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Monday, July 30, 2012
Massage in St. Petersburg, Fl for Pain Relief, Fibromyalgia, Frozen Shoulders and
Healthy Being Wellness Center, in St. Petersburg, Florida is home to 6 trained and certified Deep Tissue Massage Therapists who utilize their combined 75+ years of experience to ease your deep muscle pain and aches caused by tight muscles.
Our Licensed Massage Therapists are favored by runners, bicyclists, triathletes, golfers, tennis players, basketball players, martial artists, baseball players, swimmers, sprinters, and other sports enthusiasts. Our healing center with overtones of spa relaxation are sought out by many local, national and international celebrities and athletes.
Deep tissue massage employs techniques to work below superficial connective tissue with the intent of breaking up old structural patterns and allowing the free flow of oxygen and nutrients to the blood. Deep tissue massage also helps to free trapped nerves, oxygenate area with poor circulation and allows the spine and joints to relax alignment.
Deep tissue massage can help to relieve:
For instance, if there has been an injury that resulted in severe lower back pain, a deep tissue massage therapy tool may be used to reach deeper layers. This action will allow the release of any scar tissue that has formed or chronic deep muscle tension.
It is important to keep in mind that deep tissue massage techniques work best when they are performed consistently over time. Because deep tissue massage techniques utilize deeper pressure and reach deeper layers of muscle tissue, there is often a level of soreness that will occur. Any soreness that occurs will be noticed for a day or two after the deep tissue massage, but then a general sense of healing and well-being will be apparent.
Communication with the massage therapist is vital in order to avoid excessive pain during a deep tissue massage. A good massage therapist will adjust the level of pressure during a deep tissue massage to accommodate the healing of the client. Although various techniques may be used during a deep tissue massage, the result should be the healing of injury, the lessening of chronic pain and the maintenance of strong and vital muscles.
Our Deep Tissue Massage Rates:
Our Licensed Massage Therapists are favored by runners, bicyclists, triathletes, golfers, tennis players, basketball players, martial artists, baseball players, swimmers, sprinters, and other sports enthusiasts. Our healing center with overtones of spa relaxation are sought out by many local, national and international celebrities and athletes.
Deep tissue massage employs techniques to work below superficial connective tissue with the intent of breaking up old structural patterns and allowing the free flow of oxygen and nutrients to the blood. Deep tissue massage also helps to free trapped nerves, oxygenate area with poor circulation and allows the spine and joints to relax alignment.
Deep tissue massage can help to relieve:
- Chronic pain
- Limited mobility
- Recovery from injuries (e.g. whiplash, falls, sports injury)
- Repetitive strain injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
- Postural problems
- Ostearthritis pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Muscle tension or spasm
Utilizing Massage Therapy Tools
There are various tools that can be utilized during a deep tissue massage to enhance the pressure and promote the release of chronic pain or tension. Deep tissue massage therapy tools are typically found in various types of materials such as wood, rubber or plastic. These tools are knob-like and are used for more intense pressure in focused areas.For instance, if there has been an injury that resulted in severe lower back pain, a deep tissue massage therapy tool may be used to reach deeper layers. This action will allow the release of any scar tissue that has formed or chronic deep muscle tension.
It is important to keep in mind that deep tissue massage techniques work best when they are performed consistently over time. Because deep tissue massage techniques utilize deeper pressure and reach deeper layers of muscle tissue, there is often a level of soreness that will occur. Any soreness that occurs will be noticed for a day or two after the deep tissue massage, but then a general sense of healing and well-being will be apparent.
Communication with the massage therapist is vital in order to avoid excessive pain during a deep tissue massage. A good massage therapist will adjust the level of pressure during a deep tissue massage to accommodate the healing of the client. Although various techniques may be used during a deep tissue massage, the result should be the healing of injury, the lessening of chronic pain and the maintenance of strong and vital muscles.
Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage
- Relieves Muscle Tension
- Improves Body Circulation
- Improves Body Motion
- Improves Body Posture
- Improves Emotional Health
Our Deep Tissue Massage Rates:
- 50min - $75
- 80min - $110
- 3 pack of 50min Deep Tissue Massage $150
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Red Tea - Benefits
Red Tea - Benefits
A. linearis
Health benefits of red rooibos tea are abundant. This form of tea is popular due to its great taste, color and health benefits. Rooibos tea or red tea is a herbal medicinal beverage that is acquired from the Aspalathus linearis bushy plant that is found in South Africa. According to South African Rooibos Council, rooibos is not a true tea, but a herb. The fermented tea is red in color.
Nutritional Value: Red rooibos tea has no oxalic acid and therefore, it can also be consumed by those people who have kidney stones. Rooibos tea is rich in many mineral contents such as iron, calcium, potassium, copper, fluoride, manganese, zinc, magnesium and alpha hydroxy.
Red rooibos tea is one of the best health drink or beverage for all those who care for their health and fitness. Some of the beneficial factors related to red rooibos tea are as follows:
Polyphenols :Rooibos contains polyphenols that has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-mutagenic qualities.
No Caffeine: Rooibos tea is totally caffeine-free, therefore it is recommended by doctors for insomniacs. A cup of rooibos beverage just before going to bed can help you sleep better.
Good for Bones: Red tea is rich in calcium, manganese and fluoride minerals that assist in good bone structure and stronger teeth.
Infant Relief: It can be useful for little infants who suffer from colic or stomach pains. You may add some sweetened milk to the tea for added taste.
Good for Skin: The alpha hydroxyl acid and zinc contents in red tea are best for skin. You can also try applying some red tea powder directly to the skin to relieve acne, pimples, sunburns or related skin conditions.
Kidney Stones: Even people with stone problem can drink as much red rooibos tea as they want as there is no oxalic acid in the beverage.
Hypertension: Rooibos tea is said to bring relief to stress, nervous tensions and hypertension conditions.
Anti-spasmodic Agents: The tea is rich in anti-spasmodic agents, which eases severe stomach cramps and abdominal pains.
Allergies: In many parts of South Africa, red tea is used as an effective curative to treat allergies like eczema, hay fever and allergic bronchitis.
Slows Aging: The anti-oxidants present in rooibos tea slows down human aging process and also boost the immunity levels of human body.
Great Beverage: Red rooibos tea is an excellent thirst quencher and does wonders for active people such as sportsmen, hyper active children and constant travelers. Most people love to drink rooibos tea in its natural form without any sweeteners.
Rare Nutrients: Rooibos tea is said to contain rare nutrient contents such as Quercetin and Bioflavanoid that assists in good blood circulation and obstructs hemorrhaging.
Health Benefits Of Melatonin
Health Benefits Of Melatonin
Melatonin, is a hormone found in all living creatures, at levels that vary in a daily cycle.Melatonin, and its by-products , are extremely powerful antioxidants with a particular role in protecting DNA. It reduces experimental cataractogenesis, traumatic injury to the spinal cord and brain, and protects against oxidative damage to neurons and ganglia in models of stroke, Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s disease . It is naturally synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan via synthesis of serotonin.
Melatonin represents one of the most important immune enhancing substances in our body, and, as a free radical scavenger, protects all body and brain cells against genetic damage considered to be a precursor to cancer . Serotonin acts as a messenger for the nervous system and in the brain as a mood hormone. A reduced serotonin level is associated with depression, lethargy and listlessness, inner agitation and many psychiatric disturbances.
Some foods and drink help increase melatonin consumption; red wine, bananas, oats, fruit vegetables and cereals. Melatonin is present in many plants, possibly to protect against UV light.Purslane has 10-20 times more melatonin than any other edible plant, followed by St John’s Wort,sage and feverfew. Melatonin supplementation may disrupt circadian rhythms, if taken during the day rather than night-time.
Once you pass 65, your body will be able to make only about 10% of the melatonin you did when you were 30.
Cherries are believed to be one of the most concentrated sources of melatonin. Bananas, corn and oats supply melatonin but in considerably smaller amounts.
Increasing melatonin may do more than promote a restful sleep. Melatonin is a potent antioxidant that has been extensively studied in recent years for its role in reducing inflammation and fighting free radicals in the body, which is linked to increased cancer risk.
A new study published in the journal Free Radical Research that was conducted by Reiter and colleagues at the University of Granada in Spain found that melatonin neutralizes the oxidative and inflammation process caused by aging, thereby suggesting that melatonin may play a role in delaying the effects of aging. Based on the findings of this study, the authors suggest that daily melatonin intake in humans from the age of 30 or 40 could potentially help delay illnesses related to aging.
Health Benefits Of Melatonin
Health Benefits Of Fruit Juices
Health Benefits Of Fruit Juices
Fruit juices commonly available as 100 percent fruit juice include: orange, apple, grape, and grapefruit.
