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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


During pregnancy you are bound to have trouble sleeping and you will be faced with multitude of sleep disturbances, including nausea, heartburn, constant urge to pee, snoring etc. First trimester makes you completely exhausted, when the sleep-inducing hormone progesterone starts surging through your body, and pressure on your bladder from your growing uterus sends you scurrying to the bathroom countless times every night. During your second trimester, you will be able to get all the rest you need and it also is the time when you have to prepare yourself for the third trimester coz that's again the time when the quality of your sleep may reach an all-time low.

Follow these guidelines to get a better night's sleep:

Say no to smoking and alcohol because it not only harms your baby but also makes it difficult for you to get sleep.

Cut down on caffeinated substances such as tea, coffee, soda, and chocolate.

Keep the temperature of your bedroom on the cool side since during your pregnancy you are likely to feel warmer than usual. Sleep is necessary therefore you have to ensure that noise, too much light etc, do not disturb your sleep.

Exercise three to four hours before you go to bed because inorder to have sound sleep at night you must give your body time to unwind after exercising. Some studies also show that exercising too close to bedtime can cut down on deep sleep.

Try to take small naps whenever you get the time. A 30- to 60-minute snooze during the day will improve alertness, sharpen memory, and generally reduce the symptoms of fatigue.

After having dinner take a warm water bath or listen to some soothing music or read a book. These things will help you get a good night sleep.

Follow a regular bedtime routine, sleep and get up at the same time everyday.

If you are unable to sleep it is advisable to get out of bed and go to another room and watch TV or listen to music or do any other work. Don't try to force yourself to bed.

If you're troubled by nausea (common during the first trimester), keep your stomach full by eating frequent bland snacks such as crackers, especially before bedtime.

During pregnancy it is advisable to sleep on your left side. This position helps blood and nutrients flow to the fetus and uterus and helps your kidneys eliminate waste and fluids. Plus, getting used to this position now will help you sleep better when your belly is bulging.

Avoid heavy meals and spicy foods before bedtime. Have a light meal atleast two to three hours before going to bed so that your food digests and that will prevent problems like heartburn and indigestion.

While it's important to drink plenty of fluids when you're pregnant, drinking more in the morning and less in the late afternoon and evening will help you cut down on bathroom breaks during the night.


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