to highlight a few tips to prevent sunburn as well as ways to naturally treat sunburn after long days in hot sun.
Food is a great way to minimize sun exposure- eating a diet rich in lycopene-- tomatoes is proven to reduce the intensity of a sunburn. Drinking V8 juice, eating watermelons and drinking pink grapefruit juice at the beach would be a good idea; all three contain high levels of lycopene. Similarly- cooking pasta dishes at the beach can cut the risk of sunburn. There is almost a shield like role lycopene plays in protecting the skin from severe burn.
I am fortunate to have olive skin and can burn and tan without peeling; but many of you are not that lucky. Even with any burn- I have a routine that proves helpful in minimizing the effects of burn- itchy skin, potential to peel and reduces the heat.
I will take a lukewarm shower after being in the sun. This helps keep the oils of the skin together to moisturize the burned areas. After a shower- I will use natural aloe (from the plant) and slather it all over the reddened skin. Drinking fluids helps as well.
If you feeling really itchy- a bath in Aveno and dried milk can help soften, soothe and heal your skin. Prevention of peeling is absolutely key - as new exposed skin is more prone to further burn and damage.
A cool rag compressed soaked in green tea and vinegar applied to the sunburned skin will help draw out the heat and reduce the pain. The green tea acts as an antioidant and helps reduce inflammation. Moisturizing the burn is essential-- the cool lotion with Vitamin E will feel great and keep skin soft.
Have a question about treating a sunburn?
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of supplements, vitamins and homeopathic medicine at Healthy Being Products Store
Blood and the Type
In Honor of National Pet Week & Integrative Veterinary Medicine: Cancer Prevention for Your Pet

This week is National Pet Week and we have a guest blogger contributing a really great article about our furry loved ones and how to keep our pets healthy & happy. Deanna, from has written a great message for us that draws attention to cancer prevention in cats and dogs. I appreciate her awareness of alternative veterinary practices and have found that my own cats benefit from this type of practice.
National Pet Week 5/4/08-5/10/08
My name is Deanna and I am an animal communicator (pet psychic.) This past
week one of my clients, a yellow lab less than 2 years old, had a malignant
tumor removed from his leg. In honor of National Pet Week I wanted to write
about cancer in pets, an issue I care about deeply. I hope you find this
information thought provoking, informative and useful.
Cancer is an issue that hits close to home for me. I have lost both animal
and human family members to cancer. In addition to my animal communication
practice, I also work part time at a major cancer center helping patients.
My work at the cancer center has granted me access to information I would
not have known otherwise regarding environmental toxins and their
relationship to cancer.
My last two cats who I love dearly died of cancer at early ages. Since our
animal friends have life spans significantly shorter than ours, exposure to
environmental toxins can make their life spans even shorter.
Not only do we need to take action to decrease the amount of toxins in our
environment. We also need to take steps to minimize the impact these toxins
have on the health of both humans and animals. If you agree with me I
invite you to support the work of groups such as Pets for the Environment and The Environmental Working Group. Another
site worth mentioning is an eco-friendly site for people and pets called Allie's Green Answers.
To become more educated on cancer causes, treatment & prevention in pets, I
look to practitioners of integrative veterinary medicine. This modality
combines conventional theory & therapies with complementary and alternative
medicine for a comprehensive approach. Books I recommend include Dr. Allen
Schoen's Kindred Spirits
and Dr. Marty Goldstein's The Nature of Animal Healing .
Another book I haven't read (it's sitting in my "to be read pile") but it
looks great is called Preventing and
Treating Cancer in Dogs. Whole
Dog Journal is another great resource that recently had an
article about the toxins contained in certain plastic toys.
For those of you interested in supplements to help prevent cancer or support
a person or pet with cancer, you may want to check out medicinal mushrooms.
Fungi Perfecti makes a pet formula which can be seen by clicking here . For people, I also like
Herbalist & Alchemist's "Seven Precious Mushrooms" blend. To read up on the
many benefits of medicinal mushrooms, including their anti-tumor and immune
system properties click here.
