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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Can External Factors like Diet Influence the Sex of a Baby?

I just saw this article and thought this was so interesting- I've known many friends who have wanted to have one particular gender baby vs another and there may be evidence that a mother's diet may influence the baby's gender. If you want to have a baby girl or a baby boy- perhaps your diet pre-pregnancy may be something to consider.

(Dr Mercola)What a woman eats before pregnancy may play a role in whether the baby is a boy or a girl, according to surprising new research.

Women who have a hearty appetite, eat a lot of potassium-rich foods like bananas, and don’t skip breakfast appear more likely to have a boy. Previous studies have also shown that male embryos do best with longer exposure to nutrient-rich lab cultures.

It could be that more nutrients are needed to build boys than girls. Women who ate at least one bowl of breakfast cereal daily were 87 percent more likely to have boys than those who ate no more than one bowlful per week, a possible sign that they were skipping breakfast.

Among women with the highest calorie intake before pregnancy (but still within a normal, healthy range), 56 percent had boys, versus 45 percent of the women with the lowest calorie intake. Women who had boys also ate an additional 300 mg of potassium daily on average, and about 400 calories more daily, compared to women who had girls.

The research involved about 700 first-time pregnant women, and has been billed as the first to show a link between a woman’s diet and the gender of her offspring. The women were asked about their eating habits in the year before getting pregnant.


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