Correct timing to take water.

Correct timing to take water will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.
Two (02) glasses of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs
One (01) glass of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion
One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure
One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack
Calculate Water You Need For Your Body
Reasons for Yawning

Yawning! We all yawn one or the other time. We also yawn when see someone else yawning. Why does this happen? What are reasons of yawning? Lets find some answers in this post.
- When you feel bored, sleepy or people around you are yawning are the main reason for yawning.
- Human feelings are contagious, this is one of the reason why people laugh together, they cry together, they cough together and they yawn when someone yawns.
- There are very rare medical cases in which a person suffering from any brain related disorder is the reason for yawning. Like a person suffering from epileptic fit, it is common to start yawning before he get the fit.
- Brain fever is also one of the reason for yawning.
- A person who is addicted to drugs made of opium like heroine and is kept away from the drug for rehabilitation or given medication to let go the addictions can suffer a lot of yawning.
- Some other reasons of yawning are
- feeling tired
- doing a lot of work
- mind is under stress
- loss of activity.
Dry Cough and Vomiting

Lets first discuss what is a dry cough? Dry cough is a cough which doesn't produce anything. Opposite to dry cough is productive cough which produce phelgm. I had to clear the difference between two coughs as there are a lot of people who are confused with dry cough and accompanied by vomiting.
Trapped In Lift - do this...

What to do when you are trapped in a lift ???
We never know when and where accidents will happen to us OR people around us. Read on and hope this piece of information may help any of us when things do happen to yourself, our friends and our loved ones.
One day, while in a lift, it suddenly broke down and it was falling from level 13 at a fast speed. Fortunately, I remembered watching a TV program that taught you must quickly press all the buttons for all the levels.
Finally, the lift stopped at the 5th level.
When you are facing life and death situations, whatever decisions or actions you make decides your survival.
If you are caught in a lift breakdown, first thought in mind may be 'waiting to die'...
But after reading below, things will definitely be different the next time you are caught in a lift...
First - Quickly press all the different levels of buttons in the lift.
When the emergency electricity supply is being activated, it will stop the lift from falling further.
Second - Hold on tight to the handle (if there is any).. It is to support your position and prevent you from falling or getting hurt when you lost your balance.
Third - Lean your back and head against the wall forming a straight line.
Leaning against the wall is to use it as a support for your back/spine as protection.
Fourth - Bend your knees
Ligament is a flexible, connective tissue. Thus, the impact of fractured bones will be minimised during fall.
Heart Attacks First Aid
"Critical time (time window) which is owned by the patient heart attack to give immediate relief is 90 to 120 minutes after the attack occurred, 'said Prof
Fragrance and the power of scent
That Girl's Order Deadline
Skin Care Tips
Sterile Environment to Children Risk to Diseases
The experts claim, the trend of the use of antibacterial soaps could actually trigger the children become vulnerable in the future. In fact, exposure to germs every day is useful for disease prevention.
Warm or a Cool?
Weekend Special Online Sales Event
7 don'ts after a meal
* Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1 hr before meal.
* Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.
* Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted &blocked.
* Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
* Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.
* Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.
A Short Message to All My Readers
Change Your Lifestyle... Change Your Life
Lifestyle modifications such as nutrition, diet, and exercise are the preferred methods for achieving healthy body composition.
What is unhealthy body composition? Generally speaking, it refers to carrying too much fat in comparison to lean tissue (e.g. muscle)- often referred to as having a high fat-to-lean ratio.
How do you measure body composition? Well, it can't be measured by your bathroom scale. The following methods can be used to assess your body composition:
- Waist Circumference and Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)
- Skin-Fold Thickness
- Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Take the first step toward better health. Ask us about our nutrition-based body composition program!
Make Your Own Scrub
info sharing:- Envelopes and Stamps
Envelopes and Stamps
A woman was working in a post Office in California .
One day she licked the envelopes and postage stamps instead of using a sponge.
That very day the lady found a cut on her tongue. A week later, she noticed an abnormal swelling of her tongue.
She went to the doctor, and they found nothing wrong..
Her tongue was not sore or anything... A couple
of days later, her tongue started to swell more, and it began
to get really sore, so sore, that she could not eat. She
went back to the hospital, and demanded something be done.
The doctor took an x-ray of her tongue and noticed a
lump... He prepared her for minor surgery. When
The doctor cut her tongue open, a live cockroach crawled out!!!!
There were cockroach eggs on the seal of the
Envelope. The egg was able to hatch inside of
her tongue, because of her saliva, which was warm and moist.....
This is a truestory reported on CNN!
Andy Hume wrote: Hey, I used to work in an envelope
factory. You wouldn't believe the....things that float around in
those gum applicator trays. I haven't licked
an envelope for years!'
I used to work for a print shop(32 years ago), and we
were told NEVERto lick the envelopes. I never understood
why until I had to go into storage and pull out 2500
envelopes that were already printed and saw several squads
of cockroaches roaming around inside a couple of
boxes with eggs everywhere. They eat the glue
on the envelopes..
