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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Home Remedies Acidity

Home Remedies Acidity
* The powder of ehiretta taken with an equal quantity of sugar relieves acidity.
* Chew a few holy basil (tulsi ) leaves to get relief from burning, nausea and gas.
* Small pieces of onion taken with half set sweet curds and sugar relieves burning of the throat due to acidity.
* Keep a small piece of jaggery (gur) in your mouth and slowly suck it. Repeat it every hour till acidity subsides.
* The juice of pumpkin in doses of 60 to 120 gm oz taken with sugar relieves acidity.
* Eat a few almonds when your feel heartburn symptoms.
* Drink coconut water 4-5 times a day.
* Drink a glass of cold milk for fast relief of heartburn and acidity.
* Keep a small piece of harad (Terminalia chebula) in your mouth and chew it after every meal.
* A dose of 1.5 to 2.5 gm of the fruit of soapnut taken with water is effective in relieving acidity.
* Take one piece of clove and suck on it slowly.
* Drink fresh mint juice slowly after meals.
* Drink daily a 1 tsp juice of chebulic myroblan mixed with 1 tsp of amla (Indian gooseberry) juice.
* Maintaining an upright posture for some time after food will help in preventing reflex.
* Sleep with your head and shoulder on a high pillow for elevation.
* Intake of raw garlic is very beneficial.
*Try to avoid pickles, spicy chutneys, vinegar, etc.
*Boil some mint leaves in water and have a glass of this after meals.
*Excessive smoking and drinking will increase acidity, so cut down.
*Ginger aids in digestion. Either buy powdered ginger in capsule forms or add the herb to your recipes.

 *A simple preparation of lemon water with sugar can be sipped on an hour before lunch to reduce uneasiness.
*Have vegetables like drumsticks, beans, pumpkin, cabbage, carrot and spring onions.

Take a mixture of 2 tsp of natural apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp raw honey in a glass of water before meals to prevent acidity or heartburn.
Amalaki is a carminative . It is used in Ayurveda as a cardiotonic, aphrodisiac, antipyretic, antidiabetic, cerebral and gastrointestinal tonic. It raises the total protein level and increases the body weight due to positive nitrogen balance. It has been found to have an anabolic effect.


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