Using Topical Medicine
Healthy Habit No. 10: Drink Water and Eat Dairy
The body needs water to keep properly hydrated and individuals vary widely in how much water they need. Joints need it to stay in motion, and vital organs such as the heart, brain, kidney, and liver need it to work properly.
If you don't get enough water, the body goes into emergency mode, and clings to every single water molecule it can find, reports the University of Minnesota Water Resources Center. The stored molecules appear as extra weight. The weight is only released once the body gets enough water.
The calcium in dairy, on the other hand, is known to be important for strong bones and teeth. Studies have also shown it can help prevent high blood pressure, kidney stones, heart disease, and colon cancer.
In the weight loss arena, three 8-ounce glasses of low-fat or fat-free milk appear to encourage body fat loss while maintaining muscle mass, according to the ADA. The dairy consumption must be part of a balanced reduced-calorie meal plan.
Pool Exercise & Fibromyalgia: Relief from Pain & Severe Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
(Bio Med Central) Researchers in Europe report an exercise regimen that includes regular workouts in a heated pool provided significant relief from pain and associated symptoms for patients suffering from fibromyalgia. The randomized controlled study involved 33 female patients, 17 of whom took part in the exercise regimen and 16 who did not.The patients who partook of the aquatic workouts did one hour of supervised exercise three times a week for 8 months. They reported a reduction in pain and improved quality of life in general over the group which did not exercise.
Fibromyalgia is a common chronic disorder which causes extreme pain and tenderness in a patient’s muscles, tendons, and ligaments. No specific cause of the disorder has been identified and there is no known cure at this time. Ninety percent of all fibromyalgia patients are female.
Often debilitating, pain is usually located in the shoulders and the neck area and is often accompanied by feelings of depression and anxiety. Fibromyalgia patients frequently report problems sleeping as well.
Standard treatment to date has included painkillers and sometimes a low-dosage antidepressant. Relaxation techniques and exercise are also often prescribed for the disorder, too, but symptoms often return once the exercise program is stopped.
Researchers Narcis Gusi, faculty member of the University of Extremadura’s Sports Sciences department in Caceres, Spain, and Pablo Tomas-Carus, of the Department of Sport and Health at the University of Evora, Portugal, consider exercise to be a readily accessible and cost-effective form of treatment for fibromyalgia but have not compared the aquatic exercise program against other less expensive exercise alternatives such as walking, tai-chi, and low-impact aerobics.
Do you suffer from Pain from Arthritis or Fibromyalgia?
Have a question about your health or exercise routine?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call Meliss Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Soruces of Vitamins
Sources of Vitamin A
1) Brocolli
2) Sweet Potato
3) Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
Sources of Vitamin B1 ( thiamine)
1) Watermelon
Sources of Vitamin B2 ( riboflavin)
1) Kiwi
Sources of Vitamin B3 ( niacin)
1) Banana
2) Watermelon
Sources of Vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid)
1) Oranges
2) Bananas
Sources of Vitamin B6 ( pryidoxine)
1) Watermelon
Sources of Vitamin B9 ( thiamine)
1) Spinach
2) Corn
Sources of Vitamin B12 ( folic acid)
1) Fish
Sources of Vitamin C
1) Brocolli
2) Oranges
3) Sweet Potato
4) Dark Green Vegetables
5) Grapefruit
Sources of Vitamin D
1) Mushroom
Sources of Vitamin E
1) Bananas
2) Apples
3) Vegetable oils
4) Green vegetables
5) Cereals
6) Wheat germ
7) Whole-grain products and nuts
Sources of Vitamin K
1) Brocolli
2) Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
Let us know if you are aware of the vitamin sources not mentioned above by placing a comment here.
Young Women & Folic Acid Deficiency