After reading this you will never lick
Another envelope or stamp again.
Are You Having Dry Skin Problems this Winter?
5 DON'T when you're sleeping.
Watches can emit a certain level of radioactivity. Though small, but if you wear your watch to bed for a long time, it might have adverse effects on your health.
Scientists in America have discovered those that wear bras for more than 12 hours have a higher risk of getting breast cancer. So go to bed without it.
Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is not encouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, but please put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phone and television sets emit magnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system.. Therefore if you need to put your mo! bile phone near you, switch it off first.
People who sleep with make up might have skin problems in the long run. Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also need a much longer time to go into deep sleep.
You may never wake up again
Veterans Day Sale
Loosen Your Weight
Skin and Body Care In Winters - Winter Skin Care
The Giving Tree

Woodward Medical Center announces
The Giving Tree
Each time you refer a new patient to Woodward Medical Center we will donate two items in your name to the Woodridge Food Pantry. You may select from the items under our decorated tree. There you will find diapers, baby formula, new toys, socks, mittens, food, toiletries and school supplies. This year the need is greater than ever. Together we can help.
Looking for another way to give? We are just as committed to your health as to our community. Please keep your scheduled 3 visits per week for 3 weeks and you too may pick a gift from under the tree to donate to the Woodridge Food Pantry.
You will receive a personal thank you note from the Woodridge Food Pantry after your donation is made.
The season starts now, look for The Giving Tree at the clinic on November 1st and throughout the season.
2007 W. 75th Street
Woodridge, IL 60517
Phone: (630) 310-0944
5 Habits to Break Before It's Too Late
You want to live a long, full life -- to be young and lean forever. But you could be doing yourself more harm than good.
Getty Images
"Someday," you say, "I'm going to get my health back on track, after this next project," or "when I get back from my cruise," or "when the kids get a little older" ... C'mon, you know your list of reasons -- or what I call EXCUSES -- better than I.
Look, if you're waiting for some magical day to appear, you just may be waiting forever. These days do not "show up"; you show up for THEM. I have identified five critical areas, bad habits that many people mindlessly follow. Do you realize that each and every day of your life that you do not reverse these dangerous trends, you get farther and farther from your ultimate goal of living a fulfilling life?
Take a look at each area, determine how you stack up, and then make the fix today:
1) Stealing from sleep: Studies show that a minimum of seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep (at night) are essential for health. Sleep is the time when your body repairs and recovers from all of the metabolic processes that your body performs every second. Sleep supports healthy weight management, raises growth hormone, and heals the adrenals. If you are watching TV, working on your PC, or otherwise stimulating yourself so that you are unable to go to sleep by 11 PM, then establish the Power Down Hour and turn to more relaxing activities like baths, light novels, or cuddling with a loved one (or pet!) at least an hour or two before bedtime. Then ... retrain yourself to sleep through the night.
2) Skipping breakfast: How many times do you find yourself dashing out the door to start your day, only to discover that you forgot to eat? Listen, your body has just "fasted" overnight, and in order to fuel yourself for the day (and lower stress hormones), you must eat a balanced meal that includes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Otherwise, your body will turn on itself for fuel, and it isn't fat but muscle that it's going to target ... which will cascade into a very nasty sequence of health consequences that will make you fat, old, and tired before your time.
3) Blowing off exercise: If you think you can manage your health and weight through dietary means alone, it won't work. Period. Exercise is crucial for stimulating proper physical and hormonal response necessary for building muscle and bone, burning fat, letting you sleep, keeping you young, giving you energy -- the list is endless. More important is the CORRECT type of exercise, which involves high-intensity interval training, along with resistance workouts. If you can't find 20-30 minutes a day to incorporate these exercises into your life (oh yeah, that is ALL you need, by the way), then you can kiss your health goodbye.
4) Noshing at night: Strapping on the feedbag in the evenings basically signals your body to hold off on burning existing fat stores, raises stress hormones before bedtime, and screws up your body's natural digestive processes at a time when it should be ready to shut down and repair. If you are eating in a hormonally-balanced way during your evening meal, there is absolutely no need to munch afterward.
5) Not counting your beverages: One of the craziest things I encounter in my work is the lack of consideration of high-calorie, high-sugar drinks in the diet. Yes, those healthy "Jumbo Juices," designer coffee slurpees (hey, they may as well be, given all the sugar in them), and those harmless little cocktails every night, especially those fruit-flavored martini and tequila drinks, can really pack on the pounds in a hurry. Make the switch to healthier options like iced green tea -- or, my favorite, Emergen-C -- for some sparkling mineral replacements that not only satisfy, but also fuel and nourish!
JJ Virgin, PhD, CNS is a celebrity health and nutrition expert, author, public speaker and media personality. She is internationally recognized as the creator of the Weight Loss Resistance Revolution™ and trains other health care professionals in her program. JJ is the President of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals,
Read more:
Therapeutic Lifestyle

First Line Therapy can help you regain health. It is a specialized therapeutic lifestyle change program unlike any other. The FLT system targets the underlying causes of chronic illnesses associated with aging by incorporation a sensible
- Eating plan - always eat grains and fruits with your protein and oils in order to keep your blood sugar even. Combining foods correctly can be a key to weight loss.