There is so much information out there ranging from vaccines causing cancer
to ways diet can contribute to cancer in pets. In an article on Allie's
Green Answers, Allie writes about her dog possibly getting cancer from his
microchip. Click here
for that story. I think this information is all worth seriously considering,
however, it can easily become frightening and overwhelming.
My intention for this article is not to frighten or overwhelm you. Being
frightened and overwhelmed can easily lead to feeling powerless and
therefore not taking action. My intention is to encourage you to get
educated, from reliable sources, and then make mindful, conscious choices
about what you and your pets eat, drink, breathe and absorb through the
skin. (Have I covered all the bases?) My hope is that as we become more
educated we become more empowered and can take appropriate action to be
agents of positive change for the benefit of all. My hope is that we can
all take a stand for what we value and have our actions promote the health,
wellness and longevity of people, animals and our planet.
To learn more about who I am, my love for animals and the work that I do as
an animal communicator/pet psychic please visit
Have a question about integrative veterinary medicine?
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of supplements, vitamins and homeopathic medicine at Healthy Being Products Store
Natural Arthritis Prevention: Benefits of Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Most recently, a friend of the family and I had a discussion about her battle with arthritis. She is having much joint pain in her shoulders, ankles and knees. When asked what to do about this from a natural approach- I suggested she start to take glucosamine and chondroitin to help ease her pain and help repair and rebuild the potential damage that is the source and root cause of her pain.
If you are an athlete or have been athletic in your past, you may also want to look at takng glucosamine and chondroitin in your daily supplementation routine.
I stumbled across a great source for arthritis sufferers from the Osteoarthritis Resource Center and wanted to share a great article about the benefits of glucosamine and chondroitin.
Using glucosamine and chondroitin in combination may be synergistic. Recently, more and more clinical trials have begun to support the benefits of glucosamine and chondroitin for overall joint health and resilience. One study appearing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (February 2003) found that general mobility improved over time in both a placebo group and the experimental group that was taking glucosamine. The results began to manifest after about four to eight weeks of use. The most significant benefits, according to the study, were in reducing the amount of perceived pain.
What Exactly is Glucosamine?
Glucosamine is an amino sugar necessary for the construction of connective tissue and healthy cartilage. It is the critical building block of proteoglycans and other substances that form protective tissues. These proteoglycans are large protein molecules that act like a sponge to hold water giving connective tissues elasticity and cushioning effects. This also provides a buffering action to help protect against excessive wear and tear of the joints. Without glucosamine, our tendons, ligaments, skin, nails, bones, mucous membranes, and other body tissues can not form properly.
If Glucosamine is a Natural Product, Why Do We Need Extra Quantities?
Good question. Normally we generate sufficient amounts of glucosamine in our bodies to form the various compounds needed to generate connective tissue and healthy cartilage. But gradually the rate at which our bodies use glucosamine begins to gradually change with our increased athletic activity, injuries, burns, arthritis and other inflammatory disorders, age and other chronic degeneration. In such situations our bodies may not be able to keep up with the demand for glucosamine, leading to a decrease in the amount of proteoglycans produced. This can lead to a decrease in the amount of protective lubricating substances like the synovial fluids, which cushion our joints, and protects them from damage. In a nutshell, more glucosamine is needed but less is produced.
This is why researchers began to suggest extra dietary supplements containing glucosamine. Their studies showed that oral glucosamine could be easily absorbed and lead to the stimulation of healthy new cartilage and other protective molecules. The studies also showed that oral glucosamine carried this benefit without any toxicity, contraindications, or other harmful side effects. This is a stark contrast to dangerous COX-2 medications such as Celebrex or Vioxx. Vioxx was removed from the market in Septermber 2004 and which may have been implicated in tens of thousands of heart attacks and strokes.
How Should Glucosamine Be Taken?
Glucosamine must be taken every day. This is a slow acting supplement that may take a month or more to show any effect. Dosage in most studies was 1,500 mg of glucosamine per day. The product is available in powder, pill and cream form. Glucosamine in a cream form may be nice for your skin, but there's no evidence suggesting that Glucosamine alone can be absorbed through the skin. Anecdotal evidence suggests that liquid glucosamine, in fact, is the best form to take.
