Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Forty Health Tips
Forty Health Tips
1. Oranges can protect u against heart disease & high blood pressure, & they r full of cancer fighting phytochemicals.
2. People who smoke catch cold more often than those who don't smoke. Smoking makes immune system weak.
3. Sipping water with a straw helps u suck down water faster. This is easier to get the recommended 8 glasses a day.
4. Aromatherapy is proven to reduce stress n produce a feeling of well being. Use herbal oils such as rosemary which has a natural calming effect.
5. Laughter is the best medicine, but it turns out that even anticipating a laugh can boost feel-good hormones by almost 30%.
6. Sprinkle walnuts into ur salad or mix them in with ur yogurt. They contain ellagic acid, a cancer-fighting antioxidant.
7. Philanthropy not only gives another person a lift but can also boost ur own health. Helping others can alleviate chronic pain n depression.
8. Don't suddenly go out into the sun from an air-conditioned room n vice-versa. Learn to acclimatize slowly.
9. High fibre, multigrain breads r much better than white breads. It is also better interms of the protein content as well.
10. U can take a day off from exercise every week. It is not a very good idea, but it is a part of exercise routine.
11. Exercise outdoors as much as possible. It gives ur body a chance to get a lot of fresh air n sunshine n the surroundings keep u perked up.
12. Stop when ur body has had enough when u have worked up for a considerable time, the body will start giving u signals.
13. Don't stand, walk. If u can walk about then do so, pacing about is a good thing to do.
14. If u have a seating job, stand up n stretch urself every half-an-hour.
15. To avoid snoring keep ur side, keep ur neck straight, avoid alcohol or smoking 2-3 hrs before bed time.
16. Fresh juice of cabbage, carrot, coconut, karela (bitter ground) n spinach is helpful for lowering blood sugar.
17. When u cook dal, add some refined oil or garlic. It will reduce gas trouble.
18. Cure for headaches: take a lime cut it in half n rub it on ur forehead. The throbbing should go away.
19. Vinegar naturally helps to remove fat from the body. Drink some in a glass of water a few times a day.
20. Keep ur arms bent at a 90 degree angle n pump them as u walk. It helps u propel urself forward faster.
21. Avoid caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, soft drinks, alcohol. They rob ur body of water.
22. For dry cough, soak almonds overnight n remove skin. Make a paste of these with little butter n sugar.
23. Vitamin-C in orange juice may shorten the duration of ur cold, helping u get back on u r feet quickly.
24. A mixture of ginger juice n honey (warmed), if taken before going to bed brings great relief to severe cough.
25. Roast ajwain n make fodder, apply these on ur gums if u have gum problem.
26. Two bananas provide enough energy for a 90-minute workout. They are rich in fibre n natural sugars.
27. Coffee, tea r not at all good as they stimulate the Central Nervous System. Do not take them on an empty stomach.
28. Each fat gram contains 9 calories. Estimate the percent of fat which should in no way exceed 30% of the food.
29. Plant a garden even if it is on the balcony. Home grown veggies tastes good. It is an excellent n easy exercise.
30. Regular/moderate/aerobic exercises 3-4 times/week is an important part of the equation to burn stored fat.
31. Eating hard boiled eggs make the body burn more calories, digesting them than what they add.
32. Eating recommended 5 or more Servings of veggies n fruits a day by itself, reduces cancer risk by 20%.
33. Reduce harmful fat in ur diet: Avoid processed meats like sausages & salami, chicken skin/fried fish/meat.
34. The 1st cereal a baby should have by 5-6 months is a rice and not wheat based one. This is digested easily.
35. Twisting from side to side won't do much to slim down your waistline. Instead, back muscles will be strained.
36. Don't travel by air if your hemoglobin is less than 7.8% u may feel breathless.
37. Liquid oils like sunflower/safflower/soya/corn & canola never solidify & thus are least harmful for heart.
38. Restrict your child's intake of high soda drinks, as they can lead to tooth decay among children & teenagers.
39. The faster you eat, the more you eat. Human brain requires about 20 mins to register satiety. So eat slowly.
40. If you suffer more headaches after working out & u don't have high blood pressure, you're probably overdoing it.
Forty Health Tips
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