- Exercise - not only is it good for your heart and muscles, exercise is the best way to get you breathing. This brings in oxygen to balance your pH and restore heath.
- Nutritional supplementation - learn about medical foods. These are FDA approved foods that balance sugar level and feed you high quality nutrients that our regular food sources deplete in.
- Stress management - breathing exercises and guided imagery trigger the relaxation response. For a society that certainly knows how to bring on the stress response, it is time to use tested techniques to induce relaxation.
FLT is not just a weight loss program it is best used as a first line treatment for common, chronic health problems (e.g. high cholesterol insulin resistance, unhealthy body composition.)
Therapeutic Lifestyle change program is recommended by leading health organizations as a first-line treatment option for many of the conditions like
- Heart Disease
- Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Osteoarthritis
- High Cholesterol
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Osteoporosis
- Fatigue
The association of altered body composition with chronic health conditions is so strong that in 1995 the National Institute of Health convened an Expert Panel to encourage programs for improving body composition.
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis determines fat-to-lean ratio by utilizing modern electrical frequency science.A healthy body composition can improve the overall quality of your life!
Top 10 Skincare Tips
Here is some information about Coconut Water:
'It's a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. It's the fluid of life, so to speak.'
During the Pacific War of 1941-45, both sides in the conflict regularly used coconut water - siphoned directly from the nut - to give emergency plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers..
Most coconut water is still consumed fresh in tropical coastal areas - once exposed to air, the liquid rapidly loses most of its organoleptic and nutritional characteristics, and begins to ferment.
Coconut Water is More Nutritious than whole milk - Less fat and NO cholesterol!
Coconut Water is More Healthy than Orange Juice - Much lower calories
Coconut Water is Better than processed baby milk- It contains lauric acid, which is present in human mother's milk
Coconut water is naturally sterile -- Water permeates though the filtering husk!
Coconut water is a universal donor-- Its identical to human blood plasma
Coconut Water is a Natural Isotonic Beverage - The same level we have in our blood.
Coconut water has saved lives in 3rd world countries thru Coconut IV.
Coconut water is the very stuff of Nature, biologically Pure, full of Natural Sugars, Salts, and Vitamins to ward off fatigue... and is the next wave of energy drinks BUT natural!', according to Mortin Satin, Chief of the United Nation's Food & Agriculture Organization.
Coconut water contains more potassium (at about 294 mg) than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks..
Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have around 41mg and energy drinks have about 200mg!
Coconut water has 5mg of Natural Sugars where sports and energy drinks range from 10-25mg of Altered Sugars.
Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg; compared to sports drinks at about 39mg.
Data is based on a 100ml drink
Osteoporosis can Attack Young People
Columbus Day Sale
6 simple tips to lose weight
Chew Gum
Volunteers who chewed gum for 15 minutes each hour between lunch and a snack consumed 60 fewer calories from sweets than when they went gum-free.
Vegetable Juice
Here's a surprising way to supercharge any diet--and your health: Chug a glass of low-sodium vegetable juice every day. In a study of 81 overweight adults at risk for heart disease and diabetes, those who drank at least a cup of low-sodium V8 daily lost four pounds over 12 weeks, while those on the same reduced-fat diet who drank no juice lost one pound.
Drop Sugary Drinks
Calories from solid foods and liquids both add up, of course. But in a recent multicenter study, the only menu change that had a significant payoff for dieters was cutting back on sugary beverages, says lead author Benjamin Caballero, MD. Reducing intake by just one serving a day took a pound off after six months, enough to add up for people with a soda or fruit-drink habit.
Green Tea
Overweight or obese exercisers burned off three more pounds and 7 percent more belly fat when they drank green tea instead of another beverage with the same calories, according to a new multicenter study.
More Sleep
A study of 32 summer students at Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas over three weeks showed that those who slept an extra two hours ate nearly 300 calories less.
When ground beef was swapped out for mushrooms in lasagna, sloppy joes, and chili, adults consumed 400 fewer calories per day, according to a Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health study. Researchers estimate that if you sub mushrooms for ground meat in one meal every week, you can lose five pounds in a year.
How To Get Gorgeous Skin
Helpful Tips for a Healthy Back
- Never bend from the waist, always bend the hips and knees.
- Never lift a heavy object higher than your waist.
- Always face the object you wish to lift.
- Hold objects close to your body. Never carry anything you cannot handle with ease.
- Wear shoes with moderate heels. Avoid changes from high to low heels.
- Put a footstool under the desk or places where you stand for long periods of time. Using this takes pressure off the lower back when sitting or standing.
- Do not stoop or stretch when placing items on shelves. Raise the objects you want to place to hip level.
- Use your abdominal muscles to flatten your lower abdomen. Strong abdominal and buttock muscles help support the lower back structure.
