How to Prevent Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux, or heartburn as it is commonly known, occurs when the hydrochloric acid in the stomach backs up through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and into the esophagus. The esophagus is a muscular tube that moves food from the mouth to the stomach for further breakdown into nutritional components for the body. When this acid enters the esophagus, it causes a burning sensation due to irritation of the mucosal lining. Acid reflux can lead to more serious problems such as GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) and in some cases esophageal cancer. Knowing the culprits that cause acid reflux can help you to avoid future bouts.
The types of food you eat are the major cause of acid reflux. Acidic foods like fruits and tomatoes increase the acid production of the stomach. Avoiding these “triggers” will decrease the chances of acid reflux occurring. Other foods that cause acid reflux include: peppermint, chocolate, caffeine, and spicy fare.
Surprisingly, your smoking habit could be the cause of acid reflux. The nicotine in the cigarettes works to increase stomach acid production. Overeating leads to weight gain. Added weight puts pressure on the stomach, forcing acid through the LES and back into the esophagus.
Physiological issues could also become the cause of acid reflux. Hiatal hernias are a risk factor for developing acid reflux disease. A portion of the stomach has herniated up through the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity. People have lived with hiatal hernias and not experienced acid reflux. But, if acid reflux is a problem and there is a previous diagnosis of hiatal hernia, it could be the culprit.
Some times lying flat in bed could become the cause of acid reflux. If lower back pain is the reason why you are lying flat at night, try sleeping in a modified beach chair position with pillows behind your head and lower back. This position elevates the head enough for gravity to keep the acid in its place.
Wearing tight clothing could be the cause of acid reflux. Anything tight around the middle of your body puts pressure on the stomach. Eating a big meal without loosening the belt is almost sure to result in heartburn.
Eating too much food at one sitting increases the amount of acid in the stomach. You may feel like it’s about to bubble up and over. Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. Weight loss experts advocate this way of eating to maintain a feeling of fullness and avoid overeating. Less acid is produced on the whole because less food is present in the stomach.
Late in pregnancy as the baby moves around more, soon-to-be mothers experience heartburn because the child displaces their organs as he/she grows. Smaller meals help in this instance, too.
Acid reflux can occur at any time to anyone. Decreasing your risk factors whenever possible will reduce the chances of an incident occurring.

If you have tried to quit smoking and failed before, take comfort in the fact that most smokers fail several times before quitting successfully. Your past failures are not a lesson that you are unable to quit. Instead, view them as part of the normal journey toward becoming a nonsmoker.
The information below will ease your way and help insure that this is the last time you ever need to go through the quitting process. You can do it!
© 2000 by Patrick Reynolds
The most important step to take is the first step --
admitting you have an addiction.
When asked why you smoke, you might have said, "I just like to smoke!" or "It's my choice to smoke."
The tobacco companies have promoted the idea that smoking is a matter of personal choice. As I see it, there really isn't as much choice as they have suggested to their customers.
Ask yourself, and be totally honest: Am I addicted to tobacco? Am I truly making a freely made choice when I smoke?
You might consider that you need to have a cigarette. Studies have shown that nicotine addiction is as hard to break as heroin or cocaine addiction.
In Nicotine Anonymous' 12 Step program, which sprang from the venerable Alcoholics Anonymous program, the first step is admitting to yourself, "I'm powerless over tobacco." Making this admission may seem trivial to you, but for many it is a very significant part of completing the journey to becoming a non-smoker.
By telling smokers that smoking is a personal choice, the tobacco industry has helped to keep its customers in denial about the true extent of their addiction. If smoking is a choice, then what's the rush to quit? The tobacco companies have used this spin to help keep millions of customers buying their deadly products.
Admitting that you're smoking more out of addiction than choice will help motivate you to go on to the next steps -- taking control of yourself and becoming a nonsmoker.
This admission will further serve you by helping you stay smokefree later. In the months and years after you quit, when temptations to smoke occasionally overpower you -- and they will -- remind yourself, "I have an addiction and I'm powerless over tobacco." Saying this to yourself in overwhelmed moments of desire will help give you the strength to say no to "just one" cigarette.
If you can make it for just five minutes without giving in, the urge to smoke be controllable or disappear. In this way, you'll be able to stay smokefree for life.
Exercise is Good for Your Mental Health
Boosts your energy. A sedentary lifestyle can make you feel fatigued. When you work your muscles with regular exercise, you feel more energized and ready to face the day. Exercising also helps you have a more restful sleep and fall asleep faster. Regularly working your muscles also makes them less likely to fatigue with normal activity.
