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Friday, March 9, 2012

Heart attack facts

Heart attack facts
Here are some of the facts related to heart attack.

  1. More than 12.5 millions of estimated 32 million heart attacks worldwide are fatal.
  2. 14 millions of Americans have a history of heart attack
  3. About 50% of the deaths occur within one hour of a heart attack - outside a hospital
  4. Sudden death is more common among women with heart attack
  5. 52 people in USA die due to heart attack every minute. That makes 4,59,840 heart attack deaths in a year in USA
  6. 50% of the people with heart attack wait for more than 2 hours before getting any help
  7. 39% of women die within one year after a heart attack compared to 25% of men
  8. The risk of another heart attack after first stroke is estimated to be 35% in women and 18% in men.
  9. Women take 2 to 4 hours longer than men to respond to symptoms of heart attack. 
  10. Chewing an un coated Aspirin right away, at the first sign of chest discomfort can reduce the amount of damage to the heart muscle during a heart attack.
  11. Eating fish once in a week can reduce the chances of a heart attack by 52%
  12. Heart attack risk can be reduced by changing the life styles - e.g  quitting smoking, obesity, reduce alcohol intake, reduce stress, and increase physical activity.
  13. High blood pressure is called as "silent killer".  High blood pressure can lead to heart stroke, heart attack and heart failure and kidney failure.
  14. Watching the world cup increases the risk of heart attack.
  15. South Asians are prone to heart attacks at a much younger age compared to other people
  16. Studies indicate that most common time for a heart attack to occur is Monday morning. Saturday morning ranks the next. 
  17. Heart-healthy foods include salmon, ground flaxseed, oatmeal, black or kidney beans, almonds, walnuts, red wine, tuna, brown rice, and blueberries.
  18. A large, indulgent dinner with high fat and carb counts can constrict blood vessels, increasing the risk of blood clotting.
  19. Negative emotions and depression are risk factors for heart attack and stroke. Conversely, happier people are less likely to develop heart disease.
  20. Heart attacks and sudden cardiac arrests are two different events. A heart attack (myocardial infarction) occurs when blood supply to the heart muscle stops and the heart muscle dies. A sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) occurs when the heart suddenly stops pumping due to an electrical problem in the heart. An SCA may occur in tandem with a heart attack.
  21. Heart disease is an umbrella term that includes conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart attack, cardiac arrest, congestive heart failure, and congenital heart diseases


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