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Friday, May 25, 2012



Shigellosis is an acute self-limited infection of the intestinal tract,characterized by diarrhea, fever,Diarrhea that may contain blood  and mucus, constant pressure to have a bowel movement, nausea/vomiting  and abdominal pain. This is frequently called bacillary dysentery. Severe dehydration may result in some patients who are not given adequate fluids during the diarrhea stage. As in Salmonella infections, the treatment of Shigellosis is primarily supportive, with the correction of salt or fluid abnormalities, followed by an uneventful convalescence. Proper sanitation and adequate sewage disposal will prevent most of these infections.

Do not prepare food 

Wash your hands after using the bathroom. 

Clean the bathroom, including the toilet flushing handle, water faucets and doorknobs, with one part bleach in ten parts water (make a fresh solution everyday). 

Drink plenty of fluids, such as water and juice, to reduce the risk of dehydration. 

Wash your hands often, especially before preparing 
food and eating, and after using the bathroom or 

changing diapers. 

Teach your children how to wash their hands. 

Keep your bathroom clean.


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