Helps relieve stress. Endorphins from exercise make you feel better and have a better outlook on life, but exercise can also provide a time for reflection; further easing a stressful life. Many of us don’t have time alone without thoughts to contemplate our problems. Some types of exercise, such as running, can provide time to think about the day and make plans.
Improves self esteem. After a workout, you feel that you’ve accomplished something and it increases your feeling of well being. It generates good feelings to think that you are doing something to take improve yourself. In return, feeling of accomplishment makes you more likely to work out again, thus starting a healthy cycle.
Increased social interaction. Having friends is an important part of leading a happy life. Exercise can be used to stay in touch with old friends by scheduling regular walks or runs. It can be also used to meet new friends at the gym or through sports. These kinds of activities help you feel accepted and loved.
Many doctors and therapists recommend exercise as part of their treatment for anxiety or depression.
How About Drinking Water to Lose Weight?
drink lots of water.But, I believe that it is good to re-remember some good old lessons from time to time. So, here I go -
Drink lots of water - one or two glasses - first thing in the morning. It makes you feel refreshed as your body loses lots of fluid during the night time. It will also weaken your urge for taking tea and coffee early in the morning.
Drinking around 1.5 liters of water helps you in burning 50 calories during the course of the day. By drinking sufficient water, you help your body in keeping its weight under control. Drink more water and loose weight!
Eating Pineapple Benefits Your Immune System too
Fiber Rich - Eating Pineapple benefits digestive system as the fruit contains lots of fiber content.
Anti-inflammatory - The Pineapple is said to be rich in bromelain, which is a protein-digesting enzyme. The enzyme aids in digestion, but it also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Anti-Cancer - Scientists at Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia are finding that Pineapple benefits you in another way - by helping the body in keeping away cancer. This is due to the presence of molecules in the fruit that boost the immune system, and help it fight the cancer cells.
But, remember to take it in its fresh form. Canned Pineapple does not give any of these benefits.
Are Processed Foods Good for Skin?
There’s been a lot of talk lately about the problems associated with processed food. We’re now being told that eating unprocessed and even raw foods can help us be healthier, happier, and live longer, but can unprocessed foods make us look better? Is unprocessed food good for skin?
While there are many recommended steps to take if you want to look younger, the most important is to work on having healthy beautiful skin. Processed foods can have harmful effects on the skin, so if you want to look younger and healthier, try adding unprocessed and raw foods to your diet.
When food is cooked and processed, it loses vital nutrients. When you eat processed food, you don’t get the nutrients your body needs to function efficiently. This leaves you less healthy, and it shows in your skin. If your skin cells aren’t properly nourished, they don’t look as good. You’re also more prone to acne and other embarrassing infections. A food not having sufficient nutrients is not a food good for skin.
People who advocate the raw food diet believe that cooking your food is too much processing. Raw foods contain live, active enzymes that help you digest your food more efficiently and improve your body’s functioning and your overall health. And remember, the healthier you are, the healthier your skin will be. Many people who increase their intake of raw food as opposed to cook notice a positive change in their skin. Raw food can help to reduce wrinkles, age spots, eye bags, and even acne, leaving your skin beautiful and radiant.
We all know that when we’re tired, we look worn down, our skin is duller, and we just get a haggard appearance. Having proper digestive enzymes from eating raw, live fruits and vegetables helps speed digestion giving use more energy from our food. When we have more energy, we feel and look less tired. If you want to have clear and bright skin, eat food good for skin and good for your health.
While I’ve already discussed what food loses through processing, what might be more important to this topic is what is added to food during processing. Most companies aren’t concerned about keeping you healthy; they’re concerned about selling their product. They add chemicals to keep food fresh longer, change its color, change its texture, or even to make you more hungry or thirsty after you eat or drink it. All these artificial ingredients do not let it remain a food good for skin and for your health. These chemicals can be toxic do your body. They build up in your cells, making them function improperly and be less healthy. Also, if you have acne or other skin ailments, your breakouts may be due to an allergic reaction to these chemicals.
In order to look good, your skin needs to be healthy. This means proper nourishment and fewer toxins. This can be achieved with a healthy diet including fresh, unprocessed foods. Remember, healthy foods are good for skin and good for your overall health too. Only healthy people have beautiful skins, isn’t it?
How to Choose the Right Supplement for Bodybuilding

The most important step is to get the proper types of supplements for bodybuilding. These are the most important:
Protein. You likely learned in third grade that muscles are made of protein. If you want your muscles to grow, you have to put a lot of protein into your body. This is one essential supplement for bodybuilding.
