Thursday, March 22, 2012
#1 Black Coffee
It might be hard to get going in the morning without it, but a cup of joe is one of the worst stain offenders. Why? "The outer layer of the tooth is very porous," says cosmetic dentist Debra Glassman, of New York City. hat means foods and liquids are absorbed and stay there. But you don't have to go without java try adding a splash of milk to lighten it up. As a bonus, you'll get milk's calcium and vitamin D, both of which keep teeth strong.
#2. Tea
You might think tea would be a better option than coffee, but because of its tannins, it's a teeth stainer, too. The good news is that some varieties are better than others. Avoid darker-colored teas. Instead, opt for green, white, and herbal teas. Because they're lighter in color, they won't stain your teeth as much.
#3. Red Wine
It may be good for your heart, but red wine is bad for your smile. If you've ever looked in the mirror and smiled after sipping a glass of Shiraz or Cabernet sauvignon, you've seen the results. You can always opt for white wine or swish water around your mouth after drinking,
#4. Cola Dark
Sodas, including diet, are especially harmful to teeth because of their staining color. Opt for a seltzer, which is healthier than soda to start with. If you can't give up your soda habit, at least sip it through a straw to limit the beverage's contact with your teeth.
#5. Cranberry Juice
Fruit juices, too, can dull your pearly whites. he concentrated dark color and acids are known to yellow teeth. To keep your teeth white, you're better off drinking fruit juice spritzers or sticking with light-colored solid fruit. An apple, for instance, is an excellent choice; its crisp texture and light color act like a detergent on teeth, wiping away stains.
#6. Popsicles and Slushies
There's nothing quite like them on a hot summer's day, but it stands to reason that if a food stains your lips and tongue, it's staining your teeth too. Choose a lemon ice instead. Another sweet treat that's even better for your teeth is sugarless gum.
#7. Soy Sauce
It's not just dark beverages that will stain your teeth dark liquids used to flavor foods, such as soy sauce, can produce the same effect. A general rule to follow is that if a food can stain your carpet or shirt, it can stain your teeth too.
#8. Balsamic Vinegar
It's certainly flavorful and delicious, but balsamic vinegar's richness comes with a cost: Its dark color makes it a tooth stainer. But don't give up those salads just yet, lettuce helps protect your teeth from stains. he lettuce forms a film over teeth that acts as a barrier to stain-forming foods. Alternatively, you can use lighter-colored vinegar, like rice vinegar, or a spritz of lemon juice.
Mamma mia! Whether you serve spaghetti marinara or Bolognese, tomato-based sauces can stain your teeth but that's no reason to avoid this Italian staple. Just eat an appetizer of spinach or broccoli first. These veggies, like lettuce, form a protective film over teeth so foods that stain can't seep into your teeth's pores.
#10. Blueberries
One of nature's superfoods, blueberries are packed with antioxidants. he only downside is that the dark blue skins stain teeth. hat's not enough of a reason to shun their health-boosting benefits, though. Just be vigilant about swirling water around your mouth after you've eaten them.
#11. Beet Root
Anyone who has ever touched beets knows about their power to stain. Beets are particularly potent in juice form, in which they're the most concentrated. Be sure to brush your teeth within an hour after eating beets so stains don't have time to form.
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