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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Top fifteen fat-burning foods

Top fifteen fat-burning foods 

Would you like to become a multi-millionaire, or perhaps the richest person on the planet?

Well, we have one suggestion on how you could achieve that title. Do you know the value of discovering a product that would help anyone who was overweight burn fat calories faster, better and on demand? It's a sure path to the ultimate fortune -- you'd be king of the weight loss universe. You'd be able to eat anything you ever wanted, in whatever quantities you felt like and never have to worry you'd gain an extra pound! herein lies our suggestion for an invention, but not a recommendation for healthy living. We're sorry to burst that bubble, but there is no such thing as a free ride or a fat burning powder -- yet! In the meantime, all we can do is recommend certain foods which, when eaten in moderation, will enable you to burn calories faster.

What are fat-burning foods? Fat-burning foods are rich in fibre and protein and are poor in fat. Protein foods do require more energy to digest than carbohydrates or fats. The protein content of these foods boosts your metabolism and increases the rate at which your body burns stored fat. Fibre also provides high satiety value, so you feel fuller, longer.

If you can't find these foods in your kitchen right now, simply add them to your grocery list. Incidentally, do you know what percentage of your calories consumed are coming from fat? Use this Health and Diet Assessment ool to help you break down your percentages. A healthy level is one where less then 30 percent of the total calories consumed daily come from fat.

The top ten fat-burning foods

#1. Whole grain 

Whole grain breads and cereals are a great source of fibre. They generally take a longer time and more energy to digest. Try having a bowl of whole grain cereal with skim milk for breakfast, and combining two fat-burning foods that will give your morning a fat-burning boost.

#2. Beans 

Beans are low in fat and high in quality protein. They also have the added bonus of soluble fibre's disease-preventing qualities. The soluble fibre traps bile and lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol without affecting HDL (good) cholesterol. So load up on a serving of beans for lunch or dinner.

#3. Hot chillies 

Chillies are full of vitamins. The compound capsaicin present in chillies temporarily stimulates your body to release some stress hormones, which boost your metabolism and cause you to burn more calories. But limit your intake to one or two in a day, as they may cause heartburn.

#4. Lean meat 

The leanest meat pieces are excellent sources of protein with low fat content. The protein helps boost your metabolism, lose fat and build lean muscle tissue so you burn more calories.

#5. Low-fat dairy products 

Low fat yogurt or milk can boost weight loss efforts due to calcium content, according to a study in the April issue of Obesity Research. hey also contain a hunger suppressant protein called casein that helps reduce hunger pangs. Another study published in 2008 in the Journal of Nutrition & Metabolism showed that consuming a lot of dairy foods may help people who are trying to control their weight, by burning more fat and consuming more calories without putting on excessive kilos.

#6. Eggs 

Eggs are also a good source of high protein. So start having eggs for breakfast, as research shows that the morning meal fires up your metabolism and increases your energy levels to tackle the day ahead or your morning workout. If you are worried about your cholesterol levels, then you may avoid the egg yolk.

#7. Green tea 

Green tea has been known as a health drink for years. In addition to providing a low calorie alternative to sugary sodas, cold coffees and frappucinos (and saving on calorie intake), green tea contains caffeine, which is a decent fat burner. Green tea also has high amounts of catechin and polyphenols, which give your body a small boost in burning up calories. Catechins appear to prevent absorption of fat and to stabilise glucose levels in the body.

#8. Green leafy vegetables 

Green leafy vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals and fibre. The fibre helps to burn fat. It also increases satiety and gives a feeling of fullness.

#9. Berries 

Berries are a powerhouse of nutrition -full of vitamins and minerals. The fibre found in berries makes them a fat burning food.

#10. Almonds

Almonds are a fatty food, but they can help burn body fat. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and heart-healthy fat. They are also a good source of fibre and protein. Nuts also help your body maintain good levels of fat burning hormones, as well as control your appetite and cravings so that you essentially eat less calories overall, even though you're consuming a high-fat food. So put on your thinking cap and the next time you go shopping for groceries, start by buying and preparing these healthy fat-busting foods. And hey -- next time you sit down to eat some of these foods, be sure to watch your portions, or they will add up.

#11. Skim Milk

The calcium in milk can help crank up your metabolism and people with a high calcium intake tend to lose weight faster than people who skimp on it. he carbs in milk also cause your body to keep your insulin levels low thus preventing your body from storing fat.

#12. Olive Oil 

Olive oil not only burns fat but it also keeps your cholesterol down. Most people use it in place of their normal cooking oil making it a very easy way to make a positive change to their diets.

#13. Tuna 

Tuna lowers the amount of leptin in your body and that in turn speeds up your metabolism. his helps your body burn fat faster and more efficiently. he protein in tuna also aids in the production of muscle which helps you burn even more fat. (his is one of my favorite fat burning foods.

#14. Sardines

Sardines are packed with fish oil which is widely known to be a great fat burner. Some body builders practically live on sardines because they are high in protein and fish oil and the combination burns fat and helps them stay ripped.

#15. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is an awesome fat burner because it fills you up but it doesn't cause an insulin spike so your body doesn't go crazy storing fat. Having oatmeal for breakfast can also bump your metabolism by as much as 10% so you'll burn fat at a higher rate than normal.


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