Creatine. This keeps your muscles from getting tired as fast so you can do more reps and work out longer. It also decreases the time it takes for your muscles to recover between work outs, so you can lift weights more often.
Vitamins and Minerals. Keeping on with our search for effective supplements for bodybuilding, we come to Vitamins and Minerals. You don’t need special, specific health store supplements to get these nutrients. Just take a quality, well balanced multivitamin everyday. This will make sure your body has all the nutrients it needs to build your muscles. It’s also a good plan to take one even if you’re not trying to bulk up.
Many supplements for bodybuilding may include other ingredients to help boost muscle growth; just be sure to research them and make sure they’re appropriate for you before you actually take anything.
Now before you start taking any supplements for bodybuilding, take a look at yourself in the mirror. Is their a nice pudgy layer of fat surrounding your body? If you said yes, then these supplements are not for you; at least not yet. If you get tons of calories to fuel muscle growth, you’re just going to end up building muscle under the fat layer making you look even bulkier without the muscle definition. Sure, having more muscle burns more fat, but you’re going to get better results if you take supplements for bodybuilding that are specifically geared to burn the fat while you build the muscle. This will make it much more likely for you to get the lean, defined body you’ve always wanted.
The best way to find a suitable supplement for bodybuilding is to talk to an expert. Your first step should be to talk to your doctor. They may not be trained in which brand is which, but they should be able to tell you how your body works develop some guidelines for you. You should also talk to a nutritionist. If you belong to a gym, there’s probably a nutritionist there you can talk to for a small fee, or even for free. They can help you set up a diet and supplement regimen tailored for you.
Good luck with your bodybuilding endeavor!
Taking Too Much Caffeine Lately? – Better Hold On…

It may surprise you that the most commonly used drug in the world is caffeine. Caffeine can be a great pick me up that helps get you through the day. Plus, quitting caffeine can cause annoying side effects like headaches and nausea. However, while it may seem harmless enough; there are studies that suggest negative effects of consuming too much caffeine. Before you make a decision to give up or cut back on caffeine, be sure you have all the information.
Having been a college student, I know the negative effects of too much caffeine. While caffeine may help you get a jump start during the day or stay up all night studying, too much caffeine can make you nervous and shaky. It can also cause your heart to race and even affect your breathing. If you find yourself a bit jittery or shaky, caffeine may be the culprit. Plus, too much caffeine can make you feel more stressed during the day, even if you haven’t had too much.
Your afternoon caffeine boost may be to blame for your insomnia. A lot of people think caffeine won’t keep you up if you don’t drink it before bedtime, but the stimulating effects of caffeine can last up to 6 hours. If you cut back your afternoon caffeine consumption, you may find yourself more rested in the morning.
Along with the side effects of caffeine; studies have suggested that there are more serious consequences from excessive use. Its stimulant properties can have negative effects on the heart including high blood pressure. Its diuretic effects may cause calcium loss, leading to osteoporosis, if you are taking too much caffeine. In addition, it’s been suggested that caffeine can raise cholesterol, cause stomach irritation, and may even be linked to certain cancers. While most of this research is inconclusive and linked to high consumptions of caffeine, it’s something to think about.
Caffeine has not only been linked to low birth weight, and miscarriages; some also suspect that it could prevent conception. If you’re pregnant or trying to conceive, you should seriously consider giving up caffeine.
While research suggests that taking too much caffeine may be bad for you, quitting is ultimately a personal choice. If you feel you just can’t get through the day without your coffee, try drink less throughout the day. You may feel withdrawal symptoms to begin with, but you’ll be much better off in the long run.
It Helps to Exercise after having Baby

Here are some tips to help you get on track with your exercise plan:
Involve your baby. Don’t wait till your child is asleep to try to get a decent workout. Get a baby sling so you can go for a walk with your baby. Starting exercise after having baby will become easier if you involve baby in your routine.
Don’t start too soon. Perhaps you are eager to start doing some exercise after having baby. But, wait, your body needs some time! Whether you’re had a vaginal delivery or a C-section, your body has gone through quite a bit. If you start a workout routine too soon, it can be damaging to your health. It’s usually recommended to wait 6 weeks before you start trying to workout; however, if you had a vaginal delivery, you can use those first 6 weeks to strengthen your vaginal muscles and start stretching exercises. Just be sure to check with your doctor before you start any exercise program.