People who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are less likely to get some chronic diseases. Fruits also provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of the body. For example:
1. Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. None have cholesterol.
2. Fruits are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, Vitamin C, and folate (folic acid). Fruits are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, Vitamin C, and folate (folic acid).
3. Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Fruit sources of potassium include bananas, prunes and prune juice, dried peaches and apricots, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and orange juice.
4. Dietary fiber from fruits, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper intestinal function. Fiber containing foods such as fruits help provide a feeling of fullness, with fewer calories. Whole or cut-up fruits are sources of dietary fiber; fruit juices contain little or no fiber.
5. Vitamin C is important for growth and repair of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy.
6. Folate (folic acid) helps the body form red blood cells.
7. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may provide health benefits throughout life, including:
8. Reduced risk for stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases.
9. Reduced risk for type 2 diabetes.
10. Protection against certain cancers, such as mouth, stomach, and colon-rectum cancer.
11. Reduced risk of coronary heart disease.
12. Reduced risk of developing kidney stones and decreased bone loss.
13. Reduction in calorie intake.
14. And finally, all these nutrition benefits come from foods that taste delicious!
For fine lines
For fine lines
Blend equal amounts of castor seed, pumpkin seed, and flax seed organic oils, plentiful in nourishing and hydrating essential fatty acids. Each morning and night, dab a few drops around your eyes, avoiding the area near the lash line and making sure oil is absorbed.
For fine lines
For puffy eyes
For puffy eyes
Brew a cup of black tea with two tea bags, then chill the bags in the fridge.Apply the bags directly to your closed eyelids, pressing slightly so that the antioxidant-packed tea penetrates your skin.
For puffy eyes
For dark circles
For dark circles
Grate a raw potato in a bowl, then use two cotton pads to soak up the juice, rich in the skin-lightening enzyme catecholase.Fold the pads in half, and place one under each eye; let pads rest there until completely dry.
For dark circles
Urinary Infections
Urinary Infections
Usually it is little girls who develop infections of the urinary tract. The closeness of the urethra to the anus is the principal reason for this. Mothers should early teach their little daughters how to cleanse themselves after going to the toilet. Wiping the perineum should be done from front to back, in order to avoid contaminating the urethra and vagina with germs present from the stool. Careful hygiene may require special washing with soap and water after a movement. Drink an abundance of fresh soft water. It also helps to keep the kidneys cleansed. If a relaxed atmosphere surrounds the toilet training process and copious water drinking is encouraged, your child will have a healthful preventive to infections which otherwise could damage the kidneys for life.
The usual symptoms of urinary tract infection are burning or irritation with urination. These may be associated with vaginal discharge, fever, or back pain over the kidneys. You can find in most pharmacies a urine testing dipstick to analyze the specimen for infection. Urine examinations with the microscope can demonstrate the presence of bacteria and pus. The urine culture provides further guide to appropriate treatment. Make the urine acidic with cranberry juice or supplemental Vitamin C (500 mg. four times a day). This will help to eliminate bladder germs by inhibiting their multiplication in the bladder. The hippuric acid in cranberries also helps to decrease bacterial adhesiveness to the bladder wall. Hot and cold sitz baths, hot half baths or moist heating packs over the kidney areas help to increase urine flow and white blood cell defenses in the area.
Urinary Infections
Swimmer’s Ear
Swimmer’s Ear
Infection of the outer ear canal typically results from participation in water sports. Although it may occur under other conditions, the main predisposing factor to otitis externa is residual moisture in the ear canal. In such case, pain is localized to the outer ear, and aggravated by pulling on the external portion. A watery or mucus-like drainage is seen in the canal, while the drum is seldom inflamed. Fortunately, hearing is unimpaired. The exudate material should be cleaned out thoroughly to allow the ear canal to dry. The use of Burroughs’ solution (sodium aluminum acetate, available at any pharmacy) and specially made ear drops helps to kill or control any bacteria or fungi that are present.Your swimmer should also consider wearing a swimming cap or ear plugs until the pain subsides. Also
be sure to thoroughly dry the outer ear after each practice.
If your swimmer is prone to swimmer’s ear, or to treat very mild cases, try this home remedy:
Create a mixture of ½ vinegar, ½ alcohol
Please 2 drops in each ear 2-4 times each day
Lay on each side for at least 5 minutes after placing drops in the ear
If the condition persists or worsens, contact your physician immediately.
Alternating hot and cold compresses are most helpful in reducing the swelling and pain associated with this condition. If it is necessary to visit a physician, he will usually take a culture and insert a cotton yarn “wick” with special medication to aid in the relief of pain. This procedure helps accelerate the healing process. To prevent swimmer’s ear, after bathing in a public pool or lake, instill a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in each ear canal. If this is unavailable, a small quantity of warmed rubbing alcohol may be used. This aids in drying the ears that otherwise tend to retain moisture and thus prevent frequently recurring infections.
Swimmer ear
Many die every year from accidental or intentional ingestion of toxic substances. Most cases of poisoning, however, are innocent and often occur in small children. Since infants are so prone to put unfamiliar substances in their mouth, careful surveillance by parents is necessary to prevent these incidents. The home should be inspected to be sure that cleaning fluids, medicines, insect poisons, and solvents are carefully secured beyond the reach of children. Never put toxic substances into soft drink bottles or other containers that are normally used for food. Particularly harmful preparations should be kept in a locked cabinet. As children are able, they should be instructed carefully concerning the danger of many household chemicals.
When accidental ingestion of a poisonous substance occurs, usually the first procedure is to induce vomiting. The sooner this is done after the ingestion of the poison, the better the results will be. Many substances are absorbed rapidly. If syrup of Ipecac is not available, give some lukewarm water or other liquid to dilute the poison. Then prepare at once to visit an emergency room.
Sticking the finger in the throat to induce gagging may be helpful when pills have been ingested, but should never be used in the case of swallowed lye, strong acids, gasoline, kerosene, or other hydrocarbons. Aspiration may result, producing a serious pneumonia. The caustic properties of lye make further corrosive burning of the esophagus a possibility. Even perforation may result if vomiting is instituted.
Activated Charcoal
The most helpful remedy for poisoning is the early administration of activated charcoal. Every home should have a box of powdered charcoal on hand, as well as the “activated” capsules. Charcoal has phenomenal powers to adsorb poisonous chemicals. The usual dose of charcoal is thirty to sixty grams (2 to 4 tablespoons of the powder). It is mixed with water to make a “slurry.” One must drink this water suspension as quickly as possible. The charcoal, administered early, can adsorb most drugs. Because of its insolubility, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream.
Many poisonous plant substances and mushrooms may be ingested.Botanical field guides are helpful to identify these substances. Some of the more common ones will be mentioned here. Every adult, especially every parent, should know how to identify the most common plants around their locality, and particularly be able to recognize the toxic species. Mushrooms are a most interesting class of plants. Some of them are nutritious and quite tasty, while others may be deadly when swallowed. The Amanita species are among the most toxic substances known to affect man. The recognition of this extremely poisonous mushroom should be thoroughly understood, so that no accidents will occur.
Many suicides take place each year through the ingestion of harmful drugs. Overdoses of sedatives or tranquilizers are common. Most cases can be salvaged by early recognition and gastric lavage. All emergency rooms should be equipped with materials to wash out (lavage) an individual’ s stomach. However, the early induction of vomiting may make this unpleasant procedure unnecessary. Activated charcoal is usually administered to adsorb the drug and prevent its effect on the system. REMEMBER to take suicide notes, hints, and actual attempts very seriously!
Often the best response is a willingness to listen and sincerely attempt to understand the plight of the distressed individual. Tragic deaths or deliberate overdoses could be prevented by the exercise of love and mutual understanding when disturbances arise in the family. As in many other aspects of emergency medicine, your loving attention may reduce the toll that accidents are now taking in our turbulent society.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
Athlete's foot is a common fungus infection of the skin of the foot. The fungus called a dermatophyte lives on dead skin, hair and toenails and thrives and multiplies in warm, moist environments (for example between your toes), leading to infection. The infection is called athletes foot because it is easily spread in changing rooms and communal showers, shared by athletes, sports people and swimmers. However, anyone can develop the infection if their feet come into contact with tiny flakes of skin from another infected person. For example, sharing sock with a person with athletes foot will mean you will pick up the infection.
The symptoms of athlete’s foot are a red rash between your toes, which is flaky and very itchy. This can crack, become white and peel off, or blister and become very sore. Cracks in the skin sometimes lead to a secondary bacterial infection. The space between your 4th and 5th toes is the most commonly affected. Your feet may also smell unpleasant. If untreated, the infection can spread along the other toes and to adjacent areas of the foot, causing the whole area to be red, dry and itchy.
