Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Natural Cures and Therapy for Herpes Outbreaks
Last month I had a terrible cold sore or fever blister on my lip. It was agitated by stress, the holidays and the launch of my first product: Sunshine in a Box. So- I posted a blog article about cold sores, herpes outbreaks and prevention and tactics to reduce the duration of herpes outbreaks. From cold sores to genital herpes- the article was very popular. I got a lot of feedback and questions and wanted to continue the thread of that article.
It was very important that I mention the various doses and treatment measurements for herpes outbreaks. That was not covered in the Jan article and I hope this will help fellow sufferers reduce the duration of their cold sore and herpes outbreaks in the future. The most important goal for cold sore and herpes sufferers is quick relief and to make herpes blisters disappear as fast as possible.
Vitamin C enhances immunity by acting as an antioxidant, antihistamine, antiviral and antifungal. It may also enhance white blood cell activity and promote production of interferon-specific immunoactive proteins released by blood cells in response to viral infections. From 5,000 to 10,000 mg of Vitamin C can be taken over the entire day. I usually have a packet of EmergenC available and ready at my desk each hour. Each body
will react differently to high levels of Vitamin C.
Zinc has been shown in several clinical trials to reduce the frequency and severity of herpes outbreaks. It may inhibit the ability of the herpes virus to reproduce itself, particularly when applied topically to lesions (zinc sulfate ointment). Zinc supplementation in the form of 60-90 mg daily (taken in divided doses of 15-30 mg at a time with food to prevent nausea from developing) appears to enhance cell mediated immunity and help the immune system identify and fight the virus. This large dose may be continued for a month or two, then reduced to 30 mg daily as immune function improves and outbreaks decline.
Lysine and the cold sore connection. Lysine has been shown to be important in the prevention and treatment of herpes outbreaks. Some researchers believe a diet high in arginine and low in lysine may activate the herpes virus and promote outbreaks. HSV replication requires arginine, so a diet high in lysine may block arginine and prevent it from activating the virus. Most high protein foods contain many amino acids, including both arginine and lysine. Chocolate, nuts and grains are high in arginine while relatively low in lysine. Legumes have a high lysine content and are lower in arginine. No amino acid should be taken exclusively for more than one month. Favoring one amino acid can lead to deficiencies in other amino acids. Lysine is best used as part of a comprehensive program that includes diet, herbs and immune support. I have found it best to take this orally as well as applying a cold sore Lysine stick or cream to the sore or lesion location.
Lysine to treat Canker Sores
1000 mg – Lysine three times a day with meals while lesions are present. Reduce lysine dose to 500 mg three times per day for one week following the healing of the canker sore lesion.
Lysine to treat Herpes
1000 mg – Lysine three times per day with meals during flare-ups. If you suffer from recurrent or frequent herpes outbreaks, continue with a maintenance dose of 1000 mg of lysine per day.
Lysine to Treat Shingles
1000 mg – Lysine three times per day during a shingles flare-up. Reduce lysine intake to 500 mg three times per day for one week after healing.
Lysine can also be used topically for herpes treatment. Purchase America's #1 Lysine Topical Treatment.
Aloe vera, an excellent antiulcer and vulnerary, can be applied topically to lesions and also taken internally for its antiviral effect. Recent research has identifed several immune stimulating compounds in aloe gel. Take 1-2 oz. aloe juice mixed with fruit juice daily for chronic viral infections. The amount can be increased up to a pint or more a day.
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) has been shown in research too have antiviral effects against the herpes virus. Applying strong lemon balm extracts to initial herpes outbreaks can prevent recurrence, or can speed healing. Creams prepared from highly concentrated melissa extracts and melissa essential oil are now available.
Licorice is an antivral known to reduce inflammation and heal ulcers. It contains a steroid-like saponin called glycyrrhizin which can alleviate pain and speed healing of herpes lesions. It should be applied topically and taken internally for best results. Prepare tea by boiling one teaspoon shredded root per cup of water for five to 10 minutes. Drink four to five cups of licorice tea per day at the onset. A cloth soaked in the tea and applied to ulcers may speed healing. Salves containing glycyrrhizinic acid, one of the antiulcer compounds in licorice, are available.
Have a question about diagnosing, treating or living with Herpes?