Don’t work too hard. It’s pretty likely that you haven’t been able to do a normal workout for at least a few months, maybe more. Just like starting any exercise program, you should not start full force right away. Trying to do too much is likely to do more harm than help. Before you start working out, ask your doctor for recommended exercises after having baby and how often you should do them. Remember, if you hurt yourself, you’re not going to be able to take as good care of your baby.
Fit exercise into you schedule. I know the difficulties you will get into the moment you start making a routine for doing some exercise after having baby. While having a regular routine is helpful, it’s almost impossible to get a baby to conform to your schedule. This means you have to change your schedule to fit your baby’s.
You’ll probably have to squeeze in workouts where you can. While drawing up a routing for doing exercise after having baby, choose exercises that you can do in different places at different times. Get an exercise tape or something else you can do at home. You should also remember that two 15 minute workouts or three 10 minute workouts can be just as helpful as a half hour work out.
If you can set a rigid work out schedule, that’s great. If you can’t, set a looser schedule (I will work out for thirty minutes before I go to bed) and be sure to stick with it.
Starting to do some exercise after having a baby to get back into shape can be difficult, but with time, patience, and planning, you too can get back to your healthy self.
The benefits of a high fiber diet

An increased amount of food rich in fiber can also help you feel fuller longer, which is important if you’re watching your weight.
A study conducted at the Harvard School of Medicine found that men who consumed 12 grams of fiber a day were twice as likely to develop precancerous colon changes as men whose daily fiber intake was 30 grams or higher. Scientist are not exactly sure why taking food rich fiber can help reduce the risks of colon cancer but it is thought that insoluble fiber adds bulk to stools, which helps speed their transit through the intestines, leaving less time for carcinogenic changes.
Other studies have shown that consuming adequate levels of food rich in fiber can also help against breast cancer, heart disease, digestive disorders, diabetes and obesity. If you suffer from constipation, increasing your fiber content should help. It also helps to drink adequate amounts of water daily to help the fiber through your system.
An easy way to start the day with an adequate amount of fiber is to have a breakfast cereal and some fruit – both of which are foods rich in fiber. Vegetables and fruits are also high in fiber and also many other important nutrients.
Most people tend to eat breads and cereals which are very low in fiber. Even some brown bread varieties only have a small amount so it’s best to check labels and make sure you’re getting a natural whole grain product with sufficient fiber.
Now that you know all the benefits of adding to your diet the foods rich in fiber, here are some quick tips to help you increase your fiber intake:
High Fiber Foods List
1. Eat vegetables with every meal.
2. Switch from processed carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta to whole grains (these are rich in fiber and nutrients).
3. Add beans to casseroles, chilli or many other foods rich in fiber. Beans are an especially good source of fiber.
4. Snack on fruit with it’s skin on. Fruits like berries are particularly rich in fiber and apples and pears should be eaten with the peel on.
5. Eat dried fruits such as prunes, figs, and apricots. These are easy to sprinkle on cereal or add to homemade muffins.
Eat Healthy Foods To Lose Weight

Fresh Unprocessed Foods Help You Lose Weight
Once you have decided that you want to lose weight, try eating more of fresh food.
If you think about it, our bodies were designed to eat natural foods. Our digestive systems have evolved over many years; preservatives and artificial chemicals have existed for a comparatively short amount of time. The foods our bodies digest and use most efficiently are natural and unprocessed.
It is also recommended that many of these foods be eaten raw because it preserves the healthy active enzymes in fruits and vegetables, and will help you when you start to lose weight.
Dairy Products - Great For Weight Loss
Incorporating low fat dairy products into your diet helps you lose weight faster than just cutting calories. A good way to get enough dairy is through yogurt. Not only do they usually come in portioned controlled cups; yogurt also contains good bacteria that helps improve your overall health.
Take Low Sugar Food to Lose Weight
When you eat sugar, your body’s response is to immediately release insulin to lower your blood sugar levels. With high-sugar foods, your body can overreact to glucose levels and produce too much insulin. This lowers your blood sugar; making you hungry again much sooner than low sugar foods.
Instead of sugary snacks, choose foods higher in protein and fiber: they will help you lose weight faster. These foods absorb more slowly, making you feel full longer.
Spicy Foods - Good to Lose Weight!
When we eat foods that are really spicy, we tend to eat less. Good, if I want to lose weight! Some studies suggest that appetite suppression is due to capsaicin, a chemical found in many spicy foods. Others attribute this effect to strong flavor of these foods being less palatable.
While cutting calories and getting appropriate amounts of exercise are both important for weight loss, incorporating some of these foods into your diet may just give you the boost you need to finally shed those extra pounds.