Chondroitin Sulfate exists naturally in your cartilage. It’s thought to draw fluid into the tissue to give our cartilage more elasticity and to slow cartilage breakdown by protecting it from destructive enzymes. As a supplement, it is exclusively derived from cattle sources and is often taken along with Glucosamine to assist with maintaining joint health. The combined use is known to produce a "synergistic" effect. It’s been prescribed for pain relief in osteoarthritis in some parts of Europe where it is a prescription drug for decades. If glucosamine is your #1 joint friend, chondroitin is #2.
Although Chondroitin alone hasn't been proven to help with or reverse cartilage loss, in some studies it appeared to help improve function and ease pain. In one placebo-controlled study, joint narrowing in the knee became stabilized in patients who were put on Chondroitin (Uebelhart) supplement. Another controlled study looked at osteoarthritis of the finger joints for a period of three years. Among the group that took chondroitin, there was a significant decrease in the number of patients with new erosions in their finger joints (Verbruggen).
Chondroitin in fact is a glycosaminoglycan (think long chains of glucosamine) that is concentrated in joint cartilage. Like glucosamine, chondroitin helps produce substances needed for the formation of connective tissue. In addition chondroitin (unlike glucosamine) may also have the ability to protect existing cartilage from prematurely breaking down by inhibiting cartilage-destroying enzymes.
How Does Chondroitin Work?
Chondroitin sulfates provide the structural components of joint cartilage, inhibit some free radical enzymes that degrade joint cartilage and collagen, and facilitate the entry of glucosamine into the joints. Like glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate attracts water into the cartilage matrix and stimulates the production of cartilage. It also appears to have the ability to prevent enzymes from dissolving cartilage. Recent studies have shown extremely good results from long-term use of chondroitin sulfate (alone and in combination with glucosamine) in increasing range of motion and overall joint health. Both glucosamine and chondroitin should be used together, however, to produce the best results.
How It’s Used
We suggest you take chondroitin as a liquid at the dose of 120mg a day, which does not need to be divided into two doses. It’s most often taken in combination with glucosamine, as a synergistic complex.
Have a question about how to address arthritis pain naturally?
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of supplements, vitamins and homeopathic medicine at Healthy Being Products Store
How To Avoid a Cold
- Keep you hands clean by washing them. Cold being a contagious disease, can be transmitted through handshakes as well as if your hands touch some contaminated objects. So keep your hands clean. Why only hands,? because this part of body is used by your body often and is much in action as well as capable of getting you infected while eating or while rubbing your nose, ears, etc.
- Try to be away from people who are coughing sneezing. If he/she is infected, then there are chances that people in close vicinity may get infected.
- Get Rest and Exercise. Rest helps to strengthen your immune system, so get plenty of it. Get a walk every often, it will boost your immune system.
- 500mg tablet of vitamin c. Get a 500mg tablet of vitamin c once in a while to keep cold at bay.
- Get relieved of stress. A study has shown that people who suffer from stress are more prone to catching the cold virus.
- Wrap yourself. It has been found that cold virus breeds faster in cold conditions. So wrap your nose and body when its cold.
Related Articles : Home Remedy For Cold
Avoid Strokes with 25-30 Grams of Fibre.
Health Tip : Get 25-30 grams of fibre through your daily diet
Naturally Treating Epstein Barr Virus & Mononucleosis - Strengthen the Immune System

Back in the summer of 2003, I was diagnosed with a very severe and acute case of EBV- Epstein Barr Virus. Literally my very active life was put on hold. I can still recall the morning I knew I was really sick- I was too weak to even lift my head off my pillow. My lymph nodes were swollen in my neck, armpits and groin. I was nauseous and thought I was just experiencing the flu.
The symptoms of the Epstein Barr Virus is almost like a severe case of the flu. Chills, swollen glands, lack of appetite and severe exhaustion. It impacts each person differently- but when I went to my doctor a few months later- he quickly diagnosed my illness and took a blood test that revealed that I was in the throws of a very severe case of mononucleosis. The Epstein Bar Virus was positive on my blood test and the EBV is a herpes group virus which is ubiquitous. It is the cause of the classic infectious mononucleosis virus... the kissing virus.
