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Monday, January 17, 2011

Top 10 tips to a diabetes patient empowerment.

Being a patient means to take an active role in diabetes healthand not just doing the minimum, your actions will determine how much a patient is involved.

This does not mean you have to be extraordinarily patient with diabetes, in fact many of the things they represent the diabetes patient empowerment things are often small but powerful enough that you can channel the super patient with you.

Next, I have chronicled some of the tips that can make that coveted diabetic patient, educated and informed, and let the doctor shaking in their boots.
  • Take responsibility: - Realize that your body knows better than anyone the endo included.
  • Do not buy the hype: - Do not take everything you hear as gospel truth and often request a second opinion or even a third, the extra effort, of course, make you more informed about your diabetes and make it more in tune with your overall health .
  • Questions: - There is no such thing as a stupid question, so ask away until you get a satisfactory response, write and schedule additional time for questions, said during his visit, if the endometriosis is busy leave them behind and ask them to send E-mail or send the answers you when you get to them.
  • ABC of diabetes: - You live with diabetes 24 / 7, you need to know the inner workings of the illness, if you will have the opportunity to manage effectively, start with the basics and go from there. Sources of information are readily available on the Internet to the local library.
  • Be a Smart Patient: - If you go to get information online about diabetes, then remember to be smart, make sure the site is trustworthy and relevant, be sure to keep your privacy radar and never believe anything you read without checking first.
  • Pay attention: - Paying attention can save your life, an empowered patient knows which medications they are taking and at what dose, for example, and the capture of an error in dosage could easily be a life saving event. 
  • Collaborate with others: - The online community for diabetics is full of other diabetics through the same struggle you and your vision may be very useful in their decision making.
  • Shop around - is your health and I am not advocating "going HMO, but a diabetic entitled to shop around for the best care available if your current system is inadequate.
  • Compliance: - Be a patient does not mean to stick your finger in the establishment, and does, but after having done your research and reach acceptable treatment plan, implement and stick to it for better health for diabetes.
  • Be sure - but this is the last in the pecking order is also the first to guide patients proverbial power. They are doing many of these measures on their own and are making decisions about your life, so I can not stress enough the importance of ensuring their health as diabetes navigate the steps to the empowerment of diabetes.


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