- Avoid sitting on soft chairs or lying on couches or beds. This distorts the alignment of the spine.
- If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees.
Aids Attack Productive Age
Straws - Just how unhealthy they can get
> twice before using a straw to drink !!
> ...................................................................
> Horrible story!
> I ordered a Club Sandwich and a Sprite in a restaurant
> somewhere in
> Malaysia .. When I finished half of the
> sandwich I sipped a sprite. But it didnt taste like
> an ordinary
> sprite I used to drink. So I sipped once more, but
> it still tasted the same. It tasted like a sprite
> mixed with some
> kind of oil.
> I
>called the clerk and asked him if the sprite was
> expired. He said it
> was just delivered today. So I asked him to
> taste it. Then he also found that something was
> wrong with it.
> Both of us were
> wondering for a while. Then I got to look inside the
> straw. There were a lot of tiny black round
> things that looked like eggs. So I cut the middle of
> the straw
> lengthwise to have a better look.. Yuck. There were
> a lot of tiny black round things in it.. I suppose
> they were eggs of
> cockroach. About 1000 eggs were there. Then I
> began to check all the other straws in the straws
> case one by one.
> Almost all of them contained black eggs that
> seemed to be either the cockroach eggs or
> excretions..
> After the incident I began to check all the straws in the
> restaurants and fast food chains that I had gone to..
> Almost of all the straws contained the same black
> eggs. Especially
> the darker the colors of straws, the more black
> eggs were found.. In black straws, extreme amount of
> black eggs were
> found. It was found out that it's because the
> cockroaches live
> (hatch eggs and excrete) in the dark places.
> * 80% or more restaurants in the malls use red or
> black colored
> straws.
1. Wear mask if you have the infection or when looking after infected person.
2. Regular washing of hands with soap and water or alcohol based sanitizing lotion.
3. Avoid crowded places
4. Seek medical advice/ treatment when having flu like illness signs and symptoms.
The virus is spread by oral droplets that are sneezed or coughed out by infected person. If another person breathes in these droplets, they will get the virus and may end up getting the flu. Due to gravity, these droplets are limited in the distance of spread and the reason why one will not be infected if one stays beyond 3 feet from the sufferer. This is also the reason why infected person needs to wear face mask or to cover their nose/mouth when sneezing/ coughing; to prevent their oral droplets from reaching others.
Apart from the above, the oral droplets may also contaminate items such as furniture, door-knobs, stationery, etc. This is the rationale for the recommendation to regularly wash our hands with water and soap or where available, the alcohol based sanitizing lotion. We are also recommended not to touch our mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands as they may transfer the virus to these unprotected parts of the body.
The virus does not get airborne and spread by the wind or air-condition. As such there is no requirement for healthy person to wear mask except when they need to be close to infected person for long duration such as while taking care of or visiting them.
The oral droplet transmission also explains the need for everyone to avoid crowded places. The exposure will surely be more when one is in a crowd as there could be infected persons among them. It is more important for infected persons to avoid crowds as they can be the source of the virus for others. They should, as recommended impose self quarantine at home until they recover.
What about health declaration and temperature screening?
These measures are only useful during the containment period. Carriers of the virus coming into a country or premise are checked and where appropriate be referred to hospitals. However, the effectiveness of these measures is limited due to false declaration and the ability of the virus to be spread well before one gets the signs and symptoms. As has been seen, the initial measures of health declaration and temperature screening carried out by the authorities did not keep the virus out.
At present, we are well into the mitigation phase. That means we treat and isolate cases rather than trying to stop them from coming into the country/ premise. The virus is already circulating in the country with several `hot-spots'. Potential sources could be any person in the city/ town or kampong we live in. The fact that most cases were mild did not help as they went undetected while spreading the virus.
One may be infected from any of the sources, anytime. As such, it is now more effective to identify and treat infected person as quickly as possible and isolate them so as to minimize exposure to others.
What we need to do to help control the virus spread?
REMEMBER, the most important control measures are listed above. They depend on full understanding and cooperation from everyone. If all of us make conscious effort to protect ourselves and others from the virus, the transmission of the virus can be reduced. These could complement efforts by others such as the healthcare services, media, etc. in the country in controlling the pandemic.
So remember:
1. Always maintain good personal hygiene. Wash our hands regularly.
2. Avoid going to crowded places unless necessary, especially when you have the illness.
3. When you have the illness, seek medical help. Do not self medicate. If required, impose self quarantine at home. Do not come to work even if you feel you are fit to work.
4. When you have the flu or taking care of/ visit infected persons, wear the mask.
Lastly, always seek advice from professionals who know the subject and the related issues. Your nearest advisers should be the Group's or your own OPUs' Health Advisers.
Simple Eye Makeup Tricks
Diet for Gout
Make Lips Look Fuller - Sexy Lips Instantly
Lose weight by eating more fiber
Lose weight by eating more fiber
Did you know it's possible to lose weight by only slightly increasing the amount of fiber you eat? Everyone agrees that including a decent amount of fiber in your diet is a good idea. Fiber in moderate quantities has many benefits for your body including good bowel functions and it helps to reduce cholesterol.