(MedHeadlines) Young women are not getting enough folic acid according the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Only one in three women ages 18-24 takes a daily supplement containing folic acid. Folic acid is essential in preventing birth defects of the brain and spine. This age group accounts for roughly 30 percent of all births in the United States.
“Everyone needs folic acid, but it is especially important for women of childbearing age,” explains Heather Hamner, MS, MPH, a nutritional epidemiologist for the CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Prevention Research Team. “Folic acid has been found to reduce a woman’s risk of having a baby born with a serious birth defect of the brain and spine by 50-70 percent if taken before and during the first three months of pregnancy.”
Folate is a water-soluble B-vitamin that occurs naturally in foods including leafy-green vegetables, certain fruits, dried beans and peas. Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate that is found in fortified foods and supplements.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance for folate is 400 micrograms per day for everyone age 14 and older. For pregnant women, the recommendation is 600 micrograms; for women who are breastfeeding, it is 500 micrograms.
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Concerned about your folic acid levels?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call Meliss Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
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Benefits of Turmeric: Important Herb in Preventing Heart Attack & Heart Failure
(University Heath Network) Turmeric has long been used in traditional eastern medicine to prevent scarring in healing wounds. A recent study published in the February Journal of Clinical Investigation entitled “Curcumin Prevents and Reverses Murine Cardiac Hypertrophy” shows that this folk remedy may have a strong foundation in science.
Curcumin, an ingredient in turmeric, has effects deep in the cell nucleus that go beyond what most herbal remedies are capable of. “Curcumin’s ability to shut off one of the major switches right at the chromosome source where the enlargement and scarring genes are being turned on is impressive,” says Dr. Peter Liu, cardiologist in the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre and Scientific Director at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Cardiac hypertrophy is a strong predictor of future cardiac problems, including heart attack and heart failure. Researchers at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre of the Toronto General Hospital found that when curcumin was given orally to mice with enlarged hearts, it prevented and even reversed the hypertrophy. If the clinical trials prove that curcumin is effective in humans as well, it will offer the possibility of an inexpensive and safe treatment for millions of people.
While the results of the study are exciting, Dr. Liu advises a cautious and moderate approach. “Whether you are young or old; male or female; the larger your heart is, the higher your risk is for developing heart attacks or heart failure in the future. However, until clinical trials are done, we don’t recommend patients to take curcumin routinely. You are better off to take action today by lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol, exercising and healthy eating.”
Have a question about your health?
Interested in using Turmeric in your daily supplement routine?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Stores to save over 65% on Turmeric and Other Vitamins at the Healthy Being Products Store
Severe Stomach Pain
1) Whether you had other than normal food(hotel food) yesterday? In our case it was no.
2) Where does it pain? Only the abdomen, the pain was at single location.
3) Are you under period? No.
4) Any problem with excretion in the morning? No.
Doctor concluded the severe stomach pain is nothing but due to swelling in the digestive intestine and gave a 6 day medical schedule.
Based on this the doctor suggested three medicines, 1 tablet in the morning 1 tablet in the evening.
1) Drofem Tablet for controlling the stomach pain.
2) Oflex OZ.
3) Ompraz - To control the nausea caused by Oflex OZ.
The doctor also asked to eat only rice and drink warm water for next two days and if the pain continues, we are advised to do sonography.
I am not sure if the above tablets are available in all the countries and also I would advise you people to communicate with your doctor before taking up any medicines.
I will be making a detail post about the Causes of Stomach Pain in coming days, so watch around.
Tips of Aerobic Exercise
Aerobics include simple exercise which does not require any other equipment, just yourself. You can do it anywhere and anytime. Aerobics basically, is an exercise where you keep your major muscle group in action for a long time in action. Exercise like walking, climbing, stairs, dancing, swimming can be termed as aerobic. Aerobic exercise helps you loose weight and keeps you cardiovascular system healthy and fit.
Aerobics Tips
- Dancing : If you are interested in dancing join a dance class. It can be anything that interests you. The good thing about it is, if you are interested you get totally into it giving 100% yielding 100%.
- Walking : You are going to office, why not take the stairs instead of elevator. If
your office is on the first floor. Taking a walk after your lunch or during the tea break watching some colorful things in the surrounding won't hurt you. Lets say you are home, try taking a walk in the neighborhood. Park your car a little far from your regular parking place and walk some distance to get some exercise. While going shopping, walk for 10 minutes straight so that your are done with session for the day.
- Swimming : Swimming is a far better and most effective exercise than walking and dancing described above according to my experience so far. So those who are regular at swimming know how fit they are?
- Time : You should do aerobics for 20 minutes straight. If your busy schedule doesn't allow you that much time, you can always divide it into two 10 minute sessions.
Can Being a Cat Owner & Lover Reduce the Risk of a Heart Attack?
A study by the University of Minnesota’s Stroke Research Center presented Thursday at the American Stroke Association meeting found that people who had previously or currently owned cats were less likely to die from heart attack and other cardiovascular disease.The study examined data from 4,435 people, ranging in age from 30 to 75, participating in ongoing research with the National Health and Nutritional Examination Study. The researchers found that over a 20-year period, participants who had never owned a cat were 40 percent more likely to die from heart attack, and 30 percent more likely to die from any kind of cardiovascular disease.
The researchers don’t know exactly what causes the health benefit, but lead study investigator Dr. Adnan Qureshi believes it may be related to the stress-reducing effect a cat has on its owner. He admits, however, that the personality type of a cat owner may be the major contributing factor.
“Maybe cat owners tend not to have high-stress personalities, or they are just the type of people that are not highly affected by anxiety or high-stress situations,” Qureshi said.
Some of the controversy over this study comes from previous studies that showed a greatly increased rate of heart attack survival for dog owners, but no benefit at all for cat owners.
Source: ABC News
Have a question about your cardiovascular health?
Want to share a story about feline love?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call Meliss Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
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Anatomy of a heart-healthy food: Five Heart Healing Foods

( Food has many healing properties and can be used to promote heart health. Colorful vegetables and fruits, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and spices offer combinations of these five cardio-boosting properties.
Working similarly to the way aspirin does to reduce inflammation of tissues, natural anti-inflammatories like folate and vitamins C and D are vital to heart health because low-grade inflammation of the arteries has been identified as a significant factor in degeneration of the cardiovascular system.
Vitamins C and E and carotenoids such as vitamin A inhibit the oxidation of blood cells and the creation of damaging free radicals.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
This family of polyunsaturated fats such as ALA, EPA, and DHA has been shown in recent studies to decrease triglyceride levels and the growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque and lower the risk of arrhythmia. The FDA has given "qualified" support to their ability to fight heart disease and prevent heart attack.
This alkali metal is critical to maintaining smooth-muscle contraction such as a regular heartbeat.
Soluble Fiber
Gel-like soluble fiber binds with liver bile and cholesterol, carrying them both out of the body
Have a question about your cardiovascular health?
Concerned about your diet and your health?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call Meliss Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
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Medicine Expired
When stop drink medicine?
Hangover Remedies
Remedies of Hangover
1) Water
Drink a glass full of water for dehydration. This remedy was mentioned on almost every web site I browsed for remedies. In addition one should take the gatorade, powerade which provides our body with simple sugar and electrolytes.
2) Food
Eat fruits like bananas which contain potassium and is light as well as nutritious. You can replace bananas with any other fruits. Yogurt is a good option as well. Light food is suggested as the stomach is sensitive and in process to process the alcohol tank from last night. To speed up the metabolism of alcohol, a fruit juice will do wonders.
3) Pain Reliever
Endorphine is one of the hormone which signals the brain of pain in body. A simple way to secret endorphine is to get into sexual activity with your partner ( monogamous off course ) . It is not advisable to use certain pain killers when alcohol is still in your system. Drinking caffeinated solutions also helps reducing the intensity of the headache.
My Remedies
I am not sure if this remedy will work for you but last time I was in a hangover state, the thing that worked for me was cabbage leaves and tomato juice.
I would like to know what are the steps that you follow to overcome hangover after a bash. Please post a comment if you like to share you remedy.
Natural Remedies for Maintaining Blood Sugar Levels: Cinnamon and Diabetes

( Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day significantly reduces blood sugar levels in diabetics, a new study has found. The effect, which can be produced even by soaking a cinnamon stick your tea, could also benefit millions of non-diabetics who have blood sugar problem but are unaware of it.
The discovery was initially made by accident, by Richard Anderson at the US Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland.
"We were looking at the effects of common foods on blood sugar," he told a New Scientist reporter . One was the American favourite, apple pie, which is usually spiced with cinnamon. "We expected it to be bad. But it helped," he says.
Sugars and starches in food are broken down into glucose, which then circulates in the blood. The hormone insulin makes cells take in the glucose, to be used for energy or made into fat.
But people with Type 1 diabetes do not produce enough insulin. Those with Type 2 diabetes produce it, but have lost sensitivity to it. Even apparently healthy people, especially if they are overweight, sedentary or over 25, lose sensitivity to insulin. Having too much glucose in the blood can cause serious long-term damage to eyes, kidneys, nerves and other organs.
In one lab study, the team said it found that cinnamon contains polyphenols, or antioxidants, that boost proteins that are important in activating insulin, transporting glucose and responding to inflammation.
How to get Cinnamon into your daily Diet:

1. Cinnamon tea or Cinnamon Coffee twice or three times daily after meal.
- 1 cinnamon stick or 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
- 1 cup of boiling water
- 1 regular or decaffeinated black teabag or add 3/4 cup of black coffee
- Honey, or another sweetener, to taste (optional)
1. Place the cinnamon stick in a cup.
2. Add the boiling water and steep covered for 10 minutes.
3. Add the teabag. Steep for one to three minutes.
4. Sweeten to taste, if desired.2. Cinnamon bread- sprinkling a 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon onto whole wheat bread as a snack can help regular blood sugar levels.
3. Seasoning a high carb food with cinnamon can help lessen its impact. Research has found that cinnamon daily can reduce blood sugar by up to 20%.
Besides cinnamon, Bitter melon which is called Karela in India, is also helpful to reduce suger level, you can take a few slices of bitter melon with salad before taking your lunch or dinner.
Other Amazing Elements of Cinnamon Spice:
In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections. In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood. When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.
It is also a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.
Have a question about maintaining blood sugar levels?
Want to recommend a great natural remedy?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
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Vegetarian Diet Benefits Part 2
1) Toxic Chemicals are Avoided.
Meat, dairy products, fish all come with toxics which are used to preserve them. Fish carries the cancer causing substances like PCB's , DDT and some heavy metals ( minerals required by body in very less amount ) . These toxics can't be removed from body even after cooking or freezing the fish. Though fish is a good source of nutrition, one should take care of above mentioned things.
2) Say Bye To Back Problems
Back pain, which is a complaint of almost 3 out of 10 individuals who's job is sitting for almost throughout a day can be totally avoided. Here's an insight how? Back pain is caused due to blockage of arteries ( due to cholesterol ) running to the back and thus degenerating the discs. Plant based diet can avoid this situation alltogether by keeping arteries clear of the cholesterol responsible for blockage.
3) Say Bye To Food Borne Illness
It has been estimated by CDC that in US that more than 50% of Cows, pigs and chicken carry some kind of bacteria or are infected with one or the other parasite.
4) Increasing Fiber Intake :
The process of pushing waste out of the body is called as detoxification. Being a vegetarian , increases your fiber intake which aids in removing the toxics from the body. Sorry to say but meat contains no fiber.
5) Vegetarian Benefits to Woman :
Our body secrets fluctuating hormones, to balance the different moods and situations. Plants, grains and legumes balances the levels of such hormones which helps a woman to go through menopause without much complaints.
Medicine Knowledge
How and Why to Detoxify Body
Detoxification of body is a process of cleaning the blood of its toxins. So it is suggested that one should detoxify at least once a year to remove all the toxins from the body and then provide it with fresh nutrition. This is done mainly through liver, lungs, lymph, intestine and skin.
How to Detoxify Body ?
There are various ways to detoxify ones body.
1) Fasting: This technique was used by our ancestors.
- Try going on a fast a day per week drinking only water.
- Some suggest a week only of fruit juices once a year.
Certain hormones are released by our body when it is stressed to cope with it. These hormones however produce a lot of toxins and are not good for health and also contributes in slowing down the detoxification. Yoga and Meditation can help release stress.
3) Increase your Fiber Intake :
Eat plenty of fiber food such as brown rice, vegetables and fruits like beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina, chlorella.
4) Drink more and more water.
While water should be taken almost in a quantity of 2 quarts a day, please remember not to take it in excess.
5) Eliminate the high levels of alcohol, cigarattes, caffeine, refined sugars and saturated fats from your daily intake. These are toxic to body. As far as possible one should also eliminate the use of deodorants and other health products to replace them with natural products.
6) Nourish your Liver :
Since liver is responsible for removing the toxins from the body. One should take care of the inputs required by liver such the compound glutathione plays an important role in removing the toxins.
7) Increase Oxygen Intake :
Deep breathes are the most efficient way of doing this. Oxygen circulation throughout the body aids the detoxification process.
8) Perspiration :
Another efficient way of removing toxins is by sweating. Sweat in Sauna so that the toxins get removed from the pores on the skin.
As an alternative you can also dry brush your skin with the products available for the same purpose in the natural product stores.
Take Care Eyes for Children on School
Happy Heart and a Happy Mouth: LInks between Periodontal Disease and Coronary Artery Disease

( Everywhere you look this month companies and people are sporting red to support the American Heart Association's Heart Health month. Heart disease prevention and awareness is central to the theme of Valentine's Day. It's also important to note that a healthy smile leads to a healthy heart and visa versa.
The dental history of my own family is something that needs to be addressed- both my parents are scared of the dentist. My own history involves fear of the dentist and orthodontist; however with the links between heart disease and dental health-- I make it a point to see my dentist twice a year for regular check ups and cleanings. No fear is too large to prevent gum disease, tooth lose and heart disease.
What is interesting is a report I came across earlier that links gum disease directly to heart disease. 91% of patients with cardiovascular disease suffered from moderate to severe periodontitis (gum disease), while this proportion was 66% in the non-cardiac patients. This is an alarming fact and more people need to be paying attention to this link.

