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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Vegetarian Diet Benefits Part 2

As the title suggests this is my second post related to my first one titled Vegetarian Diet Benefits Part 1. So lets start the countdown ahead.

1) Toxic Chemicals are Avoided.

Meat, dairy products, fish all come with toxics which are used to preserve them. Fish carries the cancer causing substances like PCB's , DDT and some heavy metals ( minerals required by body in very less amount ) . These toxics can't be removed from body even after cooking or freezing the fish. Though fish is a good source of nutrition, one should take care of above mentioned things.

2) Say Bye To Back Problems

Back pain, which is a complaint of almost 3 out of 10 individuals who's job is sitting for almost throughout a day can be totally avoided. Here's an insight how? Back pain is caused due to blockage of arteries ( due to cholesterol ) running to the back and thus degenerating the discs. Plant based diet can avoid this situation alltogether by keeping arteries clear of the cholesterol responsible for blockage.

3) Say Bye To Food Borne Illness

It has been estimated by CDC that in US that more than 50% of Cows, pigs and chicken carry some kind of bacteria or are infected with one or the other parasite.

4) Increasing Fiber Intake :

The process of pushing waste out of the body is called as detoxification. Being a vegetarian , increases your fiber intake which aids in removing the toxics from the body. Sorry to say but meat contains no fiber.

5) Vegetarian Benefits to Woman :

Our body secrets fluctuating hormones, to balance the different moods and situations. Plants, grains and legumes balances the levels of such hormones which helps a woman to go through menopause without much complaints.


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