Fiber deficiency takes it toll on your bowels with increased risk of: constipation, bloating, hemorrhoids and colon cancer. Obesity, high cholesterol and heart disease are also linked.
There are two types of dietary fiber but what effect does each type of fiber have on your body?
Insoluble fiber comes from foods such as cabbage leaves, carrots, and beans, and is not absorbed by the body. This means it serves as a natural laxative and can help in keeping good bowel functions.
Because it is not absorbed the fiber passes relatively quickly through you digestive system. Insoluble fiber absorbs water and can help you feel full without adding calories.
Soluble fiber is found in foods like apples, oats, and rice. It is absorbed by the body and can help lower the amount of cholesterol in your body. When eaten soluble fiber forms gels in the presence of water which swell and make you feel full so you can eat less.
How much fiber should you eat?
There are many benefits to eating fiber from helping against heart disease to good bowel functions and helping to lower cholesterol but like anything eating too much will cause adverse effects. A healthily adult is recommended to eat 18 grams of fiber a day, roughly equivalent to a bowl of cornflakes for breakfast, an apple for lunch, a pear as a mid afternoon snack, and a serving of carrots and small quantity of baked beans in the evening. There are other sources of fiber such as bran flakes or rice so varying your diet is more than possible.
Don't change your diet rapidly overnight. Like all things in life, gradually change to a healthier lifestyle. By including more fiber in your meals you will feel fuller without adding calories so can eat less and lose weight.
How to Add More Fiber to Your DietAre you getting enough fiber in your diet? Fortunately, incorporating the recommended amount of fiber into your diet doesn't have to mean eating salads every day, if you follow these steps:
- Figure out how much more fiber you need.
Keep a food diary to record what you eat, and how much of it per day. Look up each food item on the Internet and see how much fiber each one contains. The average American gets 14 grams of fiber a day but here's what you're supposed to be getting: - Men under 50, 38 grams of fiber per day
- Men over 50, 30 grams of fiber per day
- Women under 50, 25 grams of fiber per day
- Women over 50, 21 grams of fiber per day
- Add fiber to your diet slowly.
If you are currently getting 10 grams of fiber a day, don't jump to 35 grams of fiber the next day. You need to give the natural bacteria in your digestive system time to adapt to your new fiber intake. What you'll want to do is make the following changes over at least a few weeks.
- Start with breakfast.
If you can get a fiber-packed breakfast routine going, you can probably add a solid 5-10 grams of fiber to your daily diet. - Eat a cereal with 5 or more grams of fiber per serving.
- If you have a favorite cereal you just can't let go of, add few tablespoons of unprocessed wheat bran or mix it with a high fiber cereal.
- If you like to eat toast in the morning, make it whole wheat bread. Alternatively, there are brands of bread and English muffins that have 5 or more grams of fiber per slice.
- Bake muffins that incorporate crushed bran cereal or unprocessed wheat bran.
- Add fruits like berries, raisins, or bananas to your cereal (or over your pancakes or waffles) to increase your fiber by 1-2 grams.
- Leave the skin on.
Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet will add fiber, but only if you eat the skin, because that's where all the fiber is. So don't peel those apples before you eat them. If you're eating potatoes, try to leave the skin in the dish (such as if making baked or mashed potatoes).
It's also worth knowing that keeping the skin on potatoes when you cook them will help keep more vitamins and minerals in the flesh. Just don't eat any parts of skin that are green.
- Eat whole grains.
Not only will this offer the health benefits of added fiber, but it can also help you lose belly fat. A diet rich in whole grains changes the glucose and insulin response in your body, which hastens the melting of fat, and visceral fat (that deep layer of fat), is easier for your body to burn than the subcutaneous fat under your skin. - Eat more beans.
Beans are generally very high in fiber, as well as in protein (which is good for if you're building muscle). - Add them to soup or salads.
- Eat more Mexican food! Many Mexican dishes incorporate beans: burritos, enchiladas, tacos, quesadillas and nachos.
- Make chili.
- Eat hummus.
How to Lower Colesterol
MAKEUP Color for Darker Complexions.
but many of us don't know that there are certain days we should avoid
drinking it.
Soya bean drinks are best consumed on hot sunny days when the sun is
strong. The soya milk will give lots of nutrients to the body as the
body is able to absorb the protein well.
However, avoid the drink when the weather is cloudy or raining. Taking
the drink in those weather, the body will not be able to take in the
protein and will result in a disease called 'GOUT' or 'high acidic
urine' due to the high protein residue in the body, after a long run.
This disease will cause pain to your knee joints and it will only be in
control when you control your food intake of proteins and medication.
The pain is unbearable and usually you will have no idea what you have
taken to cause the pain. Food like soya beans, anchovies, broccoli,
spinach, peanuts, & n esp animal organs will have to be
avoided to prevent the pain from attacking.
So my friend, pass this to your family, relatives and friends to keep an
alert on the pros and cons of soya bean milk and when it is to be taken
and to be avoided.
