Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Prostate Protection Through Natural Supplements & Diet

At some point in every man's life, he must face the dreaded prostate exam. Part of the dread is rooted in the discomfort of the exam and the other part is not knowing how the results will turn out. Prostate health symbolizes more than a man's sexuality- he equates it to his entire being. It is his manhood, his ability to function as a man and it is his life.
Medical technology has improved over the past 20 years, since the time my own Grandfather fell victim to prostate cancer. The research has also improved and men and their families can introduce prostate supporting supplements and diet starting in the mid to late 30s.
The Top 5 Supplements & Diet Changes for Improved Prostate Health:
1 Plant Sterols
Plant nutrients are powerful immune boosters
2. Saw Palmetto
Improves urinary flow, reduces inflammation of the prostate
3. Pygeum africanum
Herb that is an anti-inflammatory and increases blood flow to the prostate

4. Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fish Oils
Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids work to decrease the inflammation of the prostate.
5. Eat more Tomatoes, Cranberries & Pumpkinseeds
The lycopene in tomatoes is a phytonutrient with anti-prostate cancer properties.

Cranberries are one of nature's best weapons against cystitis and urinary tract infections. Cranberry juice is particulary important for men with inflamed or enlarged prostates who have a hard time eliminating urine. The key is to choose cranberry juice that does not contain sugar or artificial sweenters.
Pumpkinseeds contain zinc, sterols and essential fatty acids that treat prevent and can treat an enlarged prostate.
Key to prostate health is regular sex. Women may protest but the science has proven that the congestion that occurs in the prostate when it is not allowed to ejaculate causes inflammation. If this is a continual state of affairs, the prostate suffers and swelling is the result.
Have a question about enhancing your prostate health?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase Omega-3 and Omega-6 as well as other Prostate Enhancing Health Products at the Healthy Being Products Store
men's health,
sexual health
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