Periodontitis seems to influence the occurrence and the severity of coronary artery disease and increases the risk of heart attack or stroke, and the study proposes two hypotheses for this occurrence. One hypothesis is that periodontal pathogens could enter the bloodstream, invade the blood vessel walls and ultimately cause atherosclerosis. (Atherosclerosis is a multistage process set in motion when cells lining the arteries are damaged as a result of high blood pressure, smoking, toxic substances, and other agents.)
Your Dentist can detect heart problems
A dentist may be the first one to suspect health problems, including heart disease. A sore or painful jaw is one indicator of heart disease. There's also a connection between gum disease and heart problems. By eliminating a local infection involving a tooth or the gums, patients have been able to decrease blood pressure medications and improve overall health. New research is suggesting that people with gum disease are at higher risk for heart attacks. If bacteria in the infected gums dislodge, they can enter the bloodstream, attach to blood vessels and increase clot formation. That in turn decreases the blood flow to the heart, increasing chances of a heart attack and aggravating high blood pressure.
Data reveals diseased gums pump high levels of harmful bacterial components into bloodstream!A study from Journal of Periodontology has confirmed findings that people with periodontal disease are at greater risk of contracting systemic disease such as as cardiovascular disease.
Patients with diseased gums release significantly higher levels of bacterial components such as endotoxins into the bloodstream where they can travel to other organs in the body. The mouth can be a major source of chronic or permanent release of toxic bacterial components in the bloodstream during chewing. Individuals with severe periodontal disease had approximately 4 times more harmful bacterial products in their blood.
The study concludes that this data clearly "stresses the importance of regular dental check ups to ensure a healthy disease free mouth.
Have a question about heart disease and dental health?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
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Amazing Healing Benefits of Honey: Reduced Allergy Symptoms to Strengthened Immunity

( have a huge affinity to Honey Bees. My name, Melissa, is Greek for Honey Bee and I've always loved these cute little bees that product the sweet syrup I use in my daily tea. Even more important is the healing capabilities of Honey. I've used honey, propolis and royal jelly to help me get over a nasty flu bug or cold and even helped me fight a severe case of mononucleosis a few years ago.
Healing Properties of Honey
The ancient Egyptians used honey as an embalming material and treated cuts and burns with it. The Greek physician Hippocrates cured skin disorders with honey, and the Romans cleaned wounds with it. Even as recently as World War I, doctors treated wounds with honey. With the advent of antibiotics, honey fell out of use for its healing properties, but scientific research is now rediscovering honey's natural healing power.
Treatment with honey is called apitherapy,which includes replenishing energy, enhancing physical stamina and improving immune systems. Honey also is considered to have a calming effect on the mind and promotes sleep. Honey also helps indigestion and has sometimes been used to treat cardiovascular disease and respiratory complaints. A thin coat of honey can be applied on the skin to disinfect and heal minor skin wounds and chapped lips.
Because of its high sugar, low protein composition, honey acts as a natural "antimicrobial" that limits the growth of bacteria by cutting off the supply of water and nitrogen. When honey is applied to a wound, it is diluted with fluids from the damaged tissue and combines with an enzyme added by the bee to form hydrogen peroxide, the same disinfectant found in pharmacies. The naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide promotes healing and reduces scarring as it is slowly released into the wound.
Healing Products of Bees
Propolis: Bees collect this sticky resin from certain flowers and trees, add salivary secretions to it, and use it to build, reinforce, and seal parts of the hive. It is also placed at the hive's entrance so that bees returning to the hive brush up against it as a way of "disinfecting" themselves before reentering the hive. In fact, propolis is sometimes called "nature's penicillin" or "nature's antibiotic." Proponents claim it rejuvenates the body's immune system by disabling viruses and fighting infections. Some advocate it for treating a variety of health problems ranging from headaches, sore throats, and colds to more serious illnesses such as tuberculosis and Parkinson's disease.
Royal jelly: The queen's diet consists exclusively of royal jelly. This creamy substance, secreted by nurse bees (groups of worker bees dedicated to the care of the queen), aids the queen's growth and enhances her fertility level and longevity. The compound is 12-13% protein, 12%-15% carbohydrates, 5-6% lipids. Rich in vitamins and minerals, royal jelly includes the B vitamin pantothenic acid, which is thought to reduce stress. Gamma globulin, an amino acid that helps the immune system fight infection and disease, is also present in royal jelly. Some people believe royal jelly strengthens the immune system, improves skin tone, and increases energy. It is also believed to have anti-viral and antibacterial qualities.
Bee venom therapy: Currently, bee venom therapy is approved in the United States only for desensitization of persons with allergic reactions to bee venom. Supporters of this therapy claim it reduces inflammation in the body using natural anti-inflammatory agents, such as melittin and adolapin, found in the venom. They contend that bee venom can be used to treat systemic inflammations, such as arthritis and asthma, injuries such as tendonitis, and may even minimize some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
Benefits of Using Honey in Healing the Body:

