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Friday, May 25, 2012

Bang's disease-Brucellosis

Bang's disease-Brucellosis
Brucellosis, also called Bang's disease, Crimean fever, Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Maltese fever, Mediterranean fever, rock fever, or undulant fever is caused by microorganisms transmitted from domestic animals. The acute illness is characterized by fever, while weakness and vague complaints may persist for months to years, when the disease becomes chronic.It has a wide range of symptoms.  Some of these are similar to the flu including fever, chills, sweats, headaches, muscle aches, joint pains, back pain and physical weakness.  It can also lead to long lasting symptoms that include recurrent fevers, joint pain and fatigue.   Three species are found in goats, hogs, and cattle.The infection is usually spread by cow’ s milk or skin contact (udder) with the Brucella organism. When the disease is suspected, appropriate blood tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. Then specific medical therapy can be instituted. With the appropriate inspection of animals and the avoidance of contaminated milk and milk products, this occupational disease can be well controlled.

Brucellosis is a disease that is caused by the bacteria (germ) Brucella.

People should avoid drinking unpasteurized milk or eating unpasteurized cheese or ice cream, particularly if it was made in a country where brucellosis is still common.  If you are not sure whether the dairy product is pasteurized, do not eat it.

Veterinarians and farmers should wear gloves when handling sick or dead animals or when assisting an
animal giving birth.

Hunters should wear gloves when skinning and dressing wild animals.

Laboratory workers should handle all specimens using appropriate safety procedures.


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