I hope these tips prove helpful in your pursuit to lose weight.
Dancing for Exercise: Bring Some Rhythm in Your Regimen

Are you getting bored with your traditional workout? Is going to the gym just too bothersome? Well then why don’t you get your next great workout at the local dance hall? Dancing for exercise is fun.
There’s nothing that gets your heart pumping like dancing. You don’t have to be good; you just have to move around. The simple act of moving your arms and legs around is enough to get you a great cardio workout. Studies have shown that ballroom dancing is almost as effective at working your heart as common workouts such as running.
Also, when you are dancing for exercise, it doesn’t matter much what kind of dancing you’re doing, whether it’s ballroom, country line dancing, or even belly dancing. You can even just dance around your living room to the radio (also a great way to work out with the kids!)
Dancing works all the different muscle groups. Activities like jogging and swimming feature repetitive movements that work the same muscles over and over. That’s why it’s easy to tell a runner from a swimmer, just by looking at what muscles on their body are developed. On the other hand when you are dancing for exercise, unless you do the same dance over and over, you’re going to be doing various different movements. This allows you to work all your different muscle groups giving you a great total body workout you’ll be able to see in a mirror. This is also a great motivation to take classes and try new styles of dance.
If you have one or more people there with you, you can enjoy the conversation and excitement; you’ll probably completely forget you’re working out. Try getting a group of friends to go dancing for exercise once a week with you. You can even use the fact that dancing is a great workout as a selling point to convince them to join you. Just be careful; depending on the venue, you may be encouraged to drink. Don’t burn off all your calories just to add them back with alcohol.
So what are you waiting for? Why not change a workout this week to a fun time and start dancing for exercise?
Nature Made Antioxidants Foods and other Supplements

While you can get supplements with antioxidants, the best delivery system is your food. A study was done recently to determine which foods were highest in antioxidants and these are some of the nature made antioxidants and supplements that made the list.
- Beans. You’ve probably always known that beans were good for you, but you may not have known that they are one of the best food sources around for nature made antioxidants. Beans that provide the most antioxidants are small red beans, red kidney beans, black beans, and pinto beans. Small Red beans were actually found to be the best antioxidant source of any food!
- Fresh fruits. We all know apples are good for us, but what about blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, and plums? These are all tasty ways to get your nature made antioxidants. If you’re still partial to apples, stick to red delicious, granny smith, and gala apples. They have more antioxidants than other varieties.
- Artichoke. While some people cringe at the thought of eating an artichoke heart, they might be more inclined to chow down when they find out they’re one of the top ten best sources of nature made antioxidants.
If you don’t eat enough of these foods, you can always get antioxidants from supplements. Just remember to look closely at the labels before you buy; supplements need to come from natural sources, not be artificially manufactured. That way you’ll get the best benefit for your money. The best supplements for antioxidant properties are: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium, carotenes, copper, and zinc.
By taking supplements or making diet changes, you can drastically increase your antioxidant intake and improve your health and quality of life.
5 Natural Cures for Menopause Symptoms

Not only do women going through menopause experience annoying and painful physical and emotional symptoms, they’re also at a much higher risk of developing dangerous problems such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.
If you’re going through this change, you’ve probably seen a doctor and discussed medical treatments, but before you start on hormone replacement therapy or other drastic treatments, why not try to cure menopause symptoms the natural way.
Here are 5 natural supplements that may help you solve your menopause problems:
- Soy is the first natural cure for menopause symptoms that come to my mind. Why? Because Soy protein contains chemicals called isoflavones, which act as a mild estrogen and can help with hot flashes and night sweats. It may also help keep your bones healthy. Just be sure not to take too much, about 50 grams of soy protein per day is enough. Getting more too much soy may actually be harmful.
- Black Cohosh is another natural cure for menopause symptoms that might help in reducing your suffering. This supplement can be used to alleviate hot flashes, help with mood changes, and even help you sleep better. While Black Cohosh has been tested and found to be safe studies have only been conducted on a 6 month trial period.
- Red Clover. Taking this supplement daily has been shown to not only decrease the number of hot flashes (one study showed a 58% decrease!); it can also help stop some of the long term health problems associated with menopause. Red clover contains isoflavones and may decrease loss of bone mass, improve cardiovascular health, and may even protect you against certain cancers. A nice natural cure for menopause symptoms, though, here too, moderation is required in its use.
- St John’s Wort. Along with physical symptoms, many menopausal women also experience symptoms of depression. St Johns Wort can be taken up to two years to help alleviate mild depression. Just don’t take it if you’re already on an antidepressant because there can be interactions.