*Reduces Allergies. Read more about allergy prevention and honey.
*Reduce Scarring:
Honey creates a moist healing environment that allows skin cells to regrow across a healing wound flush with the surface of the wound, preventing deformity of the skin. (If a dry scab
forms on a wound, the skin cells can only grow across the wound deeper down where it is moist.)
*Fights Infection:
Honey's antibacterial quality not only rapidly clears existing infection, it protects wounds from additional infection
Honey's anti-inflammatory activity reduces edema and minimizes scarring
*Prevent Heart Attacks & Heart Disease:
Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, chappati, or other bread, instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also those who already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack.
Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heartbeat. In America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as age the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalizes the arteries and veins.
*Cure Arthritis:Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and night, one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured.
*Reduce Itching from Insect Bites:
Take one part honey to two parts of lukewarm water and add a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder, make a paste and massage it on the itching part of the body slowly. It is noticed that the pain recedes within a minute or two.
*Improve Fertility:
Yunani and Ayurvedic Medicine have been using honey for thousands of years to strengthen the semen of men. If impotent men regularly take two tablespoon of honey before going to sleep, their problem will be solved.
In China, Japan and Far-East countries, women, who do not conceive and need to strengthen the uterus, have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. Women who cannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.
A couple in Maryland, USA, had no children for 14 years and had lost hope of having a child of their own. When told about this process, husband and wife started taking honey and cinnamon as stated above; the wife conceived after a few months and had twins at full term.
*Additional Therapies:
Some of these include: to lessen the ill effects of radiation therapy in patients with cancer of t the head and neck, to improve oral health, to preserve food, to boost antioxidants, to enhance athletic performance.
Have a question about this article or the use of honey?
Want to recommend a great natural remedy?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
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Eyes Treatment For Children
Raising Healthy Children: Feeding Your Kids Healthy Snacks & Modeling Healthy Patterns

Everyone is aware of the alarming statistics of childhood obesity and unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits being exhibited by our children. Yesterday I had a routine doctor's appointment and in the waiting room, there was a video that announced that our children today- ages birth to 16yrs of age- will not surpass the age of death of their parent's generation. Despite major advances in medical technology and modern medicine- obesity is the leading cause of death and will be the leading factor and root cause of death in our children today. According to this video- very much to blame are the abundance of sodas, fast food, processed food and a very sedentary lifestyle.
I can imagine it must be very tough to be a parent in today's world- most mom's and dad's work and the ritual of eating dinner together is a thing of the past with busy family schedules.
Raising Healthy Kids: What Parents Can Do
Researchers have found...
When both parents are physically active, the child is six times more likely to be physically active.
If one parent habitually eats high fat food, the child is twice as likely to be overweight.
If both parents eat high fat foods, the child is three to six times more likely to be overweight.
Communities Raise Healthy Kids: What Communities Can Do
A growing problem in many communities is a lack of sidewalks, parks, biking trails, and community-sponsored recreation. Access to community gardens, farmers' markets, and healthy vending or concession options also is limited. Urban sprawl -- including planned communities, superhighways, and super-shopping centers -- has contributed to this problem. Communities can benefit by examining their infrastructures and working to provide a safe environment that promotes physical activity and access to healthy food options. Minimizing Unhealthy Dietary Choices
As parents and the caregiver in the family, you are the primary individuals spending your money on grocery shopping and buying the family's meals. It is essential for parents to demonstrate and model the most appropriate and acceptable lifestyle and dietary choices. Healthy fruits, vegetables and "snacky" foods must be available for kids. Avoiding processed foods and high sugar, high fat foods is essential to keep in mind when shopping.Snacking is a huge source of children's poor diet choices. It is key for parents to involve their children in this integral part of their health.

Here's a guide to healthy snacking with your kids health and taste buds in mind.