Want to recommend a great natural remedy for herpes?
For a free health consultation feel free to email (wellness@healthybeingproducts.com) or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Store to save over 65% and get free shipping on Vitamins and Supplements for Herpes at theHealthy Being Products Store
It was very important that I mention the various doses and treatment measurements for herpes outbreaks. That was not covered in the Jan article and I hope this will help fellow sufferers reduce the duration of their cold sore and herpes outbreaks in the future. The most important goal for cold sore and herpes sufferers is quick relief and to make herpes blisters disappear as fast as possible.
Vitamin C enhances immunity by acting as an antioxidant, antihistamine, antiviral and antifungal. It may also enhance white blood cell activity and promote production of interferon-specific immunoactive proteins released by blood cells in response to viral infections. From 5,000 to 10,000 mg of Vitamin C can be taken over the entire day. I usually have a packet of EmergenC available and ready at my desk each hour. Each body
will react differently to high levels of Vitamin C.
Zinc has been shown in several clinical trials to reduce the frequency and severity of herpes outbreaks. It may inhibit the ability of the herpes virus to reproduce itself, particularly when applied topically to lesions (zinc sulfate ointment). Zinc supplementation in the form of 60-90 mg daily (taken in divided doses of 15-30 mg at a time with food to prevent nausea from developing) appears to enhance cell mediated immunity and help the immune system identify and fight the virus. This large dose may be continued for a month or two, then reduced to 30 mg daily as immune function improves and outbreaks decline.
Lysine and the cold sore connection. Lysine has been shown to be important in the prevention and treatment of herpes outbreaks. Some researchers believe a diet high in arginine and low in lysine may activate the herpes virus and promote outbreaks. HSV replication requires arginine, so a diet high in lysine may block arginine and prevent it from activating the virus. Most high protein foods contain many amino acids, including both arginine and lysine. Chocolate, nuts and grains are high in arginine while relatively low in lysine. Legumes have a high lysine content and are lower in arginine. No amino acid should be taken exclusively for more than one month. Favoring one amino acid can lead to deficiencies in other amino acids. Lysine is best used as part of a comprehensive program that includes diet, herbs and immune support. I have found it best to take this orally as well as applying a cold sore Lysine stick or cream to the sore or lesion location.
Lysine to treat Canker Sores
1000 mg – Lysine three times a day with meals while lesions are present. Reduce lysine dose to 500 mg three times per day for one week following the healing of the canker sore lesion.
Lysine to treat Herpes
1000 mg – Lysine three times per day with meals during flare-ups. If you suffer from recurrent or frequent herpes outbreaks, continue with a maintenance dose of 1000 mg of lysine per day.
Lysine to Treat Shingles
1000 mg – Lysine three times per day during a shingles flare-up. Reduce lysine intake to 500 mg three times per day for one week after healing.
Lysine can also be used topically for herpes treatment. Purchase America's #1 Lysine Topical Treatment.
Aloe vera, an excellent antiulcer and vulnerary, can be applied topically to lesions and also taken internally for its antiviral effect. Recent research has identifed several immune stimulating compounds in aloe gel. Take 1-2 oz. aloe juice mixed with fruit juice daily for chronic viral infections. The amount can be increased up to a pint or more a day.
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) has been shown in research too have antiviral effects against the herpes virus. Applying strong lemon balm extracts to initial herpes outbreaks can prevent recurrence, or can speed healing. Creams prepared from highly concentrated melissa extracts and melissa essential oil are now available.
Licorice is an antivral known to reduce inflammation and heal ulcers. It contains a steroid-like saponin called glycyrrhizin which can alleviate pain and speed healing of herpes lesions. It should be applied topically and taken internally for best results. Prepare tea by boiling one teaspoon shredded root per cup of water for five to 10 minutes. Drink four to five cups of licorice tea per day at the onset. A cloth soaked in the tea and applied to ulcers may speed healing. Salves containing glycyrrhizinic acid, one of the antiulcer compounds in licorice, are available.
Have a question about diagnosing, treating or living with Herpes?
Want to recommend a great natural remedy for herpes?
For a free health consultation feel free to email (wellness@healthybeingproducts.com) or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Store to save over 65% and get free shipping on Vitamins and Supplements for Herpes at theHealthy Being Products Store
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