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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Stupid hings Girls Do to Mess Up A Relationship

Stupid hings Girls Do to Mess Up A Relationship 

Mistake #1: Insisting that he declares his feelings towards you when certain women meet a man that they really take a liking to, they start looking for a commitment. If no signs are forthcoming, then they foolishly insist that he declares his feelings of affection or love. Unfortunately this can mess up a relationship.

Mistake #2: Misinterpreting the actual "Signals" that men send men frequently communicate how they feel about a woman but in a non-verbal manner. The unobservant woman doesn't display the capacity to pay attention to these signals, and might miss the small signs of endearment.

Mistake #3: Acting like an expert in male psychology understand the point that men are different from women and by accepting this fact, you will definitely prevent the relationship from being messed up. Men have behavior patterns that sets them apart so do not jump to early conclusions.

Mistake #4: Sharing your intimate feelings too early with him. An unfortunate short-coming from many women is to become over-excited, especially in the early parts of the relationship by openly sharing intimate feelings and experiences. his should wait till the relationship is more settled.

Mistake #5: Relying On Your "Woman's Intuition" to Judge A Man's Character Human beings are at times difficult to figure out, because an emotional factor comes into play. Men are sometimes even more complex to understand and more specifically so when they are dating.

Mistake #6: Not Admitting that You Need Help his could keep women from ever having the kind of success, or finding the kind of man and relationship that they truly want. For example, when you have trouble with that little vehicle of yours and don't know what to do, ask him for advice.

Mistake #7: Building A Relationship Based On Your Lover's "Potential" Savvy women do not base their choice of men on how "courteous" or "gentlemen-like" he is to them on a day-to-day basis. Well-informed women choose the men they do because they feel an intense and powerful inner attraction to them.

Mistake #8: Having High Expectations Of A Permanent Blissful Relationship Do not think that a guy will change your life to such an extent that you will be happy and fulfilled forever. This is more an exception than the rule, so be realistic and not mess up the relationship.

Mistake #9: Portraying Yourself As Something Exceptional For A Man In their quest to please a man, women will go to extremes to get attention or to make him more attracted or in love with them. This is not such a good idea, as men that you truly desire will never be attracted to a pretentious type of woman.

Mistake #10: Being Unsure Of What o Do In Specific ype Of Situations A man, will in all probability already have an idea of what he wants from you, and it is not always just sex. You could mess up the relationship by just sitting there and flirting, instead of being responsive and initiating conversation to show that you are well informed.


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