If a snack is providing 25 percent of a child’s total calories, parents should aim for no more than 600 mg of sodium and between 10 and 15 grams of fat per snack. Sugar is tough because nutrition labels don’t distinguish between naturally occurring sugar and added sugar. You don't want to restrict sugar from whole fruits, veggies or skim or low-fat milk. For sugar, scan the ingredient list and steer clear of snacks with high fructose corn syrup in the first few ingredients.
2. Look for snacks that are high in fiber. "Kids aren't getting enough fiber," says Giancoli. "We’re so used to eating refined carbohydrate products, which are stripped of important nutrients."
Seek out foods with whole grain -- switch from regular pasta to whole wheat, for example. And if your kids turn up their noses, try mixing whole wheat pasta with regular for a smoother transition.
3. Pay attention to serving sizes. Many jumbo chip bags have between three and five servings in one bag -- which can really add up. Look for single snack servings that have between 100 and 200 calories to keep calorie counts and fat grams in check.
4. Offer healthy choices to your kids. And don't give up if they turn food away on the first try. "It might take 10 to 15 times for a kid to try a certain food," says Giancoli. "But if you give up, that demonizes the food for them." And they'll never eat it again -- at least not until they're adults!
Healthy Snack Ideas:
Trail mix. Help kids make their own custom trail mix, advises Mary Friesz, a registered dietitian in Boca Raton, Fla., and author of Food, Fun ‘n Fitness: Designing Healthy Lifestyles for Our Children. Set out raisins, sunflower seeds, nuts (unless you’ll be in a nut-free zone), roasted soy nuts and dried fruit and let the kids scoop ¼ to 1/3 of a cup of their own combo into small bags. Pop in the freezer or fridge to keep fresh, and grab when you’re on the go.
Fruit, veggies and dip. “Most kids love to dip their food, so take advantage of it!” says Mairlyn Smith, a Toronto, Ont., home economist and co-author of The Ultimate Healthy Eating Plan (Whitecap). Mix a bit of cinnamon into French vanilla yogurt and dip fruit into it. Another dip idea: mix low-fat plain yogurt with a bit of regular ranch dressing for lots of flavor without a lot of fat.
Smoothies. Whirl low-fat yogurt, fruit and ice in the blender to create one-of-a-kind – and yummy! Or stir a teaspoon or two of chocolate drink mix into a tall frosty glass of one per cent milk.
Roll-ups.“Turkey or chicken ‘cigars’ were a big hit with my son when he was growing up,” says Smith. Just roll up a thin slice of roasted luncheon meat, such as turkey or chicken, and enjoy. Add a smear of mustard if you want. Or, spread a small whole-wheat tortilla with peanut butter or light cream cheese, roll and slice.
Store-bought picks. Even if you’re pushed for time, you can still make healthy choices. Smith suggests small yogurt cups or lower-fat round cheeses like Baby Bel. Friesz likes the occasional package of “cheese strings,” baked chips and salsa or bean dip, or a small cup of lentil soup. And nothing is easier or more portable than a few whole-grain crackers, pre-washed baby carrots or a piece of fruit!
- Kids begging for the prepackaged cheese, crackers and lunch meat? Make your own healthier version. Pick up a few reusable containers with dividers, and add fruit, veggies, cheese, whole grain crackers and other good stuff. Add a frozen container of milk, water or 100 per cent fruit juice to keep things cool until snack time.
- “Make healthy snacks visible,” advises Friesz. Cut up fruit and veggies ahead of time and put them front and center in the fridge. And make a habit of saying “look in the fridge” first (rather than the cupboard where the sweet stuff likely lives).
- “Jazzy names work well,” notes Smith, who found that lunch meat "cigars" were popular in her household. “Ants on a log” – celery spread with peanut butter or low-fat cream cheese and topped with raisins – are good too, says Friesz.
Have a question about children and healthy diets and wellness programs?
Want to recommend a great natural remedy?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Store to save over 65% and get free shipping on Vitamins and Supplements for children at theHealthy Being Products Store
Amino Acid Health and Sources
I started reading about it and learnt that there are 20 different types of amino acids that are required by our body. Out of these 20 different amino acids, 8 amino acids can't be generated by our body. Rest 12 are all naturally produced by our body. So we need to take them externally as these 8 amino acids are absolutely necessary for our body.
Health Benefits: Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. They are the used by our body to synthesize proteins.
There are various fruits and vegetables which can provide the 8 amino acids our body is unable to produce.
Fruit Sources :
- Bananas
- Tomatoes
- Cucumbers
- Potatoes
- Carrots
- Corn
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Brussels Sprout
- Okra
- Peas
- Summer Squash
- Kale
Non Essential | Essential |
Alanine Arginine Asparagine Aspartic Acid Cysteine Glutamine Glutamic Acid Glycine Tyrosine Proline Serine | Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Phenalalanine Threonine Tryptophan Valine |
If you are interested in going into details of each amino acid and its benefits, I have found a good link for the same . Click here
Eyes Treatment
Antioxidant CoQ10: CoEnzyme Q10- The Most Amazing Supplement for Increased Heart Health and Reduced Aging

It's the month of Valentines Day and the American Heart Association's Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Awareness Month. One of the best supplements you can take to improve your heart function and overall heart health is COQ10- CoEnzyme Q10 a compound discovered by the Japanese in the 1970s. It is the most amazing and best supplement to promote heart health, energy production, secure and protect heart and all muscle tissue and improve the function of your heart.
I first came across CoQ10 when I lived in Japan and then again when I was researching how to recover from a terrible and very severe case of Mono. It became clear to me, especially with the history of heart disease in my family, that I should utilize and consume CoQ10 in my daily supplement regime.
As humans age, our CoQ10 levels decrease. The decrease begins around age 20 and it is therefore essential to make up these levels via supplementation form. By taking CoQ10 daily after age 20, an individual can harness the antioxidant properties of CoQ10 and thereby slow the aging process and age related degenerative diseases.
CoQ10 is important to your body- it is found literally in ever cell of your body. CoQ10 plays a key role in producing energy in the mitochondria, the part of a cell responsible for the production of energy in the form of atp. If you remember from biology, this is key in the proper function of our energy systems. It helps us keep our cells young, slows aging and reduces free radical damage. CoQ10 is a little easier to appreciate when you remember that vitamins function as co-enzymes in the body, furthering thousands of essential biochemical reactions. CoQ10 also functions as a powerful antioxidant.
Why People Use CoQ10

- Heart failure
- Cardiomyopathy
- Heart Attack Prevention and Recovery
- High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes
- Gum Disease
- Kidney Failure
- Migraine
- Counteract Prescription Drug Effects
- Parkinson's disease
- Weight loss
Additional Benefits of CoQ10
- Improve immune function in individuals with immune deficiencies (such as AIDS) and chronic infections (such as yeast and other viral infections)
- Increase sperm motility leading to enhanced fertility
- Be used as part of the treatment for Alzheimer's disease
- Reduce damage from stroke
- Boost athletic performance
- Enhance physical activity in people with fatigue syndromes
- Improve exercise tolerance in individuals with muscular dystrophy
CoQ10 and Heart Failure
People with heart failure have been found to have lower levels of CoQ10 in heart muscle cells. Research suggests that CoQ10 may reduce symptoms related to heart failure, such as shortness of breath, difficulty sleeping, and swelling. CoQ10 is thought to increase energy production in the heart muscle, increasing the strength of the pumping action.Dosage of CoQ10 in Daily Diet
A typical CoQ10 dosage is 30 to 90 mg per day, taken in divided doses, but the recommended amount can be as high as 200 mg per day. Studies of patients with heart disease, cancer, and AIDS indicate that they are routinely deficient in CoQ10.
Therapeutic dosages of CoQ10 for serious diseases range from 200-400 mg. daily, ideally under a physician's supervision. It works in diverse conditions because the basic underlying mechanisms are the same-energy production at the cellular level and antioxidant protection against free radicals. In an interview, Folkers said that CoQ10 is safe and has no negative side effects, though it may decrease the need for other heart medicines.
CoQ10 is fat-soluble, so it is better absorbed when taken with a meal that contains oil or fat.
Have a question about using CoQ10?
Want to recommend a great natural remedy?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Store to save over 65% and get free shipping on Vitamins and Supplements like CoQ10 at theHealthy Being Products Store
Yoga Session 3 and 5