1. Wash your feet and toes daily and dry thoroughly between your toe.
2. Do not wear shoes without socks or tights.
3. Change your socks or tights daily.
4. Wear socks and shoes made from natural materials.
5. Do not share towels.
6. Wear plastic shoes or flip-flops in communal showers, changing rooms and around pools.
7. Try to spend time in bare feet, leaving your shoes and socks off as much as possible.
8. Wear thongs or sandals when you take a shower in a locker room.
9. Disinfect shower and locker room floors.
10. Wear cotton or wool socks
*. Athlete’s foot is treated with antifungal drugs.
*. Fungicidal essential oils are the most effective topical treatment.Examples are Myrrh, Ti-Tree and Garlic. The treatment will be smelly but will also show dramatic results.
Fungi facts
1. Athlete’s foot is also known as tinea pedis
2. There are more than 500,000 different types of fungi, but only 100 types have the potential to infect humans
3. Dermatophytes are the fungi that cause infections of the skin, hair and nails and this type of fungi is responsible for athlete’s foot
4. The most common dermatophyte infections are those caused by the Trichophyton species
5. Trichophyton rubrum and Tricophyton interdigitale are the fungi that are most likely to cause athlete’s foot.
Myth busting
*.You have to play sport to catch athlete’s foot.
*. Although athlete’s foot is common in people who play lots of sport, the reason they catch it is because they spend more time in humid communal changing rooms and wear trainers. Even un-sporty people can catch athlete’s foot!
*. Only people who don’t wash properly get athlete’s foot. Fungi don’t discriminate between clean and dirty feet.
Athlete’s foot tinea pedis
Bad Breath (or Halitosis) Cures
Bad Breath (or Halitosis) Cures
Bad breath (or halitosis) is the name given to unpleasant odours exhaled when breathing. Bad breath can have many causes such as gum disease, tooth decay, poor oral hygiene, smoking, consuming certain food and drinks, infections and gastric reflux. A dental professional can help identify the cause and offer solutions.
1) Brush your teeth: It sounds simple. But just brushing your teeth more often will help reduce bad breath. Not only will the toothpaste often mask odors, but more importantly brushing will remove food particles that are a major cause of bad breath. Carry a toothbrush to work and brush after lunch or even coffee breaks. It will help. Your dentist will thank you too.
2) Brush your tongue: It sits right in the middle of your mouth and your breath passes right over it. A clean tongue helps keep your breath from picking up any additional odors from small particles that might have lodged on its rough surface. It's not hard, just one more step in the fight against bad breath. Besides, you're already brushing your teeth regularly, so this won't really take any extra time or effort.
3) Don't eat garlic: Garlic is one of those foods that tastes much better than it smells.The thing to remember is that if you're going to be enjoying garlic at lunch, everyone else is going to be sharing it that afternoon. Save your garlic for when you're going out at night and everyone with you is going to be sharing it. It just works better that way.
4) Avoid onions: They add flavor to everything they touch, but they can add bad breath too. The thing to remember is that it's raw onions that make their mark on the local atmosphere. Cooked onions are much less fragrant, especially on your breath. So if you're an onion fan, go for the cooked ones if you can, and don't load up with raw onions on that sub sandwich you had for lunch. Your co-workers will thank you.
5) Watch out for cheese: Cheese is another thing that can add to the air around you. Generally, the milder the cheese, the lighter the effect, so don't go wild on those bleu cheeses with the mold cultures and expect your breath to smell as sweet. If you're someone whose breath records every cheese they've eaten, save them for when you get home. Then brush your teeth afterwards.
6) Use mouthwash: Mouthwash is one of the classic recommendations, and as a temporary fix it can't be beat. It kills odor-causing bacteria and many of them add a hint of mint. The only problem is that a lot of mouthwashes have alcohol, which dries the mouth and can bring bad breath back just as quickly as it removed it. So use it when you need it, but don't rely on it for the entire day.
7) Don't smoke: This is good advice generally, but stopping smoking will definitely make your breath better. No cigarettes, no ash breath. Not only does the smoke itself give you bad breath, but it also adds to dry mouth and that always makes your breath worse. Smoking is just one of those things everyone is better off avoiding.
8) Don't drink: Everyone who's ever smelled it knows exactly how bad beer breath smells. Do yourself and your friends a favor and avoid alcohol if you want to keep your breath fresh. Among other things, it evaporates a lot faster than water does, so drinking leads to a dry mouth. The dryer your mouth, the worse your breath.
9) Floss regularly: Bad breath often results from small particles of food trapped between teeth. Flossing removes them and helps keep your breath that much fresher. It also helps with oral health generally, which as a side-effect reduces bad breath, and decreases your dental bills all of which are worthy goals.So don't forget to floss.
10) Chew gum: Chew gum, but make sure it's sugarless. Chewing gum can help your breath in two ways. One is that nice minty flavor that masks a mixture of coffee, garlic and cigarette smoke the more important one is that it keeps your saliva flowing. Saliva is a good thing because it stops your mouth from drying out, which makes it that much less inviting for bad-breath-causing bacteria. The sugarless part is to keep a smile on your dentist's face.
11) Breakfast, still the most important meal: Yes, breakfast helps fight bad breath too. This meal can do anything. The way it works is simple, and yes it does require a healthy breakfast, not a cup of coffee and a donut. If your breakfast contains plenty of roughage it will help clean your tongue. It's particularly good for cleaning the back of the tongue where you can't get a toothbrush without gagging.
12) Keep your mouth clean: Another one that seems obvious once you think about it. Fresh breath comes from a fresh mouth it's that simple. So don't forget things like brushing your teeth, flossing, and even simply rinsing your mouth with fresh water. They all help. The less there is in your mouth to produce odors, the better your breath will be.
13) Rinse with hydrogen peroxide: This first step's important; even though it's already diluted when you buy it, dilute it again. Mix it half and half with water, then rinse your mouth and spit it out. It will kill bacteria, and doesn't have as much of a drying effect as alcohol. Just be careful not to swallow it.
14) Essential oils remove the essence of bad breath: Put a dab of essential oils on your toothbrush and use that to brush with. The oils will help counteract some of the bacteria in your mouth and keep them from producing bad breath. It works very well if you're brushing your teeth with baking soda.
15) Drink Water: This should go without saying. Most people should be drinking more water than they do, and a lot less of other beverages. A lot of bad breath, especially the dreaded "morning breath" is either caused or amplified by a dry mouth. If you drink lots of water you can keep hydrated, and if you're hydrated it's easier to produce saliva and keep your mouth from drying out. That will help keep bad breath down.
16) Breathe through your nose: Nobody likes being called a mouth-breather, but breathing through your nose really does help keep bad breath away. You lose moisture when you exhale, that's why your breath fogs when it's cold. If you're breathing from your nose this comes from your nasal passages and up from the lungs. If you breathe through your mouth, some of that moisture comes from your saliva. This dries out your mouth with predictable results. Bad breath.
17) Go to the dentist: See your dentist regularly, and not just to get your teeth cleaned. Tooth decay is a major cause of bad breath. It's just like having food caught in your teeth. If something's decaying it normally smells bad, and if it's decaying in your mouth that translates to bad breath. That applies to both food particles and teeth. So check with your dentist if you have bad breath.
18) Lozenges: Suck on some of those sugar-free lozenges they sell in the little tins. It doesn't matter so much what flavor you get, though mint or cinnamon may help mask any odors. What helps the most is the increased saliva production that comes from having something in your mouth. Keeping your mouth from getting dry is one of the most important ways to fight dry mouth.
19) Avoid caffeinated drinks: Caffeine is a diuretic, so if you drink too much caffeine you'll get dehydrated, which will increase the likelihood of bad breath. So if you do drink coffee, tea or other such beverages, have a glass of water at the same time. Also,be aware that adding sugar often masks the dehydrating effect such drinks have on your mouth. You still get the dry mouth; you just don't feel it as soon.
20) Alcohol has a drying effect: Anything you put in your mouth that contains alcohol can foster bad breath. This includes cough syrups, mouthwash, or even alcoholic drinks. This is because alcohol dries out the tissues in your mouth, making it easier for bad breath to form. So be aware that just because you don't drink beer, that doesn't mean alcohol can't give you bad breath.
21) Baking Soda: Baking soda's not just for the refrigerator any more. It's been used for brushing teeth for ages, and one of its biggest advantages is the effect it has on your breath. Baking soda absorbs odors, and that doesn't change when you put it on yourtooth brush. Use baking soda to brush, don't forget the tongue, and you'll notice a marked decrease in bad breath.
22) Blow your nose: Not all bad breath comes from the mouth. Yes you can get bad breath from your nose. The usual culprits are either a sinus infection, or (and this happens more often with small children than adults) something stuck in the nose. So if your child has bad breath coming from their nose, first have them try to blow it normally. If that doesn't work you should take them to the doctor to have a look.
