Friday, March 16, 2012
Amazing Ability of the Baby Brain

What can be done by the baby might be considered trivial to adults because baby have not been able to offset the adult conversation. But the baby can actually prove their versatility. Once the scientists found a way to uncover the ability of the baby, the baby turns out to have a lot of brainpower and amazing smart enough.
Do you want to know amazing capabilities that exist in the baby brain? Consider the following discussion about how amazing the baby's brain
There are 9 amazing ability of the baby brain, as quoted by LiveScience, Wednesday (14/03/2012), among others :
1. Know who has a higher position
From the age of 10 months, babies learn and understand things quite right. Based on the results of a study published in the journal Science show that babies understand the hierarchy (sequence position) social and figure out the size that could determine who was responsible.
2. Understand the expression of emotion dog
Even before babies can say the word "mama" and "papa", babies have been able to decipher and understand the emotions of dogs. A study in 2009 found the baby aged 6 months was able to demonstrate appropriate body language. "Emotion is one of the first things a baby can be caught in the social world," said lead researcher Ross Flom, an associate professor of psychology at Brigham Young University, Utah. The results of these studies have been published in the journal Developmental Psychology.
3. Understand the moods and emotions
While the baby is still unable to speak, he might know when adults are feeling down. Around the age of 5 months, baby can accurately pick a song that can evoke positive emotions. It is based on the results of a study published in 2010 in the journal Neuron. At the age of 9 months, babies can also identify a sad voice of a few songs.
4. Can dance to the music
Talking about music, baby can not otherwise react when they hear the music. Not only the baby's ear can follow the beat, the baby can actually dance. It is based on the results of a study published in 2010. Babies can do a dance with the hands, feet and body to the rhythm or music. Dancing ability is innate in humans, although researchers are not sure why it evolved. The results of these studies have been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
5. Mimic the actions of others
A study in 2009 revealed when the 9 month old baby who see adults as an object, then the motor in a baby's brain will be activated as if it actually did. The researchers study showed that mirror neurons play a lot. Babies have a predictive capability that can help respond to the actions of others. It is based on research results that have been published in the journal Biology Letters.
6. Learning quickly when sleeping
According to a study in 2010, apparently the baby can learn even while sleeping. It is based on the results of research conducted by researchers involving 26 baby who were sleeping. "Like newborn babies spend most of their time sleeping, this capability may be important to be able to quickly adapt to the world around him and helped to ensure the survival of the baby," the researchers said. The results of these studies have been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
7. Babies can understand the voice that directed at them
In a study in 2006, 7 month old babies can understand the sound that directed at them. The results of these studies have been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
8. Can distinguish two different languages
In the study in 2007 which was published in the journal Science shows that, in baby 4-6 months of age can spend more time to see the person talking to him say words in different languages. This shows that babies can distinguish between two languages. Some research suggests that baby begin to understand the grammar, processing grammar and words simultaneously at the age of 15 months. "Newborns can be said to be smart in the language because baby have the ability to easily learn any language in the world," said psychologist George Hollich of Purdue University.
9. Can be quite a good judge of character
Classify others as beneficial or harmful is very important when choosing friends. And that ability begun when a baby. Ability to judge character can be the first baby step in the moral formation. It is based on research results that have been published in 2007 in the journal Nature.
Mom and Children
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