You can download the programme here. The programme as discussed earlier was designed specifically keeping focus on people who work in a sitting position daily for more than 8 hours with minimum exercise. The attached file has breathing techniques, warm up exercise, suryanamaskar, Asanas and relaxation techniques with each step explained with the help of image.
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First Aid Tips
Health Benefits of Massage: The Best Way to Relieve Pain, Reduce Migraines, Improve Flexibility, Lower Stress,

All my friends know that I get a massage weekly. My preference is deep tissue which focuses on my upper back, shoulders and tight chest muscles which get tense and tighten from stress. Massage is an essential part of your whole health regime as well as illness recovery program. It maintains your physical, mental and emotional well being, especially when it is a regular routine.
Our muscles protect our bones and our organs and are often out of wack due to stress, accidents, and even psychological matters like stress, anxiety and fear. My massage therapist always tells me that she can diagnose what is going on in someone's life by the shape and level of tenseness in a person's muscles.
The Health Benefits of Massage
* Calms the nervous system and promotes a sense of relaxation and well being.
* Reduces tension and anxiety.
* Increases circulation, allowing the body to pump more oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs.
* Stimulates the flow of lymph, the body's natural defense system, against toxic invaders. For example, in breast cancer patients, massage has been shown to increase the cells that fight cancer.
* Increased circulation of blood and lymph systems improves the condition of the body's largest organ - the skin.
* Relaxes and softens injured and overused muscles
* Increases joint flexibility.
* Reduces recovery time, helps prepare for strenuous workouts and eliminates subsequent pains of the athlete at any level.
* Releases endorphins - the body's natural painkiller - and is being used in chronic illness, injury and recovery from surgery to control and relieve pain.
* Reduces post-surgery adhesions and edema and can be used to reduce and realign scar tissue after healing has occurred.
* Improves range-of-motion and decreases discomfort for patients with low back pain.
* Relieves pain for migraine sufferers and decreases the need for medication.
* Provides exercise and stretching for atrophied muscles and reduces shortening of the muscles for those with restricted range of motion.
* Assists with shorter labor for expectant mothers, as well as less need for medication, less depression and anxiety, and shorter hospital stays.
* Prevents and relieve muscles cramps and spasms.
* Massage therapy can also help with pain management in conditions such as arthritis, sciatica, muscle spasms.
Many people who suffer from lupus, arthritis, migraines, high stress jobs, anxiety and even cancer can help reduce stress, improve lymphatic drainage and promote healthy muscles and skin tone.
Have a question about massage and other forms of body work to relieve pain?
Want to recommend a great massage technique or practitioner?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Store to save over 65% and get free shipping on Vitamins and Supplements at theHealthy Being Products Store
Healthy Habit No. 9: Snack the Healthy Way
* Reduce the risk of some cancers
* Beat the signs of aging
* Improve memory
* Promote heart health
* Enhance the immune system
One way to incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet is to have them as snacks. "If you can do one thing [to improve your health], concentrate on getting fruits and veggies," says Johnson. "They are low in calories and high in nutrients."
She says baby carrots and cut-up produce make tasty, convenient munchies. Other healthful snacks include low-fat yogurt and nuts (in moderation).
The best time to snack is when you are hungry between meals, says Johnson. But beware: Cravings could easily be mistaken for hunger cues, especially for people who are dieting.
Prevent Accident
Dong Quai: Best Women's Herb for Treating & Easing PMS, Menopause & Regulating Female Hormones
Traditionally, dong quai is believed to have a balancing or adaptogenic effect on the female hormonal system. Dong quai does not qualify as a phytoestrogen or have any hormone-like actions in the body. A large part of its actions with regard to premenstrual syndrome may be related to its antispasmodic actions, particularly on smooth muscles.
In China, dong quai (angelica) has been used for several thousand years to treat many kinds of female problems. In traditional Chinese medicine, dong quai is often referred to as the "female ginseng." It is often included in prescriptions for abnormal menstruation, suppressed menstrual flow, painful or difficult menstruation, and uterine bleeding. A traditional use of dong quai was for hot flashes associated with perimenopause. Dong quai is also used for both men and women with cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure and problems with pe-ripheral circulation.
Angelica is described as a herb with "an affinity for the female constitution". It is good for treating anemia and weak glands, regulating monthly periods, correcting hot flashes and vaginal spasms (PMS), and assisting women through
the difficult transition of menopause. It is never given to women during pregnancy.
The herb is also able to balance estrogen, tone the reproductive organs and treat endometriosis. At least one of its active ingredients can stimulate brain function and promote alertness. Dong quai can also stimulate the central nervous system, helping to relieve the fatigue and headache that are common to menstrual disorders. It can be used to treat vaginal dryness and hot flashes as well. In addition, dong quai can help return a woman’s menstrual cycle to normal after the use of birth control pill.
Rich in nutrients like vitamins E, A and B12, dong quai has other known benefits as well. It is said to purify blood and promote circulation, as well as provide nourishment to the blood in both men and women. Dong quai is a mild sedative with stress relieving effects that can calm the nervous system and be used to treat insomnia.
In clinical studies, women taking dong quai reported a 25% decrease in the severity of their symptoms. Dong quai is also thought to help prevent a variety of illnesses associated with menopause, including heart disease.
The upper part of the root is considered a great blood builder. The tails of the root is used in emergencies as a blood clot dissolver after serious accidents or for expelling the afterbirth that has failed to appear. The coumarins in angelica are valuable medication for reducing high-protein edemas, such as swelling of the lymph nodes (lymphedema). It is also used for treating psoriasis accompanying arthritis.
Using Dong Quai for Fasting to Promote Pregnancy and Regulate Periods:Take Dong Quai occasionally, especially if your periods are irregular. Eat a pea-size piece of the root once or twice a day (or prepare the tea and drink one or two cups a day). Do this for three to ten days before your period is due. You may do this as often as every month.
Have a question about using or supplementing with Dong Quai?
Want to recommend a great herbal remedy for regulating menstrual cycles?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Store to save over 65% and get free shipping on Vitamins and Supplements like Dong Quai at theHealthy Being Products Store
Healing Tea: Top Reasons to Drink Green Tea

