Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Treating a Sinus Infection Naturally

Sinus Infections- Nasal Annoyance!
I went on a business trip a week ago....traveled up to Boston via airplane and was bombarded by yucky airplane germs, cold weather and rooms filled with very hot stuffy air. Despite popping my airborne, chewable Vitamin C and Zinc tablets, I developed a bit of a head cold that quickly was heading down the path of a Sinus Infection.
Luckily, Sinus infections are easy thing to prevent and treat naturally.
If you find yourself prone to infections, allergies or even nose bleeds, using a neti pot regularly is the best of all home remedies for sinus infections.
If you do not get sinus infections regularly, then having a neti pot on hand is still a REALLY important part of treating a stuffy nose when you are sick. It's also for treating a sinus infection should you get one. Using a neti pot helps keep your nasal passages healthy with all the pollution, pollen, dust and other irritants in the air.
By the way, the non-iodized salt you have in your kitchen is all you need to use in it. Just put in about 2 table spoons and disolve in warm water. For extra UMPH add 2 drops of betadine (povidone iodine) to the neti pot. You can rinse 4-6 times per day, and the infection will clear within one week. It may be first time you beat a sinus infection without antibiotics.
I would flush each side of the nose in the morning and before bedtime. Any nasal congestion, mucus, post nasal drip and stuffiness disappeared.
If you have a sinus infection, you absolutely must add a few drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract, or GSE to the neti pot. It's a sinus herbal remedy. However, when you do this, only use the GSE in the neti pot with warm water minus the salt water.
GSE is the most powerful herbal antibiotic.
If you do not have a neti pot, simple dilute GSE in warm water and put it in a nasal sprayer or spray bottle. Then, spray it up your nose every hour or so until symptoms start to subside. You'll soon have sinus infection relief.
You can use grapefruit seed extract for all sorts of infections, skin conditions, pet remedies, household cleaning, food born illness, diarrhea, and lots more.
You can BUY grapefruit seed extract at most health food stores or natural food co-ops.
I am also a huge fan of using pure lavender oil as a chest rub and put in a cotton ball and place under my pillow case. Lavender was used as an antibacterial and antiviral resource during the era of the plague. Fresh lavender is excellent as well.
I know friends and family who use a warm washcloth over the nose and mouth in the shower for the duration of ten deep breaths (pause in between to breath lightly so you don't pass out!). Benefits: you ingest about HALF A LITER of water through your mucous membranes; the warm water coats the back of your throat (so bacteria is less likely to stick to mucous and more likely to slide down throat and into stomach acid); and it also helps to break up mucous and clear out your sinuses. Don't be surprised if you are hacking up phlegm right afterwards! Do this EVERYDAY whether you're sick or not for preventative maintanence.
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