Thursday, March 15, 2012
Smoking Habit Is Bad for Health
Saw the development of smoking habit are becoming increasingly severe, seems the hope to overcome this problem is getting thinner, but actually it is not possible because some countries have implemented the rules hard enough for both smokers and the tobacco industry. Singapore to implement a public space as a zone free of cigarettes, cigarette vending machines declared illegal and prohibit tobacco companies to sponsor a public event.
There are so many factors that cause a smoker for example :
Home environment : The father is often smoked in front of his children, so children have a sense of curiosity and want to try a cigarette.
School Environment : Friends at the school who smoke in front of us.
Community Environment : The number of people around the house (outdoors) to smoke in any place, so make wanted to emulate.
Other factors besides environmental factors namely psychological factors such as :
Habit (regardless of the motive of positive or negative)
To generate a positive emotional reactions (enjoyment, etc.)
To reduce the negative emotional reactions (anxiety, tension, etc.)
Social reasons (acceptance of group)
Dependence (meet the wishes / needs of the self)
According to Ogawa : first time cigarette called a "habit" or "addicted". Today smoking is referred to as "Tobacco dependencies". Tobacco dependence is defined as the settling behavior of tobacco use, usually more than ½ packs of cigarettes per day, with the additional distress caused by the need for tobacco repeatedly.
A WHO consultant and Australia, Dr. Matthew Allen, in April 2001 stated that the high rates of cigarette smoking and passive acceptance is a major obstacle to overcoming the problem. Allen stated there are 7 (seven) obstacle to overcoming the problem of cigarettes , namely :
- The lack of knowledge among smokers about the risks of smoking
- Insufficient knowledge of government agencies and NGOs, namely tobacco control for health and economy, as well as misleading tactics used by the tobacco industry
- Lack of commitment by politicians and government departments
- There is a misconception authority of the Food and Drug Administration (POM) and the Department of Health and Social Welfare Department
- Strong cigarette industry sector
- Decentralization and the absence of a framework in the region to implement the tobacco control
- There was no funding to make the rival campaigns and other control programs.
Smoking habits in older people have a big impact on children aged adolescents. Families who are accustomed to not ban smoking or such action, a very important role to make a child into a family of smokers compared with nonsmokers. Some studies reported the children that have both parents who smoke is likely to become smokers as well, especially if older siblings are a smoker, the children had a fourfold risk to become smokers. It is easy for children to imitate the smoking habit.
According to research someone who smoked cigarettes every day can increase the risk of cancer of the larynx, lung, esophagus, oral cavity, blood vessel disorders, disorders of pregnancy and heart disease. According to research someone who regularly smoked 3 to 4 cigarettes a day, eight times more at risk for oral cancer than nonsmokers. Even the latest results show that smoking will result in the development of pancreatic cancer.
Each year the frequency of patients with chronic diseases caused by smoking is increasing. Although much research and authentic evidence that smoking is like a time bomb that could damage health. This is because smoking raises the craving. In cigarettes contained a substance called nicotine. This substance may cause effects to relax and this makes it difficult to abandon the smoking habit.
Smoking habits is really fun. Without realizing various kinds of harmful toxins in cigarette contents enter into the body, triggering cancer and several other chronic diseases. Harmful substances in cigarettes are not just nicotine. Nicotine is addictive component of tobacco. It is absorbed into the blood and affects the brain within 10 seconds. This causes the smoker to feel relaxed because of the neurotransmitter. It also led to a wave of heart rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline (which also feels good). As a result, the nature of nicotine dependence in the brain and the body is temporarily lost. Smokers feel worse if they do not smoke. This lead to the desire to smoke again.
Smoke is a complex mixture of compounds produced by burning tobacco and addictive. Apart from the usual stimulant nicotine, cigarette smoke also contains tar that consists of more than 4000 chemicals, including some 60 carcinogenic chemicals that are harmful. Almost all kinds of deadly substances. These substances that cause lung disease, heart disease, emphysema and other dangerous diseases.
Some other substances known to have adverse effects on bone and skin. You may be surprised to find the name of some chemicals in cigarette smoke. Some of them are as follows :
1. Cyanide is a chemical compound containing the cyano group.
2. Benzene is an organic chemical compound which is flammable and colorless liquid.
3. Cadmium is a toxic metal and radioactive batteries found.
4. Methanol (wood alcohol) is the simplest alcohol, also known as methyl alcohol.
5. Acetylene (fuel used in welding torches) is an unsaturated chemical compound which is also the simplest alkyne hydrocarbon.
6. Ammonia is found everywhere in the environment but are very toxic in combination with certain elements.
7. Formaldehyde is a highly toxic liquid used to preserve corpses.
8. Hydrogen cyanide is a poison that is used as a fumigant to kill ants. This substance is also used as a maker of plastic substances and pesticides.
9. Arsenic is a material found in rat poison.
While the resulting smoke cigarettes contain tar. Tar itself contains many toxic materials into the body. This is the substance, thick sticky, and when inhaled it is attached to the tiny hairs in the lungs. This organ protects the lungs from dirt and infection, but when the organ is covered with tar can not perform its function. Tar is also lining the respiratory system. That ultimately lead to lung cancer and chronic respiratory diseases.
Smoke also contains carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a toxic chemical found in car exhaust fumes. It is then able to reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood. Because the body has less oxygen makes the heart work harder and thickening of the blood pumping. This is the main cause of a smoker got a sudden heart attack.
Bad Habits
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