23) Use a toothpick: Anything that remains in the mouth long enough can contribute to bad breath. Sometimes you get something stuck in your mouth that brushing and flossing just don't seem to be able to get rid of.Try a toothpick, sometimes its rigid shape is what you need. Once you get everything that doesn't belong out of your mouth your breath will probably smell a lot better.
24) Clean your dentures every night: Dentures are like teeth in more ways than one they not only help you eat, but they can cause bad breath if you don't take care of them. You need to clean them regularly, every night is best, and be sure to use an anti-bacterial cleanser. That will stop bacteria from building up and giving you bad breath.
25) Brush that retainer: Millions of people wear braces at one time in their life. Many of them need a retainer too. If you're a member of this group, or your child is, don't forget to clean that retainer. They can easily build up quite a deposit of plaque, and the best way to remove it is brushing. It also contributes to bad breath even when the retainer isn't worn because it leaves a fresh deposit in the mouth every time it's worn. So take a toothbrush and get that stuff off. Soaking isn't enough.
26) Fill your cavities: We all know that cavities are holes in your teeth caused by tooth decay. If you have cavities, run don't walk to the dentist and set yourself up to get fillings. Not only do they add to bad breath all by themselves, but cavities also provide aperfect place for those pesky food particles that bad-breath-causing bacteria feed on to lodge in your mouth. Fillings help.
27) Stop gingivitis: Gingivitis is a gum disease that helps make your mouth a breeding ground for bacteria. Since it's already a breathing ground; that means the extra bacteria can lead to bad breath. Even when gingivitis bacteria themselves don't contribute to bad breath they make the mouth that much more attractive to the bacteria that do. It has a host of other negative effects, so do yourself a favor and deal with it as quickly as you can.
28) Cabbage: Cabbage, the source of cabbage rolls and sauerkraut, is also a source of bad breath. The culprit is sulfur. Cabbage is rich in sulfur compounds, and most of what we smell in the way of bad breath is made up of volatile sulfur compounds given off by the bacteria which feed on leftover food particles in the mouth. So cut down on cabbage and you'll cut down on bad breath.
29) Go to the doctor: Your oral health isn't the only kind that can affect your breath.There are a number of medical conditions which also manifest themselves as a source of bad breath. If you have bad breath that's not responding to any other treatments, do yourself a favor and go to the doctor. Have yourself checked out for any diseases which might cause it. This isn't common, but the danger makes it worth taking a look.
30) Don't sleep in your dentures: You're getting used to your dentures so you wear them all the time. Or maybe you keep forgetting where you put them and don't want to spend the time looking for them in the morning when you're rushing to get out the door. Whatever the reason, you sleep wearing dentures. Don't. The mouth dries out when you sleep and the dentures are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Take them out every night and find a good place to put them.
31) Control your stress: Stress, we all have to deal with it, some of us more than others.When we get stressed, our body goes into fight or flight mode, and one of the things this shuts down is the digestive system. It makes sense; don't worry about digesting your last meal until you're sure you won't be somebody else's. Unfortunately, saliva production is one of the things that shuts down, leading to a dryer mouth and worse breath. So if you find yourself in a high stress situation, keep a glass of water handy and sip from it regularly. Your breath will thank you.
32) Don't forget to eat: If you're really hungry, your breath gets worse. What happens is when you get hungry your body starts to metabolize fat to make up for the food it's not getting. The problem comes from the fact that when your body starts to break down those fats it releases ketones, which have a very unpleasant odor. If you're in this boat, try a glass of fruit juice; it's usually the quickest way to get your body to stop running on its internal reserves.
33) Parsley: Not everyone puts parsley on a plate because they like the color. Not everyone even likes that shade of green. However, parsley's high in chlorophyll which has a deodorizing effect. That's why some brands of chewing gum advertise having chlorophyll. So next time they give you some parsley on your pasta, eat it. It will help counteract the garlic.
34) Invest in a tongue cleaner: Since so much bacteria resides on the tongue, it's a good idea to invest in a specialty tongue cleaner or tongue scraper. Yes, brushing your tongue helps, but a toothbrush is engineered to clean teeth, not your tongue, and the two are very different. Teeth are hard and smooth, where the tongue is soft and irregular. Get a specialty tongue cleaner and clear out more of those odor-causing bacteria.
35) Tea tree oil: Brush your teeth with tea tree oil. It's a natural antiseptic and will cut down on the bacteria in your mouth. Reduce the bacteria and you reduce the bad breath. It's that simple. All you need is a few drops directly on the toothbrush because it's very strong. Or, if you don't want to spend the time for that extra brushing just add it to your regular toothpaste.
36) Stop post-nasal drip: It's a nasty feeling when something drops from your sinuses onto the back of your tongue. Needless to say, once that stuff lands on your tongue it's in prime bad breath territory. The good thing is once you cure that post nasal drip it will go away with no further effort on your part. But be aware of the effect it can have and when you are suffering from post nasal drip take extra precautions against bad breath.
37) Chew cloves and fennel seeds:A number of spices have anti-microbial and antibacterial properties, which shouldn't surprise anyone who remembers how they were used to preserve food in the Middle Ages. So one way to fight bad breath is to chew on cloves or fennel seeds, they'll mix with your saliva to help kill the bacteria that your saliva rinses away.
38)Regularity, it's important: Constipation can be another hidden cause of bad breath.When you're constipated, waste products build up in your system, and some of those waste products can lead to bad breath. It's not a pleasant subject, but if you're constipated and have bad breath you may find that clearing up one problem helps with the other.
39) Prescription drugs and dry mouth: Next time you get a prescription, take a look at the label. Many prescription drugs include dry mouth as one of their side-effects. If this is the case you're going to want to drink more water, or at least rinse your mouth out regularly while you're on this medication. Doing that will help fight the dry mouth, make you more comfortable and cut down on the bad breath.
40) Rub your tongue with a stainless steel spoon: I know it sounds funny, but there's sound scientific reasoning behind this one, which works primarily on odors like garlic. The thing to remember is that stainless steel is a catalyst, which accelerates the breakdown of many sulfur products. The only catch is that different spoons use slightly different formulations of stainless steel so they won't all work equally well.
41) Control your diabetes: Diabetes can often lead to bad breath, so if you're diabetic pay attention to your breath after you've taken care of your blood sugar. If you can control the diabetes with diet it will often take care of the bad breath as well. Otherwise you'll just have to be aware of the potential for bad breath and work to reduce it.
42) Eat your carbs: Carbohydrate reduced diets may be great for weight loss, but they aren't great for your breath. What happens is that these diets trick the body into thinking that it's not getting enough food so it turns to ketosis to break down its stores of body fat. This releases ketones, which turn into bad breath. So if you cut out carbs, be prepared to add something to fight the resulting bad breath.
43) Are you lactose intolerant?. If you are, any dairy products can lead to a case of bad breath. The way to check is simple enough cut out all dairy for a week or so and see what happens. If your bad breath goes away you know the cause and can start looking around for lactose alternatives. Lactose intolerance is fairly common in adults and tends to become more common as one gets older. It affects a large minority of whites, and a majority of non whites, so do check it out.
44) Xylitol: If you're given a choice, pick foods sweetened with xylitol over other artificial sweeteners. This substitute kills bacteria and enhances saliva production, giving you two benefits for the price of one. Since it's often used in gum, there's a real synergy between the act of chewing increasing your salivation in addition to the xylitol.
45) Cinnamon gum: Gum is one of the arch-enemies of bad breath, though we do recommend sugarless gum just as the dentist does. If you're given a choice, cinnamon gum seems to be the best for reducing bacteria in the mouth. There's something in the flavoring used in most cinnamon flavored gum that reduces bacteria, which means it's fighting bad breath on two fronts. Not only by increasing saliva flow but also by killing the bacteria which cause bad breath.
6) Close your mouth: Bad breath comes from a dry mouth, keeping your mouth open speeds evaporation and provides a better breeding ground for bacteria. So if you're someone who habitually leaves your mouth open even a little bit, try to keep it closed. It will help. It's a good habit to keep in other ways too, but sometimes it's the things we never think about that can make the biggest differences.
47) Get a water pick: Brushing helps, flossing helps, but there are some spots that they just can't seem to get at. That's where you need a water pick one of those devices that directs a high pressure spray into your mouth to wash away the food particles that collect in hard to reach places. It will remove the food sources the bad breath causing bacteria need to survive. Add this to your daily oral hygiene routine and any bad breath problems will start to decrease again.
48) Look for an alcohol free mouthwash: Most mouthwashes contain alcohol, so no sooner do they wash the bacteria away than they set up a perfect breeding spot for the next round, and bacteria reproduce very quickly. This is where an alcohol free mouthwash that relies on an oxidizer comes in. It will clear away the bacteria without causing the dry mouth that makes it that much more welcoming for the next batch.