Apparently, you can be exposed to these viruses for years-- as a herpes virus it can lay dormant in your body and then something stressful or troubling can trigger the virus. That is what had happened to me... the night before I was sick- my boyfriend and I had broken up. The stress of that event taxed my immune system and triggered the most trying time of my life.
Back when I was in college- there was a girl on my dorm floor who had mono and her immune system was so retarded and taxed that she actually died after contracting a simple case of chicken pox. It was a tragic experience, but an indication that Epstein Barr and Mononucleosis are viruses that need to taken more seriously.
Most doctors will prescribe, as mine had, rest, lots of water and vitamin c. Unfortunately, my previously active lifestyle was in jeopardy if I did not do more than drink water and take vitamin c. I researched the virus and bought an amazing book that changed my life: The Immune System Cure by Lorna Vanderhaeghe and Patrick Bouic.
The diet and nutritional routine I employed much based on this book helped me fight mono and the Epstein Barr Virus and get my immunity back on track.
1. Cut Sugar entirely
2. Eat lots of protein - lean fish, buffalo & boiled eggs
3. Green tea - cut caffeine and alcohol
4. Organic Yogurt
5. Super Greens -- Barleans Super Greens in my shakes
6. CoenzymeQ10 -- the Spark of Life -- Energizes your cells and your body
7. Zinc- Boosts the Thymus Gland
8. Glutathione-- Free Radical Fighter
9. Magnesium
10. DHEA - The Immune Hormone
These 10 steps strengthened my immune system and got my body in a state where it was repairing itself and fighting the virus.
Have a question about how to recover from a bad case of mono or Epstein Barr?
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of supplements, vitamins and homeopathic medicine at Healthy Being Products Store
Zrii- Nutritional Amalaki Nutritional Fruit Drink - Ayurvedic, Antioxidant Daily Tonic

Two months ago I signed up to buy and distribute a new product called Zrii. It is rooted in Ayurvedic medicine and is endorsed by Deepak Chopra. I'm always intrigued by the latest inventions and products that hit the market and figured I would give this product a try.
The suggested dosage for Zrii is 1 oz in the morning as a daily tonic or it can be taken a few times through out the day. I have to admit that I really did notice an impact on my health after consuming this product within a few days. I had more energy and slept better. My 92 year old Grandmother has also started to take Zrii daily and it has really helped stabilize her mental abilities-- she has started working the crossword puzzles again in the AM.
I just heard a report about Zrii on the news this evening and thought it would be a good idea to highlight my experiences with the great product. If you are interested in purchasing Zrii -we do sell it by the bottle or case (4 48oz bottles per case) on our website:
What’s in Zrii?
In Ayurveda, the Amalaki fruit is widely considered to be the most rejuvenating super-fruit. For over 5,000 years, Ayurveda has valued Amalaki for its rejuvenating, vitality-enhancing, and anti-aging properties.
Scientifically formulated with a blend of Amalaki and synergistic herbs, Zrii is an effective new liquid nutritional drink that is rooted in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Created with pomegranate, pear, and grape juice, Zrii is rich in antioxidants, free-radical scavenging polyphenols, and bio-stable Vitamin C.
Zrii’s proprietary amalaki formulation also contains the following rejuvenating and detoxifying herbs:
* Amalaki (fruit) -boosts immune system, contains Vitamin C, promotes anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, promotes cellular health.* Turmeric (root)- improves circulation, digestion, and reduces inflammation
* Tulsi (leaf)- improves digestion and intestinal health
* Schizandra (fruit)- enhances mental function and memory; excellent 'brain tonic'
* Jujube (fruit)- calms the nerves and serves as a mild "rejuvenative"
* Haritaki (fruit)- serves as a mild-detoxifying agent, nourishes the tissues
* Ginger (root)- improves digestion, absorption, and assimilation.
Recent studies on Amalaki have shown it to be beneficial in relation to:
Antioxidant Activity
Oxidative Stress (related to heart)
Gastric Ulcers
Hepatoprotective (related to liver)
Cholesterol Inhibitor
Blood Glucose Reduction (related to blood sugar)
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Benefits of Zrii:
* Amalaki, the great rejuvenator. Central to Zrii is a small fruit that grows at the base of the pristine Himalayas in northern India. Its nutritional profile truly places it in a class of its own—which means it can be an extraordinary source for you to find rejuvenation, vitality, and energy.
