Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Lysine to the Rescue: Products to help Treat Herpes Naturally
A huge hit on this blog has been the attention to herpes treatments, homeopathic cures and home remedies that address this very common virus.
The CDC released their first national study in the news today. Their study found that 1 in 4 teens has an STD. The prevalence of HPV and genital herpes in our youth under 18 is quite alarming. I would imagine that many of these young teens find it hard to speak to their parents and loves about the result of their unsafe sexual conduct.
In light of the this study and a series of questions relating to natural products that can treat and reduce the outbreaks of herpes, I find it very important to highlight a few top herpes products.
I often get a large cold sore on my lip when I'm severely stressed out. I've found that using a topical Lysine cream has been very helpful in conjunction with Lysine tablets.

Super Lysine + Plus is an all natural cold sore treatment and America’s #1 natural choice for the prevention, relief and healing of cold sores.. When used at the very onset of a cold sore or a case of genital herpes- it can reduce the healing time and length of the herpes ourbreak by 50%.
This cold sore cream is made of L-Lysine, Propolis Extract, Calendula Flower Extract, Echinacea Flower Extract, Zinc Oxide, Goldenseal Extract, Vitamin A, D, E, Cajeput Oil, Tea Tree Oil... all natural and antiviral healing agents.
A tube of this stuff will last you for a good while. It sells for $5.95. Click to purchase
Lysine is a great supplement for reducing the duration and the length of herpes outbreaks. If you experience cold sores or genital herpes, this is an incurable virus. It lays dormant in your body and stress, poor diet and other factors can cause an outbreak. Supporting and
supplementing your diet with lysine is key to good health.
For a regular lip gloss, I use Quantum Super Lysine Lip Clear Coldstick and cold sore treatment. It moisturizes and helps maintain healthy lips. I have noticed that I only had one cold sore last year; and it was around the often stressful holiday season. The cold stick is $5.25 each and I one will generally last me about 2 months.
The CDC released their first national study in the news today. Their study found that 1 in 4 teens has an STD. The prevalence of HPV and genital herpes in our youth under 18 is quite alarming. I would imagine that many of these young teens find it hard to speak to their parents and loves about the result of their unsafe sexual conduct.
In light of the this study and a series of questions relating to natural products that can treat and reduce the outbreaks of herpes, I find it very important to highlight a few top herpes products.
I often get a large cold sore on my lip when I'm severely stressed out. I've found that using a topical Lysine cream has been very helpful in conjunction with Lysine tablets.

Super Lysine + Plus is an all natural cold sore treatment and America’s #1 natural choice for the prevention, relief and healing of cold sores.. When used at the very onset of a cold sore or a case of genital herpes- it can reduce the healing time and length of the herpes ourbreak by 50%.
This cold sore cream is made of L-Lysine, Propolis Extract, Calendula Flower Extract, Echinacea Flower Extract, Zinc Oxide, Goldenseal Extract, Vitamin A, D, E, Cajeput Oil, Tea Tree Oil... all natural and antiviral healing agents.
A tube of this stuff will last you for a good while. It sells for $5.95. Click to purchase
Lysine is a great supplement for reducing the duration and the length of herpes outbreaks. If you experience cold sores or genital herpes, this is an incurable virus. It lays dormant in your body and stress, poor diet and other factors can cause an outbreak. Supporting and

For a regular lip gloss, I use Quantum Super Lysine Lip Clear Coldstick and cold sore treatment. It moisturizes and helps maintain healthy lips. I have noticed that I only had one cold sore last year; and it was around the often stressful holiday season. The cold stick is $5.25 each and I one will generally last me about 2 months.
Have a question about making your treating your cold sore outbreak naturally?
We understand how you feel!
For a free health consultation feel free to email (wellness@healthybeingproducts.com) or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase Cold Sore Lysine Cream and save over 65% on Vitamins and Supplements at the Healthy Being Products Store
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