- Vitamins and Minerals. You probably already know that you should take a calcium supplement to help decrease bone loss, but did you know you should also take magnesium to help you absorb and use all that extra calcium? You should also increase your intake of Vitamins E and C to help with estrogen absorption. You should be able to find a quality multivitamin for older women that will give you these nutrients and more.
Yes, there are a few things you should be aware of when using these or any other cures for menopause.
First is that you should consult your doctor before you take anything. Many people equate the word “natural” with “safe”, but these remedies can have harmful drug interactions and side effects. So, even though these are recommended cures for menopause, you should also take care to get a high quality supplement. Check ingredients, look for seals (and research what the seals mean), and ask around on health websites or with a medical professional.
I am sure these tips were somewhat helpful in your search for natural cures for menopause symptoms! Wish you a healthy and happy life!
Why Should I Quit Smoking?
Most people who smoke wish they didn't. They live with a hatred for the habit. The fear of serious illness is usually there too, lurking in the background, and always that awful feeling of being powerless to quit. Addiction does that to a person.
As smokers, we live in denial about what cigarettes are doing to us. We have to. Yes, we know that smoking causes cancer and emphysema - we know smoking kills and that we're playing roulette with our health...our lives.
For all that we worry though, most of us don't think anything will happen to us - we have time! We'll quit in time... The bad stuff happens to other people.
Keeping that layer of denial in place between ourselves and the harsh realities of smoking gets harder to do the longer we smoke. For most of us, there comes a time when the "smokescreen" starts to wear thin. It's inevitable.
The fact that you're reading this article means you're thinking about quitting - probably a lot. You're unhappy enough to be seeking out some help. Good for you. You're a step ahead of the game because you're looking for information about how to quit smoking.
Be practical in your approach to smoking cessation. Much of the process of release from this addiction comes down to plain old practice. We taught ourselves to smoke one day at a time until it was interwoven into just about every activity in our lives. It only makes sense then that we should allow ourselves the time to retrain old habits into newer, healthier ones. Arm yourself with knowledge and support, and be patient. You'll grow stronger by the day.
Start your quit smoking program with a list of reasons for quitting. We all have them.
Why do you want to quit smoking?
My own 26 year addiction turned me into a person I didn't much like.
I was fearful that a smoking-related disease would catch up with me before I found a way to quit smoking. I was worried sick, so to speak.
I hated the smoker's cough I had developed and the shortness of breath that I knew was a signal of lung damage.
I hated the smell, the embarrassment and the need. I especially resented the need. Nicotine dependency made me feel weak and helpless.
These were some of the first things I put on my own list of reasons, and it didn't take me long to add a long line of other things I hated about smoking as well.
What are the reasons behind your desire to quit smoking? Get out some paper and a pen, and list them out. Every single thing you can think of, from the largest, most obvious, to the smallest. Write them all. Carry that list around with you, and add to it when something else comes to mind. Think about the pros and cons of smoking as you compose your list.
By focusing your thoughts on your own personal reasons for quitting, you are laying the foundation for successful smoking cessation. It all starts in your mind, and once you get your thoughts moving in the right direction, taking action will come more easily.
It's like a snowball rolling downhill. Channel your thoughts onto that sheet of paper, and you'll begin to gain momentum. Once you start that snowball rolling, you'll be amazed at what you'll be able to do to change your life for the better. Make it happen!
"If you want to change your life, change your mind."
From Terry Martin,
Your Guide to Smoking Cessation.
Beginners Guide to Pilates Exercises and Equipment

The best option for getting an optimal Pilates workout is to work with a professional. The best place to find an expert is at a Pilates Studio. These can be found in many cities. They not only have people that specialize in teaching Pilates, they also have machines specifically designed to give you an optimal workout.
If there aren’t Pilates studios in your area with Pilates equipment, you should look around for a class. Many health clubs will offer these classes for a lower price than going to a studio. While you probably will be doing exercises on a mat instead of machines, you’ll still be taught by someone who knows what they’re doing and can help you use proper form and attain the maximum benefit.
If you can’t find a class or studio near you, you have a few other options to try. The first is to buy a good book or set of tapes on Pilates that teach you specific moves and how to do them. These tapes may also incorporate equipment such as a ball or resistance band. This equipment can be purchased at most fitness supply stores.
If you have money and space to invest in this fitness regimen, you may consider buying a Pilates machine. They offer more resistance and can improve the effectiveness of your workout. These can be bought from various retailers and are similar to those found in Pilates Studios. For the best workout at the best price, you should find a machine that offers the ability to do many different exercises all on the same machine.