* A formulation that takes nutrition to the next level. Mixed only with fruit juices, amalaki would be a top nutritional drink. But that wasn’t enough to ensure that you received the highest level of nutrition possible, so we created a synergistic blend of herbs and fruits to completely unlock the potency of amalaki.
* Preservative-free. Zrii uses the world’s purest whole-food source of amalaki,all grown at the foot of the Himalayas, surrounded by the cleanest air and water on the planet—which means no harmful artificial chemicals or contaminants.
* Wildcrafted in the Himalayas Our amalaki is wildcrafted, a harvesting technique where the fruit is taken from trees as it is naturally found in nature, hand-picked according to ancient techniques.
* Endorsed by the Chopra Center. Zrii is proudly endorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, founded by world-famous Dr. Deepak Chopra and neurologist Dr. David Simon—the first third-party provider the Chopra Center has ever endorsed.
* A vibrant taste. In Ayurvedic practice, the ability of a food or drink to “enliven the tongue” is a hallmark of its healing capabilities. And as those who’ve tried it will tell you, Zrii most assuredly enlivens the tongue.
* The wisdom of Ayurveda. The formulation for Zrii is built on 5,000 years of Ayurvedic wisdom, which calls for multiple ingredients working together synergistically to maximize nutritional potency.

Have a question about how to make extra income from selling Zrii?
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of supplements, vitamins and homeopathic medicine at Healthy Being Products Store
Tips for Buying Vitamins, Herbal Supplements & Omega Fish Oils Online from Ebay & EStores
We often receive emails through our ebay store about how to purchase the right vitamins and supplements for each individual. We have compiled a few suggestions that may help ebay shoppers as well as those who shop for vitamins and herbal supplements in their local markets find the best vitamins and supplement to address their particular needs.
Top 5 Tips on How to Buy the Best Vitamins & Supplements
1. Read the Supplement Facts label - check out the ingredients. Avoid vitamins and supplements that may contain artificial flavors, coloring and sugar. Many vitamins and supplements actually have added chemicals and preservatives that are either toxic and/ or harmful to our bodies.
2. Check the expiration date- makes sure that what your buying is fresh and will last the duration of use. All manufacturers are required to list the expiration date on the vitamin bottle. A little diligence will go a long way. If the ebay store does not list it- ask for the specific expiration date from the buyer. You will know if they keep the freshest items in stock.
3. Educate yourself - All manufacturers have websites that detail their product, their manufacturing philosophy as well as the target audience of their particular products. Great manufacturers should provide information about their products, the dietary supplement ingredients, clinical trial and study reviews as well as health tips and prevention news.
One of my favorite manufacturers is Enzymatic Therapy. Enzymatic Therapy creates vitamins that age and gender specific. Based on common health concerns and vitamin deficiencies- Enzymatic Therapy addresses specific needs of their consumers. If you are a 50-something woman going through menopause- they carry a Doctor's Choice line that is age and gender targeted.
4. Shop Around - Online Shopping and Buying is not only convenient it is a very cost effective way to save money on great natural health products. With the economic crunch on gasoline prices- you can often get bargains by shopping online. Ecommerce sites will often include combined shipping costs and even free shipping. You can also negotiate with the sellers in many cases and it pays to communicate with the store owners-- we are looking to create a satisfactory experience and seek repeat customers.
At Healthy Being Products we offer free shipping on over 95% of our inventory and we also offer a free gift with purchase. We value our customers time and desire to make educated choices about their health and wellness. When we can- we also include educational and informational materials with our shipments.
5. Seek References -- Ebay has a great way of understanding a company's background and success rate with past customers. The rating mechanism is a brilliant way to instill confidence in potential buyers. Similarly, seek e commerce sites that convey customer feedback. Often Estores will offer surveys as a follow up measure with their customers to help them rate their experiences.
Have a question about shopping online for vitamins and supplements?
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of supplements, vitamins and homeopathic medicine at Healthy Being Products Store
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