49) Brush your dentures: Plaque buildup leads to bad breath. It gives the bacteria somewhere to hide away from the oxygen that will kill them. Dentures develop plaque too, so it's important to brush them. Simply soaking in an anti-bacterial solution isn't enough. It cleans the surface, but does little or nothing to remove plaque. So the best option is to combine brushing with an anti-bacterial rinse to first clear everything off the dentures, then kill bacteria that may have been hiding underneath.
50) Myrrh is for the wise: Myrrh is a natural antiseptic, and can work wonders in a mouthwash. Most people hate the taste, but it's hard to fault its efficacy. You don't need a lot, and you don't have to swallow it either. Just take the myrrh and mix it with a little water, swish it around and you will find your breath is getting better.
51) Use sage tea: Sage is one of nature's many antibacterials and a good way to keep your breath fresh. All you do is make a glass of warm sage tea, swirl it around in your mouth, gargle, then spit it out. It has the advantage of helping to heal mouth sores as well as fighting bad breath so it's a great option.
52) Try some cardamom seeds: Cardamom is rich in the antiseptic cineole, which is known to kill odor causing bacteria. All you need to do is chew the seeds for a little while then spit them out. Like many herbal options, it has a secondary benefit with nothing to do with your breath. According to reports, it's considered an aphrodisiac by many Arab cultures. We all know that bad breath is the opposite of an aphrodisiac, so this is worth a try.
53) Eat your vegetables: Vegetables are good for you, we all know that. What we don't all know is how they fight bad breath. It's the roughage that does it. Vegetables like carrots and celery, especially when raw, work to scrape the plaque off your teeth and expose the bacteria beneath to the air. It works really well as part of a whole body plan to reduce bad breath and improve overall health.
54) Eat sugar-free yogurt: The advantage to this method is that it uses bacteria to fight bacteria. The bacterial cultures in the yogurt actually work to counteract the bacteria that cause bad breath. By reducing the amount of bacteria, it reduces the sulfur compounds and thus the bad breath. Another benefit is that it also reduces both plaque and gingivitis, helping to reduce bad breath and increase general oral health.
55) Linus Pauling was right, take Vitamin C: Okay, maybe he wasn't right on everything, but taking vitamin C can definitely be helpful in reducing bad breath. Take several doses over the course of a day and it will help flush out mucus and toxins, giving the bacteria nothing to feed on and nowhere to flourish. Fewer bacteria means better breath.
56) B is for breath: Take your vitamins, especially your vitamin B. Lowered B levels can lead to bad breath, especially B6 which is not found in large amounts in most foods. A vitamin supplement can help correct this, which will improve your breath. Again, the healthier you are, the sweeter your breath, so don't forget looking at health causes such as vitamin deficiencies if you have bad breath.
57) Try a salt water gargle: Gargling helps remove those food particles that the bacteria feed on, and the salt makes things that much less hospitable for them. This is one of the easiest options; everyone should have water and salt available. It cleans away everything from bacteria, to mucus to the aforementioned food particles. It's a good general habit.
58) Salt and Lemon: Sprinkle salt on a slice of lemon then give it a good suck. It's not just good for tequila. It will also help reduce bad breath caused by onions and garlic. It's a good option if you're eating out, as most restaurants have both slices of lemon and salt readily available. Take advantage of this one the next time you go to an Italian restaurant.
59) Eat your pineapple: Pineapple, along with papaya and kiwifruit are rich in digestive enzymes. You can take advantage of this fact to help your digestion, which will also reduce the chance of bad breath. Incompletely digested foods release gas from your intestines, and when this works its way out you get bad breath. Adding digestive enzymes can help prevent this.
60) Anise tea: Take a few teaspoons of anise seeds, and boil them in water for a few minutes to make a licorice flavored tea. Strain the seeds out and then either drink the tea or use it as a mouthwash. Whichever way you choose you'll find its natural antimicrobial properties will help cleanse your mouth and clean your breath. If you like it, drink it; if you don't just use it as a mouthwash and gargle.
61) Parsley: Chewing on parsley will eliminate bad breath. Chewing on Cardamom is very effective as Cardamom actually kills bad breath bacteria.
Bad Breath Halitosis Cures
Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, is made by fermenting apples in a wood barrel. It can be a powerful, healthy, weapon in your arsenal. It can help you battle a variety of illnesses and flush out toxins. The truly useful apple cider vinegar is not the clear vinegar you find in many stores. There's no health benefit from clear vinegar. The powerful benefits are found in the natural organic Apple Cider Vinegar with a brownish tinge to it and floating stuff inside. The floating matter is called "mother" and is formed from the pectin and apple residue. This brown vinegar is the one creating all the buzz, the one with the minerals, amino acids and vitamins.
Several ingredients found in Apple Cider Vinegar serve to enhance its reputation as a true health benefit.
Calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, malic acid and pectin are several of the minerals which it has in
perfectly balanced amounts, which gets most people's attention.
1. Potassium – to avoid runny nose, hair loss, brittle teeth
2. Malic Acid – to fight infections from harmful bacteria and fungus
3. Acetic Acid - accounts for the sour taste of vinegar;lowers the blood's pH levels thereby creating an inhospitable intestinal environment for bacterial & fungal infections.
4. Pectin – facilitates regulation of blood pressure and removal of bad cholesterol
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is also good for horses, cats and dogs because it helps them with arthritic conditions, barn flies and fleas control, and helps them to have shiny coats.
* Drinking Raw Apple Cider Vinegar first thing in the morning will invigorate you.
* You could drink Apple Cider Vinegar straight, but you need to be careful of your teeth, since the
acid in the vinegar can damage your teeth. It's best to mix with a small amount of purified water.
* Mix Apple Cider Vinegar with water and honey or nectar for a refreshing morning drink; the honey is also beneficial to your immune system and provides energy.
* You can use Apple Cider Vinegar when you're making a salad.
* If you like to pickle fruits & vegetables, raw apple cider vinegar is a very healthy choice.
Add Apple Cider Vinegar to your regular blend of herbs and spices when you mix marinades for meats.
The Benefits Of Using Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
See for yourself if there is any reason you should use apple cider vinegar in your daily routine. Try some of the recipes above. See if you don't notice a difference in your skin & your overall health. Adding Raw Apple Cider Vinegar to your daily routine:
* Smoothes skin texture and tone.
* Promotes a healthy immune system.
* Improves digestion and helps expel body toxins.
* Can help soothe neck, shoulder and back pain.
* Raw Apple Cider Vinegar helps clear skin irritations, like acne & contact dermatitis.
* Helps with weight control – Raw Apple Cider Vinegar taken before meals will speed up the metabolism.
* Can be applied shoulders, neck and forehead to feel rejuvenated (only for 30 minutes per session and shower after).
* Raw Apple Cider Vinegar has even been known to help relieve the symptoms of constipation
Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Digitalis purpurea (common purple foxglove)
Family: Plantaginaceae (formerly in the N.O. Scrophulariaceae family)
It is the same division and class as the Magnolia.
The best-known species is the Common Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea.
Plant Names: Witches gloves, Dead Mans Bells, Gloves of our Lady, Bloody Fingers, Virgin’s Glove, Fairy Caps, Folks Glove, Fairy Thimbles
The Foxglove derives it name from the shape of the flowers that resemble the finger of a glove. It was originally call Folksglove – the glove of the ‘good folk’ or fairies, whose favorite haunts were supposedly in the deep hollows and valleys where this plant thrives. It is European legend that bad fairies gave these blossoms to foxes to wear on their toes to soften their steps as they prowled. (the spots on the blooms are said to be from where the fairies’ fingers touched them). It is native to most of Europe.
It is an herbaceous biennial, often grown as an ornamental plant due to its showy flowers that range in color from purples to whites with variable marks and spotting. Needing little soil, it is found often in the crevices of granite walls, dry hilly pasture, rocky places, roadsides, and by rabbit-holes. It is a favorite flower of the honeybee and is entirely developed by its’ attention.
Leaves only now, although formerly the seeds were also used. The plants growing in sunny situations possess the active qualities of the herb in a much greater degree than those shaded by trees, and it has been proved that those grown on a hot, sunny bank, protected by a wood, give the best results.