Pilates equipment and Pilates exercise can be great to help with strength, balance, and posture, among other things. Just be sure not to neglect doing cardio work as well. While it can’t replace aerobic exercise, Pilates is a great addition to your exercise regime.
A Few Herbs to Help You Sleep Better

If you’ve tried all the other sleep remedies and nothings worked for you; before you make a trip to your doctor, make a trip to your local health food store. There you can find tons of natural supplements. While most of these remedies haven’t been clinically tested, they’ve been used for years in various cultures to naturally relax and get a good night’s rest.
I am giving below a few herbs to help you sleep. One of which is bound to help you finally get some rest.
German chamomile - This is probably the most widely publicized herbal sleep aid in recent years. Simply brew the tea and drink to relax your self into a peaceful sleep. The best part is that it’s safe to drink during the day when you just need to unwind; something no medical sleep aid can claim.
Lemon balm - This is an herb often used in gardens for its lemony scent (it smells a bit like lemon wood cleaner); this is a great herb to calm your nerves. You can find it as a tea, capsules, or a liquid extract. This makes it extra convenient for every situation.
Valerian root - Of all the herbs to help you sleep, Valerian is one of the oldest and most widely used remedies. Unlike many other herbs, valerian root has been the subject of several clinical trials where it was found to help people fall asleep faster and get a more restful night’s sleep. It is also available in tea, pill, or liquid form.
Catnip - Sure it sounds crazy, but that herb that makes your cats go wild can actually calm you down and prepare you for sleep. It contains chemicals similar to those in valerian root. In addition to being a sedative, catnip can also help with indigestion and heartburn. It can be enjoyed as a tea or taken in liquid extract form.
St John’s Wort - This is not only one of the herbs to help you sleep at night; it has also been indicated for treatment of anxiety and depression. Just be sure to take the prescribed dosage because too much can be harmful.
Lavender - This is a safe relaxing herb that is so powerful, it has been shown to reduce and sometimes completely counteract symptoms of caffeine use. This herb is much more convenient because it comes in tea or and as an essential oil that can be massaged on, put into a bath, put on cotton balls to infuse into the air, or simply put on your pillow. Lavender oil is not only a great way to calm you; it’s also safe for use on children and babies.
These were some herbs which can will help you get a sound sleep, or at least increase the quality of your sleep.
You should remember that herbs are generally slower acting than modern medicine, so they may take days or even a couple weeks for you to feel the full effect. Also, just like with any other medication, you should consult your doctor before taking any of these remedies which have been recommended for getting a better sleep, especially if you’re on any prescription medications.
Natural Foods for Clear Skin

Here is a list of foods for clear skin: you must incorporate into your daily diet :
Green tea – The Green Tea is good for your overall wellbeing and is full of health benefits. It also helps the look of your skin by reducing inflammation and fighting free radicals that cause skin damage. So drink up.
Water – You might already know this one but I may remind you that you need approximately 8 glasses of clear water a day (no sodas, soups or other drinks are included in this quota). For maximum benefits clear water is best. It purifies your body and helps in eliminating toxins.
Selenium – This nutrient is full of power and is found in foods such as turkey, brazil nuts, tuna and whole grain breads. Include at least one of these foods in your daily diet. A ‘must add’ in your list of foods for clear skin.
Fatty Acids – These are found in oils such as walnut and flaxseed. Oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are also rich in essential fatty acids.
Dairy – Low fat dairy products are high in Vitamin A which, as you know, is beneficial to the skin. Low fat yogurt is also good for your digestive system which in turn helps in keeping the skin clear and healthy.
Fruits and Vegetables – Taking a variety of fruits and vegetables is good for maintaining a clear and healthy skin but there are some foods in particular which are very high in powerful antioxidants and promote good skin health. Berries, such as blueberries, strawberries and blackberries are great for fighting against free radicals which can cause skin cell damage. Vegetables that are brightly colored such as red peppers, yellow peppers and sweet potatoes are also great foods for clear skin.
Now that you know what to eat there are some things that should be left out altogether if you want to look young longer:
White Flour Foods – White bread, rice, pasta and sugar are less nutritious than the whole grain types and will cause inflammation in the skin which can lead to aging. Try cutting these items from your diet for two weeks and look in the mirror. Your skin should look less inflamed and fine lines will be less apparent.
Alcohol – Alcohol dehydrates the skin and speeds the aging process. Try to cut down on this only have it in moderation. A little red wine may have some health benefits but beer does not.
