Saturday, February 23, 2008
How and Why to Detoxify Body
Why Should One Detoxify Body?
Detoxification of body is a process of cleaning the blood of its toxins. So it is suggested that one should detoxify at least once a year to remove all the toxins from the body and then provide it with fresh nutrition. This is done mainly through liver, lungs, lymph, intestine and skin.
How to Detoxify Body ?
There are various ways to detoxify ones body.
1) Fasting: This technique was used by our ancestors.
Detoxification of body is a process of cleaning the blood of its toxins. So it is suggested that one should detoxify at least once a year to remove all the toxins from the body and then provide it with fresh nutrition. This is done mainly through liver, lungs, lymph, intestine and skin.
How to Detoxify Body ?
There are various ways to detoxify ones body.
1) Fasting: This technique was used by our ancestors.
- Try going on a fast a day per week drinking only water.
- Some suggest a week only of fruit juices once a year.
Certain hormones are released by our body when it is stressed to cope with it. These hormones however produce a lot of toxins and are not good for health and also contributes in slowing down the detoxification. Yoga and Meditation can help release stress.
3) Increase your Fiber Intake :
Eat plenty of fiber food such as brown rice, vegetables and fruits like beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina, chlorella.
4) Drink more and more water.
While water should be taken almost in a quantity of 2 quarts a day, please remember not to take it in excess.
5) Eliminate the high levels of alcohol, cigarattes, caffeine, refined sugars and saturated fats from your daily intake. These are toxic to body. As far as possible one should also eliminate the use of deodorants and other health products to replace them with natural products.
6) Nourish your Liver :
Since liver is responsible for removing the toxins from the body. One should take care of the inputs required by liver such the compound glutathione plays an important role in removing the toxins.
7) Increase Oxygen Intake :
Deep breathes are the most efficient way of doing this. Oxygen circulation throughout the body aids the detoxification process.
8) Perspiration :
Another efficient way of removing toxins is by sweating. Sweat in Sauna so that the toxins get removed from the pores on the skin.
As an alternative you can also dry brush your skin with the products available for the same purpose in the natural product stores.
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