The flowers of the true medicinal type must be pure, dull pink or magenta, not pale colored, white, or spotted externally. No leaves are to be used for medicinal purposes that are not taken from the two year old plants, and only green, perfect leaves are acceptable. The activity of the alkaloids is at its highest at this time before the ripening of the seeds, usually in July (which is dependent on the climate and season of the growing area).Taste is bitter
Health Benefits
- Anti-arrhythmic agent used to treat atrial fibrillation
- Treats heart failure
- Increases myocardial contraction
- Improves circulation, particularly to the heart muscle itself, but also to the Kidneys and to cerebral flow
- Raises blood pressure
- Diuretic, particularly when associated with heart failure
- It has also been used with severe internal hemorrhage, inflammatory diseases, delerium, epilepsy, and acute mania
- It is an excellent antidote for Aconite poisoning.
Diseases Seen In Chronic Internet Users
Diseases Seen In Chronic Internet Users
1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
Due to excessive movements at wrist joint and use of fingers while typing on keyboard can lead to inflammatory changes compressing median nerve at wrist causing severe pain mostly in midnight is known as carpal tunnel syndrome.
2. Sleep Paralysis:
Seen in those people who are addicted to internet, keep on waking all through night, so their sleep cycle disturbs or have irregular sleeping schedule. During normal sleep paralysis of all body muscles (except heart and Intestines) takes place,Such people wakes from REM state of sleep (rapid eye movement),but the body paralysis persists. This leaves the person fully conscious but unable to move body, it happens from few seconds to minutes, which may be accompanied by hallucinations (not always), so some consider it to be a ghostly encounter, its very horrible when you want to raise your hand or want to call someone but you are not able to do so.
3. Depression:
Chronic internet users, remains online most of time, so have less friends or less interaction with society,slowly people also cut from them as they do not give time ultimately leaving them alone, and ultimately depression occurs.Some of people also found to be suffering from psychosis, anxiety.
4. Glaucome:
It is an eye disease mostly seen in myopics (shortsightedness), glaucoma mayprecipitate in heavy internet users, mostly in night users who work in dark rooms.
5. Dry Eye:
Staring at screen constantly makes the person blink less, some times blinking falls below 25% leading to corneal and conjuctiva dryness cause keratoconjuctivits sicca.
6. Asthenopia:
It is also an eye disorder, occurs due to long time strain on ciliary muscles of eye.
7. Backache:
Sitting and working in wrong postures leading to backaches, spinal problem (spondylitis), cervical problem is mostly seen in chronic internet users.
8. Hearing problems or Pain in Pinna:
Due to prolonged use of headphone compressing ear pinna leads to pain in pinna and listening to music at high volume from headphone can cause deafness or decrease hearing intensity.
9. Jeep Bottom:
Also known as pilonidal sinus, seen in hairy males, hairs accumulates due to vibration and friction causing shedding of hairs, accumulates in gluteal cleft and enters opening of sweat glands causing sinus just above the anal verge, or even abscess is also seen, occurs when patients keeps on shaking his body on chair while listening to music causing shedding of body hairs.
10. Obesity:
You are sitting all through, adding to sedentary life style leading to obesity,which further causes diabetes mellitus and heart attack.
11. Seizures:
Just like watching Television from close can precipitate sizures, same can also happen while working on computer.
12. Erectile Problems:
Mostly seen in those who keep on surfing porn sites, constantly arousing their body to secrete sex hormones, may suffer from erectile problems.
13. Bursitis:
Those people who sit putting pressure on elbow joint can cause bursitis inflammation of bursa.
14. Cyber Addiction:
If you are logging into e mail account unnecessarily after every 2-3 hours checking mails then you are a cyber addict, also seen in social networking sites users like facebook, orkut etc.
15. Osteoporosis:
Sedentary life style, causing demineralisation of calcium from bone, leading to less dense bone, causing osteoporosis or fracture of bones on normal daily activities.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Health Benefits of Raisins
Health Benefits of Raisins
Raisins are dried grapes.When most fruits are dried, they keep their same name, but not the grape. The dried form of the grape, revered throughout history, has its own unique name: the raisin.The scientific name for raisin (grape) is Vitus vinifera. They are produced in many regions of the world, suchas Armenia,Australia, Chile, Argentina,Macedonia, Mexico, Greece, Syria, Turkey, United States,India, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, China, Afghanistan, Togo, and Jamaica, as well as South Africa and Southernand Eastern Europe. Raisins may be eaten raw or used in cooking and baking. Raisins range from about 67% to 72% sugars by weight, most of which is fructose. Raisins, like prunes and apricots, are also high in certainantioxidants. As with all dried fruits, raisins have a very low vitamin C content.
Health Benefits of Raisins
The health benefits of raisins include relief from constipation, acidosis,anemia, fever, and sexual weakness. Raisins also help in weight gain, eye care, dental care, and bone health.
Raisins are indispensable when it comes to dry fruits. Those golden, green or black colored delicacies are favorites of almost everybody, especially children.Raisins are widely used worldwide in cuisines (especially in desserts), health tonics, as snacks and also as food for mountaineers, trekkers etc.
Raisins are obtained by drying grapes (green or black), either in sun or in driers, and look like golden, green or black gems. Indeed they are like gems when their nutritional values and health benefits are considered. Let us watch their brilliance.
1. Constipation: When ingested, raisins swell as the fiber present in them in dried form absorbs water. This helps giving relief in constipation.
2. Weight Gain: Raisins, like all dry fruits, are very good for gaining weight, as they are full of fructose and glucose and give a lot of energy. Thus, they form an ideal part of the diet for either athletes or body builders who need a lot of energy or those who want to put on weight, without accumulating cholesterol. This is further boosted due to presence of many vitamins, amino acids and minerals (such as selenium, phosphorus etc.) in raisins which facilitate absorption of other nutrients and proteins in the body.
3. Acidosis: Acidosis is a state of increased acidity of the blood (also known as toxicity of the blood) or of the gases in our respiratory system, the source of acids for both being our stomach. This is very harmful for the body as it may give rise to a number of problems like boils, skin diseases and damage to the internal organs,arthritis, gout, renal calculi, hair loss, heart diseases, tumors and even cancer. Raisins are good source of potassium and magnesium (two of the most popular constituents of antacids, being basic in nature) both of which are very effective in reducing acidity. They neutralize the acids and thus help check acidosis.
4. Anemia: Raisins contain considerable amount of iron which directly helps treating anemia. It also contains many members of vitamin-B complex which are essential for formation of blood. Copper in them also help formation of red blood cells.
5. Fever:Phenolic Phytonutrients, well known for their germicidal, anti biotic and anti oxidant properties, are present in abundance in raisins and help cure fever by fighting viral and bacterial infections.
6. Sexual Weakness: Raisins are known to stimulate libido and induce arousal, primarily due to presence of an amino acid called Arginine, which is beneficial in treating problems in erection. It has been a common practice in India to make the bride and the groom drink a glass of milk each, boiled with raisins and added with a pinch of saffron. It is also recommended for those suffering from sexual weakness, to consume raisins regularly. This effect is aided with the presence of lot of energy in raisins.
7. Bone Health: While Calcium, which is the main constituent of bones, is present in raisins, it is one of the best sources of Boron, a micro nutrient (a nutrient required by the body in very small amount as compared to other nutrients) which is very necessary for proper bone formation and absorption of calcium. Boron is particularly helpful in preventing osteoporosis induced by menopause in women and is very beneficial for bones and joints.
8. Eye Care: Raisins contain polyphenolic phytonutrients which have anti oxidant properties which are very good for ocular health, as they protect eyes from damages caused by free radicals (oxidants), such as macular degeneration, age related weakening of vision, cataract etc. In addition, it contains very good amount of vitamin-A, A-Beta Carotene and ACarotenoid, all of which are essential for a good ocular health.
9. Dental Care: Oleanolic Acid, one of the phytochemicals present in raisins, plays crucial role in protecting your teeth against tooth decay, cavities, brittleness of teeth etc. It effectively prevents growth of Streptococcus Mutans and Porphyromonas Gingivalis, two of the species of bacteria which are most responsible for cavities and other dental problems. In addition, it is rich in calcium which is very good for promoting dental health, as it prevents breaking or peeling away of teeth and enamel and makes them strong. One more interesting thing about raisins is that the longer they stick to your teeth, the better, as it ensures longer contact of Oleanolic Acid with the teeth preventing growth of bacteria. In addition to above,boron present in raisins plays a very important role in checking growth of germs in the mouth as well promotes health of bones and teeth.
10. Other Benefits: Catechin, a phenolic anti oxidant present in raisins, is very effective for prevention of tumor and cancer of colon. The fibers in it help excretion of bile from the body, burning of cholesterol and thereby ensuring good cardiac health.
Health Benefits of Raisins
Amazing Facts About ChickPea
Amazing Facts About ChickPea
Left: Bengal variety; right: European variety
Cicer arietinumFabaceae
Chickpeas also known as sanagalu,chana,Bengal Gram, garbanzos or ceci (pronounce chee-chee) beans are an ancient crop that has been grown in the Middle East, India and parts of Africa for over 7,000 years. They are small, cream-colored, mild flavored legumes. Chickpeas are popular in many of world cuisines such as Middle Eastern, Indian, Italian, Spanish and Latin America.
