Thursday, March 6, 2008
Patrick Swayze & Pancreatic Cancer: Prevention Tips

In light of Patrick Swayze's battle with pancreatic cancer, I wanted to investigate this form of cancer and respond to potential ways of preventing and easing this from a natural perspective.
Pancreatic Cancer is one of the more severe forms of cancer. Being the organ that helps metabolizes carbs and secretes enzymes that aid in digestion, the pancreas is a vital organ. Often diagnosed in the later stages, pancreatic cancer it is life threatening and often spreads to other organs. 30,000 people die of pancreatic cancer each year in the US alone. I decided to do some research about how to treat and potentially lower the risk of getting pancreatic cancer.
Physical activity decreases risk of pancreatic cancer, obesity increases risk. A diet high in vegetables reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer. High consumption of sugar and high-sugar foods are associated with a greater risk of pancreatic cancer. Additional research suggests eating more whole grain and fiber-rich food lowers the risk of pancreatic cancer.
Flavonols are common in plant-based foods but are found in highest concentrations in onions, apples, berries, kale and broccoli. People who eat the largest amounts of flavonolds have reduced risk of developing pancreatic cancer.
Supplements for Pancreatic Cancer
Folic acid in food may reduce the risk for pancreatic cancer, but it is not clear whether a folic acid supplements would have such benefit. Increased levels of dietary folate from food appears to reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, according to results of a large population-based study of Swedish men and women. Previous studies have suggested that folate may protect against colorectal and breast cancer. Folate, also known as folic acid, is a B vitamin that is naturally found in fruits and vegetables. The US government has mandated that manufacturers fortify grain products with folic acid, adding it to flour, rice, pasta and cornmeal.
Vitamin D could be helpful in reducing the risk for pancreatic cancer.
Lycopene is found in tomatoes
IP-6 supplement
Triphala, an Ayurvedic herbal combo.
Vitamin D and Pancreatic Cancer
People who take vitamin D tablets are less likely to get deadly pancreatic cancer as people who do not. It is still early to say whether getting the vitamin from food or sunlight also reduces the risk. Vitamin D has shown strong potential for preventing and treating prostate cancer, and areas with greater sunlight exposure have lower incidence and mortality for prostate, breast, and colon cancers, leading us to investigate a role for Vitamin D in pancreatic cancer risk. Working with colleagues at Harvard University, Dr. Skinner's team examined data from two large, long-term health surveys involving 46,771 men between 40 and 75 years old and 75,427 women between 38 and 65. They found that people who took the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin D, 400 IU a day, had a 43-percent lower risk of pancreatic cancer. Those who took doses of less than 150 IU per day had a 22 percent reduced risk of cancer. Writing in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, the researchers said taking more than 400 IU a day did not reduce the risk further.
Pancreatic cancer and lycopene
Dietary intake of lycopene is associated with reduced pancreatic cancer risk.
Have a question about pancreatic cancer and cancer prevention?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
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