I'm a huge fan of Green Tea. I was luckily introduced to this powerful tea when I spent a year teaching English in Tokyo. Each day I would drink about 5-6 cups of this fresh, neon green liquid. All my students and even my employer would pour tea in their morning cup of rice like we do milk with cereal.
Green tea has increasingly become a very popular drink worldwide because of its immensely powerful health benefits. It is extraordinarily amazing what green tea can do for your health. It is recommended that you should drink at least 3 to 4 cups of green tea daily.
25 Healthy Reasons Why you Should Be Drinking Green Tea:

1. Green Tea and Cancer
Green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant in green tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times better than vitamin E. This helps your body at protecting cells from damage believed to be linked to cancer.
2. Green Tea and Heart Disease
Green tea helps prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering the level of cholesterol. Even after the heart attack , it prevents cell deaths and speeds up the recovery of heart cells.
3. Green Tea and Anti-Aging
Green tea contains antioxidant known as polyphenols which fight against free radicals. What this means it helps you fight against aging and promotes longevity.
4. Green Tea and Weight Loss
Green tea helps with your body weight loss. Green tea burns fat and boosts your metabolism rate naturally. It can help you burn up to 70 calories in just one day. That translates to 7 pounds in one year.
5. Green Tea and Skin
Antioxidant in green tea protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals , which cause wrinkling and skin aging. Green tea also helps fight against skin cancer.
6. Green Tea and Arthritis
Green tea can help prevent and reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Green tea has benefit for your health as it protects the cartilage by blocking the enzyme that destroys cartilage.

7. Green Tea and Bones
The very key to this is high fluoride content found in green tea. It helps keep your bones strong. If you drink green tea every day , this will help you preserve your bone density.
8. Green Tea and Cholesterol
Green tea can help lower cholesterol level. It also improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol , by reducing bad cholesterol level.
9. Green Tea and Obesity
Green tea prevents obesity by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells. If you are on a healthy diet , exercise regularly and drink green tea , it is unlikely you'll be obese.
10. Green Tea and Diabetes
Green tea improves lipid and glucose metabolisms , prevents sharp increases in blood sugar level , and balances your metabolism rate.
11. Green Tea and Alzheimer's
Green tea helps boost your memory. And although there's no cure for Alzheimer's , it helps slow the process of reduced acetylcholine in the brain , which leads to Alzheimer's.
12. Green Tea and Parkinson's
Antioxidants in green tea helps prevent against cell damage in the brain , which could cause Parkinson's. People drinking green tea also are less likely to progress with Parkinson's.
13. Green Tea and Liver Disease
Green tea helps prevent transplant failure in people with liver failure. Researches showed that green tea destroys harmful free radicals in fatty livers.
14. Green Tea and High Blood Pressure
Green tea helps prevent high blood pressure. Drinking green tea helps keep your blood pressure down by repressing angiotensin , which leads to high blood pressure.
15. Green Tea and Food Poisoning
Catechin found in green tea can kill bacteria which causes food poisoning and kills the toxins produced by those bacteria.
16. Green Tea and Blood Sugar
Blood sugar tends to increase with age , but polyphenols and polysaccharides in green tea help lower your blood sugar level.
17. Green Tea and Immunity
Polyphenols and flavenoids found in green tea help boost your immune system , making your health stronger in fighting against infections.
18. Green Tea and Cold and Flu
Green tea prevents you from getting a cold or flu. Vitamin C in green tea helps you treat the flu and the common cold.
19. Green Tea and Asthma
Theophylline in green tea relaxes the muscles which support the bronchial tubes , reducing the severity of asthma.
20. Green Tea and Ear Infection
Green tea helps with ear infection problem. For natural ear cleaning , soak a cotton ball in green tea and clean the infected ear.
21. Green Tea and Herpes
Green tea increases the effectiveness of topical interferon treatment of herpes. First green tea compress is applied , and then let the skin dry before the interferon treatment.
22. Green Tea and Tooth Decay
Green tea destroys bacteria and viruses that cause many dental diseases.It also slows the growth of bacteria which leads to bad breath.
23. Green Tea and Stress
L-theanine , which is a kind of amino acids in green tea , can help relieve stress and anxiety.
24. Green Tea and Allergies
EGCG found in green tea relieves allergies. So , if you have allergies , you should really consider drinking green tea.
25. Green Tea and HIV
Scientists in Japan have found that EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) in green tea can stop HIV from binding to healthy immune cells. Green tea can literally stop the HIV virus from spreading.

Have a question about what teas to drink to address various health concerns or ailments?
Want to recommend a great tea?
For a free health consultation feel free to email ( or call
Melissa Gallagher at 727-954-8968.
Visit our On-Line Store to save over 65% and get free shipping on Vitamins and Supplements at theHealthy Being Products Store
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