Excellent source of protein
(In school lunch these can count as either a vegetable component or protein/meat alternate component)
Contains complex carbohydrates and fiber
Good source of vitamin B6, C and zinc
1. Did you know?.
2. Did you know chickpeas can be used in salads, soups, dips,and pasta or grain dishes?
3. Did you know chickpeas are used to make hummus, a thick spread used on crackers or bread?
(Hummus is commonly eaten by vegetarians since it is a good source of protein. It is a Middle Eastern dip. Hummus is chickpeas that are mashed and combined with lemon juice, oil, crushed sesame seeds and garlic.)
4. Did you know chickpeas are used in a popular Middle Eastern dish called falafel?
(To prepare this dish beans are mashed and formed into balls and then deep fried.)
5. Did you know chickpeas can be purchased as dried or canned?
6. Did you know that chickpeas have a nutlike flavor?
7. Did you know chickpea seeds contain 20% protein, 5% fat and 55% carbohydrate?
8. Did you know chickpeas are high in soluble fiber which may lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels?
Include 5 - 9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day!
Amazing Facts About ChickPea
This is a milk made from soya beans (not cows milk). Cows milk can carry some deadly diseases like TB. Soy milk is very good for you as it will help cure TB and to clear the chest. Soy milk will also help those with HIV/Aids, as it is a medicine for the immune system.
The unique characteristics of soy have wonderful health benefits. Soy is valuable for practically all people and seemingly has a positive effect on all conditions of health. How can the lowly soybean have such a profound effect on health? What is in soy that can cause all these amazing health benefits?.
- Lecithin is a natural product of the soy bean and has the following benefits:
- It’s a constituent of all cells in the body
- It’s an important emulsifier for lipometabolism
- It’s an effective opponent of cholesterol
- It stabilises the function of bile and
- Also stabilises the lung function
- It’s an important constituent of brain mass
- It is actively involved in important nerve functions
- It contains the vitamin-like substances choline and inositol.
Protein is necessary to develop a child’s capability and capacity to retain education input given at school.
Cow’s milk in many areas in not pasteurised and is known to carry TB germs. These germs are then passed on to the user. The Soya milk does not carry such germs.
Not only is the product high in protein value, but it is also highly digestible with a uniquely high protein dispersability. Soy milk also boosts the immune system.
The anti-oxidants in soy foods protect cells from “free radicals”, thus helping to prevent cancer and premature ageing.
Breast cancer is less frequent among young women whose diets are high in soy, probably due to the isoflavones in the soy protein.
Cholesterol can be reduced when soy protein is eaten daily.
Osteoporosis occurs less often in soy-eating women – isoflavones in soy protein to the rescue.
This is rare for soy-eating women, thanks again to the isoflavones in the soy protein.
Colon cancer is less common among soy eaters.
The natural sterols & sterolins in our soy milk boosts the body’s anti-bodies.
Choline is an essential, natural mind enhancer. Researchers at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, have been studying the effect of Choline on the brain. It has repeatedly been proven to enhance learning and memory.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Knee Arthritis can be a real PAIN!
How do we know we have it OsteoArthrtis of the knee?
Stiffness- Getting out of bed in the morning is often the most difficult period of the day for man who suffer from knee arthritis. After giving the knees a nice long rest, taking that first step in the morning can be a chore. Stiffness is common complaint. The knee feels like it just doesn't want to bend.
Cracking/Clicking- In the medical world, terms that we often hear when talking about knee arthritis are "bone on bone". This is a catch phrase for grades 3 and 4 arthritis. Why? Well, it's because the joint is literally bone on bone. The upper and lower parts of the knee have come together because you know longer have that buffer of synovial fluid to hold them apart. Hearing the bones rub together is common.
Thunderstorm Blues- Have you ever felt a bit more pain in the joint when a storm is on the way? This is very common. When a thunderstorm is immanent, the atmospheric barometer drops. We naturally have joint pressure. In an unhealthy knee, the joint pressure cannot match and drop in the atmospheric pressure, out side of the knee. Therefore, the knee literally feels like it's going to explode. This obviously generates enhanced pain for many people who struggle with arthritis.
Trouble with stairs- One of the major complains of those who struggle with knee arthritis is going up and down stairs. When we go down stairs, we are shooting all of our weight onto the joint. We we go up stairs, we are using more strength. Either way, taking stairs can be a real challenge.
What causes knee arthritis?
Because we don't yet fully understand why we get arthritis, we do have some interesting theories as to why we get it.
Age- In today's society, when health issues arise, we have a tendency to to the easy road at times and just blame it on old age. The only thing age means is, we have had enough years go by for things to go wrong. If you hurt your knee when you are a teenager, the odds of you getting arthritis in that joint as you get older are very good. However, we have had knee arthritis patients in their mid 20's. So, is it really old age?
Trauma- This pertains to any joint. If you have a bad twist, sprain or even a ligament tear. The likelihood of getting arthritis in that joint as time goes on is great.
Weight- We do know that weight plays a roll. The weight that you carry from the head down, all shoots straight down, though your knees. The heavier you are, the more weight is put on the joint. After time, the joint simply wears out.
Heredity- Of the theories that we have, this one may be the most difficult to understand. We often times see arthritis run through families. Are they families full of athletes that are extra hard on their joints? Are the families who carry a little extra weight or are they families that are just accident prone? It really does make for interesting debate. We can simply state that we do believe that heredity does in fact play a roll in arthritis.
What can we do to treat knee arthritis?
In today's age, there are 2 words that we frequently hear.....Knee Replacement. Although having a replacement is inevitable for many patients, surgery is always the last option. Once you go down that road, there is no turning back
When a knee goes arthritic, it stops producing synovial fluid. This fluid is what gives us that cushion between the upper and lower parts of the knee. Getting some of that fluid back is key.
Through medical preparations, ultrasound and therapy, we have been able to achieve that with thousands of patients, giving them back the range of motion they have been lacking and freeing them from that excruciating pain.
If you have been diagnosed with OsteoArthritis of the knee, remember that you want to exhaust all alternatives before you go down the path of knee replacement.
Stiffness- Getting out of bed in the morning is often the most difficult period of the day for man who suffer from knee arthritis. After giving the knees a nice long rest, taking that first step in the morning can be a chore. Stiffness is common complaint. The knee feels like it just doesn't want to bend.
Cracking/Clicking- In the medical world, terms that we often hear when talking about knee arthritis are "bone on bone". This is a catch phrase for grades 3 and 4 arthritis. Why? Well, it's because the joint is literally bone on bone. The upper and lower parts of the knee have come together because you know longer have that buffer of synovial fluid to hold them apart. Hearing the bones rub together is common.
Thunderstorm Blues- Have you ever felt a bit more pain in the joint when a storm is on the way? This is very common. When a thunderstorm is immanent, the atmospheric barometer drops. We naturally have joint pressure. In an unhealthy knee, the joint pressure cannot match and drop in the atmospheric pressure, out side of the knee. Therefore, the knee literally feels like it's going to explode. This obviously generates enhanced pain for many people who struggle with arthritis.
Trouble with stairs- One of the major complains of those who struggle with knee arthritis is going up and down stairs. When we go down stairs, we are shooting all of our weight onto the joint. We we go up stairs, we are using more strength. Either way, taking stairs can be a real challenge.
What causes knee arthritis?
Because we don't yet fully understand why we get arthritis, we do have some interesting theories as to why we get it.
Age- In today's society, when health issues arise, we have a tendency to to the easy road at times and just blame it on old age. The only thing age means is, we have had enough years go by for things to go wrong. If you hurt your knee when you are a teenager, the odds of you getting arthritis in that joint as you get older are very good. However, we have had knee arthritis patients in their mid 20's. So, is it really old age?
Trauma- This pertains to any joint. If you have a bad twist, sprain or even a ligament tear. The likelihood of getting arthritis in that joint as time goes on is great.
Weight- We do know that weight plays a roll. The weight that you carry from the head down, all shoots straight down, though your knees. The heavier you are, the more weight is put on the joint. After time, the joint simply wears out.
Heredity- Of the theories that we have, this one may be the most difficult to understand. We often times see arthritis run through families. Are they families full of athletes that are extra hard on their joints? Are the families who carry a little extra weight or are they families that are just accident prone? It really does make for interesting debate. We can simply state that we do believe that heredity does in fact play a roll in arthritis.
What can we do to treat knee arthritis?
In today's age, there are 2 words that we frequently hear.....Knee Replacement. Although having a replacement is inevitable for many patients, surgery is always the last option. Once you go down that road, there is no turning back
When a knee goes arthritic, it stops producing synovial fluid. This fluid is what gives us that cushion between the upper and lower parts of the knee. Getting some of that fluid back is key.