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Guideline for the use of surgical mask
However, there are several questions about wearing surgical mask such as:
There are 2 sides of surgical mask and the white color side contains filter. The corrective ways of use are:
- If we have flu, the white side should attach to our face (the color side faces out) to filter the micro-organism not to spread them out to others
- If we are not ill, the white side should face out to protect micro-organism from environment to come to contact with us
Creating Cleavage
Prevention Swine Flu
Most N95 respirators are designed to filter 95% particulates of 0.3µ, while the size of H1N1 virus is about 0.1µ. Hence, dependence on N95 to protect against H1N1 is like protecting against rain with an umbrella made of mosquito net.
Tamiflu does not kill but prevents H1N1 from further proliferation till the virus limits itself in about 1-2 weeks (its natural cycle). H1N1, like other Influenza A viruses, only infects the upper respiratory tract and proliferates (only) there. The only portals of entry are the nostrils and mouth/ throat. In a global epidemic of this nature, it's almost impossible not coming into contact with H1N1 in spite of all precautions. Contact with H1N1 is not so much of a problem as proliferation is.
While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of H1N1 infection, in order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms and development of secondary infections, some very simple steps - not fully highlighted in most official communications - can be practiced (instead of focusing on how to stock N95 or Tamiflu):

1. Frequent hand-washing (well highlighted in all official communications).
2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach. Resist all temptations to touch any part of face (unless you want to eat, bathe or slap).
3. Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don't trust salt). H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/ nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water h

4. Similar to 3 above, clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. Not everybody may be good at Jala Neti or Sutra Neti (very good Yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities), but blowing the nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds
dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral population.
5. Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C (Amla and other citrus fruits). If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost absorption.
6. Drink as much of warm liquids as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.
All these are simple ways to prevent, within means of most households, and certainly much less painful than to wait in long queues outside public hospitals.
Happy breathing!
Be Careful to Consume Strengthen Sex Drugs
Figthing A Virus

Do you want to make your body immune to any virus which exists in this world. If your answer is yes then the best way to raise your immune power. We will see how we can do it in this post. We will see raise the level of our immune system, so that it becomes strong enough to fight almost any type of virus that are their around the world.
1. Fast for 1 or 2 days taking only water or salads.
2. Cleanse your body of all toxins by taking enema during the fasting period. Remember : Virus are present everywhere. But they inflict the disease only on 'toxic' bodies. Healthy systems are often immune from virus attacks. So not just the surroundings, the internal body mechanism too should be kept clean. And most important, if bowel habits are irregular the fecal matter in our system is the No. 1 invitee of all viruses and diseases. So enema helps in cleansing our body of all these toxins.
3. Keep your body fit through proper healthy food and excercise.
4. Do not take Tami flu tablets if you are normal. That will lower the body immunity and make the virus drug resistant, if and when it happens to attack.
5. However in case of an attack, go to a hospital for the remaining treatment.
If we sincerely follow the above steps, I am sure we all can stay immune to almost all the viruses around our environment. If you guys want to share any other thoughts do post your comments.
Symptoms of Swine Flu
Symptoms of Swine Flu
1) Fever
2) Cough
3) Sore Throat
4) Body Aches
5) Headache
6) Chills
7) Fatigue
8) Diarrhea and Vomiting : This symptom is not shown by everyone who has been infected by swine flu but 10% of them has reportedly been having diarrhea and vomiting.
Get yourself to the doctor immediately if you face any of the above symptoms.
Swine Flu - The Misconception.
Here is what one should know.
1) Swine flu, i.e H1N1 flu is not something which has suddenly arrived from God knows where. There is actually a history behind it. First case of Swine flu was detected in 1987. So chill guys this is something which was there.
2) There are 5 days of the infective stage. The first day when the person gets the symptoms and the rest 4 days after the onset of the symptoms.
3) So how can we stop Swine Flu from spreading? The person who is infected or with the symptoms o

4) Masks which are being used on huge scale these days to avoid swine flu are being sold at out of proportion value. ( please don't crap on supply demand guys). Besides these masks are of little to no use. To avoid getting infected from swine flu one should avoid visiting public places like shopping malls, cinema halls. Avoid air conditioned enclosures as the virus multiplies at such places.
5) Swine flu has been bold ed out by the media on a out of proportion scale. The death in case of swine flu is very rare. 1 out of 10k infected suffers life loss. This proportion is less than a person being hit by a lightning.
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, ga str itis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and men str ual di sorders, ear nose and throat diseases..
1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water ..
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to dri nk 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/ reduce main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure - 30 days
2. Ga str ic - 10 days
3. Diabetes - 30 days
4. Constipation - 10 days
5. Cancer - 180 days
6. TB - 90 days
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards - daily.
This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life.
Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active....
This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals ...not cold water. Maybe it
is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain....
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that
you have just consumed .... It will slow down the digestion.
Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal..
A serious note about heart attacks: Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting.
Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.
