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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ten tips to improve your body language

Ten tips to improve your body language

The body language plays a key role in day-to-day communication. Body language includes non-verbal communication such as body posture, gestures, facial expressions and eye movements.Depending on the circumstances and who you talk to, the body language will differ. However, here are some important tips on how to improve your body language for effective communication:

1. Make eye contact, but don't stare: Make eye contact while speaking or listening but not too much. Too much eye contact may look like staring and may distract the other person. You can find a happy medium with practice.

2. Relax your body, don't fidget: Relax, don't be nervous. Maintain a relaxed pose instead of all stiffened up. Avoid or minimize fidgety movement and nervous ticks. Do not shake your leg or tap your fingers against some surface.

3. Maintain some distance: In many cultures, people get too close or even all touchy feely. If other person starts to step back, you will know that you are invading his/her space. You can lean forward to make a point or listen, but don't be in other person's face.

4. Smile: Smile when you meet someone or when you start a new conversation. Don't be overly serious all the time. Smile frequently to show a likable attitude. However, don't maintain a constant smile on your face, it may look fake. You can laugh if it makes sense but too much laughing may look odd.

5. Hand gesture: Use your hand gestures to stress your points or opinion but don't overdo it to the point that your gestures become distraction.

6. Don't cross your arms or legs: Crossing your arms all the time makes you look too defensive. his is habit in some cultures and you can improve upon it by practicing.

7. Mirror: If you mirror other person's body language during a conversation subconsciously, it means that you are connecting. You can use reverse thinking and consciously try to mirror the other person to show that you are connecting. You have to be sincere, however; otherwise it will look fake and odd.

8. Don't cover your face: Some people cover their face with their hand or fingers while talking, often without realizing. ry not to hide your face. Show your face to your audience while talking.

9. Pause and breathe: Make sure to pause at the right time, to separate your thoughts. his also gives the other person some time to digest your message. Pausing at the right time improves the effectiveness. his also gives you ample time to breathe and maintain a calm and collected composure.

10. Body posture: Don't slouch or look down constantly. If you are sitting, sit up straight. If you are standing, try not to slouch or look down while talking or listening.

Practice these tips, especially the ones that you think you need to improve upon. Speak with confidence and a positive attitude; this will show in your body language. 


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