Through medical preparations, ultrasound and therapy, we have been able to achieve that with thousands of patients, giving them back the range of motion they have been lacking and freeing them from that excruciating pain.
If you have been diagnosed with OsteoArthritis of the knee, remember that you want to exhaust all alternatives before you go down the path of knee replacement.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Health Benefits of Almond Milk
Health Benefits of Almond Milk
Almond milk is a non-dairy beverage made from real almonds. This smooth and creamy beverage offers a hint of almond flavor and contains a starting lineup of powerful nutrients and nutritional benefits.Trim the Waistline. At only 40 calories per eight-ounce serving and low in fat, unsweetened almond milk offers a lowcalorie beverage option to enhance any meal or snack.
Bone-Building Beverage. Almond milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D, which work together to build and maintain strong bones in men, women and children.
Healthy Glow. One serving of almond milk contains 50% of the daily recommendation of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that plays a role in healthy skin and hair.
Blood Sugar Friendly. Unlike other milk alternatives, the plain almond option contains only 8 grams of carbohydrates per serving. The 7 grams of sugars that make up the carbohydrate content have a limited affect on our blood sugar levels. When we consume simple sugars, our metabolic functions tend to miss the nutrients, storing much of the carbs as fat.
Instead, the low amount of sugars in almond milk have a low glycemic nature, meaning our bodies fully digest them and use them as energy. Diabetics benefit from this characteristic as well.
Blood Sugar Friendly.Unlike other milk alternatives, the plain almond option contains only 8 grams of carbohydrates per serving. The 7 grams of sugars that make up the carbohydrate content have a limited affect on our blood sugar levels. When we consume simple sugars, our metabolic functions tend to miss the nutrients, storing much of the carbs as fat.
Instead, the low amount of sugars in almond milk have a low glycemic nature, meaning our bodies fully digest them and use them as energy. Diabetics benefit from this characteristic as well.
Heart-Health Benefits. Almond milk is free of cholesterol, saturated fat and trans fat, and filled with heart-healthy unsaturated fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids.
Allergen-Friendly. You don’t have to have a food allergy or intolerance, such as lactose intolerance, to enjoy this beverage; but if you do, you’re in for a treat. Blue Diamond Almond Breeze® does not contain lactose or casein and is free of eggs, wheat, gluten and peanuts.
Almond milk is an excellent alternative for lactose intolerant people.If you are lactose intolerant, you have difficulty digesting milk. As a result, when you consume it, you become bloated, gassy and sick. Almond milk is a product you can use in replace of milk. Pour it over your cereal or drink it with a piece of cake and you'll see it is an excellent, tasty alternative. Therefore, you get the benefit of eating your favorite foods without the downside of a negative reaction to lactose.
Commercial almond milk products come in plain, vanilla, chocolate or unsweetened flavors. Look for almond milk in cartons, either on the shelves or in the refrigerated section of your local Hy-Vee HealthMarket department.
How to Make Almond Milk
Use 1 cup of almonds for approximately 1 ltr of Almond Milk?
• Soak 1 cup of almonds overnight(or for a minimum of 6hours).Overnight soaking is the better way to prepare the almonds as more tannins and phyticacids are removed,ultimately enhancing digestibility of the almond milk.
• Place the almonds in a blender along with 3, 4cups of water (you do not need to remove the skins).Blend the almonds for 1 minute.
• Sweetener is not necessary especially if fresh almonds are used.If it is desired,however,adding 3, 8 dates or a tablespoon of honey within the blending process will add a hint of sweetness to the almond ?milk.
• Strain milk through a nut milk bag or a couple of layers of cheese cloth into a bowl or through a sieve (this may result in a little bit of almond fiber in the milk but will sit to the bottom of your jug/cup).
• Keep in an air tight container/jug for upto 4, 5days in the refrigerator.
Health Benefits of Almond Milk
Health Benefits of Broccoli
Health Benefits of Broccoli
Brassica oleraceaBroccoli is a member of the cabbage family, and is closely related to cauliflower. Its cultivation originated in Italy. Broccolo, its Italian name, means "cabbage sprout." Broccoli's name is derived from the Latin word brachium, which means branch or arm, a reflection of its tree-like shape that features a compact head of florets attached by small stems to a larger stalk. Because of its different components, this vegetable provides a complex of tastes and textures, ranging from soft and flowery (the florets) to fibrous and crunchy (the stem and stalk). Its color can range from deep sage to dark green to purplish-green, depending upon the variety. One of the most popular types of broccoli sold in North America is known as Italian green, or Calabrese, named after the Italian province of Calabria where it first grew.
2. The folic acid in broccoli helps women sustain normal tissue growth and is often used as a supplement when taking birth control pills and during pregnancies.
3. The potassium in broccoli aids those battling high blood pressure, while a large amount of calcium helps combat osteoporosis.
4. The vegetable is also fiber-rich, which enhances the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, as well as aims to reduce blood cholesterol levels.
5. The calcium in broccoli helps keep bones strong against degradation, while the potassium in broccoli can decrease blood pressure, something all of us losing weight can use. Broccoli is also known to have cancer-fighting properties due to glucoraphanin, which gets processed into the body as sulforaphane.
6. In recent years, broccoli has made the headlines regarding three components found in the vegetable. For instance, indole-3-carbinol has captured the attention of those looking to prevent hormone-related cancers, such as breast- and prostate cancer.
7. I3C promotes "good" hormones, while working against destructive ones. The sulforaphane in broccoli also helps to increase the level of enzymes that block cancer, while the beta-carotene in broccoli transforms into vitamin A within the body, providing an effective antioxidant that destroys free radicals (responsible for weakening the defense of cells).
8. Additionally, the health benefits of broccoli have been linked to preventing and controlling the following medical concerns: Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, calcium deficiencies, stomach and colon cancer, malignant tumors, lung cancer, heart disease,arthritis, and even the aging process.
Health Benefits of Broccoli
Health Benefits of Alfalfa
Health Benefits of Alfalfa
Alfalfa is an herbaceous legume that grows perennially; and with its roots penetrating to 20 feet or more into the ground, Alfalfa is fortified with a rich source of nutrients which may not be found near the ground's surface. Centuries ago, the Arabs used alfalfa as feed for their horses, because they claimed that it made the animals "swift and strong". In time, they discovered the benefits in their own lives, and consequently they named the grass Al Fal Fa - "Father of Foods". Alfalfa contains some 300 natural nutrients and phytonutrients. Further, alfalfa is a good source of proteins as it is composed of 50% alfalfa protein.
It is rich in vitamins, which include beta carotene, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E and K. Alfalfa is also a good source of minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and sulphur.It is also a natural source of amino acids, and provides rich sources of the nine essential amino acids.Moreover, alfalfa also contains phytonutrients such as saponins, octasonols and isoflavones, which are responsible for some of the curative effects.
( There are nine essential amino acids, namely: Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine).The good news is that the full benefits of alfalfa can be achieved by the intake of alfalfa supplements.Intake of alfalfa supplements offers a wide range of health benefits, including:
Reducing of bad cholesterol
Promoting liver health
Detoxifying the body of harmful toxins in the blood
Reduction of blood sugar levels
Relieving muscle and joint pains
Alleviating menopausal symptoms and side effects
Increasing energy levels
Reducing fatigue due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies
And many more benefits.
Alfalfa is one of the richest sources of calcium, magnesium, potassium, beta-carotene, and vitamin K.
Traditionally used as a springtime tonic, alfalfa is good for promoting health all year.
Allergies (Food)
Appetite (deficient)
Appetite Stimulant
Bell's Palsy
Bladder Disorders
Blood Clotting Disorders
Blood Clots (prevention of)
Breast Cancer
Breast Milk (increases)
Cancer (natural therapy)
Cervical Cancer
Cholesterol (high)
Colon (general remedies for)
Cystic Fibrosis
Diuresis (Increasing Urination)
Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
Glandular Problems (general)
Gum Healing After Dental Procedures
Hay Fever
Increasing Breast Milk
Inflammatory Bowel Disorders (Colitis, IBS)
Insect Bites
Jaundice (adults)
Kidney Disorders
Menopausal Symptoms
Morning Sickness
Nutritional Support
Oestrogen Replacement
Over acidity
Pregnancy (Herbs and supplements for)
Prostate Disorders
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Skin Damage from Radiation
Stomach Ulcers
Thrombocytopenic Purpura (a purplish discoloration of the skin produced by small bleeding vessels
near the surface)
Uterine Stimulant
Vitamin Supplementation (Contains Vitamins A, C, E, K)
Wound Healing
Health Benefits of Alfalfa
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