**Please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about....... .I just did!!!**
Natural therapy for heart vein opening
For Heart Vein opening
1) Lemon juice 01 cup
2) Ginger juice 01 cup
3) Garlic juice 01 cup
4) Apple vinegar 01 cup
Mix all above and boil in light flame approximately half an hour, when it becomes 3 cups, take it out and keep it for cooling. After cooling, mix 3 cups of natural honey
and keep it in bottle.
Every morning before breakfast use one Table spoon regularly. Your blockage of Vein's will open (No need any Angiography or By pass)
At this point, I wanted to share my living style, which has caused this block in my heart arteries. Please see the below points of my life style, if any of these points are part of your life style then you are at risk, please change yourselves.
1. I was not doing any physical exercise for more than 10 years , not even walking 30 minutes a day for years.
2. My food timings are 11:00 AM Breakfast or no Breakfast, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Lunch and dinner at 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM.
3. Sleeping in very odd timings, going to bed between 12:00 AM and 3:00 AM. Waking up at between 9:00 AM and 10:30AM ........ Some times spending sleepless nights.
4. I used to eat heavily because of long gaps between lunch and dinner and I used to make sure that Non-Veg is available most of the time, there were times when I did survey on city hotels to find delicious Non-Veg dishes. I was never interested in vegetable and healthier food.
5. Above all I was chain smoker from years.
6. My father passed away due to heart problems, and the doctors say the heart problems are usually genetic.
Once they identified the major block they have done immediately a procedure called angioplasty along with 2 Stints, mean they will insert a foreign body into the heart arteries and open the blocked area of arteries. Please see the below image after the procedure.
I learnt from the doctors that 60% people will die before reaching the hospital,20% people will die in the process of recovering from heart attack and only 20% will survive .. In my case, I was very lucky to be part of the last 20%.
Doctors instructions:
1. Need to have physical exercise for minimum of 45 minutes daily.
2. Eat your food at perfect timings, like how you eat during your school days. Eat in small quantities more times and have lot of vegetables and boiled food, try to avoid fry items and oily food. Fish is good than other non-vegetarian food.
3. Sleep for 8 hours a day, this count should complete before sun rising.
4. Stop smoking.
5. Genetic problems, we cannot avoid but we can get away from it by having regular checkups.
6. Find a way to get relived from the stress (Yoga, Meditation etc).
So I urge you all to please avoid getting into this situation, it is in your hands to turn the situation up side down, by just planning / changing your life style, by following simple points above. If you find it's useful you can forward this mail to your friends and loved ones....
Dengue Fever Remedy ! If you.......
Dengue Fever Remedy

I would like to share this interesting discovery from a classmate's son who has just recovered from dengue fever. Apparently, his son was in the critical stage at the ICU when his blood platelet count drops to 15 after 15 liters of blood transfusion.
His father was so worried that he seeks another friend's recommendation and his son was saved. He confessed to me that he gave his son raw juice of the papaya leaves. From a platelet count of 45 after 20 liters of blood transfusion, and after drinking the raw papaya leaf juice, his platelet count jumps instantly to 135. Even the doctors and nurses were surprised. After the second day he was discharged. So he asked me to pass this good news around.
Accordingly it is raw papaya leaves, 2pcs just cleaned and pound and squeeze with filter cloth. You will only get one tablespoon per leaf. So two tablespoon per serving once a day. Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength. Only the leafy part and no stem or sap. It is very bitter and you have to swallow it like "Won Low Kat". But it works.
*Papaya Juice - Cure for Dengue*
You may have heard this elsewhere but if not I am glad to inform you that papaya juice is a natural cure for dengue fever. As dengue fever is rampant now, I think it's good to share this with all.
A friend of mine had dengue last year. It was a very serious situation for her as her platelet count had dropped to 28,000 after 3 days in hospital and water has started to fill up her lung. She had difficulty in breathing. She was only 32-year old. Doctor says there's no cure for dengue. We just have to wait for her body immune system to build up resistance against dengue and fight its own battle. She already had 2 blood transfusion and all of us were praying very hard as her platelet continued to drop since the first day she was admitted.
Fortunately her mother-in-law heard that papaya juice would help to reduce the fever and got some papaya leaves, pounded them and squeeze the juice out for her. The next day, her platelet count started to increase, her fever subside. We continued to feed her with papaya juice and she recovered after 3 days!!!
Amazing but it's true. It's believed one's body would be overheated when one is down with dengue and that also caused the patient to have fever papaya juice has cooling effect. Thus, it helps to reduce the level of heat in one's body, thus the fever will go away. I found that it's also good when one is having sore throat or suffering from heat.
Please spread the news about this as lately there are many dengue cases. It's great if such natural cure could help to ease the sufferings of dengue patients.
Furthermore it's so easily available.
Blend them and squeeze the juice! It's simple and miraculously effective!!
How To Apply Red Lipstick
Are you drinking the right tea?
and night.
--- Should drink more Chrysanthemum Tea.
2. People who need a lot of body energy to work or those people who
exercise a lot everyday.