Smoking – This is a strict no-no, if you are really serious about having a clear and healthy skin. Smoking ages you and is clearly reflected on your face and skin-texture. Cutback on it or better yet cut it out altogether. Your skin and lungs will thank you for it.
Processed Foods – Processed foods are loaded with sugar and additives, these wreck havoc on the skin and are best left out of your diet altogether. Sodas and other sugary drinks are not only bad for your health but can also rob your skin of essential nutrients. They’re also not good for your waistline and have been known to cause cellulite (even the diet variety). A clear no and must be excluded from the list of foods for clear skin.
For a truly healthy, glowing, young and clear skin a balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and essential oils is best. A little care in taking appropriate food will surely reflect in a healthy and clear skin.
Heart Health for Women: To Have a Heart is To Suffer the Attack of the Heart
In the business world, women with strong skills, command of their business units and natural leaders are often described as "bitches without heart." Other women, those labeled as meek and non-offensive women cower in their cubes or desks, unable to assert their natural power yet are known as the caregiver, the amiable, friendly boss and colleague.
If we all- working women, stay at home moms, caregivers, wives, friends, daughters and CEOs of our households-do not stop and listen, care for and love our heart each day.... it will attack us.
As cited by the American Heart Association: 1 in 3 women have Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). As women age; their rates of disease are higher than men. CVD outranks cancer as a leading cause of death in women.
Heart health should be key for anyone over the age of 35. As routine as our mammograms and dental visits; we should arrange to have a specialist meet us yearly for routine EKG and EEG tests. This helps us set up a baseline for our heart health that comes in handy should irregularities or decreases in health occur as we age.
To prevent heart attacks; attack back!
Be prepared with Aspirin.
Take CoEnzyme Q10 daily. It helps heart function by enhancing the pumping action and electrical functioning, as well as helping to lower blood pressure.
Better to be safe and feel silly than have a possible life threatening event occur to you and your family.
Combating Workplace Stress and Fatigue through Diet, Exercise and Meditation
Essentially what you deal with on a daily basis is a symptom called adrenal burn out. Is it severe? That depends. Is it chronic? More often, yes. From the time your alarm wakes you up to the nightly commute back to your home; your body is internalizing its surroundings and produces adrenaline to combat the stressors you are faced with daily.
Our world now does not allow us nor does it have time for us to slow down and relax from a very stressful situation. You body is registered to read that deadline or sales pitch as a threat to your survival and releases hormones for you to either run or fight.
So now what? How can you combat the high level of Adrenaline that pumps through your body?
There are a lot of great supplements and tonics that are effective at decreasing these levels as well as target and strengthen the endocrine system (the glands most impacted by your stress).
What you need are adaptogens in your daily diet/supplement regime.
To stay healthy, slender, happy, energized and stress-free here are a few exercises, food choices, supplements, tonics and teas I use daily. These items help my body cool down from all these stressful, adrenaline releasing events:
5 minute DEEP Yoga breaths--breathing in (through the nose) for 7 counts and exhail for 10 counts.
Turkey, cheese, chocolate and bananas are great items to consume for lunch and dinner. Tryptophan helps increase your seratonin levels (your happy hormones)is produced from these products and serve as a release to the anxiety and stress you are dealing with daily.
Siberian Ginseng
Sport Tea
Adrenal Support Tonic (Elethuro, Licorice Root, oat "milky" seed, Sarsparilla root, Prickly Ash Bark)
Within about 4 days you will be feeling the effects of boosting and feeding your adrenals. Treat them right and they will inturn keep you healthy, youthful and less stressed.
Blog Archive
- How to Prevent Acid Reflux?
- Exercise is Good for Your Mental Health
- How About Drinking Water to Lose Weight?
- Eating Pineapple Benefits Your Immune System too
- Are Processed Foods Good for Skin?
- How to Choose the Right Supplement for Bodybuilding
- Taking Too Much Caffeine Lately? – Better Hold On…
- It Helps to Exercise after having Baby
- The benefits of a high fiber diet
- Eat Healthy Foods To Lose Weight
- Dancing for Exercise: Bring Some Rhythm in Your Re...
- Nature Made Antioxidants Foods and other Supplements
- 5 Natural Cures for Menopause Symptoms
- Why Should I Quit Smoking?
- Beginners Guide to Pilates Exercises and Equipment
- A Few Herbs to Help You Sleep Better
- Natural Foods for Clear Skin
- Count Calories with Ease
- Heart Health for Women: To Have a Heart is To Suff...
- Combating Workplace Stress and Fatigue through Die...