Herbal Blends for Herpes Symptoms & Treatment
- a very effective liver cleanser and stimulator
- blood cleanser
- relieves fevers
- relieves glandular swellings
- relieves fevers
- relieves inflammation and pain
- blood cleanser
- powerful liver cleanser
- relieves a fever
Gotu Kola
- helps relieve tingling sensation
- relieves itching
- relieves painful urination
- relieves inflammations
Essential Oils for Herpes Prodromal (associated) Symptoms
Lavender (oil used externally)
- beneficial for itching and inflammation
St. John's Wort
- relieves swollen lymph glands (oil used externally)
Blend for Cold Sores
- Lavender (herb used internally)
- Lemon Balm
Cold Sores
- helps blood infections from viruses and other pathogens
Olive Leaf Extract
- helps inhibit and prevent infection by viruses and retrovirus
Essential Oils for Cold Sores
Lavender (oil used externally)
- beneficial against the cold sore and herpes virus
Lemon Balm
General Herb Blend for Herpes & the Immune System
Golden Seal
- destroys many types of bacterial and viral infections
- strengthens the immune system
Golden seal root is a rapidly effective, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, healing tonic and is often recommended for a variety of inflamed mucous membranes conditions. It is frequently used to support damaged or infected tissues including the eyes, mouth and throat. - Golden Seal (Hydrastis canadensis) Eye Ointment can also be beneficial in relieving and reducing symptoms of herpes in the eye and is often available through local pharmacies or selected health care stores.
Olive Leaf Extract
- helps inhibit and prevent infection by viruses and retro viruses
Red Clover
- cleanses blood
- contains copper and iron
- detoxifies the liver
- improves the blood's hemoglobin levels and the size and number of blood platelets
- moderately strong antiseptic
- kills most viruses that it comes in contact with
- inhibits retro-viruses, e.g. herpes
Herbal Blend for Genital Herpes
helps inhibit and prevent infection by viruses
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
Olive Leaf Extract
- Helps inhibit and prevent infection by viruses and retro viruses
St John's Wort
- inhibits the growth of the herpes virus
Herbal Blend for Shingles (Herpes zoster)
Olive Leaf Extract
- helps inhibit and prevent infection by viruses and retro viruses
St. John's Wort
- relieves pain of nerve endings
Red marine algae for Herpes
Red marine algae (also known as Super Carotene or Dunaliella salina)
Current research has shown that Red marine algae (Dunaliella salina) has strong antiviral properties and is proven to be effective against the Herpes simplex virus.
Have a question about using herbs to treat your herpes outbreaks?
For a free health consultation feel free to email (wellness@healthybeingproducts.com) or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of herbal products & topical Herpes Lysine cream at Healthy Being Products Store
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