--- Should drink Wu Loong Tea.
3. People who travel on a bike or work in dirty and polluted places.
--- Should drink Green Tea.
4. For people who like to sit down all day long and not do anything,
even exercising
--- Must drink Green Tea and Flower Tea.
5. People who smoke and drink a lot of alcoholic drinks.
--- Should drink more Green Tea.
6. Carnivore ( i.e. people who must eat meat at least once a day, or
feel sickly)
--- Try to drink some Wu Loong Tea.
7. People who go to the washroom too often or not often enough.
--- Should drink more Honey Tea
8. People with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
--- Wu Loong Tea, Green Tea.
9. Those who work with computers everyday.
--- Need to drink a Lot of Tea (any tea will do).
Whenever you are working with the computer, you should make some tea,
drink it when you are free.
Drinking Tea is healthy, it can protect and prevent the harmful
Ultraviolet light from harming us (when using computer).
Furthermore, it can also relief us when we are tired and help make our
body feel fresh again.
Overcoming of Obesity
Makeup Tips 101 - Art of Applying Makeup
The Meaning of Color
Food as Medicine
Eat plenty of fish -- fish oil helps prevent headaches.
So does ginger, which reduces inflammation and pain..
Eat lots of yogurt before pollen season.
Also-eat honey from your area (local region) daily.
Prevent buildup of fatty deposits on artery walls with regular doses of tea. (actually, tea suppresses my appetite and keeps the pounds from invading....Green tea is great for our immune system)!
Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative.
Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes. (when I was young, my mother would make onion packs to place on our chest, helped the respiratory ailments and actually made us breathe better).
Salmon, tuna, mackerel an d sardines actually prevent arthritis. (fish has omega oils! , good for our immune system)
Bananas will settle an upset stomach.
Ginger will cure morning sickness and nausea.
High-acid cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria.
Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese in pi! neapple.
Women can ward off the effects of PMS with cornflakes, which help reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue..
Oysters help improve your mental functioning by supplying much-needed zinc.
Clear up that stuffy head with garlic. (remember, garlic lowers cholesterol, too.)
A substance similar to that found in the cough syrups is found in hot red pepper. Use red (cayenne) pepper with caution-it can irritate your tummy.
BREAST CANCER? EAT Wheat, bran and cabbage
Helps to maintain estrogen at healthy levels.
A good antidote is beta carotene, a form of Vitamin A found in dark green and orange vegetables.
Cabbage contains chemicals that help heal both gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Grate an apple with its skin, let it turn brown and eat it to cure this condition. (Bananas are good for this ailment)
Mono unsaturated fat in avocados lowers cholesterol.
Olive oil has been shown to lower blood pressure.
Celery contains a chemical that lowers pressure too.
The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar.
Kiwi: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, Vitamin E &fiber. It ' s Vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.
Apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low Vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of Vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.
Strawberry: Protective fruit. A strawberry have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits & protects the body from cancer causing, blood vessels clogging free radicals... (Actually, any berry is good for you...they're high in anti-oxidants and they actually keep us young.........blueberries are the best and very versatile in the health field........they get rid of all the free-radicals that invade our bodies)
Orange: Sweetest medicine. Taking 2 - 4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessen the risk of colon ca ncer.!
Watermelon: Coolest Thirst Quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients
found in watermelon are Vitamin C &Potassium. (watermelon also has natural substances [natural SPF sources] that keep our skin healthy, protecting our skin from those darn suv rays)
Guava &Papaya: Top awards for Vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high Vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation.
Papaya is rich in carotene, this is go! od for your eyes. (also good for gas and indigestion)
Tomatoes are very good as a preventative measure for men, keeps those prostrate problems from invading their bodies.
Blog Archive
- Correct timing to take water.
- Calculate Water You Need For Your Body
- Reasons for Yawning
- Dry Cough and Vomiting
- Trapped In Lift - do this...
- Heart Attacks First Aid
- Fragrance and the power of scent
- That Girl's Order Deadline
- Skin Care Tips
- Sterile Environment to Children Risk to Diseases
- Warm or a Cool?
- Weekend Special Online Sales Event
- 7 don'ts after a meal
- A Short Message to All My Readers
- Change Your Lifestyle... Change Your Life
- Make Your Own Scrub
- info sharing:- Envelopes and Stamps
- Are You Having Dry Skin Problems this Winter?
- 5 DON'T when you're sleeping.
- Veterans Day Sale
- Loosen Your Weight
- Skin and Body Care In Winters - Winter Skin Care
- The Giving Tree
- 5 Habits to Break Before It's Too Late
- Jewelry Sale! Free Shipping! Free Gift Wrapping!
- Guideline for the use of surgical mask
- Creating Cleavage
- Gonorrhea
- Prevention Swine Flu
- Be Careful to Consume Strengthen Sex Drugs
- Figthing A Virus
- Symptoms of Swine Flu
- Swine Flu - The Misconception.
- No Body's PERFECT
- Natural therapy for heart vein opening
- Dengue Fever Remedy ! If you.......